OCR Text |
Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: MARSHAL'S a o ta wt kv liRit af aa an inatnec ( 4 e NOTICE TO CREDITORS. untnaa ut JtiajrxaJ f UHUM, W, MWl but W i ajrarfiv tuliukvuii iwouroaa uumi aaia4 ia Ia aiaiwc Ite rf auv af icua i Puiex aad ra?u!tii tLr uiimfl Oie. Ctt fAsuoril Wii.t ) fiital a b it nrdaitJ L tLe a- urf Jurf a f tir a4rr.i.art M mn, 4iaMU. fur u mu - (V'dVa City as f low nm C a vt ail CfMlj'.tf rsuba a ana 1. AU cin..-tj-J:auxf--tini- t aaa Im-t- l ti ci' Ui'jr tiiMM a aoi ipil w rLL.u.t ; NtnTM ma m twu 4uan. wa tlrami. or iarai a 11 tzar aow ai tL M (urtf-tt4 ai ta tuMwO aiiaa. I aivt chUraaua. ta 1W a4 a iraaMi ataua ta Luun4 ttacntd l4-rrtjr- . aiai ia afu taa tfaa Wr ivw Vare ta uaa vi j bbco a ilh lh irovaut aAaiakMra'rii.. at : to c4a aaat I lak. 1 lit ta UuA I UMii Hack l tor a. Si. j'uunuil, ID ruka aoj . ! u A.a iaialf a'-it wl ILlaI eaucc at. iuu tar Eatal 4 4uua M Wr4, Uli m Lai-- xa5 trvtu titue uucic U. li. li, 14. 17 a4 l la U 1. 1 a kA 1 im V, in Uura iura M, bal4 at alalarriUtt. I'taa. unauia Uuri Vaa 1. 1 X. a4 - . , U. li ii. i. V . l. lutt blurt Se- -. o per4i or . i. r. . w. u. u. u. u. u. . v.. ta. . .a. s. ALIAS . . ui It-- - eatv a t- ra aJ i4ifu lu4 a4 ilja; aiia Ai-u- Ltl I liKi;.te,lluii a, a. , n. ana k) ib . i SUMMONS. . , icjure, breeit or acarr ur aVfura AriiOea Perria. foanaiica) rt of I tab II. Wta fakx Hww IKbU1Ji (af U W. h taapaua-FUiac- f wui la li muru Aiil 1L &aa. .CVarr Souo. M bcrrby Lkat ua ImJii. tW eai. IMiaiiaat. aa rf IlMMUr 11M, M U dura TTb rxva of itm erf Ten y taa f f raaaau aeaj tiraetiac ; uut da, la fruet of tha MUTr 4 art Huva. To t Wriea Appiraaa. la lU t 17 of Unit. 1 oua; U Wia. aad Vva ara beiiy dirared ia awear aad aa ? of I tah, 1 arul, in itolm Ukud wit hrfnra ll naia'n wiarr aiaew ai n - 'at ail taa rival iiV, 4 kaalbt ia il) . ia ad t oaaiy. tba eUua of Uan of, ta aa4 euagpiaiait of aaid rtaiatuf tied bmta. witaaa aijo aim d W ta abota 4aunb4 u or an mttra eat yoa uf tin Sua, an aw oar afuv uftr. m M ba twi.nr7 w I oa tua Um oaa iatNrdea ; ea it pLJmuS iiaerd alafy wua iatanat Utmoiai aud out. ui ifrrred owl of aaid t liy bat ta tike oaatf la jadravat. Sua bicWt and bat biilifar (ur ie a tfatc lawful air aniua branbt, and wi'Jiia jux--r ul Um I Riled Saua of JUumra. twenty data if Mind eWabnra. I' 1. U U. FAK.-IIbwartiuaia broat( to rmwernfyu the aun f VJU, altered ta ba due 4atntifl fruam )o Bowaas. 81 a loiioa : $ On aa armaat for board fnraiabed oa at lMlr L'. S. af anhaL Ocdrn. I tab. Xutraibar 10. your aoeriai laetaace aad raoaeat irf I'laiut.ff. lor further rvtirulara rtfiaeara iaoWbrtvbif Th abo aak ia pntivanl afiti! Iwtttnlaj". mad to Flaiatifl'a eian4aiiil aww taa at aay ibxirmbrf IJlb, InO, at It rlnra m. urbcir ia Una aruua. e. u. parsons. Aad yoa an berrby notified that aaleaa f oa V.. Man0.aL do aa ai4ar and anaa er aaid ruaidauit aa Bt B. A. IVpctT C. h. HarvUal. above ruquirrd, f'bunlif will take L ULa. I tah.Bobi. Urabrr aaaiat yoa lor tLa auai rlaimed by bua, Ua a it : tail, lilt' reat and eoat af auit. To tbe I'uutd Htaba Marabal uf tbe Territory MARSHAL'S SALE. of I' lab. or tbe rtbenfl or aay onatalae ad CbW at by virtoa of an ezvratioo famad Weber County, lireetin: Maka atal aarviea ui of Uta Uvtrirt Court of tb r irat Jutltctal aad dua rrtura bemof. Diatrict,ut tba Ternniry of I' tab, datoJtla (iireo under ail band thi 1 Vh day of Nnvaaa-ber- . Oat dajr of Ortobttr, ltl, ia a wtia act 10a A. D. ACHILLKS IlkKI witmia Ua Califoruia Natkieal Bank of Sao Commiaatuaer uf the Supreme Court of S,I tail a eorporat toe aa plamtitf. rerovrml Territory-!co, ludfiliMit against W. B. hwan it Company and at. V. (ill hut. Attorney for Plaintiff. W. K. hwaa. drfvoduta. fur thoaam of Uiirura and fortirour ooaua-drvdt- h baodrad and aixty-t- ir dollar, and uata Tauwl- - at tUirtytua ALIAS and fortr-fidollan, 1 bara Ia the District CourtSUMMONS. of the First Judirial DisIptmhI upon lit folluaiac tlcacribrd erocifl trict of tb jWrttory of I tah. Weber County. Jane Mary Drania, 1 10 In IrMa blnrk plaintiff r, Geurare Dent 1'. ia I. and blork M Lou defendant. and J in block S). luta 1. S, Sand i ia nis,The , U. 9t, of the of I'toh seed People 17 1 Territory in and Uurk Zl. lou 11, 12, U, II. IS, la. block Si. lota 1,2. a and 4 in blork 4i kt 1 in (ireeline: To : defendant Dennis, tieonre blork M. lots 1. 1 1. 4, i. . 7. , , 10, II. li. la. 14. You are brebi required ti aiipear in an li. 16, 17. IX, 1 and 3U in blork 3U. lou 1. 1 X 4. i, hmuarfat aataiast you by the above auoml a. 7, 0, . 1U, 11, 1J.1I.U. 15. It). 17. It. I. 51. Zl. ZZ, in tits Diatrirt Court nf tbe First Ju(laiiititl, Z&. Z. Z7. Z M. 33. 3Z, Z4, 31, 24, , :t7,f, dicial District Z, it, of the Territory d I tab, and Win block 11, Ida 4Z and 43 in blork .anl auawer tbe k 11 eorrplaint tiled therein, wilbia ten 10. M all in and 41, lou i. t, 7, . , in I uivrrMlv I'lar addition toOtcdru City, in th days lexriuaive of the day of servicei after the ca you of this snmmona if County oiViehrr and TpTitory of L'tali. said atTTice on th rworda of Weber within thisCounty; or, ifaerved out of this pruiirtyin tbeanlin County, but ta this District, withm twruty name of Will R. han. rouuty w ithin forty days or judmoeiit Sutler ia brroby .irivrn that on Turwlay. th days : otherwise will be taken aa'ainst you, accord-im-r Zd day of Uonxnlx-rat 1Z oVlork noon of by default !), Hie to prayer of said cotiiplaiot. tbat day. in front of the County Court Houmj, The aaid action is tieiuj.'lit to obtuin the y in tbe City of Ofdm. County of Weber and tbia court to dissolve the bonds of Judirment of Itah, 1 will, in to aaid the tdin-tif- f aril all the right, title, intermit and of matrimony now eiiMinK of and defendant and that the d claim of tbe of, in an dftnlrnu, said to the minor rhiUlnn the te awarded to the abuTe d(cribid prnfierty, or no much thereof aa be nerewary to aatiafy plaintilTi plaintiff ; that the defendant may lie requiivd tHlw-- f li- tda kurt rk, I"". to-ai- t: ar-tii- w . IU.-- 'ler-ritor- ly By B. A. Bowmak, Deputy I'. H. Marshal. Offden, Utah. Noember 10, IKX). Tbe aboTe rale i llecvmber 13, 1W, 1 ro-vi-le .a,.-w.- i V. S. Man-hal- . Ht B. A. HowaAK, Deputy I . H. Maralial. Z. tWen, Itah. Dwroh-- r I Ii. ALIAS SUMMONS. Before Achilles IVrrin. Commiwioaer of the rliipreme ( 'ourt of I' tah Territory. TEKK1TOKY OK I'T.Ul I Cot'STT or Wkbki. Demand. tM.t. John Mmuin and Thomas Tuomas. partners as Kmuiu It Thomas, Huintilla vs. David timer, Defendant. The people of Vtith Torrilory send (rreotiuK: To David Klmcr, Itefendnnt: V011 am hereby directed to appesr and answer before the cnmmisMoncr ubove named, at hisoflire in Ocden City, in said county, the tiled herein, within romplaint of said plaintiffs five dav after service on you of this summons if served on you in Uirden City : within ten days if served out of said city but in the county in which thiB action is brouht and within twenty vlnvs if served elsewhere. This action is bronuht to recover of you the sumofKiO.tft) ail.'sed to be due I'laintitfn fnm you aa follows: Balance on an account for (roods sold and delivered you at your special instance and request by FlaintiBs. For further particulars reference is hereby made to Plaintiffs complaint bow on file at my 1 .Hice in this action. And you are hereby notified that unless you to so appear and answer said complaint as n hove required. Plaintiffs will take judirnient atrainst you for the sum claimed by tliVm to-w-it : $."i0.69, interest and cost of suit.-To tbe United State Marshal of the Territory of l'tali. or the Sheriff or any Constable of Weber County. (rreetin: Make letfttl service and due return hereof. Given under my hand this 13th day of Novem-be- r. A. D., 10. ACHILLES PEKRIN Commissioner of the Supremo Court of L tah NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rxo.7o;.i Land oflice at Salt Lake Citt. Utah. November 14. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler bos filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before tbe the Hon. Kegwter or Kereivrr of the I'. S. Land oflice. at Salt Lake City. I'. T on Wednesday, December 31. 1SD0. vix: Parley P. Pnr-risK. yt, S. K. 1). S. No. 11.718, for th T. S, N. K. 2, K. W crs. aoc ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vix: Robert Kippiu, of Peterson, Morgan County, IT. T., F ranklin Worsley, of Peterson, Morgan, V. Ford, if Peterson, County, U. T John Morgan County, I .T.. Melvin II. bandatl. of Poterson. Morgiui ("eunty. U. T. FRAN K D. HU11HS. Register. Stavxkb Jt SiaiaoMs. Attorneys. Gilbert, Attorney for Plaintiff. ALIAS SUMMONS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Commissioner of the liefora Achilles Pen-in- , Supreme 'onrt of L'tah Territory . TERRITOKY OF UTAH I Lund ) Coctmr or Wkder. Demand, $36.21. W. ti. ('hild& Son, Plaintiffs vs. Charles Defendant. The i'eopleof Utah Territory send Greeting: To Charles Appleton, Defendant: You aro hereby directed to appear and answer before the Commissioner nlxive nnmexl, at hisoffioe in Ouden City, in said county, the. herein, withcomplaint of snid PlainUff's tiled of this Sumin five days after service on you. mons if served on you in Oirden t .'ity : within ton but in the days if served out of ssid City County in which this action is brouirht, and within twenty days if served elsewhere. This action is brought to recover of you tbe sum of 124.21. allowed to be due Plaintiffs from yon as follows : For merchondise No. 7:i7.1 Office lit Salt Lam. City, Utah. ltl. December 3d. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final roof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Probate Judge, or in bis absence, the county clerk of Weber county, at Ogdati, Utah, on January 15th, VMU. vix.: Myron K. Wnnwse. H. Y. No. 6,2W, fortheS'.i.NW S.Sec. 12, Twp. 5. N Range j 3 W. Me names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ux;n and cultivation of said land. viz. : George Higley, of Hooper, Weber county, Utah; William Simpson, of Hooper, Weber county, Utah; Phillip L.Orth.vif Hooper, Weber county, Utah ; Charles Hiuley, of Uooper. We-Icounty, Utah. RANK D. UOBBS, Register. 0..1. Maiisii, Attorney. sold and delivered you at f , LEGAL BLANKS to-w-it rt BI.I8H1.D j 2401 d 11I.AXKS. CLASS. 570 Wnrrnnlv . 571 ; 4.-- 1'25 0 DimmI. short form. Trust 125 .TOO 37(5 ! Wl 502 . . I C BUA"KS. Administrator's Bond Executors' Bond ...... Letters of Guardianship Order Appointing Hearing.. Testimony of Testimony of CO.MMISSIOSKR A A ... u Deedv PROBATE COURT 1 A Warranty Ieed, long form . . . A A Quit-claiDeed Ileal EsUiteMort'ge.short f'rm A A Option Contract nui Tniu 00 Bond for Deexl 10IJ Discharge of Mortgage 500 CO.. Washington Avenue. Ogden, Utah. NO. ; d ITBLISHIXG COXVEYANCriWl 1 J . AND POX SALS BT THE COMMERCIAL j I. MARSHALL & BlKH'OHriOIVI tO Backet M'CREADY, I.. C. A I al l V. Come jmci see our troods and convince voiii'self of our exceedingly Low Prices. Our motto is "Small Pro Jit, and Gash." ConseQuick Sales can give you Eastern quently wo Prices, Good Croods, and save you money. We have surprises tor you in in every line of troods. Bargains J3oots and felloes,. Underwear, v Goods, Alillinery and .No-lanc tions of every descrii)tion. AVo solicit your patronage ?aruestly and Guarantee Satisfaction. More troods than you can carrv to look Don't failCOU2ST-TERaway forSl.OO. lOc through Our 5c and . t any open gutter, e . 1 The Great Original & e j your special instance and request by Plaintiffs, and on an account assigned to thorn, which was also for axwde sold and delivered you. For further particulars reference is hereby n:ule to Plaintiffs complaint now on file at j, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. my office in tols Action. lNo.706. And you are hereby noti6ed that unless you Land oflioe at Salt Lakk Citt, UtAh. do so aptiear and answer said ooinplamt as ' November 14. 1"V ; above required, plaintiffs will tke judement Notice is hereby given that the following airainst vou for the sum claimed by them named settler has filed notice of his intention ; .21, interest and cost of suit. To the Uuited States Marshal of the Territory to make final proof in support of his claim, of Utah, or the Sheriff or I 'onstable of W eber iind that snid proof will be made before tho Judge or in his absence the County County, Grwtinfr ; Make legal service and due Proljato Clerk of Weber County, Utah, atOgdun Citv. return hereot. r. Utah "on December 30. lSOvix: Charles 15. Given under my hand this l ith dny of N ovom-N W, H. K. No. S821; for tho N ACH1LLFM PKRRIN. Grapewinc, A. D. 1390. Commissioner of the Supreme ourt of I tali ; "4, and S E 'i N W '4, sec 3. tp, S, N rango ' Ten, west. He Barnes the followiug witnesses to proTe M. V. (4u.M-.RT-. Attorney for Plaintiff. his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vik : of Og Jen, Weber County, William Xntico of aunual meetinCbMhe Sfiij kholders Unilwnv A M. Campbell, I Utah: M. Stimpsnn. Hot cf Ogdcn. WeW of the ORdell pnii8" W. ConiiKiil.v. Resort lienlth Harvey, of Ogden, Weber County, Utah;J. Notice is here! given thai the annual ninet-in- g ( 'ounty. Utah ; Robert Stiaipson, of Ogilen, of tlie stockholders of U10 "Ogden ct Hot , Weber County, l'tah. D. FiAhK Hoiins, Register. Springe Railway 4 Health Resort Company, a company organized and existing under ami lie will Territory, pursuant to the laws of Utah HKSKRT LAXI). FINAL PROOF. held at tbe general oflice f said corporation in on Notice for Publication. Ogilen Citv, Weber County. Utah Territory, A. Deoember, of Saturday, the 13th ilay !; and ai.. o clock, of p. . No. 713. hours between the im, f elating 4 p. m. oa aaid day for the purpose VXITKD ST4TKM I.4NU OyTICK,'j the officers of said ixnxnition for the ensuing Salt I.aki; Citt.Utau. year, aud for tlie purpose of transacting siuai November IH. other and further business as raay lawfully Notice is hereby given that Griffith P. Robcome before such me.,tin(r., j vFRKNTZ. erts, of Salt Lake City, Utah, has Hied notivo of intention to maka proof on his desert Secretary. Ouden Citv. TT.,h V,. A. laud claim No. PAD, for tho S W K of S W see 22, M 6, N R, 3 W. before tha clerk of the NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. County Court, in and for Weber county. Utah, at Ogden, Utah, on Monday, the 29th day of Notice is hereby given that the ' heretofore existing between John A. Mepnrn December, LISW. Ho names tho fulluwing witnesses to prove and W. S. Stone, under the firm name and style f Stephens i. Stone, is this day dissolved by the eomplrto irrigation aad rnolaaiation of said mutual consent. Said W S. Stone ts author-hie- land: Ben .. Rich aud Heber J. Sear. of Oirden, to settle the affuirs of tbe.1.lirm. A. STKPBKNa, Utah; Low Marriott and John. Marriott, of S. Plain W. Stonk. City. Utah. Pxak D. HoBua. Register. Ogilen, Utah, Nov. 25th, ISO. contin-ne0. F. Davis. Attorney. The businessof the said firm will be 3fiT 21th street, m No. at the old stand, at gden City. Utah, by the undersigned, who will manpav all the outstanding accounts owing by said . Blank books of every description firm and collect all outstanding accounts due ufactured to order at Thk 4'ommkkcial S. SToMi. said firm. oflice. Ogden, Utah, Nov. 2T.th. rf (f :, Territory. M. V. to pay a reasonable sum of money into court to defray the expenses of this action and 4"l foreounsel fees, aud further sum of alimony as to this court may seem meet and just for her support durinir the tiendenry of this ac lion, and for permanent alimony. Plaintiff alleges that she is entitled to said diTree on tbe ground that the defendnnt bus wilfully aud without cause deserted and her, and has wilfully neglected to for the plaintiff tbe common necvari of life having the ability so to do. That the plaintiff has hern an actual and bona tide resident of Weber County in Utah Territory for more than one year next immediately pi ior to the commencement of this notion. For further and fuller particulars reference is hereby made ta the comnlnint tin file herein. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to apenr and answer the said complaint as almve required, the said plaintiff will npply to the court for tha relief demanded thereiu. Witness the Hon. James A. Miner. Judge, and the seal of the District Court of the First Judirial District, in and for the Territory of I tah sr.U.1. thu 17th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand right hundred aud ninety C.H.MrCLVKE, Clerk. By I., n. Br.T. Deputy Clerk. W . K. W hite. Attorney for Plaintiff. nban-doue- d until Haturdny, poftionel m. at 12 o clock Jl. 1ninciitvi v e e S. Maivlml. o g T I'. i Jpuaut ' ur No prraoa or curporatioa shall one sa4, privy rault or ruOern with any public avwer or private dram cxmnot-tintherewith. Kee, (1 No perauo or corssuration ahall horeuftrr make, or raua to be made, any cunnectiun for the rtuoral of aw-ai;- e from any premtav, with atorni-wate- r or subsoil o rains, diU'hea, at ream or water courw, within the aewereJ diKtrk-of L)jfdi'n City. Soc. 7. No peraoo or corporation shall horeufter lay any pipe or conduit, or niuke any excavatkiu fur any puroee within four feet of any pablio newer, without the written of the fity eiiuiueer. Ker ti. The health comminsinn of Og-de- n City shnll have power to order aud compel connection to be made with the public sew era for the removal of aew;-ag- e from any prenii, whenever in the opinion of said commbwion tlie public interest ahall demand it, and such connection shall be made within ten days from the servii-- of notice therefor from said iomniitwMin. , See. 0. No etccvation of trenches for sewer pipe or Jraina. or work in connection w ith such pipes, or drains, or the attachment thereto. shall be done w ithout the written permit of the city engineer, who shall collou-- t tl for each xrmit isKUod, and pay tho sumo into the Such jiennit shall be city treasury. kept ou the ground during the progress of tho work and muHt lie exhibited to any otlier of the city upon demand. See. 111. No person or corporation pIihII miike any opening into or connection with or attachment to any public sewer or private drain connecting therewith, unless regularly lifonsod therefor, or opcrntim; under a special contract with the city of Otfden for sucli work. Sec. 11. Any compctet pluuilier and drain layer ui ay, upon application and the approval of tho city oounril, upon evidence of ability to do the work, and upon payment of Ten dollars for each year, receive n license to lay drain or sewer pipe, and make aud modify tit tach men ts thereto and connections therewith, provided thut no license shall be isHuixl until the applicant has tiled a bond unproved by the mayor in the sum of Tw o Thousand dollars, conditioned to secure the City of Ojrden against all damnes that may arise from making any such attachments to or connections with said drains or sewers, or from the violation of this or any other ordinance of Otfden City. Sec. 12. The city enjfiiieer shall have power to stop and prevent from into the public sewers any private drain through which NubHtauoes are discharged w hicli aro liable to injure the public sewers or obstruct the flow therein. Sec. 13 Wilful violation of ihe provisions of this ordinance, the rules hereinbefore mentioned, or of the directions of the city engineer or sewer inspector shnll be cause for the suspension of the license of the offender by the city engineer, in addition to any penalties' which mnv be imposed under this ordinance, and such suspension shall operate until reinstatement the city by council, nor shall such susiieusion entitle the offending party to the return of any monies paid for license. Sec. 14. There may be oppoiuted one or more inspectors of sewers, to whom may be delegated any and all powers necessary to the projx--r supervision of work, aud the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 13.. Any person or persons who shall violate auy of the provisions of this ordinance, or of the rules ond regulations in connection therewith, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be tined in any sum not let than live nor more than ninety-nindollars for each offense aud tweutv-tivdollarsor each day such person or- er- sons snau continue in violation tnereoi. Passed WX. Kbkd J. Kiksfj, J. W. Mc Nitt. Mayor. Iseal.1 City Recorder. ootinea jude-aa-t- ;udinneut, with intenwu thereon anil oosta. to tbe hutbext and brat bidder for raali, lawful nioni'y of the U nited State of Amerira. EUAS H. F ARSONS, rf fart?,ta ur aua&hule aoaera. tiitur of li emgiuivr. -L above-name- ahI Sra. 4. No iwruua or rtcrtioo shall open or uoeuier aay macliule, riaah tank or other part uf the public graera with out tbe written prrintaiooB of the city Rt O ! acv part V oy or ti.row or ua sub- uflal, or y ajxx-iall- SS, 1 Lay (. 11 1 orvi-txai- M faUi, ler-mar- ft ti.t xj IWtLI- u tuu puUic or Piirtxjratiup ah all thrum or in acjr auik.aU-LlaB'fixture or recejitarlt? ouazeHiDK ayith tb offal, public sea era any ua, hint, TetrtaUs pariCa. Tugm, or faenrav Lalrvrr ubtacce eKcrti any rkatet faper, urio, bouatas ioC aucli KanuiaetiBe' aiiil tAber imum m may be Sec aa '""i RACKET at-r- s r reaxMM tleiaasit aev ct a new of any ku5i Of ImiTiiirVaUf.llAH(J IVeacJ ML r pttH-rt- olii--a- li l. LUtl, a a, a. a. . a, i. tfrd i ti ia Uura U la Uara M.aJ I aiMwtjr P5 ,a,llaa ia.kx,.;,S., . ta C4 alJjuja tfc. j He-Temiuy J I La. aW lol); auadiaa a4 a Uia rfcranii . . h oi 1 .4 J c. it k. W n iiaw of aa-- r and curis-- f ,nrt uKiivsJualc taiea ia Iht CtT U by i MUM M aataar. mo. la OrdiaAJarf J ! TUESDAY. DECEMBER 9, S COCRT Summons i47C Sheriff's Sale 76 Constable's Sale . A . . BLANKS. 475 . . .' BLANKS. 377 Official Bond and Oath A Chattel Mortgage C A Marriage Certificate Promissory Notes. Books of 50 and 100. Receipts, Books of 50. Rent Receipts, Books of 100. Drafts. Books of 100. Other Blanks constantly being added to the above list 75 325 S. WcxKliiiansoc Ulwk , Street. Twenty-fourt- h RACKET. HACKET. Sleet & Blizzards S: AUK COMING, PREPARE FOR THEM, Now is the time to prepare for the POLAR WAVES and BLIZZARDS tha are on the way. Look at our (iRAXI) DISPLAY OF OVERCOATS, All new and fresh, the PRODUCTS OF NEW YORK'S BEST. MANUFAC TURERS, and are second to none for FIT, ELEGANCE and STYLE. When you have looked through the "BANKRUPT STOCK" the "GUT PRICE SALES" and the xlothing made by the manufacturers especially to sell Below Cost come and see the new goods we have, at prices even less than,the other fellows ask for their cheap John stuff. To the ladies: We ask you to inspect our extensive line of Smoking Many, Jackets and Dressing Gowns. NovEltiEs.in American and English make. Prices always the lowest. WM. HARCOMBE, Fashionable Clothier and Furnisher, NO. 2473 WASHINGTON AVENUE, OGDEN. |