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Show OtiDEX DAI ft Y COMMERCIAL: jl LETTER ABOUT WRAPS. THE ' HOST WOMEN ELEGANT NEW YORK WEAR THEM LONG. m Am rnM Tmmt f --- T mm U Maat fur Ha t Mk Tim mf Oh t BeasltPay attract. bk IJlaa-InUM- M XaJcaw iwOi A The murt elrgant Mm ia New Turk 3ca t long wrap for tki mmob, reachinz quit to if not a trf&a below tit bottom of the drew, a&4 fern wrap are made of woully camel' awir and chariot ia tbe darkest colon anj ia plain black. The picture below showi tha back asd front of cue of the theaeaaoo. It u made of camera bair ia henry weight, and U hinvd ia Um back aad open in front over a JSww You, Not. C band-auaaeat- MASONIC. LObuC. MA . A TREASURE BOX. USE W. C GJaa a. ft orrtciAi. Tirana I t . A. Uuti, V. Jt. Sxs rtci300. Nov. L There caaaa tr. , c to the inu-nu- r dinta city, where I was I. stopping oo summer, two thrift r jrosns QiaWLM IHArTL. J.0. 1 Yancc, who were coining money tankR.A.K. ing rubber stamps. They bad a kit of Kerala wwwtioi ii cumi Taeaday tools fur making the stamp, taa ca-t-4 U- - T. at i H-- r. Ho. Poem. Sm. while the otlter did the work. They were making a tour of tbe giobe, L MOiTE COalaUS&KBT. vu. z, supporting ibenudves ia this novel manK. T. on road. done the ner whilsj Thry had the port of Japan, and Knrbtid Shanghai Stataa acacia aaraM Wiaaasaay m J. fc. Cuuaji. E. C. before I met then. The travelers came aww. U a. Ftsa. Baa. . to Kinkiang. and ia a np the Yang-ts- e populAtiua of about thirty foreigners and SECRET SOCIETIES. " the few Utineae merchant who had badness relations with them secured orders TJIaTAB ENCAMPMENT Sa V for over $."00 worth of stamps. For a L 0. 0. F. single line name they got $3, and for ofMart la Um A (X V. W. HQ U Ant aad fice stamps they charged in proportion. Uui i Tmmdmf ef ara BMauAv L. E. bcriba. . During bis canvass there the agent was .F.L-,C.Ftaken ill. and be returned to Shanghai Tiniuaa- - bnara art eordiXij itiul. to have the stamps made. 1 agreed to deliver them for him and collect the CRISCEHT LODGE h'0. 13. money. I sent him about $200 fa silver and Hold ncaUr BMWtiac mrr Masyiat audit at A. tX V. W. HU, Waltuiv returned a few stamps to be corrected, t dUoduraiaTwaauy-foart atrax, U KJoun-l-u and sent a few orders for additional Ma Um mt ai eunluLI t aluL ones. Tbe agent sent the second lot, W. L. Aaaaa. Em. Sar'f. with instructions to send the money by return steamer, aa they were soon to T O. O. F, leave for India. 1 put tbe money, some UNION L0DCEK0. 6. $40 in silver, ia the bottom of an old tin UmiM --nn in A. O. U. W. Hall. liidr biscuit box, and stuffed the box full of W aKhuurtua annua, aaar TvaBtynurUi MnM. r waste paper, and tied a card to the can, Sojouraiiic bmOtm ia good ataaduic ara ibtiUmI to atlawL W. H. Ml. N. U. containing the name only of the stamp K. C baus, 8ac agent, and gave it in charge of one of NO. the officers on a Chinese steamer, and CANTON. OtiDEN rATRIAKCH MILITANT, told him that the owner would" Tall at I. 0. 0. F. the vessel for tbe box. M rat arnr Taradaa and Friday arming It transpired, however, that he bad left Laatar Park PaaUlMm. Mcmbar inTitrcL at before the steamer reached Shanghai, -.r.Bsman,air and no one claiming the box it was left off the vessel and set in a shed with other EDEB RONS OP 8T. OFRGP- rubbish at the wharf at Shanghai. After "To M. (norc mad Mmra EnclaDd." weeks I letter from a six about Hong got RICHARD CCEURDE LION LODGE, Kong, asking about the money. I replied X, SSt. that I had sent it on the steamer to MaM avarr Friday arminf la th Thnniaa But instructed. as there being hail. TwRBtj-fourtShanghai, auaat, Ovlo t'itjr, L'tah. no express company on tho river vessels Kniuurainc brotbira in itnod tiitin ara cur in i tail to tiait mud fratvraiaH. dially 1 had no receipt for the box, simply havApliraaU fir irwiuborahip ahuuld ailr tn ing handed it to the purser and asked Dr. ( Mk, Kl61 WaaUinatoa aeone, or to aoy uf tbaoQioer. him to deliver to the gentleman who PrariTAL J. Basjurr, Preaidrtit. C. J. Fluwkk. Kocretarr. would call for it Four months after this I was at Shanghai, and one day conclude to go to tho wharf of the Chinese W. MILLER Navigation company to inquire about the box. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. I entered the office, but there hapoolf th Heat and Leadinc EoprearotiiiaT pened to l no jone on duty at the moment. While sauntering about tho Including premises waiting the arrival of a clerk I The New York Underwriter saw among a lot of rubbish in one corThn Prumptmt Company to Adjuit and Pay ner what resembled the treasure box., Loasr on r(ord. I brushed away the duet, and, sure Aaaet enough, there was the old biscuit box I Keserve.... $3,726,320.39 1,372,836.41 had used in storing the silver several Offilon Offir of ; Thn National Raildinc Amv months before. I picked it np and shook ciittion. I. O. O. P. did pptluwa Natiunal it and heard the rattle of the dollars. Itxnarolent Anaociation. K. uf F. Tba Pythian I pulled out the paper packing and Lifa AMwiation. found at the bottom of the box the silver just as I had placed it That box had SEE OUR FINE LINE been walked over by the Chinese freight handlers for fonr months, but it looked so unlike a treasure box that no one had examined it to see what it contained. 1 put the money in my pocket and stuffed the paper back into tho tin and left, not having been seen by any one in the INVITATION place. I presume that old can stood there unclaimed, and was finally thrown I & away aa rubbish, I sent tho money on to Bombay to find its owner, but whether it ever reached him I never learned. V. O. Bextos. TWU)KUU. ii., . atkia, j oar, ar mi utnji"" our-diail- o BUM ANT WTXTKR WftAPH. cod front of the name material. The front Uaiwiihirml at thflwaibt line. Tbe akwrea am cat straight from shoulder to wriat and bound with blurk velvet, and tarn brought into ploiU at the writ. which allows the fullness to form a nort of ruffle which falls over the hand. The want and hips are richly triinmwl with heavy passementerie, and in front is a full jabot of black crepe do chine. It can be worn with a bonnet or with a large picture hat, according to the taste of the wearer. The model is so very wy to follow that any lady who knows bow to make a dress can make the garment. When the weather becomes right cold a vest lined with chamois skin is worn beneath it, and thus it has all the lightness woolen wrap with the warmth of a J in love yesterday with a young id's dress, and becanso it was so ty and stylish and at tho same time sat and simple, I had a picture mode C tt This young girl could have a dress made of spun gold sot with all sorts of precious stones if she liked, therefore the simplicity of it comes from refined taste, not tho cruel needs of pinching poverty. It was of the pretty, fluffy woolen goods so popular this season, drab with cream white figuring. The skirt is quite plain with deep plaits ia the back, and it just touches the ground in the back. The waist is as plain as the skirt, only with a double row of brown crocheted buttons reaching from shoulder to waist, where there is a pointed belt of seal brown moire. The sleeves are of brown moire, und so is the high collar, and the natty littlo toque is trimmed with bows of moire with a little brown sparrow on the left sido lying flat with outstretched wings. When it is cold a littJe beaver cape adds to the Quukerlike neatness of this costume. Astrakhan is enjoying a popularity long denied it White Moufflon and Thibet gout are much fancied for youngish persons, and gray Persia u lamb is also quite popular. Nutria beaver is cheap and really a pretty as a genuine beaver. A house dress for a young lady is hh perfect a model for such a dress ns the ether is for tho street It is of garnet cashmere with a hem and three very narrow machine stitched tucks set as closely as possible above it. The skirt is drawn across the front in the graceful drapery so becoiniug to slender figures, and the waist is tailor made, with but ae dart, and the side seams reaching nearly to the shoulder in fnmt and wun invisible fastening. A very novel arrangement of gold galloon over black trwlvct is used as belt and trimming on the chest. The sleeves are plain, and the back of. the skirt is shirred into a full fell Ham. Would you believe St? The dressmaker charged $13 to make that simple little gown. Dressmakers in New York charge STilKKT COSUTMK& Jia iiLii.li k. fnallar Laat Juaa Ni l f I Wedding Goods, Visiting Programmes zOABDS Commercial Pybllsiucg Co., 2404 Wash. Constantinople Nate. Constantinople, Oct. J8. The Greek ladies- of Constantinople are very sociable, and they make it a point of visiting ever' newcomer who is considered at all resectable, and dressed in the richest of DEALER I- Nsilks and covered with massive gold . Mom Ave. y Saw. U. Jsatiaa ef ta Paara-WUCuttatabi Jlw 1L T lur. rLai city raarucr. Jaatie nf tba Paaea r.a.lalaa Jiiiah B. Cartar. rvusALS rtartacr. Joatira of tbe Paana Sieaartl Dya. Parkar. Ji.lii titnalata cnrra paaroKT. Joatao nf tk Paaca Timotky aveeilL Cooafbla Byroa L. Bba. chains, bracelets, rings and jewels, they make the first visit, usually going in a sedan chair, as there are but few streets iu Constantinople wide enough for the pa.ssage of a carriage, eveu if they were not too steep and IwiUy paved. These women nro genial and talkative, but for tho most part not very intellectual, and they set a very high value upon external appearances. Tho manner in which some of them dress loads one to suppose Ihey must be very rich, but when yon return their visits you find that they livo as poorly aud quite as rraiuped as our average laloriiig men's families. As long as .they ear. make a fine appcuriiuce outside thoy enre little for the rest, always excepting money. Intercom-with the better class ol Armenians, who rank next to the Greeks in social importance, is somewhat more pleasant: at least, it is move calm and quiet. The Armenian men are pleasant and exceedingly polite, anil, as a general ride, well informed on nil Ihe topics of the day, and while they are" 'said to be even. shp.wder in. business thau the Greeks, iluy show its apparent fev.dness for money, bough their love of dVess is a proverb. The Greeks have generally fine, tall figures and bohl and often strikingly handsome faces, full of strength and power, while the Armenian men have an effeminate npiiearam-- and delicate complexions, with very fine, expressive eyes anil curling '.'.7. 'They are inclined to stoutness and are seldom talL The Greek women aiv dark, with Mack hair and, eyes, rather tall and of fairly Kixxl figure, while the characteristics of the Armenian women are short, thick figures of no particular shape, lovely eyes, dark hair, beautiful complexions, but with silly, unmeaning expression. There are many French residents with their families, and a large nmnlxr of English, miuiy Germans and Hu.ishtiis, and a sprinkling of other tuitions. These all gather at their several embassies and meet among themselves, thero beiug only formal relations among the different foreign residents, But whenever the Greeks or Armenian give a ball or reception there are sure to be numbers of representatives of other natious ' prsout, often ton to fifteen different languages being spoken by the guests. Freqiivutly there will be Turkish at these places of social meeting, but they never give any set invitation ia return, for it would he impossible for a Turk to give a dinner, reception or ball, where loth sexes were tu 1 invited. .a kV aVUaVMA Wagons, raanvcT. , rasr-Twcr- Q a wnaoa riaciwrr. Bine-ham- BIT ATTO RN EY J ) OODICN & Jaatira of the Peace J. W. Hart. Hoick. outeb ramiNcr. Joatioaof the Peace Jarae JuUnaoo. Cooatabla Franete M. iieloak f - S12r?000. 7,300. UTAH NATIONAL BANK 353 Twenty-fourt- CAPITiiL, . Ofllre, 369 lOO.OOO. SUKPLl, Internet Paid on Time Deposit. E. Dooly, President. W. N. fiiin.i.isu. L. B. Asaka, Vice Preeident. Cashier. W. Corky, President. Wh. V. Hei.frich, C&auier. and Manager. Vioe-Pre- e. : , Warren W. Coroy, R. A. Welle, John Keek, . 0. E. WgrtelejC.C.RobinHon, Thoa. CrIioob. Ad. Kuiia, Tlieo.Kobiiuion S. S. ScJiramm, rdnrs by mull or i j ' II II Iti, b"W to mT mr VrtttHHrmtiilM-aritia.?tifivv'mW aBmrr N fVvf tn hum- - lint mt lvJrarlrlfjrf trti rrarwctlHJ i:. vpirn iriren P. I aill.l l. r4i The ri, and oit tudcrtrioailr. ara a TiattMM ftmi HWHt.I IH r tru tJ "nrt b fUal-- t I aickl tnhiiiIt. I taiff armklrd wilij fiMktTbM ttt IAII La.ti, ular, 'K Kl'.. Ad.li... .1 (.i.e.. m4 .ai.i.r.A, naa rtreut, Oifden, Utah. Ifarkrt. delWere-- t call t oftiee of KraJn-ard- . o.. s06 Wi,oiuton At. ASD HIGS PAINTING PAPER HANGING 'lid ' and HARD WOOD FINISHING A SPECIALTY .mi, me. SHOP. 443 MAIN ST. 0n door aorta or tU Honti Oil tad 01mi a. m 3 :W a. n 50) Mail and llutte aud Helena Exall points north, daily 9:50 p. m 3:10 p. m p. m 9:11a. m . Fst -. 87. - pree Fimt National fj AND SURGEONS- TIM K. MOUNTAIN - Leave. A. COTTINGHAM, PHYSICIAN. In conneetion with ireneral practice, Rireg epeeifd attention to disease peculiar to females diseaaea of the genito urinary ortrana, dioeaeefi of the rectnm, wiz. : Pilea, fistula, fieaure and ulceration ; diseases of tbe ear, nose, throat and cheat. Consultation free. Office over Postotnce. Telephone 209. A. TTKH. & FARIS, . ye pASIg, pUSH CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, Plans, specifications and estimates prepared and wftrk vuiierintended. Maiw. p!at, tracing, blue prints, etc., etc., executed ou snort notice. KoontK 3 and 4. Cuion block. Xo. :K! Twenty Fourth Kireet, Crden. I'tnli. rk No. City preea. daily Ex-- ) Utah Central. MOrXTAIX ' time. Arrive. Leave No. I Atlantic Fast) Mail, Salt Lake City, ) daily 4:13 a. m 8:10 a. m No. 3 -- Park City Ex-"- 1 press, l'tah St Northern, Accommodation, SaltLakeCity. Frisco and all intermediate 9:00 a. m 9:30 a. m points No. Atlantic Ex-- ) press. Salt Lake City, f 3:30 p. m 4::i0 p. m luternwdiato points... ) No. Fast 5 Mail and"! Express, Salt Lake City, and all intermedinte points, daily K. SXOWDEX. p. m 9:29 p. m 0K J Rio Orando Western. DENTIST. TIME. fMOtXTAIX Office, 2427 Washington BTenue over TTorrock A Sons store. Teeth without la tea and aariiur natural teeth a specialty. No teeth or roots too bad to be saved by tilling or Special attention giren to children's crownuig. teeth. REAL ESTATE! this week tlie following bargaiiw: lots between 3ith and a6th St., near motor, ixlO rods on Quincy, between 2nd and 24tli Sto, er rod. titxltl feet, corner 24th and Jackson, $3,000, A SJOO snap in Franklin Place ndd. llrick house. 7 rooms, nearly an acre of close to City Hall vquare. only 11.000. ground Kriek house. 7 rooms. 2:S1 St., between Grant and Lincoln, "1xi:t! feet, W.riOO. Two hoiiKea between iitli and 29th on Lincoln, IS feet (business property) only $9,000. fHnck Terrace on Washington Ave., 112x163 feet, 5.000. Corner 20th and Washington Ave., liMKxttB ftxt. $1 iO ijer foot. On Wall Ave., near corner 24th, .113x132 feet, $12o per foot. Half acre on Washington Ave., near Terrace add., hne fruit and thade trees, onlv S2,10ll. Hnck house, 6 rooms, lot 61x132 "feat. Reeve add., between 21nt and 22d Sts., only Si.000; easy temw, lon tlinn. 20 choice lots in Reeve add., between 21nt and Ud Sts., one-thir- d cash, balance iu 1 and 2 years at 8 jier cent. 4',il32 feet, all in fruit, on 22d, between Adam and Jefferson, $2,5011. Comer lot in Riverside add., 60x140 frvt. Mint). Ixt in University Heights add.. $200 to $3TpI each, oo easy payment and long time. Exchange. Small froit farm 2K mile from City hall, far grocery' buaincoa, residenee or business property. 12.SO0 seres in San Luis Valley. Colorado. Several good farms in Kansas and Nebraska. 2403 WASHINGTON Arrive. 9:10 a, m J 5:00 p. m 1". A N. Brainard, Robinson & Co. Co KX) Cache Valley lo-- ) cal. Batt'e '"reek, and!ibt-r'i- ; xliate points... ) No. 35, 9! 10 "o.9 SMITH, to CALSOMiNING Arrive. Echo and Parle City. HI e raj-.rnuit- P- - Leave. W. BMITH. V e offer Met'laia qnarry of Hark J the Rest iu the ' iFast AVE. Arrive. Leave, Mail, Salt City, Provo,, 830 a. m and all points east . daily.. No.6-"E- li" Salt Loko) City and intermediate r 3 tOO a, m ) points, daily No. 4 Atlantic Express, ) S:4.1 p. m Salt LakeCity.Pneblo, Denver nnd east, daily. ) No Fast Lake , Leadvine.Ptieblo.Dpn-ver- 3:00 a. m 11 KX) a. m 60 p. Southern Pacific. Leave. , I No. Mail, daily No. TIME. M0VNTAtN ,. San Fast) Francisco I 2Pacific 4Ka. Arrive e m (:30a. n Express,") through to San FranCisco nnd intermediate points, daily i M) p. m .tw p. ra GEORGE W. JONES, Member of the American Ticket lirokers Association. iiailroad and Stpanishi'it k Mil ara 11ir na wovVi ataui (. imuit Ilex 6i7. ROCK! ROCK! ROCK! H0C8 und Wood TANkn nnd Siwial Attention pnui to Kmb.ilni.oir (otlin und Propazin: llotlim for Shipment. Ordi'rs by tolrarriipn promptly nttiuiyi to. I bT HfMkrso th only in tbe city. Tpl phone Xo. 115 r . M.TEAHEN ('nkfti m OF .SAUSAGE A SPECIALTV. IIoblnKoa A And Funeral Director gm-tleiu- KINDS Aiiive. . ft Atlantic Express,) So. mnver, Omaha, Conn- -. Pcil Hluffa, kansaa City J and eaat, daily TJtah & Northern. , trfaU No. andl Hutt and Helena Ex- preee, all points north, r daUy I. J9HYSICIANS Q Ay Leave. s DENTISTS. Foot of Twentioth Street. t Wasliiniton CityOfKce. Chieairo Market, SL'KDAI INt LIULD. Xo.J Limited Fast M.til.1 ( iniaha, Council HluHs, i Denver, Kansas City, f J aad east, daily Robt. Broselmnn. Works! TAI5LLS. and departure of trains earning passenger at the Union deixit, Ogdeu, Ctati. Union Paciflo Railway. Woshinrton areune, CIVIL ENGINEERS. $200,000. TIME Arrival ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- C. CAPITAL, Point. SALE CHEAP NEW COTT.UiE, FOl'K yOR 1 roonut. bath room, pantry and rlutlu preea: irood water iu kitrheu, all nicely fur. nisbed. lnUira of Mr. Palmer. Thirteenth street, four door from station lift era, motor liue. MOrSTAIN TIMK.1 Mffl Twenty-fourt- h Office, room Rank bnildinc. llrt Cropsey. Five $325 each. St., Ogden. ' So, SMITII. gMITH $133,000 Telephone UNDERTAKER 11II I 11111 b B. HEYWOOD, BAKRPOBD All S. M. PRESHAW, J A1X1SOX. JACOB 8. BOREilAX, United States Depository. For Trlc V M. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- MAKING OF ALL Ortlors Solicited and Prompt Attention and Delivery. Stock of Goods Always Frosh ami Price Low for liood Goods. Metallic BDWABD ALLISON", Ofllre. OKden, Cub. with furniiore; alau one kuom il, Natwnal buk DAU.T, IAMBS K. KIMRALL. t, ojT LARUE COOKIMj STOVE NE Inuir . ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Ogtlcn, TTtab. - BALE-O- yOR 1 or ranee, KA1LK0AD AHORNEY-AT-U- ' h Ovden, CtaU. t Iatereat Paid on Time and SnTimra DepoaiU. GROCERIES ., - Ats Practieen in tbe Diatrirt Court and all th eoiirta, l'ereonnl attention iriren to colloctiona. Kemembnr the plaee. in Perry'a wooden build-inear meat ahon nf C. H. lireenwell A rime., Xl-- i Twenty-fourt- h atreet, Oxden, L'tah. P.O. box SI. J1MBALL . tes. easy terms. New tire mom with cellar, front and bark porches. Call on J. W. Ware hams, Iwea i. brat near Van Ilureu. A ('. raudeuc oo motor liar - ' aad oa easy teruat. Sea me at oaw. R. C. Ut Klvvei Koum 12. Firat National Kauk BuUlui. (Taia SALE Oo IX1 Rframe houae, ATTO RN W,- Offle. OTtir Utah National Rank, enrner of WahinKton avenue and Twentf-rburtstreet, Otriieu, tah. BIGKLOW, PreeMont. JOHN A. BOYLE. Viro Proaidont A. P. BIGELOW, Caakier. H. bnram. atnrea-roo- J. 8. W0BTHMAX, BANK, 00DEN, UTAH. Capital Taid ill, Surplcs, - - 362 (ilDEOK, U0 Washington B. WHITE STATE Sausaoe Produce and Fruits, A prior A SAL- E- THE rUELPEST LOIN IX tVdea. LoU Wt) to 3Hi. 4 ash. C r! House and lot for fc.juu. month. one for fl.MU. one for $1.7uu and one for UUiIU jl. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANKS. OGDEN -- rtH)R Ofllee: RocAn . 3rd Floor, Firat National Bank HuUdin, Ok dm, Cub. CIIIOAGO CO., A atov. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- OGDEX, LT.Vn. H. 31. BOND rooaa reaidMm, Soxia ft. Sub HilL P. aa tern. $!:fourtl.TUu: rausa rid.ee, weU ke.teO, Bask D.JOHXSOX, yALEXTlXE rBKCIKCT. KBKB J. F. Frit. '"'UTAH. - SALEA IKX)D PAUNti 0Ru jtT TKbaeukM: awidlueatuiaiaadehnp. A SALE- -I HAVE. FOB SALE. ALART fORa. mod. A and aafe family bona and a taat aeatad Surrey; cheap. Will take a guod asiirk row aa part payment aid bankable 1,1 blaaa. J. It. Hurd. Cjm martial atnet, Oifdrn, I Lab. DIRECTORS: Baker Barbed Wire, Blacksmith Tools, Etc. , a. W. AT-L- ATTORN Room 4. I'ninn block, . vih UluST PA VI Mi SALE-GO- OD ouudia-- t'ooelabJe-Jow- ih Turbine Wheels, Heavy Hardware, Iron and ; Steel. Wnua-to- PASH. OP OGDEN, UTAH. Waon Material, Itii a Oflioe room t and 29 Firat N'atii Buiidin-- , Uirdea, I' tea. . Jt'.etira of the Peace P. P. I'ouetaUa Uaniti N. Drake. BuRj?iee, iinsrines Saw Mills. - No. TiloiuoD7i;; . wwoff lur property a aearla raai.1rM A tilrasi am Li ami a, num. Vuratavt. LXla LAWYERS CITIZENS' BANK Iioad Carte, fJuckboards, .FOR SALE. rxR sale or i f Tetboa ir A OtIOD PLEASANT CO. A KENT - U iua-I'ouataUa Tbbo. Robihom, AaaiayiVaUVU W. M1LLEH A- I'SFVEMsiTb let for Ut.t Una ru fXBNTv-- Get r prioa fur Choir Lot. Eleat Huaw. aad raaap rnace. Firaaad Lila lacaraa, KuraMtuiuf TbaVaai York I witira nura Axa-jr.- " A Compart of trua ud Laadio I uaiiaie. lixurd for Ad- Tba Pronptrat Coaupanr aria Loava, Tba Kstioaal inatuar and Luaa Aeauciatioa. and Poaltar. rsKaaurr nr1 rturrncT. Jsti of the Para-- W. H. fraadaiL tonthla Uaurg H. Mayeurk. aLATsaviLLB riariKCT. Joatiea of tba Paaoe June Juka J. Hutcbui. Haaaiurr raarttifT. Jaatiae of the Prar Stiauo F. Halreraoo. C'oatbl-i'ali4i I'arry. I xxa rrf the Peca PeUw L. SUerner. Juatiaa t'onalabla June tlarroih Waudi ImnpiDAnk IrT aveaa kXliHFjTkTrrFred Mi i..asr. Slit Uraat aaaaaaT REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. J. GEO. A. LOWE, C. buildup. . 0,1 di, rlR ARCHITECTS, K. IT aad U Natinaal Bank I tab. Offiaai. raoaa i J J ar4. at 5B. Mrrmm atraS. Har taHtXLK AX O. anultue. lasiuiiJv,11-auAtusrtwy. IhAimm ( r ciwaadtintour tUiWk AMr to , iat. bLy,,r aa. Tvaatr areaaa. . t racr: ST. - 5J-- .t 1 fi ofLe.l. kdc reanarr. Jsatia of ta rWa-- E. H. Trover. l'utatia Jua Oould, otb ocdd raamK-r- . Ktaraf. Jaatie ot tba Prmn ikuviui 1 ARCHITECTS, YSaeety-- Joatieaaf taa tmt Uura Mr Kay. t uaataU. Oanrga K. r arri. Jutir ot tho ama. muuIi (mmt acnttav rtaa. a SMITH. , raarntrr. Uat VVa-- aa4 Tvmtyiunt auaeaa. yOODS Pia Tal (iavaua. ii. E. MaaL Jaatica of tka rurarr. t'aatarva Eaat . wna a Sailit. aaaaMTiLia - UaaaJJ hiui ia atJ' lapairr at aa; rMuaa. ILaae. vait CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. uraraaboca raamwrt tiawiataa Mtntyl.a VOaOS. JtJ.NHikOT anatogurj ruEucr. Jaaue 4 tba raaca-- B. Taraa. t MTtaa rUJ fartL Taix oerca raamcT. Jaatiea taa Pea-- a. Fwna. H. THE WORLDS EEST. . Ala aceal fur Bruui4 a tiraat Urta iTTi iiav a OcUa. tVkacfa. tatala f 1 Atturwy - L K- - k-kuevra. j ibm - rtriuaav kurm. anrar k. W.tdf aria. Scaml. xinrmntat Ittiuitt m.mcs raanxrr. reamer cmiav-- ir -- . a. aUXVaawL JamtierW ta 1 TOR RENT. I wa. k. tmfim. (.iiuaT-Ki- Mil Lamar nr. Hlau ror L RuCiartav . itsr j CC.VmiCTOR A53 El'ILEDL t'arjwew RataavaWaciM tat AJ awa enmraiu V i.airM kaaab at. wts rm . riaarWi. W--- . tiuaaUJiaoaa a a. e DAINTY HOCS15 AND m) h 1 from $15 to $50 for the simple making tif a dress, supplying nothing but the thread. No good tlr?ssmnker will touch a dress under $10, and thus it often happens that the making costs three times as much as tho material. Good seamstresses who have learned their trade well can command good paj', and those who are good fitters and drapers can command their own price. I often wonder that so few girls, comparatively, dressmaking ns a means of livelihood. Ouvk IIakpkk. Ja4ra-- Eirr V. 'ma. tVjl bbartial. iota Psacara. Hrnim-L4 WANTED. BUSINESS CAROS. OIRCCTORV. U(I eorarrf onafBaa. A.F.4A.M. fSaaceal TUESDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1630. Railroad Tickets to all Points. 346 Twenty-fift- h ALL Street. Telephone .SI. |