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Show OGDEN DAILY". COMMERCIAL: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1S90. a I v reeuhs could easJy be prveatad. The Police Coart. Some grain at mix, about a barrel, everywhere asy tt gives luu- Itcaff should have beea farcatbed with it. It Preehaw several Jadge disposed of aad has aa annefc efcXarfarljun, vicia true that the ailrer mines are tike mild rate of "drank yeerday aad ia Woui vorta A Co, of Fort Wayae, UTAH. OGDEN. tims of unjust djStfTiaaiaatMe, Lot they aiditiua seat Juhs Reynolds up for loi. Snow Co. of t racuse, N. . J. Wuif. C. UuisdaH M4i4 aad huxklrfds the not drj margin fur apoa depend wholly Uoose a a v9 M. U. COikELL. iping" thirty days is the greatest as' . others of "it aay aail a of seouad Lead store. ia froct expected to result from fir treatiueet EonoB. M Jie Hall went into a hall and ab- they ever knew." It ewnUuiS ao opurtes. ataaeM USrST JAMES . for the by congress, profit. tice buuk oa aenoos stracted aa overcoat ILaoske aas Trill buttic and I free at 11 A. Walker's. d awarded forty days. i. I rCKSDAT. MTUlBEi Geo force, aa employe of the 1'i.Kje Today ia Botee City there will be aa The Literary Feller. depot hotel, was arrested at the iartaaoe Tu Dan.1 Coemaea-aa- i, it pnUiM fwr important mctiBg. Aa a commercial of t he manager of the hotel oa the charge The convention it will dotibtlaa consider the of Ugdea Literary and disturbing tbe peace but cosning ia Sucirty BMu tooiLt ia the oounty projected road North and South through at tbe eieveata hour his ease was .. until today. court room ia its regular eerldy aeeeioa. It is to be hoped that the 9 par the state. ia will The society at its last meeting had is receive encourage every enterprise Coart Hob he Notes. ia tka nt at m aaata Mr aaaa tended to discuss the questioa of paper ment because the effect upoa Idaho of The follow ing marriage Ureases were curreacy. but so many of the members the building of this line, would be were templed away from their aliegianee rtWOAiilNti CO, TUB luMMKaVUI. Beginning at issued by County Clerk Ledvidge wonderfully stimulating. mm Cm. Ctaa. by the allurements of the concert and would run from the Ogdeaoa the south it Wm. Wood8n,agedt6 to Mrs, Mary other rival aUractiuos that the sot-j- ad-v tor . at Ctaa. P ln Oct at ta fMil could aoC muster a quorum aad start through a fertile aad populous Harris, aged 3d, both of Ogdeo. national Joseph Koch man, aged !. aad Miss journed without diacuawng the eountry, while oa the north it would finances. of both 13, McBride, Margaret aged inexhaustible of practically tap fields At tonight's session, however, the T of wealth ia lumber and mines, as well as Edeo. LeUDTILU MOI tO b OB tb The Largest Confectionary financial problem will be dealt with and Charles W. Darby, seed 19, of Knowl-tobe to will had it profitable j and Misa Lursh Branson, aged ISi, all members aaolher boon siaukr to lb obo that agriculture. Manufitdarers in Utah. . of WiUard. present It m suggested, moreover, mat Bd it th most fmou ulrtt rtmp at w ill be made to change the aa closed Cross of attempt the legal part tk world. to Tauut is a move for having the ca theJudge program by saying the words which time of meeting from Tuesday night tion al regatta take place ia the waters made three of the above named six and Friday night A ftMcXTM independent of the great of Great Salt Lake. The time for this "thee they lived happy ever after." n MARRIED. trust, located ia Og dec, would be a aotable event is next Aug Bit. It will Winter Is Here! . aejWltd thing for Utah, tad particularly bring to what ever place may be chosen, Order your coal of the Ogden Coai o at least 30,000 people. Ogden, aa the Mibw a, imu, Mr. M. - 1 . for iU mining inUroata. J UastilK aS Mum HUm M. kuauw. 163L W br coualr, N tah. eity nearest the lake could well afford company. Telephone S. ISO- hjr B. the necessary money to secure tie rMhcr4 Wtaa It ia to bo hoped that a speed W. Df W. t'ruM. pfubat A Hotel on Wheels. jsd.aadMr.Mjm Braof the preeant atrike may be regatta. The sum is estimated at not IuU bf.of knowltua, luwa, wns, of Mtilard.tuk. The Pullman sleeping and dining Cities that have grown haought about oa a basis of justice to over fl00. WoodSoid an Mnu Marr Harm, bolii of Nortk OwiIm I'lak. a!L A atrike of thia kind, if more than great have always manifested enter- - vice is one of the marvels of American A invention. ia Pullman movatrain a JMbh Bvwmaa aad BtrswAn temporary ia a grare blow at commercial prise in setting forth their own claims Hot Marsaiwt McBnl. balk uf Ld. L'Uh. in ble home. of oae is Thia a of to them, Asleep rivers, special recognition. part always. the process of growth. It would be valleys and mountains sweep by like tbe phantasmagoria of a dream. Awake, Kaut eichangea etate that their proper to open negotiations with the tbe bouffe with its viands UNION OPERA association. National Bowing towns are being Tiaited by diphtheria. sod wines and the immaculate waiters in lmt linen jackets and aprons, are Ia every case the reason ia given aa BOND a BEVOR. HANAGEK& Ax indignant correspondent writes an ministers to the general luxurious comneglect of common aanitary precautions. Mr. Pullman has made a not fort eastern call ia the only against protest paper Ia Ogden aa clean in street, alley and fortune but unique railway system. It ing of male Indiana bucks. lie also ob has been tried yard aa it ought to be? in America with unquali- Thnrsdav and Friday. Pec. I! and 12. and terms pappoose, fied success and baa been introduced squaw . jects to the Tax Tammany organ ia beseeching although with less violence. The cor into Europe. The Pullman system hss Th BeMroiM Favorite. 3G2 Twenty-Fourt- h St. Blk. cars running on 1:17,01)0 miles of democrats to stand together, meaning respondent implies that after conquer 2,100 American road. in has It eightv cars SCHILLINGS HITCH warriors, to desig that they must stand under the banner ing the operation on European lines. The inno- Gooemn et the organ in question. Considering nate them aa bucks ia adding insult to vation has proven such a marked imthe positions it ia in the habit of taking, injury. They hare souls, ho says. Per provement over the old stall arrangeof European coaches that ths com- And Royal Court Hirt Part. J aim Flitch. Jr., hapa the worthy person's heart ia in the ment has the organ ia asking too much. l'r'rirUr. i'tiait. K. bchillin, Maoajrvr. pany just recently filled a shipment a undertaken re he haa but right place, order for twenty-threcars. The sleepnnr in tba Program. Stw ('of F.Tcrithinr Goods, Boo For the present financial stringency form too great to bear fruit during his ing car service haa been in operation on lamM. New berarrr. Wardrubn and in Oonmouc a American all road of own for a number that The 1(),(KK) proposition generation. felt so markedly at the East but one service through Drape rid. fur tbe Ureal irt Pari. the buoka, beg pardon, that the Indians years. A dining-ca- r a UontACrintn Jeaterm. Vorali.ts CnmedJana remedy haa yet been proposed. Thia ia from ocean to ocean has just been Ogden ' aa(tay Cavalier, lioaiciaua a Monte Ctiet the tree and unlimited coinage of ailrer. have souls, can hardly be controverted. completed. hiahermen. Three brand new dining cars belonging More money ia needed. Buainees has and yet an intimate acquaintance with The only original ('HAS. W. (jOODYEAC to the Central Pacific are now in Ogden. out grown the volume of cash. Free the savage tenda to weaken belief in it Their Tbe ouiqoe artiat, CHAS. E. SCHILLING. are names "Oolden the (late," But although the dusky brother have a coinage means more money. "Yosemite" and "PacifK" Maj. J. F. Tbe netrro Delineator. GEO. II. EDWARDS. soul, he will alill be a buck. The name Trout the coromiHsarat of the Pullman Pymouda, Iluelifw ami Rantua, Bently Brother. Brother Leondor. Maaon and Titua. With commendable pride Nebraska is aa fast to him aa his own copper hue. company, is in charge of them. Ths Tbe time when be shall be addressed as "Golden Gate" which goes out this her to own starving help propoeea with train No. 4, was opened to THE SOUTHERN" (JUAHTET. settlers and not oall upon other states a gentleman and his squaw aa a lady is morning of visitors tbe press yesterday afternoon. .tad a Host of others. for assistance. If they could only be so dim with distance as to jam up against Maj. Trout was host millenial UTAH. car The is a of and perfection. to where no one thing entirety starves, Utah, helped Roeerred Seau 11.00, Now on Sale at Bond'. beauty. It is finished in light hard they would have reason to bleaa the wood, with heavy bevelled mirrors beSHE FRIGHTENED WILLIAMS. present failure of crops. tween the windows. Its cusine presided over by three cooks the chef and first JlftXT (ID An interview with Col A. C Fiak of He Thought the Woman Who Claims and second assistants. The kitchen is with a range that would do i Him Was Going to Throw Vitriol appointed i Twenty-Thir- d Denver, printed on another page con credit to a first class restaurant has tains much that will interest Ogden BOND MANAGERS. Chicago, Deo. 8. Julius Williams wa BEVOR, a sink, and hot and cold water, and readers. It contains many important discharged from custody today aftl steaming arrangements, chnting dishes facte, embodies much excellent counsel, having been arrested for bigamy. Wil- on a large scale, made of the new Ajax metal There is a refrigeraA. and cornea from a source that may con liams was recently married to Miss Fos composite tor, a recess, with air holes, for is side. of south She ter the the .sister . fldently be regardod aa an authority. fresh a tank GREAT AMERICAN fruits, PLAY, cooling of James Foster, the New York stove ice for cream. When tables the manufacturer, and she is Quite wealthy. are spread, aa they were yesterday, the German of Crtaiii papers have fallen into the Williams is a middle-agecar ia snowy and tempting enough in its The and tall imposing appearance. habit of quoting the wages paid abroad, trouble for display of white table clotha and linens, woman who is now ! aad drawing a lesson from the figures. him followed him to making this city from Ber- with bouttonaires at each plate, to make one, hungry without a call upon the ap24 00 Aa a matter of fact, the wages paid in lin, where, as she alleges, she was marAvenue, Ogden, Utah petising winey stores of the bouffe. Williams ried hira several to ago. divorced of from a years eountry, aay showing One can call upon them howeven, and a the marriage, and her only the coat of living, can mean nothing. denied was a paper purporting to be a thirsty soul can wet his whistle with The presentation ia unfair and mislead certificate of marriage to him in Brus- any thing from Pabst to Pommery. The new cars will run between Ogden sels in 1872. ing. At the trial this morning, inasmuch and Truckee, Cal. as Mrs. Williams sould not againt The New York Sun is denouncing the her husband, Judge Driggstestify OK V1DBR THS SAXAOIMBM The Minstrels. was com7. of cruelty keeping convicts in suspense. pelled to discharge him. Mrs. Williams, The Goodyear, Elitch k Schilling The able journal overlooks the terrible who had been hovering nervously in minstrels have captured tho town. The IIAWLEY & MITCHELL. the back of the room, rushed forward suspense in which it keeps Mr. Cleve- the bench and cried: Tabor opera house was filled to its ut OK land. Surely an deserves "Oh, Judge, ia that right? Is it right most capacity last evening when the of the Gnatt Play of tbe Ag,V VOee aa much consideration aa a condemn! to discharge this wretched man, who has curtain rose on the new and novel first mnrdorer, but in Mr. Dana's paper he deserted me and made a disgrace of his setting which is one of the features part son?" fails of getting it. -I ara sorry, my poor woman," suid of the company. The scene is like a Popular Prime, 50c and SI. Seat at Bond' Judge Drigga, kindly, "but this is not bouquet of natural flowers culled here Grocery. &3 Tweuty-fourtStreet. and there, but put together in a com Trk valuable statistical matter con legal evidence." "I have witnesses, too my son." posite of harmonious blending which cerning Utah lands published in the "He can't testify to your marriage,' shows an artistic hand and knowledge of FINANCE AND COMMERCE. will in Sunday Commercial, tho beautiful Everything ia refined and laughed the attorney, heartlessly. Mrs. Williams edged over toward her neat the weekly. Nothing more important to The orchestra, clad as Monte New York Money. . the material interests of the territory husband with a paper package in her Cristo fishermon, the singers in full Xkw Yob, Dee. 8. Honey on call court costume and the end men as royal closed offered at (. Prime mercantile paper, 7H hand. ,aod of Ogdon was ever published. while never were "Take her away," screamed Williams, jesters, p'10, Sterling exchange, weak, excited. Siitj-d- ar richly clothed; Those desiring copies must place their Bar ailrer, starting back in abject fear. "Take her theless accurate in detail and presented tw..:H.bill 4.7, demand once. ordera'at slis will throw vitrol at me." a pretty picture. The hangtapestry away, ' "Take Mr. Williams out" said tho ings are rich but not gaudy., Alto. Bond. nervously. "Sit down, madam, gether, Manager Elitch is to be congratThs establishment of iron and steel judge, 24(H Ave. Xkw Ton a. Dee. 8. OoTernmentbondacloced ulated on giving the public, something this will not help you." works at Denver haa been indefinitely Williams was taken back to jail to be far superior to the haokneyed settings aafollowa: 211. Telephone Roger Bros., Plated Silverware. U. 4'a rM Boyle Block. 130VC. 8. Wa ronpoa .103 postponed. The capitalists interested discharged, and his victim slipped out of which are usually the principal stock in U. S. S. a'ieoupon... .194, Pacific S'e 109 most of minstrel Wiltrade room and hurried court the IT. 8. 4Ha rc'd....l03 away. companies. have come to the conclusion that the The grand discriptive overture a liams without any apparent plant at Pueblo will be sufficient for sense ofadmitted, was rendered magnishame, that he had lived with hunting scene Copper, LMd and Tin. Colorado for many years. Ogden would the woman, who claimed to be his wife, ficently. It is ihe composition of ProSkw York. Dec . Copper, aominal. Lake, W. diII. Scouton, the musical be an excellent place for works of this and had had a son by her, but denied fessor December, U.tt. Lead steady : domeet)C,t4.3j'4. Tia fairly steady; Straits. $.!.. rector. kind. Here is the field and here the the alleged marriage. Symonds, Hughes and Kastus are a material great Trio. Symonds and Hughes are Indian Depredations. '.Incxtr pofated.) happy comediuns and young lvastus is Salt Lakk papers are eloquent with St. Paul, Dec. 8. A Pine Hidge beyond doubt the greutest of wing ttilence concerning the Idaho railroad. agency special to Pioneer press says: dancers. Reliable information was received here George II. Edwards is a character deThey have found that the live state north Indians are stealing lineator of ability. His darkey accent that the today Office, of Utah cannot be confidence into horses and robbing houses from north of is tho delight of the audience and the million a sent were dollars for the Cheyenne river. Scouts out despair of most comedians in his line. throwing away Tho Bentley brothers are the aake of bolstering up Salt Lake City. today t ascertain the facts. quartette heard this season. Their voices The road in question ia certain to be are trained and cultivated to a remrk-abl- e Confirmed. built in time and Ogden is certain to be degree, Thoir imitations of differits initial station. Washington, Dec. ent musical instruments is really a work L. B. Kinney, probate judge, Sevier of artistic merit. Utah, and Q. W. Bryant, reCharles E. Schilling is a favorite of Thje Logan Journal mildly reproves a oounty. ceiver of public monevs, Los Angeles, years' Is standing. Like wir.e, he improves .' correspondent of The Commkscial be- Cal. . ,reco2n2ed authority on land titles in with age, and while comparatively a Y eber cause in a recent letter concerning that he has reached the acme in ! man, county. Correspondence solicited. young ISfSTl-ilrKr- S A Hard Fought. Battle. his profession. He is an eccentric musitown he did not fully treat all of its inaa aa i a terests. The correspondent was on the . Omaha, Doc 8 -- At the South Omaha cal artist producing harmonious strains i ii bxii from strange instruments, and is about club of Chicalast White night. Tommy would have been impossible for fly. It and Dan Daly of Maine fought ninety-- the only one ia his line who can ploy him to have epitomized in one letter the go melodies ou sleigh bells. Lendville Disone rounds, live hours and lifty-liv' business of a growing and energotic minutes. It resulted in a draw, with patch, Nov. 15. At the Opera house Thursday and town. Logan is a place of which Utah both men badly punished. Friday, December 11 and 12. ia proud, and the Journal is an able rep' II. returned has count from the Ve4 la KUUooa ot Bomea Sling of resentative v Got it knit it M lean tha StaadarxL with a magnificent line of holidny goods imported direct from China ami Japan. Ita excellence pro Ten ia mlllioaa of anperior A Husband's Mistake. This Denver Xev$ tries to make people Call and see him. Chinese and Japanese horoea for more than a qnarter of a century. It and ' HuHhunda too oftan tutrmit wiviu. anil ia need hj the United Ktatea Uorernment. believe that unless there shall be legisla- Bazaar, 2bT Twenty fifth street Endorsed by the heada of the Great Unirenitia 1M-1Twenty-thirbet. Wall aad Lincoln. tion favorable to silver soon, many of the parents their children, to suffer from aa the Stroeireat, Pureat, and most Healthful. The deficiency in the ofliue of neaaacne, dizziness, neuralgia, Meeplesa- - Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder doea not Dealer la Btean Knglnee, Eolleri, mines of Colorado must close. Of course recorderalleged Etc, . I will fornlah aad erad Sairtee, Pump., Lime Alum. or contain Sold Ammonia, only Boiler. Beaters and at Salt Lake has not yet been DMA. titrt. nArTOUnneaa whan hv Ilia nan in Can. PRICE Machinery by contract and do my work a tha bett buiu. Seasra POWDKB (X). Jthia statement is largely buncombe. investigated fully. of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerrine such Now York. Chicago, HAJSIMJ liOuia. wmk aad Saa tfraneiaco 8t ahlne repalrlnt promptly attended to ai liop. THE COMMERCIAL. rl cj. t . wholesale emus. Imnorters and Joltos I U n1 I puat-pooe- Uiu, J yes-terds- nt XS. o, I Factory and rakioonxs. 2.127 1- b WALL AVENUE, OGDEnS - ;PUTIsTA.M; woooriBLA-HASBia-WiUia- well-stocke- d One Price Clothing House Woodmansee i MINSTRELS. Clothing, Hals, Caps, Furnishing . SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES. All Sold at CHICAGO PRICES! Goods OGDEN. Ai SNAP IN FINE ACREAGE j J Close in on Street, Corner Aero on Monroe, Cheap. IIERNFS four room brick, MonElegant near roe, cnxi, large lot. i JBarorain. of Oal H. A.. SMITH, Washington E. A. KOCH, Broom Hotel Blk. A. 3f ino - JAMES - d arts evi-dan- Tuesday, Mg. Dec. 9 . JOBBERS HARDWARE, h .Stoves, Tinware, Ete ar MILES, 8TREVELL8TJLMER and 2470 Washington THE OGDEN ABSTRACT . CO. - First National Bank Building, !t e lH0?l! Ogden, Utah, Washington-Ave.- g pANIEL JUNCTION HAMEE, Manager. CITY MACHINE WORKS, Founder d Machinist. |