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Show TCE5PAV, DECEMBER 9 1650. OGDEN DA1LV COMMERCIAL: A SAVr.d LAE-O- a4 MiaM fsijartalra ; tiAP.M. Scenic Route fiaa aaaaatiaa-- l . yXfywgs by Tb labar Maria detiota o f aranicvg bare w. inc anosi pan (itiauanxia f vbo fears a tBtnwtn ca POKTULVD ASO THE niji-- CAKUY THE LARGEST AND BEST LINE OF UNE. aXr ( aH abiuif r jru-- Sirf Sr9t tt (a tu.e of a t auatr dta. to tftitioal ban it MTf ' ' i 11 brat Ui-jialiilitj b Cot alasy footxl (M oiaU farms aud tixvt farms ars rriaSnHy uiill. rrUmrly Toe luf ' diaooaiurt . . ,). I I . vrre on tn ; I ' water, at . 1 M . I wu iuaa y . sawyin placa in the baru all ur. - iwf or 'auppiiod. Th atall drkikltig fount.tiaa fccfptacu were iiipinj'.yi uuroav'D wk J lnrti iron piiw from a tiuik wtuili waa a Tbla latter tajik nepd not tbe Ktnif... level. I ... , ' '' MnN(uM ay a wlmliuill tank and thU couDtlun bhoiilil'bt I I 1 vitb aoi Uie tiuik , . A ouUiri fcourca t'uipty aud cIcm Uk-aiu- s a it f UMRers, and a large, plain cart with aa opening at the eud and Me in provldeiL The 64, of whatever kind, In placed lathe eart, which la pushed nlimKulxn-etheatalli- i by a man who dint ribulen the proper quantity into the feed box, This aavea all other carrying. The bedding ahaviuK or cut irtraw is diHtrihuted iu the aarue way, but . inateai of bel ug tftkrn out at the end of, t he 1 ' eart i Ktaken put at tlio sklr, ao tliat none H . nl tl lutvf fca t, A Kik lait. rather over the floor; It may.ba aaldthnt J' bay cannot be dnitributecl in proper quan-titie- e from a cart of "thin kind. I understand, however, 1kl biifuness' rnen, who have studio-- the 'economical' feeding ot stork never feed hay in bulk or la 1oom but that it la cut aud finl ,aa a chop i fom '.; lead 'Of ne kind or another. The same im true of fodder or any other kind of feed. Tbe feed in a barn of this kind is preared Mvbor and dropped thronh a bole in the floor into the cart. Usually it is prepared in large quantities, so that one can draw a slide and let it full iuto the box without vnneceiiftary labor. In the plan herewith is shown a plain, straightforward kind of a stock barn, arranged according to the general plan outlined. The stalls face each other In two lines, and over each is a track for the cart above mentioned. There are many details In connection with a barn of this kind which may 1 considered. For instance, the floor. Tbe idea of a heavy board floor laid on Hleejiers with space below is certainly obnoxious, and not' calculated to eon tribute to .tbe good condition ot tlio The filth which would render foul stock. . . i . i. i' woiutx ue uu mure i.iieouii-lnl Bacn a iouuning The for stock than for human beings. stock has a market value, and its health contributes to tbe profit of those eugaged la caring for it. It a board floor is used it tf 6E7WEXS SAS FRANCISCO AND PORIUHD Tha Grand Caaaa at taa Tpaar Saeraauaiia, th beautiful Moaabraa Fa!a,Caala hnraa, Mk Shaata and lh BMirBiOeaDl aoreryaf Lha BlaKtyaa Moaataiaa. ail by day Uc hW lit unit mm, mm n m vdui. : WtPDIKO lor BreakfaM. f or dluaar. (haata. aMatihd, ut,dratt, "- " aaHIJiSli rrcoM. fur Huucwr. tr Or. Sage's Catarrh JaMte-..tU- m4 r. raudo lh Chicago, Ui FREE rompllad with. Thr are parrljr Vesvtobia. and arvai Call to Rtra aMuraoUoB. Surar Coated.. Larva boiaa, roatalnlfif Hlll, ranU. Ilawara of rounlffaHa only ay and taiitatloiia. Tha yennina manufiw-turrIU JOUM C WEST COMl'ANV, I'HICiOO, ILL. nraaatat. Uardea. I taa. OK ALL ' CHAIR CARS RECLINING to all ,"" ilt Railway. THE OGDEN TRUNK FACTORY Carrira the beat line of Trunks and Yalinaa in the eit' at Manufiictnrers' Price. All kimlaof u before KcpHiiui done. Call and aen AL.I.M". liig elrewnere. No. 270 BOYNTON HOT In riflVet November pureliaa- ui'r.u A., St. Twenty-tift- WATER 1IELVTER ! j , ; ' i in Pliuiibhia; hht!3 k4 FiU a s is? f j ' Leare Oinlen. Arrive Leave Arrive Lefive Arrive Leave Arrive Mail . t'tah Corner Silt and Waning ton AveM Oirden. AND IMPORTERS ! We have lately opened the Central Carriage Works,'' 23d and Washington Avenue, and are prepared to'do all kinds of Building Carriage and Wagon ' and Repairing. . .. Are the only firm in the city prepared to Repair, Paint or Trim a Carriage or Buggy Complete. ' f i : BUCK, Prop Vet. Wvgal, Manager. MANUFACTURERS. Sweeping Reduction in Prices of ; 9:1 5 iji Aj.!isra BSAStiFa. J tt g f t: I 04 i rt p. Hi p. p. r. d :2t p. 8:.y) arm 6:1 p. 2:M p. m; 12. a. 3:1 p. jn 2:3J a. :; p. m 1:5A a. 4 :45 p. 111 2 () it. 4 mi . Salt Lako. ......... tulein.. ... 31W . TP L1VC t m in in m m m m m m Ml ,. v Grows Hair Rapkily. ;: BtMiUAtl. i , Leave Soli, Lake. S:2i a. m retuminK, arrive . .Sail Lake, 5: p.m. ... .... .v ; 1 .' ' BXD AMEV.ICAS MOVrV PSn(0Vn.LB "PORK, . ' - j Tiilfrri.. . j Leave Salt'Lakb-4ap. mi rctuminiir,aiV!v r i, IKHxik. ' ( J T , Oi'n. Mannuer. H. BEXN ETTj Oen. PAstf. Act. Utah Central Ra llway 1 fShort lt4ae W Park I Stops Falling Hair. t .,(; i - HONEY: ', K0V I Ca; Sole is tHE TIME Real . 1 Heavy Chinchilla lirown... , :.. i We have many other Eiperience of tho past ihree years ha tansht lis that all preptirtjvboiKtht well nt this season Invite your inspection of of the year wlll'ljritig aijcaet W per cent, profit ' ' during the following? winter. : VCt offer for aalo the following choice property at these low prices: Sixty acres In section 10. overlooking the city. ...... ,..,..$ 100 W) PASSESCStt Leave Salt Lake.. Leave Park City. Arrive at Park t'ity.. .. Arrive at Salt Lke.., '! TgAuis. . . . ...y i . TEAtm. FRKllllIT 4 lty ...... ,'- 18.00- - ...".iu 18.00. - S7.80, 30.00,- .w. - - - " 20.00. 22.00. ; " , "- 25.00. ",.; ".115.00. - , 20.00, - OUR ; , frota WajJiiPKtunAveima,,, i)0 CO Two, Bcrelols pit Xhirieth, ear tbe Park . .3200 00 Lots, in Nob Hill.AiUlii iop Cbeap.-Improve- business property pajipg 12 . . . , .2300ft , per eent, net . leasKxl for 4 years. , IKxlt? feet between Jackson a nl Quinsy b50 j . v, Vfi Lois in Mountaio , Xiew addition 8xS rod corner on Twenty-fourtA1k. Wall Avenue property below Teal value. 224 ncrei near north Wasbingtoa will , . DEPAKTMENT We Aro Making Specially: Low , Prices. 9 c lf 00 00 00 ' ... REED & J..-J.- ' V : ,; .7 . 'j.. i,4;o :. ; ' . .' MAEKS, GOLDSMITH ETURGITT. : : . C0. KKI t R ' 2131 and B. HURLBUT, i DRUGGIST, 1 Coraw, (. Washington Avenue. 24-3- Wholesale and Rktau, I ' 4 ! ? f J 12P.l Arrive lit Park rityi.-.- . Arrive at ah Iake. JJ:4p. m. ISrelve aubnrban traius daily betwen ..Sail . Hbuae. Mill Creek Lake City and and Sflftfrr All people Roini; to Park City will tind it to tlieir intereet t take this line. Ollicce and Depot: Corner Sth South ana 4 1 ' .' Main street. Salt Lake City. 1 ? F. and P. A. JlackintiieK, j " " . St. Yonntr. TTaflle Manapei-- . f ..i..;, " - .... ft'' ."TOn a.m .4 X)a.n Leave Salt Lake U'avo rark 4. m 4 0 p. m m M it) p. ra 8 .... 20.00, 22.50, 23.00, WtXO on Tweiity-fotirt- h' between Lincoln aad Wall Avenues, per foot., .fsti 00 Lotfum tlie fieiieh Jk3xt:vt feet eight blocks- - if yon will call on us wa will show and convince you rhera is money in buying now, ' .. 8.00, reduced to S 6.00. iv.m,? Overroata aud Ulsters at equally reduced prices, and ' ' " our IMMENSE STOCK. . ..aubtUvido. end rascnSPr : ...... ...... . ' . LINE OF THE WEST, On ami aTter Ortober 26. 190.'' freight trains will run aa follow r. Listers . , . . , ' THE PANORAMIC ... ......... ..,...;. ' tSfrJ x Orercoats Jn Bine, Black aad Heavy Chinchilla Overcoats, fine quality. . . .' English Melton, pood quality . . Englih Melton, fine quality. .. . English Melton, extra line quality........ i ...... . Cape Overcoats. tape Overcoats.. " TO JBCV . , igenls, Ogien, I'lali . is a Preventive tf J.HESEL j;-- , Eradicates Dandruff. should Ijc laid on a ceineut, concrete base, Balduess. and should drain to proper concrete gut: Grows Hair on ters, nil of which should be thoroughly washed out. A vulcanite or tar pavement Bald Heads. would be a good investment for a stock barn. It is permanent, and at the same Is an Exquisite time sufficiently soft not to injure the Toilet Article. stock that is constantly standing on it It 'i i could be properly-- : tdiUiUwl and (frnined. so s r Is Ffe from all, , i 1 that by Mushing it could bo kept entirely matter. coloring clean. The writer once made a stable, for mark 7Vadt ( a a transfer company that employed large rtgisttrH.) number .of , hacks, busses, coupe etc. Contains no Mineral or Vegetable Poisons These coupes were on the first iioor, ami 4 It is an hottest attd tueritonous the stalls were on the second floor. A wa, i preparatiou. A terproof floor of wood was made through a liberal use of felt and vulcanite. Nature's Own Remedy. Any solid waterproof floor, no matter ; how hard it is, .wilt not injure the Mock rwhea standing on it, "provided it is pron 1 i '. M t t i i Skookom Root Hair Grower Go. 'f "erly bedded. In this article the writer has undertaken NEW YORK. class, .street ar barns io Viott Sat jy Ofugglsta f. adopted ia first on ta twiifian BV a ntnclt raisar. 'i.'lie mat Dewnea tionnm imiorwwi, ter of size and arrangement on the second m4 hmonbf, bj IboM or ilber floor ia one of detail. TMitt ? M, Aittl hi Uif IeclHt.whrTr thj IIt. Any It is a fact not generally known that a CAB ! lb work. Katy to iMrn. norse will not eat, or, as is usually exW Atratall mrviNlnr. W rt yrm. No risk. To can dwoti cmr r all Ibe work. lim moftMnta, par pressed, will not gnaw, maple wood. ytmt nw toad jtnd btinfit wondatAil wmnfm to TkUworkdw.H Thus a stall lined or made with maple tmUrajij o and pwan. Boiwrs an wraMin; trout pr wk rfrj mnA oxh afltr a iHtla ittwifaM. Wo ran Ainilah yrn tlM will not be destroyed by the horses bitantt ttns)t too I'Kfftt. Kwpiiff rinlttfi Krw. Fait UlESON H. Louis it, ing krJraiii rxctc a'JZ;KdLtvo.;iiWaUiAft F. The following pri will conrincfi you that we mean business? bring this advertisement along and see that we do as we offer. '..:'.""'. , i ' s j ' 11 a. 4:40 a. m a. ni ... . u. m IA Clear laaparted Tobaeca for C eeata. Akaolattly pare anil free from all aehJt, txtraeta, painti or Aavoriog, and are not dipped. In abeatitiftii and pal lest cigar, not a cheap cijirro or cheroot. Equal to aa Iteent clgv In the I'niitJ states, that is toll! rcgcUr. Imi, Kxl)rP. 4:15 ! m a :: a mt niW SKI) Oroeii River V(T Qvereoais X.4 Telephone am :: Pacilic I'acitie ireen River....... j A.-M- ; ;-- No. n. No. 1. Hmnri .Tmietinn .'. (4rand Junction... Lake-.- . m! P ,t:tii) p. ml 7 : Suit i: Pall and Winter i : iri US P. nijloO m 2 :M a. m .3.il . ' t. f. ..'i I'mvo... Provo tzprea , p. m p. m VZ a. p.i m 11:21) p. mill i p. n 11: 40 ni 11:'C. p. in r:ai m Si) a. rh S:Mi p. ni r.:r a. m Suit t,Ko...... Provo.. .. .. I'rovo.....vi,j..f. (irnen River... ... Oreen River....'. (iraiKI Junetien. Lc'BVC (irnul Juuctieu. Arrive Piifblo....... Arrive 1 lenvrf 7 No. 4. Atluntie1 pVa. t):40 a. , Srtlt Lais- -- 1 XHKN ANt SALT 1.AB 6i ' . Leave Oitrien, S:30 a. ro., T.fl p, m'.. 'S:js p. ri m., KvmnuH arrive Ogtieu 11a. ro., in Skookam toot imp Gvouieb. .!.' CLOTHIERS, notice. lOUIS M. SCHWOERER.. . 1030. la, Atlantic . . a . mi tl'...!.' i ' tut i .itp. ;.v i ii anui ffPi pneee. nwiiinj(iou on! Fur partita anpplied at one darn' NOTICE i Nn. tl. EAST UOVMJ TS h The Siont ifmprorpif and Economical neater in me uaraet, S U.I im IIJIV1 I : ' !')(. THE LEADING 1 i!iiiflv tellMI VIlllU - CUIfREXT TIME TAI5LE ... I 1 i IOK CHKAM T GAUGE. STANDARD ii $ 0 own T moment Rio Grande Western Arrive Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Leave AJrive Leave Arrive i "25 TO SO CENTS TER POrXDL GEO. "W. VALLKRY, f.enre licnrer S...i..Vi... i Leave l'ueblo T '' MAMS, GOLDSMITH & GO. Cliristmas. Candies! 1 far further lntormatioa eonaernlnf this Una, apply ta any Ttchot Acent, or addraas ). LI .' ItlltlllllllllttlllllltlllllltllflltjtJtllltltltlftltlllltltllttttlltltlllUaltllflllllJItllllllllltllllllllllillllllllHItlllflllt. Orders by Mail Promptly JUteaded to. TaaonsB TaAias. , 3tlX8T BOUNp IK V1N. TTf rrri til 5 Twenty-Fourth Street, TRaIKs, . Mt Y ''ITT1' CIGAESJ Our Famous Dining Cars " imciu AT- STONE & KICIIAEDSON, Omaha. ! par Uw ahoT ravard for an? eaae of Llvar CoaiplaUit,lypepua Sick Haadarhe, lndlKtiun. Ooa or tMWiMw va cannot eura wtia Wtt'a tlpatioa Vagetabla Llrar Pit la, vken tha dirartlona an rtrictlr A. H WALKEH, ; Fifth Ht, Near Young;, OQDKN St. Joseph, it aa Fine Stationary and Artists Material laroaTU ako Dobbstu . Kansas City, .Lincoln, stotff $500 Reward 'Mold by '. . St Louis,, " I a t -- lh rk sml aahaoati ' Druggists liliffillllilS AIIJIIIHS, Denver, mm, t Htara tttat t I h , Wsvw . ' W. MeXUTT. & CO., SOLID VESTIBULE TRA1XS in- ! Hayc you Bought you r H oliday Presents ? Jleat, Poultry and Eisli Whether you have or not, Don t Fail to go Try our Para Lard, ana on!acta rod by oar and see the arltaa aad jruu will arvar uaa sua utiter. Elegant Line of Toilet Sets, Mail ordera and vhuWaliiia' aapecialbuaioaar with ua. atret n ni. i ii at J. mf f nl. UtbMaanduMKMwMl hte4M? koM rarh atvr f W.M ft Tom BA1 ' . rintf MnwkttvlisMiMdf M rwf IN, fcy Ann riff, AMI, fKMiib. a Brran. PEXLEKS IX Twenty-fourt- tba tnaniiracturers f Remedy, for an curable oaae of Catarrh in the Head. aumnmtnmiwiuiumumunttuimianQa Bros. & i! CJ.I-BUTGIIEKS. OFFEnHD w ' H. Greemvell G. VaoLBaaLat ONLY 35 HOURS WK will KI.KVATIOS. r r came full. Tbe feeding in the triable mentioned ix iooe by lumii of rarti wliicb run over the of iltctalla.. AaluipHUack teaUw tojf ' to 8IHK KA- - dud be- QQQQQQQQtaQBBQ TUX Taaaaaiia. Tha Klf Traaa. Tahaa. Taa ara aud Mk ihaata. -a Dun . . s t!loc tluud-poiua- same kvcl, nwesrY w to lutr tboa counrctMl with a count mi eourra, and as lou ax that ru full of atoll wore wairr t lit rrrriitarlpa at .... .. rail to utframr stoouK-l- i 5 21G2 WASHINGTON AYE., OGDEN, UTAH. at aa4 aUaaaro mtwtr eUja. 1 '411 Afl.AHu V tn rni tuw aud box-i- fram atiy uua overmaiunc, a run ooae of Ur. rirro- rurrtuv iVUeu M th bnt mardr. Thev oimtnU) feoUy, yet thoroughly and wilfc- -. out mwiyuit, nsiiK. or oUmt "i-- pfi"' It tae too fnw indulrefM to sura lotrtm- aMdHrmntvd direataoo, caa- pnatecauar bur dyie(ia and buxxiav-w- . uttxii'd mmm a wita ot fuunra r uauru. oatar oc bad aftr msll nnf. in atoota ia tb morning, on arbiaic. drowMBMa after amua, bidrtcntiabto fti-tn- r ol drfod. or of Impeodios otiuiitr aud b)rpicniolria then you aed tn fi.i- Jow up tbe umt of tan " rVU4a with Vr. Pierce s Gotdea tiedieai tnmxmrr, to too us the Muiaach, InviaxwsM the lirer. aad eei all taa proaeaa of ditrfca at work.. Wbik cunat udMraatiun, M un-te-a tbe blood, cinuiainr th sjrsteia rnm ait humore and ataikv ot what him er nature, or from vast cause aranor. TWn ia oothintT auniUri cnmpoaiwAo. or apnraarbm- It in results. Therefore, dao't be and Induced to lata some substitute, said to U "just as cood," taat the deak-- may aulas a lariror profit. rHieir Comforts and Blankets la f U radre Jaaiaer Fined for (air KaarU vhatr car rtrfc fuod. M a tottimon and suffenns. To lmnMli- -l 'and todictaite A rI for drinking watoc ' aaptariea and all that waa ' CwBJVAXPIZIXC.' or overeatinr. or' tit tartektac- f toa ? tugri taa n, s rrla-tirrl- . lu i fiulIthraiitoyd buin-- Tb- - an.aU. abtlit j and organising ability dri aomr-ihii--x thil rxa be c: tnufaeiurwl at a atuaJ rik4, and giro to Ihe farmer tse Uraafit of Ibrir or jkLud lul:.ta V tiacabiUty. Tta fcvt iu!lb tUat 1 ' arrr a r I l:e onr la wLirh stock foulJ be eared f in Ute brst aar at tlie Irjxl wan cut on a farm. It was a alrwt car and orjjauiwd bjr tbe Ullf. DUMOraa auiiit aViaW. Uraaa j. i wo fliea (MiM fawi 11 fcvfM in a rcrjr abort time. Ttx waUr wan nut carried to t li ' War taa aiarraa nl aa aa aaraaja um aV ttara. mamm tbiaataa tba ajj dal aarrmmrklu rtvaa tha baamitid aa thai rt vaia tnal of Jlatlet ! tha area! cUf ai a tn aeaaca ay tha ftwldas La4 Ue U OUto aa4 1 a T la. Uistarie Calieral Baa af saajaaaa, Tk lav U a wu bring aa inventor dura sot t.--a thai bis iarrntiooa will la Ur AMutMtteity at Urxo. To cmut mliir ttf this rouutry baa nu4 It-i-t it GO., KORfn AIST ms via C. F. " BOTLE IUEMTUEB GKAND " AffileasaanraaMark turn. ; t f f ; RAILROADS. Wishicgidniv,. and j !'fiiSirfci!ttiokhrl c S3 ' Twtafy- - CD J i 1 ' " y sraaln arll 6IiAYS. I Mr mit r I THtfalCHMi"'iiCs Slg A ia adknowledgej tha kadlnir ramedr foe asMrrhae dr Oiaev only aate remedy tor e IieajarrkceaorWhital. Dreacnoa wano HW aafe in reeommendlng ii . to all nfTerera. if 'f I'BA Aivsa iiaaal Irora4 ' i'HlVXi aawta 1r .lUsTpcio: f I TOILET ii ARTICLES I il I STOVES! tn tha Marlr.t. rt inrrva J'U BTOVTCS. 7. .i m rroaoHDCfa ii i rriigcy iat3crain frj it mid Mttflty yfenvMa-2 a O STOVES! 8TOVK8 .i .ffbt.) - .f..j GO i 11., jioJifuinW fHI .Ol, |