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Show OGDK.V DAILY COMMERCIAL: L vx w H, Wallace, Fine Mips, - m m - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 16S0. tai ltd ! ilif, KubM. KineraVla, Solid Silv, Kld (KxLi, Novel tiea, CLaina, i-BXM, rsou venom. Can. ia Nr-t- Ik-kel4- lirkc- - llrt t INiU Sediment in th Uric Aa ba a arciox toaJJpcopU. Orv Kiinejr Tat currecU all aucti Your hair full of dandruff, vhk-without injury to the arafp by Skookum I loot Hair Grower. in h cu only be removed outs X miut trac. Watch SOLE AGENT F01 auiwiM. O Ti Oiil U- - Famine w over. Seethe Oual Co, rj oo WVlibo-lan22ad and 2Ud itxwU Tek j.bon u Dr. Tbiel baa removad to 2158 Waah ingtoa avue, next door north of new lioj la Bkx lt hundroii car loads Kork Springs Otfdeu Coal Company's oil atWallthe yw i., a id lU l lti'1 1 p'j avomie.lietwepn Twenty-thir- Twenty-neo-- street. d Tele-- Out it knit at Luko'a Knitting Wo, SSJ Twenty-fift- h x Fac-V- f, street Bkiokuui I4oot Hair Grower will your aoalp and develop a new gropUi of hair. For sale by druggists. cU.ui Rim-- Rpring ooal delivered Coal Company's Money to Loan. M M)oy to loan on real estate on two to fiva ynars time; sei;urity munt be un- ii Wj.mat)K Inquire of C II. McClure, Fttwal Clerks ollice. MAKERS! MONEY 0 0 ntr Two anw on &th St. Jacktoo. ftTno. Two sera on aha St, Bear Quiurr. tUOi. Five meif on 3Dtb, nar Quincy, flO.wiO. Tweotjr-oo- a arm near l'nierit per acre, $500. 115x132 on Sid faraW la laaaar bkaca; eur. i1X)Hor maadsuit, Ltaeula are. RENT-El- h I7ORFwENT A good store room on avenue, between and Twenty fith streets. Three and a half years lease for sole ut a bargain. Twenty-fourt- see me Ns. I h T T il I OODK.V, UXAIC FRAVK MONUOE. MAKAGKt Unapproachable Show WEBS COMKEMCIVa in Chinese Embroidered Jlonilay, December I). & First appearance of JAMES WILLIAMS aad I .. It ic Moguls. First ApiMMiranra of MILLIB. DAVENPORT, the beautiful and Accomplished Songstress. of the Great Artists, S OAT-Ltbiftl'tlLS, i, the only binirors and Dancers. The Word's (ires lost Aerial Artist. RI I1ILL1 llAKI, the Japanese Bazar, Silk Handkerchiefs, Decorated Wall BanneK, Genuine China Rose CA RIK), STREET. The Most Pelicafe'of China Tea SerTiffj, Gold Embroidered Fire Chinese rod Jap?nese Fan?, Jrpcntse Porlieries, Jars, Finest of Silks and tares, The Petite Snag and Dance Artist, MISS VIOLA bT. CLAIR. People, MIKE WHALEN and BILLY KENNEDY. MISS JENNIE KIMBALL. the Hoautiful and Bewitch iua Siiurer. Inimitable Dancer. MISS 8ALLIE CLIXE- TOI O.tioen and Kinc of Sons and Dance Artists. MISS PEARL ABDINE and WALDO WU1P- - iXe. Whalen'a Fonny Aftorpieca, EatiUod Purest of Tcss. itood Washington eerI & CO. MISPI-AuPS- ! Note the erenins's nerformance besins at X Is harp. Popular Prions, Twnty-F- i I. ui li. .un. Cents. . 11.7andmiFifty v 5 JEWELERS, Wa: Di am on o s Watches nd Jewelry AT REGULAR EASTERN PRICES. Wo buy in large quantities and are able to sell goods much cheaper. than any firm in the west. Our Holiday Display of Gold-Heade- d . Diamonds, FatcIies andJewclry CAMS AM) UMBRELLAS Gold and Silver Of Every. Description, ! 1ST STERLING AND PLATED 0 BILVERWARE LOOK FOR STAMP 4'1'H--H- i. 0N.CYEfDL.CA3E. gw;eltie8 And Opera Glasses Will be the largest and most complete ever seen in Utah Territory. We have emploved the most skillful wrm Iiainond sotting, ensrraving and repairing. Call and see the many useful and beautiful things we have, ' whether you buy or not, as we take great pleasure in showing goods. SIOTST OF THE BIG CLOCK. 3STo. 3463 Washington Aveuue, Ogden, Utah. . ; d For rent, sni table for storiac BASEMEST and rocetablea. Apply room A. and Lincoln block, eor. Twcnty-artE. P. kKKDsu a. Isaac sis. 7 LEWI J. P ON Tweaty-fovrtbaa- h y&l EVERYWHERE. Twaoty-foart- h room for Nieely fornieued ia Tanner block ; aor. Lincoln. BEITMAN BROS., and if yonwant inreotmonts. Chinese and Japanese Bazaar, 25tli Street Cigars are Unoqualed. L. H.2400M1TC1IEL, Avtnut, FOn SALE MOST liieca.. rooms. siacHa mnt RENT No. 2441 "Washington Avenue. LaFreictz, Secretary. Fac- A, V eoamieat part ol ibeeiiy; Taaaor ceraer Uta uM aad tjnrJa iea. Just received from China and Japan, Get it knit at Luke's Knitting Odeu street Watt atenue, botweoa 22nd and 21rd Bt. tory, No. 326 Twenty-fiftTelephone IU1 b'Mijo. Nearly 2,000,000 in Use t, brtwooa Adama and Washington, per foot f Hot Spriutrn. 24 lots between city and Nob Hill, each $200. You can go to the Hot Springs by tak70x364 on 2Uh, near Lincoln, per foot, $2M, r ing the motor at the Broom Hotel cor!M0 acres west of city ; good for plattitwr, $100. ner, at 165x250. corner of 27th and JtftVron. $17,000. 9:20 a. m. 7:50 a. m, lMxlM, corner of r.th and Madison. $20 mo. 265 TWENTY-FIFT- H 10:20 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 165xlC corner of th and Uoaroe. $12,000. 2K p. m. 12:55 p. m. lMlxl. corner of Eth and Quincj, $8,000. 3:18 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 297x132 corner of 22d and Jackson, $4.0. ' 5:35 p. m. SH lota on Tan Burnen, near 2Sth, all $7,000, ,. , town same You can get Lack to the 51x330 on 26tb, near Waahiaaton, $10,000. DgfiDt Quiltfd Silt Smoking Jackets, way every hour. $ t acres, south, close in. $10,000. F. W. at your yard on AND ELEOAXT tiE reusas. MaW or ea wute. vary reaa-oaabtTaaaer cormar Uih and Liaeoia Block. hundred different kinds of Heating: Stoves in stock and 'can suit almost anybody, both in style and price. We propose to keep at the head of the procession and will always make prices that will satisfy our customers. u-- t JX)R TE HAVE NEARLY ONE Men On-- FURNISHED ROOMS. RKST-LAE- tXJHBEST-ITaSLSHEDROOM- lMS Take It frfore Break f4t. r lium, w. w. Fuisr.aE. ' Tha great appetizer, tonic and liver a 1'rouiiDrnt liueinr Poattive speeuio for liver regulator. Know. com plaint- - liad taste in the mouth on PmrDLrrox, Or, January 12. arising in tha morning, doll pains in the l H j triiitt the Oregon Kidney Tea head and back of the eves, tired feeling, for of oiy eons wbaee urinary or- - dizziness symptoms of liver complaint. ware iujuml by taking turpentine, Keuied- y- Dr. llenley'a English Dandelion Tonic. Get the genuine from your ctirfuUy ortify to iU beneficial anj recommend tha eama to the druggist for IL, and take aooording to directions. Ixr Liwkkmoimc, pu'jirv Agat for Wella, Vurgo A Co. The celebrated chemists whose opinTlii Cnul Faiuiae is over. See the ions are above the price of gold, tell what they know: Of I u CVU (Jo, yard ou Wall ave, fi.i 1 and 21rJ street. Telephone Sax Fkancuoo, June 29, 1890. Nj. 1 it Drab 8ikk: We have made an exhaustive chemical analysis of "Wisdom's The Morning (Vx Ltail, Kobertine." obtained by us in the open Tiitwt before breahfiiKt, rreatea a falpe, market, and find it to be free from all jnj iri Mn ui (i(t. A wine Rliisrsful of poinous or dcletertous ingredients,oon-stitutin- g a harmless preparation for the lr. (tiiiloy'a Kr.lish Dandelion Tonin face. Yours uifuls btrfiithcna the truly, tviijv.i Ix'foro Thoh. Pkic-- &. Row, or'aim and enable you to wYmh a htwly uioal without injury to the Analytical Chemists. Umu u'ii. To. Messrs. W. hL Wisdom & Co. liuuiU, |