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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: TEIIT. FEAGfcAST J -- WLo - )- ImkI Km ax ('bar. poetir friT. Aa4 an Xjm baautiul i board Bsut tU htrl bo Lai tL Lisat and of worry rxfcod. ther ar weaparati'ly fuw ho have rcj.vl tL luxury of Attn of tba pruducta ( U Fsjwwj KiBdoa tba Lum4 m2iuaria oraigv. -- awewl 3pa Japa 1 D Cll lUCCS Of WO U Gnffiin, tin city. Lm juct reeel w of , tbae oranges fruta Su Prwisca. TL jrasg iw ahipwi diraes frota JatB du i immrmau, soa I ram msi niwirufr- !ia sti ipped orer Lb Ootral Pacific rail, may wijoy UiAt luxury. H. road to Mr. GruJUn: , !, kt iUla sUMjiaeb. aiid.beaaU through I lie Mi' A new dWaory. Lc peeJUr cur billkttuBe, bad taste, torpid', liver, pila xmUptioa. tor metv Vrimo, children. SmaLwt mildest, aurtert! 50 doaea, S3 U.V Sampla frea at IL A. Walk. l'ouid . . Ordm Eiver BriJjff. At lftfct tha et.tr ia her ta comulMa tba a but meet8 fMba yashinfftari strett this no rau i img tLlo iavli.U U pruxapwev of f lUrt s &4 avry the Lfc r4c lu lb vLsm Tbia 4uuk cnaspasy will appear at L'niua Opera Wuat th (Tuesday) - v Tbe fiaaU and kaAdkerchnta an4 01 f f asulers lot VbritH-uiahow a is trda at Pad A IliWa. rwUa4 variety g, j k UU. , . M Money ob Hand ' To lend on approved real eat a to security. II P. HrSTERi 2111 Washington Avenue. " To tbe Ladies. I have removed my dreohinakin? par-- I lore to 302 Xwatyfourth street, in tlie new Woodoiane blouk, where I will be pleased ' to receive Tour patronage as Mrs. A. M. IJckuv. before. . . Beautiful Women. e The mnginl effeffla of AVimlom' aa a beautitier and prerver of the complexion have been attested by thouHanda of the leading ladies of ciety and the stage, It ia .the only ar-f- , tWe i ever' discovered which pivea a Rob-lertin- . v natural and beautiful tint to the com-ptexio- removing tan, sunburn, freckles, and all roughness of tho face and arms, leaving the ikin soft, smooth and velvety. All remark on its delightful, cool- ing ana reireriuuig proerue, a oitjunc-- j tion not found ki any similar prepara-- i tion oil the market, tiuld everyw here. T- -1 It at Iatk ir. ln4ai Uaaaotk. kgd HAKDWAHK COMrANY. M. yoiU-rda- ytttra, six BMBth wad awea dava. cua of deatk waa ahork from i 1j chiUUrtis. Tt rhiid ia etili bvisr- - Tta faaeraiwdi Uke pUre froai tbe reai-doJeZenua avua, at 1 p. : GetJtKaiL CTSJZ Weduerslar, Daaraiber hnh. . (et it knit at Luke's Knitting FacBoth th method and resolta vbei are eordially invited. tory, No. S Twenty tfth atreeC Syrup of Fig ia taken; it ia r4eajaat Lake Whit and City, refrechiog to the taste, and acts on that ba'd pot your kaad Oorwer of Main and Second South-Mo- rvntly oa tba K itinera, by lifting t&Qukun Uuot Hair Grower. jet promptly cleanse eectraJ tucettoa of any bote! ia the Lirrr and tbe sysBovtb, PatrotuM th new CuaMtarui. book city. Opposite ptufhe. Uatoa ticket tem effectually, dlfpeU ColJt, headofhVe hotel. and Pullmaa ia tbe flrst-clMNewly bindery, wherw you raa get remodeled and furnished throughouL ache and fever and carta habitual work at Omaha and Lunula pnewk. For Bale Table BneurpaseeJ. Etertrte fught, bella, conatipatica tienaaiieaUj. aad all modern eoaTecieooea. Terma, 12 in &0e and Lotties by all druggists, I a Skin. To Soft IL L. Uaix, Proprietor. whose akia ia aubject to roch-B- f per day. Ldia SYRUP CO. CAUF0RHIA whea expo! to the air mar reiue-d-r ohmer," the tjueee ol Piaaoa. rutctc. the difficulty by applying Wisdom's " M. D, phyairiaa and iotmmu.tr. tulet Cream. It reatorva the natural tewro,a.r. C action of tbe akin and induct auftneea surgeon. 2127 Waatiuigrtoo avenue, over and elasticity. Horracka k Hon. Twiwphooe 2W. :' HSot.nier," toe guena vt Ptaaoa. "Subaaer, the Queen of Pianom. EXJOYQ Ho, Slt at a II " m in at We do not Condemn otheri Stoves to sell ours, but: sell them on their merits. - TUE SNYDER & K0BIXS0N-- . Ileal HsUte Transfers. - i ! ir lid ie; Fred J, . Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonio cures indigestion and constipation and tones up the entire system.' -- - ' ' Magazines bounij in all styles at The I ;Commikcial oflloe: f i.i j . WHOLESALE ('utral Paririe lUthtruu-iPark lily aud tWville. Britrhara City, Lcgan and Collision IVuver and Aiib I tah Northeru VuliCentral D. k R. It. W t 'heyenne k KaKtern 0iuu Aitkin. " ft &) . lit at (Mi t " 10410 WM " Jitip. Si " in 1 a. m. IAup.ni. iy " as. Liquor and Cigar Mercliants IfflkB. 6 U) m. 10iOM p. HuuUfilleaad bdeu, Tuesdars, Thursdays and fcumnHys. SM aa Twsatr. Vi'eet Weber and Florence, Tuesdays and Fri. srmrtaaH. days roarorrtra hoi as. General deliTery windows opea at I o'clock a. m. and close at 8 o'clock p. m. Money order window opnna at 8 a'elock a. m. and clones at t o'clock p. m. nuts DBLIYMT St STEM. llusineea dintrirt, two deliveries per day, at 8 o clock a. m. and 1 o'clock p. nu fUwhlence districts, one deliver? per day, at 10 a7 OtatHwatlBC o'clock, M. m. - l Also forAVallis & Co. Mexican ( hand-mad- e, ,' - Da. E. C. West's Nks- - and Hkain Tbat- a ffiisrantMl HTieriAc for IlvHlria. lici- nnss, t'onvnleions, rite. Nervous NVuralgiftf Httadarhe, Nervous Prostration eausod by tt use of aloohol or tobaoco, Wakofulueev, Mental bottemng or tlie Ilrain reeu.ting fppronon, lnnanitv and leading to miserv. decay a ill in death, Prematare Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses ana eaiifed by: orer exertion- ol 1.toe Spermatorrhea . ! I MkNT. l j-- .l i . i. I.- WIIOLKaAX! DEAXJCTIS OF - - i: 1 I j... l '::,l.i -c . ; .....- . ton ysiiwauKeeM rewing !! , , .! ATI av , the latest: trote4 ajsi hods. Telephone 163. French and Gerinaiata bpttoiJttllu.diea. Wisdom's Robertine is meeting with Besides the elements of drawing which success every where, and is rapidly Two Con- - are a' A TToaiaa. Ccfebrated on great in all jthel passes,, taught supplanting every other preparation of a pupils in the studio roceirfii 4nstrnction like nature. Ogden druggists sell it. fn a few well chosen words tells what in crayon, pastel, palhtiripr1n oil and ou China silk, satin and he. knows of a celebrated article. 7" T;ooo.'Ji,ooo. velvet., j r f .Time 4 To Kfr. WjtM. WiHdom-t)enFor SaleEquity in premises No. 10C1 lessons are musiaal Uie In department Sio-- I haveirieJ your fiwnoire "Riibert street, Ogden, 4x9 rods; on piano, harp, Twenty-fonrtiue." It is excellent, and I shall be given in vocal music, and mandolin with" improvements". Address" J." IL and violin, organ, & Ca, ' 1973 West Madison Vhiteside pleased to recommend it to all my lady guitar, in classes zither. art, music, .Special friends. Balieve me, Jyours truly, j j Ills. fancy work, etc., have been formed for street, Chicago, water-color- STRATTON & STORM'S Custom house S2 EXPORT, SELECT EOHEIIAN AND HOFBRAU," CONSTANTLY IW or. after for OKzrrs Health: is Wealth! CARL UPMANN'S - Idaha Pocatello, r. n. Ktaaball. , taakarta, Ogden, Utah. -- Sqlimer " (he Queon of T'ianos, " ' lMt- - Ar. Iilbl kiV " Union Parlfle e -- A renue. GR00EB8, -Arrisat and deftarUira of V. 8. malls at the OgdMi pqstudwe; contains one month's treatment." fl. 00 box, or six boxes for ."iX), sent by mail prepaid on ahnpeJ. ""Miss Klinken- ot receipt WIS price. WUARAKTEE SIX BOXF--S beard, 2)51 Washington avenue. To cure any case. Witn each order received by 5'( ns for six boxes, accompanied with $Ti.(0, we wiO f 6rjW Imnortant fo Builders'. SACKED IiEAET ACADEMY, Coal Wud the purcliaeor our written gnnranU-- to re yoiir eoa) of) the! Ogden fund the treatment arm not etiect if tbe ' We have on hand some money t Company. Telephone Mil Vard on n cure. ' Guarantmesi insued only by 11. A. very fine, large rtibblo of our buff stone, suitable either Ojrdeni Utah, Conducted by the Sisters Wall ave., between 22nd and 23rd Sts. , Wai.ricb, Druggist hale Agt.. 371 Xwentj' fourth . St.. Ogdon. Utah. of the Holy Cross. 'for building' or foundation. Any one It will be, famous as long as beautiful contemplating buildiDg either this win- eohool and hair is ait object' to' 'man 'or 'woman, Is a boarding day a vr Id l4ef mmA bf John R. M0. priu can iuhkb a nice devoted to the education of young iWhat Wby, Skooku m lUxA, Hair Grower. Troruriyiu (urui, Kinder, Jood(n,ltvy.N.V.,alMrk nut mk w mufilt, dat w ran yuu por cojnt oil their money by calling on us ladies and little girls. mity jAadition to a Rock tt'U n Fnil' hlv how tttram fromWtte) t oacbnw-foe. prices on iinrntniiate delivery. thorough practical,, Eliftrv delivered at your tiry arttwatBTt, and uiorc a yoii fit Springs coal, Oprse and mil aira. id any pan or vti-oat. Cm ( fKEvrtr Sf home. on Coal classes Ogden in Company's ran em imnic mi koine, art, yard AnaTkav-Latin, 'ioek4pin(fftype Wall ave., between 22ud and 25rd St. ' ma- - ail our time .itr aiinro Biometit onlr to niasonjc lJuuding.r . HI AHatirt-wwriting and! 8hort4mdrflKcoadacted li.dvrorV Cnut Mid-Wint- CO. KIESEL two-third- Wis-dom- ' AMWARE Na 2345 Washington ; "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. H 'Sohmer" the Queen of Pianoa. Art yon tromLUd with gravel, diabetes, or any derangement of the kidneya or organs? Oregnn Kidney Tea ia ; FurnudMl by the Hender&liot Ab- urinary a eafe. aure and eoeedv remedy for all et act ofhVe, 21H' Wa&hingtoa avenue, such trouble. ." , December 8, lSitiC The See ret of Sueeess. i O Wright to C B Wheeler, mrt of blk 2 plat C; ( 1. IL A. Walker the druggist, believet C U Wheeler to GO Wright, part of that the secret of uecexe ia pereever-alot 9. blk 2 plat U. 91. j ITierefore he presists in keeping II A Brown t K W Curtis, part of the finest line of pwf umeriee, toilet Biver Parkudd; $1j0U. articlea, cotunetica, drugs and chemicals r to W C Bevnolda. loU on FB the market- - lie espiciallyjiivitoa 27and28,bik-i,Fairmoun- t Park; 9VdK all persons who have palpitation, short B C I) Dewey triiBtee to W Anders, lot breath, weak or hungry spells, pain in 8CU1. 10, blk 14, Xob Hill: or shoulder, oppression, night mare, P E (Jordon to W F Adams, part of side dry cough, smothering, droiy or heart blk 2, Miutsa Hubdiv; Sl.OiXi. disease to try Dr. MiW unequaled New M 8 Browning et aL to (S E Maule, Heart Cure, before it is too late. It has of fl.".()(X). drove add; part largest sale of any similar remedy. R E Maule to J A Jones, lota 22 and the Fine bonk testimonials free. Dr. Miles' 23, blk 5, of East Lynne; W25. Iiestorative Nervine is unsurpassed for J B Moore to M H Driver, part of nw alepplcasnees, headache, tits, etc., and it 9Z0W. )i, soc 21,Atp C, r L W: contains no opiates. Jennie Fisher to Mrs E D Mohoney, lota 1H, 19 and 20, Llk 7. Liike View; fxn. Diree tory. Jr to O S Dean, lat 4, blk All changeCityin business, lj Wuldratn business loca13, plat A: tion or renidence'will receive due attenTotal, 92lr,. tion if sont immediately to It. L. I'ouk Co., Our Special ArtiHt. care of Chamber of Commerce. ' : Mr. F. J. Hurdershot waa the artist who made the cut of the new electric When you want a pair of shoes, narstreet cars all in running order found in row or wide width, heavy or light, look this issue. It will le seen that as an at our line. artiBt and engraver he is a credit to the W. II. Wrioht A Sons.' ' ! ! city, i ;.." r t Rupture and Tiles. Wo are offering 20 chenile and flax Absolutely cured without knife, ligas the cost Velour curtains at Prof. Henry Grow, at to manufacture. It will pay you to nee ture or caustioJJy Central Hotel annex,rootn 44. Ogden ref1'jqjiK X Hukst. the in-erence, T. B. Heller, auctioneer, " and " others. Consultation free. y Did you ever see a bargain in blankets? Well, yes, at 1 ; Paink i. Hukst's.; ' Her Face ; Her fortune Is commonly said of famous beauties. I)yneiwla, 's She who usee with artistic taste Tliat nightmare of man's existence Famous Robertine has fortune in which makes food a mockery and the possession of a complexion to which banishes sleep from weary eyes,' readily nothing but the blush of the rose or the yields to the polont inlluence of the cel- freshness of the lily can be compared. ebrated English Dandelion Tonic. It This preparation is jupt what it ia tones up the digestive organs, restores claimed to be the most delightful toilet the, appetite, makes assimilation of food article and only perfect bcautilier poiwible and invigorates tho whole sys- known., Ivond the testimonials from tem. Ogden druggista pell it at 91 par famoiis artiste's, celebrated chemists J bottle. and emitiont t Ji)3iciai!.t j j . f Merits of the World Renowned! Howe Ventilating Heating-Stoves- . ;, e, Vli . Call and let us Explain tlie . Tweoty-eto- e k . It your hair ia tailing out. ak your an aanoraoea w ma eoairaet- - druggist forSkooknm Hoot Hair Grow ar travel over tiie river. The abutuecta will be done n&w wi a very few Java. The iron work." for the bridge is also liere and will be pnt in place at auon aa It looka aa though people ompleted. cn take their Chnstmaa drive over the new bridge, a thing hundred of . . people will be thankful for., The abutufntB, bridge,, , grading and qther expeniies oonoccted ith the bridge w ill wake tbe total lienneof the atructure about It will be a tine piece of work all through, the abutments being well nwle and the . iierBtructure, too. vauaf AA&uMd TLe deatk U Mra. Mary E Drym!a, wife of Williaoi lrrylkk, touk place at tb reMleoee of ker parveU, W. J. and material to corae to .time Laa been - Ui feaii cd tL olxbpb i WacLuactoa mrtci, a&i buattCMS tA un- kxAee tail? of partattee wui tie toutbt wp. U Mrtnl cLr-- I aii to eeif. nt Wedijaniar pr bj Ltvr aH liiy WB sim mmm Sl Uitt. to be Vda Litlt Grd rMd A at 7k y anxip- - WliB ILeBl tMlaror j;rt tL Cer M Idvet; nwprioipW regulating th iverva Act ob it. TLa fli if ti ruruim. tf ti vale if &jots ia a fuk Mm Huia Abbutt 'ia Lar bo baa But Japan j DECEMBER 9. 1690. TUESDAY, vr' ; . wurktr. A atitrt y Jit-- . r. tai'rntbhi ; bt'tl l'll.t IHVV.. sBil.V- - l'Alfl'K li.Ali.1 AUlrrs. r( otire, lUM) tO., iUWTLaAU, JBilNL. STOCK, BULK AND BOTTLED. i : ' "t " v' i. i ;fji. . t- .... - . .': - " . . i a l s, r ALL CORRESPONDENCE h TO BE ADDRESSED TO ODpOGDEN OFFId." ; ladies residing inthe city. , For further particulars apply to Sister An Oak Piano for Sale Cheap.-----Ogden, Utah. I havo an elegant Oak pianq which Superior, Give wmon iwov nsyour, trade. We hate the has only Doen in no inonms, ) I wiH sell for 82G0jcash;! full size.; Ad- - goods and Can treat you right, j W. H. Wright & Sons. aress oox oo. Scalding pains, while urinating indiMadm Rhine is now m the ity for a cate Kidney troubles that lead to few days only with a fine assortment of Brjght's disease. Oregon Kidney Tea 'Parisienne novelties, Pattern Hats and will , stop the.ni.....,. Bonnet-- " Ijadiea --avail - yourselves --ef this opportunity. No 2454 WashiDgton - Get it knit at Luke's Knitting - Facliven A tory, Xpi 3g6 Tayny-fi- f th Btree. ) Pianos. of the "Sohmer," Queen Wisdom's Violet Cream - Is the most exquisite preparation in How to Prevent Roughness of the the world for softening and whitening Skin. the hands and face. It is not only a During cold, dry, windy weather this substitute for, '.ut in every respect suquestion agitates the mind of every lady perior to glycerine, cold cream, vaseline in the land who prizes a smooth, soft and like preparations. Try it. skin. Thcrs is nothing more- harmless and fffecttH ! ttfilin WMoh'b Violet and Thtv Baza'ari corner Twenty-fourt- h Cream for preventing and eradicating Grant avenue, Art work Needle and mathe ill effects of severe weather. Try it. terials. T . - .. I ? Hearts of. Oak, Tonight. , The San Francisco Examiner says: Hearts of Oak" presents an exact picture of life in a New England coast village with its quaint characters,. and primitive custom. It is humorous and dramatic pathetic and picturesque and the sweet by turns, but always breathes life. England village purity of New Tinun i TiomA won his fame tnhis 'I of Terry Dennison strong impersonation l -l 1.,. .;!,,.. Tnillor nf the viilacrA. . l- Trtiose ByrrtpBthie aretis tender as those ,.k:i.i q nharAitc that can be du- - 'ylteated bt Pny f ?H Eagland fisher- - Dennison brings up, the two onuoren whom the sea has given him during one of it terrible gales, when the muhty only ship went down before it and left these two little ones, a boy and a girl, out of all on board to walk in tbe strict ' line of duty, and to never swerve frbm .Why not buy your new wrap at the ' only cloak room in OgdenT--' W. IL Wrioht & Soxs, . ... the Queen of Pianos. "Sohmer,'1 Orders respectfully ' solicited and satisfaction BWaaaaiiaaBmwaBawjaBamaaa VTalte it before breakfast," because it will give you an appetite,., regulate the bowels and cleanse the system of all im purities Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic Sold everywhere. . Send your orders for fine job printing to Tint Commercial office. :! anteed. . . Order your coal of the Ogden Coal Company. Telephone 163. Yard on Wall ave., between 22nd and 23rd Sts. J. KIESEL F. Tho Methodist Indies will serve an oyster supper in the basement of the church Tuesday evening, Dec. 9th, from half-pa5 till 10 o'clock. A: cordial invitation is extended to all. " ' BATHS! st WOK OTJT ' Prop erties fermOIICE FOR PUBLICATION. & md Office, atrSAlfrURBCrrT.TTtah, iT :t a vDocemlwr 5th, 190. r Noti;o-.tliat Uio uUin jp' ncrticof nAaietl wulor ha fllod liU(4utontion to aialiof prK,f bf Mlpport ftfhiii claim. Mid that' pntdmmutatsionjr roof vUl be made before the ju3fip cr clgrk dt tli? cotinty court of Utah. on thr 12th Webercounty, of Jaounry. 1S8I. viz.: Jama A. Farwll, flomo-toa- rt No. utSV,''i luiuy, S6,111 for theBVO ttcMca S, fpf5. .north eat, H a He namce the followine witWvso:, torove iconWnnonsareidcoc ubqn, aud' eultltation i- 'vh oi. satd tund. New Turkish L.'th,0.la ! And then see mcabont al TO BS OPESKD 33G.i Twenty-Four- At others before bnyiag. .': h St. t New Woodmansee ea & HEAD THIS LIST OF HUKItAH FOR FOR TIffi guar-- ; Block Tqe Jolly old chap will load up his pack at our store Ibis year. 3'ome and pick ont year presents early, in- - btead or waiting until the last moment. 1600. SOzlSS aear 30th and JeSersea are. on tOth ; fruit and shad Cor. 65x132. 1,200 trees. 1,250 Cor. on Jefferson are, OCxtS." Cbeap. OPTION on 10x10 reds, cor. Washington aad. th 1 .500 or.Nob HilU cnoioe : 105x17?. there bean offered the peoand UrM Mill, oa WsinlHon ae., tmm ple of this section so fine a selection of pleasing teed mile of City halL Every" farmer frons "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. the north passes the door : also motaw. mrines, machinery, ana tools conr-"GodV blessing' to mankind," EVERYTHING SEW 1XB CLEAN! Mill abont Mor Jlete; now mnning. thousands who have been 'cured by the 6x1 :a. Best location fer . the business ia Utah. celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Sold . 1,000 Patterson are., near Main, 50x132. Afanrurf naerei ia the famnan Pmnpkin Skillful Robber to be Employed. Baths everywhere. Pned Valley, Bauorr e:)tmty Xehraeka, for ante Highly recommended by the medical profession. s; ! i 32S ' Eod 8x12, cor- - Sd and Jackson; bao- ' ' ""Bi! or lll.tratio for X)Rdee real entate. As the stock we are bow showing. ... . s v 1. gain. .- Woman A Fafnou UflMfe, log aud framo, l'i tory, ttiroe rooms; house and bath; eity wa12,150 New And what she says of a famous article, rtablU. hB and framPt room ttit ix head of ter; 13x1.17; small cash payment; mat Prop. woram, all atailoer Jj. rranut?, corn crib more for- - three years. Here is av Atleftr,coHc1ss,eons(JtentiouB certificate) and tarseM fioiiiroff,allandbuilt tnnlde together chance to bay a home cheap. . Mr. Wisdom DeasSir: I beg to thank with a hay mew bokliri tw ton of hay; ahed 10: iet, boaniod on north and went, with hay kouee, cloeete and pas 1,800 37xi:0,S-rooyou for thef' ddightf ul and, refreshing" reef. ; . acres odir grmd Marb wires try. "Roborline' you so kindly sent me. I" corral, Kitrhtr four bar e wires, to hold 'ii or ltlfl head of Per acre ; 21 H acres adjoining tba 1500 have used tho toilet preparations of the ttookj good heanerjr (log) lOiU; celler,' underThis is f00 per lot. Ton earn or LOST or FAIL IK B AE0CD 10x12, and other out door buildings; a most celebrated manufacturer of Lon- ground. sersl andNEHVOUS liiWUTV; buy aotKfiig around there for leas taaav weU of water in yard. . We do sot depend , SiSOO.per lot. sskasssf Body srJKisd, EIcls , don and Paris, but consider your "Kob-ertin- good ' on irrigation. I Crran or Exmssn in ( Hie farm it now rented and DESTROYER OF HIGH TRICES. their superior in point of "puritf party will rent another year. About JU acres in rr ' iJrail. Svltl MiNHOOh fMltr KMlarrd. How SinMikMWiuK. isnnr.i.omxiitMi'S nmurta soni. I will show yon bargains If yon will some aadt , and excellence.1 Wishing you the un- cultivation. Uj. skMiir nuhi uoaa THf iTai:T-i- iu aw me. A mortgage of $000, doe in 1894, at 1 per eeai ;. bounded success you,: dwrve, I remain interest, nH4 H. of J. lm. (fntatt Inquire rmtf Tctkrh, 2404 D. ftl,t)lugai4 ' EmmX GILL, 2302 Abbott. Wuhingtos Art," OfiDES Central Hotel, Of den, Utah. faithfully yours. 2355 Washington avenue. Hzj .JawinsA. Thtimpson, Frnneii Clark, ianie Sort, Sr.. William j&ouU, oil of EdeD. Weber eouuljr, Utah. i ;j jFRAlifi. nonas. RP(titor. ' say Kid A Lowe, AtUnneyi) fer CtailBaut. ' Monday , Dec. Seer liefore . ta . ; CHRISTMAS GOODS D. : -- 15th. ,- GOODIIART, FOR HEN ONLY! m ..- Departmen Vmi-Tera- " e" . - . . , Washington Avenue. I . |