Show plan for federal union of democracies would unite english speaking sw F eak ng nations J by frank parker stockbridge the author of this article has made a study of the federal 11 1 1 im on plan and his on it wre re presented herewith his opinions ions are not necessarily those of this newspaper for a year and a half now people have been hearing talk about a federal union of democracies moc now that the three great dictatorships germany italy and japan have ganged banged up together for the express purpose of putting all the democracies moc out of business including our own we are hearing more talk about getting together with the other en eng g lish speaking nations for the common defense and now that the presidential election Js over and folks in public e can talk freely without lacing the charge that what they are talking about is a partisan affair we are going to hear a great deal more about the federal union plan the people of the united states are already pretty solidly behind the proposal that we must give every possible aid to the british in their gallant stand to preserve the democratic ideal against the dictatorial gangsters why folk are asking we go even farther and do some ganging up ourselves suppose the people of the british commonwealth mon wealth of nations and of the united states of america should agree to pool their interests and their resources and stand together against the aggressor powers how far could hitler mussolini and the mikado get with their project of dividing the earth among them be surprised at the seriousness with which that plan is being discussed all over the country by men in high places and serious students of world affairs plan Is simple its simple the federal union plan as simple as the federal union under which our own 13 original little nations got together years ago the united states united with one another to be able to do jointly what none of them could do separately none of them surrendered any control over its internal affairs but in dealing with other nations they acted as a unit suppose now the united states the united kingdom canada australla australia new zealand the union of south africa and eire all agreed to form a federal union they could do it by mutual agreement without changing their present forms of government ern ment it would not be an alliance or a league of nations the trouble with alliances and leagues is that that they dont work while a real union does it was because he had seen so many alliances and leagues fall fail that clarence K streit the american newspaper man whose book union now planted the federal union idea in so many peoples minds pointed out that the only way to save democracy was by a real union of peoples peoples please note not nations in a union of peoples every citizen would have equal weight with every other citizen if there were 50 members of the intercontinental inter continental congress which would be set up provisionally until a more perfect union was formed representation on a population basis would give the united states 27 members the united kingdom 11 canada and australia 3 each new zealand south africa and eire 2 each the united states would have a clear majority over all the others put together I 1 point that out to make it clear that federal union is not a british scheme but a definitely american project all ali right then what do we give up and what do we get if we go in first the defense forces air sea and land except no doubt national militia would be pooled under the union government such a force would make potential enemies th think ink twice every citizen of any of the member states would be a citizen of the union as in america today tree free to travel settle engage in business work at a trade or develop the resources of any part of the enormous area included in the union broader horizons and wider opportunities for all commerce would be free of artificial barriers between member states the union could set up barriers for all against non mem bers in the territory controlled by the federal union would be the bulk of the worlds raw materials in its factories would be most of the worlds productive capacity its citizenry would include by far the highest technical skills in the world w with ith the best equipped research laboratories in which to develop and maintain their supremacy it would control the strategic ports and seaways of commerce of most of the world it could and should be the most powerful influence for peace ever created how the federal union would be governed would be tor for the convention at which it is formed to decide the plan proposed would place the executive power in the hands of a premier and cabinet subject to removal by the legislative assembly A proposal to establish what would be in effect a world capital somewhere on this side of the atlantic perhaps even in the central part ot of J 4 1 LL 1 A 1 above gunners from the british navy are being instructed by american naval gunners in the operation of a secret device that is part of the guns aboard the overage over age destroyers recently turned over to britain in exchange for naval and air bases scenes like this might become common if the federal union of democracies described in the accompanying article ever became an actuality for according to mr stockbridge under this plan defense forces air air s sea e a and land would be pooled the united states has been made there would be no more clash between the government of the united states and the federal union than there is now between the government of say kansas and that of the united states each would continue to function in its own sphere as before membership requirements the major requirement for membership barship ap in the federal union would necessarily be that of democracy and as clarence streit defines democracy it is a condition or system in which the majority controls but must respect the rights of every minority however small even a minority of one for human rights are not conferred by the state but are inherent in the individual and must not be infringed by government it is too soon to make even vague predictions as to the prospects of the federal union plan but a large and growing body of in influential i fluent ial advocates of the plan is urging that our government call a preliminary convention of delegates from all the eligible nations perhaps in independence pen dence hall where the continental congress met and adopted the declaration of independence the dream of a new declaration a declaration la ration of interdependence may not be too far from realization once the people of the world recognize it as the surest path pat to permanent peace and prosperity for all it is not something which will be brought about by those who seek to make personal political capital out of arousing international hatreds and racial jealousies it will be brought about when it comes by the peoples themselves the ordinary folk of the democratic nations the ones who have to fight wars and pay for them who have most to gain and least to lose by uniting in a federal union released by western newspaper union |