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Show t SANDY CITY STAS, SANDY. UTAH Demonstration for Suffrage in Japan SETTING PLANTS IN OPEN GROUND Tomatoes, Peppers, Early Cabbage and Other Crops May Be Started Indoors. DESTROYERS ARE ORDERED TO VERA CRUZ AND TAMPICO TO PROTECT AMERICANS. Murder of Two More American! Stira Authorities to Action and Additional Vessels Are Ordered to tho Mexican Coast. PROVIDE American destroyers Washington. liavs ordered to Vera Crus and Tainplcu to protect Americans there. The navjr deiuirtment acted on the request of the elute deiartmeut, where it was explained that the wurslilps would take aliourd Amerlcanh in those two ports In the event that should become necessary. It was suld that the vessels would Mob gathered In L'yeuo Park for a iremendous demonstration demanding absolutely free unlimited suffrage. It not Intervene In Mexican affairs, and la more than mere manhood suffrage ihut Jnpuu la after now. Universal suffrage la the demund. Under the present tliat their dispatch was a precaution- regime the educational and proiierty qualifications for voters reduce the number to leas than 20 per cent of adult ary measure. Only the cruiser Kucrn-neut-o males. is now on the east coast of Mexico. She was lust reported at Tampico. Ko reports of any disturbances In either Vera Crux or Taiuplco have been received by the state department, but revolutionary outbreaks have occurred near both porta. The murder of two more In Mexico, reported to the atate department, acccntuuted the concern with which officials are watching developments beyond the border. There was nothing, however, to Indicate to what extent the attitude of tha Washington government toward the Sonora revolutionary movement might he affected by the fact that the Incidents occurred in A'nrranza-controlleterritory. Requests for additional warship protection at points on the east eoust of Mexico already had been forwarded to the navy l.y the state delta rtineiit While this had no relation to the murders, It was suld to Imllcufe t(ie view of officials as to the unsettled conditions prevailing In that region, nominally, at leant, at 111 lield by Carranza forces. Photograph allows the German warship Nassau, which will come to the United Slates aa a prize. It la possible HAS LONG CASUALTY LIST "v that the vessel will bo used as a target In sea practice. Anu-rlcan- d Four Violent Deaths In Twenty-fou- r Hours in Idaho Town. Twill Falls, Idaho. Two farmers and two boys, 17 and B, resiiectively. are dead here, representing the "casualty list of the most capricious ami twenty-fou- r hours In the history of Twin Fulls. The dead are: Francis Picket, 0, son of Ilyruin Pickett, a farmer of the Murlaugh district, who was accidentally killed liy Ills timther Leon, 12, on a bird hunting trip tSunduy afternoon. Willium Popm a furuier, living near Hulil, bunged himself from a rafter In his hum. John Abel died as the result of caused by a hullrt, wound in the right thigh. 11. F. Rani-eeyis held In the Twin Fulls couned ty jail Princess Pat and Her Baby PROTECTION Old Barry Boxaa or Common Roofing Shinglea May Ba Used Small Frames With Glass Tops Are In-e- United States Gets German Warship as Prize SOME i Used by Some Gardeners. m (Prepared br the United Statee Department of Apiculture.) e It la assumed that the gardener has been busy long before the weather Is warm enough to sow any aeeds In tlie open ground; that a window box or hut bed has been provided, and that a supply of plant! of tomatoes, peppers, early cabbage and eggplant are under way to set In the garden as toon as danger of frost Is past. If plenty of Indoor space to available, such crops aa snap beans, cucumber. cantuluupes and even sweet corn may be started in flower pots, paper bauds or berry' buses filled with good soil, and they will be of considerable slxa by the lime the air to warm enough to plant them outdoors. Plants that are grown fn tlie house or In the hotbed must be hardened or adapted to outdoor condition before they are set in the 0ien ground. Tlila la. accomplished by gradually exposing them to the open air during the warmer part of the day and later at night, care being taken that they are not caught by a sudden cold suup. Hardening Early Plant. Yi'here the plants are grown In boxes or trays, tha boxes may be carried Into the open each day and the plant allowed to become gradually to the outdoor mndltiona. If they are In hotbed or coldframe, the sash or other cover la lifted off daring the day and replaced at night Later the covering is left off entirely; wide-awak- accus-teme- d IS POWER IN TURKEY i Should have a complete equipment of table silverware that wllj wear for generations. Someday mother will divide it among her ckildmTj This bind sold by ns for 58 years. Oar raaaoaabio prices ease the way. j j BOYDPARK MAKERS OF JEWELRY MtuMtnm sou tatt-a- WALKERS BEAUTY PARLORS Salt Lake City, Utah. Order your Hair Uoo-V- s by mall through us. 8wltclu8 85 and up. Transformations, 810 and up. Order your ear muffs and curl at 85 a set. The best of human hair furnished. Cut sample of hair from crown of your head and we will match it perfect PIFFLE FOR CALLOW YOUTH Advise Handed Out by Suocassfid Business Mon I to Us a Slang Phrase, Bunk. A successful lumber merchant has been giving a newspaper Interviewer a few of tha mental wrinkles tbat Influenced him In the making of money. Here are some of them : If your Initials epell a word It means you will bo rich. If, on tho other hand, you mend a garment while wearing ft you will always ba pore. If your right hand Itches it Is a sign that you will receive money. If your left hand Itchea you will spend It This to because right begins with R and R stands for recall while for let go, When yon see a shooting star you should my money.' Aa many times as you are alii to my tho worT"during the fall of the star, so many ex setting Ton-i- to Plants In Garden. tra dollars will you hav la your aa a result" grown plants to tho garden that are pocket Helpful words, aren't they! WriL In the worthy of special attention. no better and no worm than first placet the plants to be transplant- they are handed out by ed should lie watered a few hours be- the bulk of tho talk men for tho guidance of successful will to fore they are be bandied ; this In the matter I rouse the dirt to adhere to the roots their fellows that Tho rich or sucand give them a better start when of making money. cessful business maa doesn't disclose they are planted out If the plants secret If bo bis any are grown In flower pots, In paper his real often attends dub lunchbands or berry boxes, they alionld be though he eons or dinner and makes a speech carried to (he garden In their conto do so. Philadelphia tainers. plants should be pretending Record. loosened by Inverting them nnd gently knocking tho edge of the pot on some- NOTHING TO IT AS A PIE thing solid. The plants then are set with the ball of earth adhering to With Lemon Filling Gone, Remainder their roots. of Confection Could Only Ba If the plants have been grown In paClassed is Squash." per bands or berry boxes, the aides of the hands or boxes should lie silt with A business man of Jeffersonville, a knife and removed aa the plnnti are set Where the plants are grown In active In tlie counsels of the Hens club and of the Rotary tray or In a hotbed, a ktflfe ahould be run between the rows, cutting the dab sad one of whoso outstanding earth In both directions,' and each characteristics to s liking for pie, rays ho hns learned s perfectly good way plank lifted with a cube of earth atof making squash pi out of lemnu pie, tached to its roots. but prefers the totter kind, says Use Freeh Furrows. Star. He had been to a The holes or furrows In which the In Utica rawnshlp, not to bny, but 1 plants atw mfC snout d but no ltutag uiw sale the cooks i til ready to transplant the pfnnfs. If attracted bp the fame made too soon the soil will dry out who were to 'serve pie. He surroundand wnuse the plants to wilt. Under ed one lemon pie aud asked to have another packed to take home fur his all circumstances, It pays to apply little wnter around the roots of each wife, ha mid. The women packed It npper-onplant as It la set ; this causes the soli between two paper dishes, the Inverted, nnd then wrapped It In to form a dose contact with the roots of the pUnt. Aer the water has newspaper. He placed It on the back naked Into tho soil, dry anrth should ret of his automobile and started for bj filled In around the plant and slight- home. Unfortunately be gave a friend a cushion. When tho ly firmed. Plnnti set In this manner the package for will Invariably start without wilting. package was turned over to the lady wnn opened by her It la always good Idea to Imre a of the house and few more plants than are required for It consisted of an npper paper dish, an filling the space In the garden, In or- upper pie crust, a lower pie treat and der to replace any tlmt die or are de- a lower paper dish; that was all. It was s clear case of squash, and not stroyed by Insect a sign of lemon filling left. Young-Busines- r' Jf hipcudkqriiira iwsjgjyffRlJel. An Ideal Tomato Plant Ready to Be Placed Outdoor. Ittcliard (.'ImiTrfTer, 17, son of Mr. and Mr. J. I)., (.'handlin', .who Is said to Imre committed suicide with a .22 calibre rifle. SMOOT This Junes Bride n g i,t without any cover whatever. A good method of protecting pluuts la by setcommon roofing shingle or a ting mail piece of board at an angle over each plant These shingles can be set on tho aide to protect tlie plant from tlie aun during the daytime, or they may be placed on the opposite side In order to protect the plants from the wind and allow the sunshine to reach them. ' Small Frames Protect' In some cases gardeners hare pro- Tided sinnll frames, on the top of which are titled single panes of glass, and me of theee frames I set over each plant or hill to protect It The glass should be so arranged that It can he partially removed during the warmer part of tlie day In order to prevent the temperature becoming too high tho frame. These protectors give good results when used over hills of cucumbers, cantaloupe and summer squashes as well si over plants of sweet peppers, eggplant and tomatoes. Points ts Remember. There are a few points In connection with the transplanting of house- - however, it alionld be kept close at band, to be put on at any time tbat the weather should turn cold. ITanta set In the open ground may lw protected from frost by turning mall boxes over them and covering the boxes with a little earth. Old berry boxes are sometimes used for this purpose, but should be covered completely by soil, aa the plants will freeze Just as readily underneath the exposed boxes aa If left tn the open HEADS DELEGATION. Utah Senator Will Attend Republican National Convention. Price, Utah, The four delegates at large to the Republican national convention are Senator Reed Smoot, Mrs. Jeanette Hyde of Salt Lake, J. G. Lynch of Ogden end J. U. Kldredge, Jr., of Ogden. Senator Snasit was eliiwcn without opixisltlon, at the convention held In tide eity, but the nnm-in- g of the others In the quartet caused such a convention buttle that nearly four hours was taken before the final ballot resulted In lunch's choice over A. J. Lee of Price. ALSIKE AND SWET CLOVERS Whtrs It la Not Practicable to Haul Llmo Former Crop In Cases la Recommended. First photograph received here of the Lady Patricia Ramsay and her baby inn. The marriage of "Princess Pat, for whom Canada's most famous Switchmen Seeking Peace. In memories a one Chicago. Niue thousand - railway regiment was named, to the Hon. A. Ramsay, still lingers switchmen who walked out In syiniin-th- y of the moat elaborate ceremonies London has seen In recent years. Site is a with the strike called here April daughter of the duke and duchess of Connaught 1 by the Chicago Yardmen's association are willing to return to work If their seniority rights are restored, John Grunau, president of the C. Y. A., declared In federal court Monday. Revolution Rases in Guatemala m Parents Charged With Manslaughter. Newark. For prayer employing alone In the vnln effort to save the life of Dorothy, their daughter, suffering from diphtheria, Andrew and Ellznhclh Walker eame to trlul Monday In the mart of quarters sessions, cliarg.-- with manslaughter.- highness, the great Tchelcbl, This la the Drat time In history that the holder of the greatest office In Turkey has been photographed, lie posed in bis official robe by special order of tha sultan. Tha great Tchelebl la tha highest-rankin- g official In the Mohammedan religion next lo the sultan, and la tha person called upon when a new aultan la to he crowned, fils religious and political power are unequaled In the Turkish empire. Hla ONLY WOMAN ENVOY Gssolini Shortage Probable. Washington. Warning of the probability of uti actual shortage of gasoline as a result of the disproportionate lnrrensc In gnsollue production nnd the number of automobiles In use. was given In a statement Issued Saturduy by the bureau of mine. LIME Lightning Kills School Girls. Dunning. Neb. Rath Tuylor, aged 8, and Iluhy Mngcr, 7. school girls, were struck liy lightning nml killed nt a selioolhouse In the country nenr here. The building was demolished, but none of the oilier occupants was injured. art many farms on which It to haul lime. In such cases alslke may he used, alone If the land to low and poorly drained, or mixed with red clover on tho average worn fttrm on which red clover often fulls. Alslke will not yield as well as red clover will under favorable condition bat It will catch and make something on many soils on which red clover would fall. It will stand a "sour" soil better than red clover will. 8weet clover will not thrive without lime. There la no use trying It But given lime It will grow on poorer Innd than any other crop to Improve snch land. Sweet clover ran he handled In a rotation the same ns red. the seed Is cheaper and - In many places It may well take the piece of red clover while the Intter seed Is so Information For fall expensive. nhout the culture of sweet clover ask tho United Slates depnrtinent of agriculture for Fnrmer Bulletin 7fi7. There to not practicable CONTROLS CLUB ROOT PLANT ENSILAGE CORN EARLY Crop for Dairy Cows Is Greatly by Bslng Planted Before Smaller Variety. In many of the Northern states ensilage la tlih chief support of the dairies, and two kinds of corn are small variety for grain and grown large variety for ensilage. That's right In many of these states the ensilage variety Is not planted till after the planting of the small variety la finished. That's wrong. The ensilage crop Is usually wonderfully Improved by being planted two or three week earlier than the small variety. By being planted before tho day become long the emdlnge varieties form much more fjrnln and mature It very much better. United States Department of Agriculture. Daipy Notes Milk cans should be washed ns soon as emptied. Thoroughly dean all utensil which come In contact with milk, Cnlves ought to get acquainted with From 10 to 80 Bushsls Per Acre Art the feel of tho comb nnd brush very Required to Completely Destroy tho Disease. early. Club root of cabbage may he controlled by. heavy applications .of lime on the Infected soil. From 10 to 80 bushels of limestone per acre are required to completely destroy the discs ae. Club root also attack cauliflower, particularly when grown on oil. Infected with the clnh root of cnlihnge. The llmo applied to control the disease Is also effective In sweetening, the soli, thus resulting In a greater crop Increase. . Revolutionists In Guatemala have formed a new government with Carlos ' Crazy Printer Committed. American conaulate In GuateHerrera a president. The picture ahows-th- e New York. Thomas W. Klmpklna, and the U. 8. 8. Tacoma which lias gone to Guatemala to protect and mala City, the Itinerant printer who $! American Interests. The lateat reports received In Washington afe that Preskilled Dr. Jnmes Wright Marioe In ident Estrada Cabrera and hta army have anrrendered to tha Unionist forces. Lady 8urauid norma Mur Bhlmum a church St. George fortnight ago, The has given pledges to secure the safety of the for- la die duly accredited envoy of the government provisional bus been commuted to tlie asylum for mer president Order la being maintained In the city. Assyrian tribes to Great Britain the crlminnlly Insane. She to In London to plead the cause SO, 000 Assyrians, domiciled In tha Suffragists' Open Drive. of The worlds are valued at railways GATHERED FACTS The flying New Haven, Goan. Kurdistan billow who desire to remain PRICES FOR FEEDS ARE HIGH 82555,000.000. squadron woman suffrage leaders under British protection and a pare Mote than 218.000 women In the oiened Its "emergency drive" In ConA New York woman to said to cam from the Kurds and the Turks, the widowed by wart Isles Molasses Doesnt Lower Cost to Any British necticut Mnndny. The party Is commore than 85JM0 a year designing Tha woman smbasrada. Is Conslderabla Extent Grains war. It! of women, every representing posed favors and bonbon boxes. Are Big Factors. quick to smile, and of gracetnte except Texas nnd Deiuwnre. to reciting ful figure. She speaks axce.tont Engpopi' In China when revenue officers Intrmnl bis to and looking for lish. Talking of her mission aha deFeeds containing molasses Morae Faces Federal Indictment hta lesson brf turns bla back a still at Clarksburg, W. Va found It clared that she had come to England New York. An Indictment charging teacher. grains are still high because of the In a baliyt crib. concealed to speak for her people, who are Chris- high price of the grain, they, contain. Charles IV, Morse with violating the tians and who bare been cut off from Because molasses forms snch a small A French scientist rlatms'h have shipping heard net, which prohibits measures Srlcntlflc tests have shown that the Assyria for about 600 yearn. Members part of many of these feeds cheaper rale of registered vessels to Invented an Instrument that to sug- lint lunch served In I lie schools Is n of her family have been patriarchs of molasses doesnt lower .he price foreigner . wiis returned by the fed- the susceptibility of rersons I s iiiou for these five centuries, very big factor In develiqi'1"- - the great l--r gestions from others. eral gi.'.i.d Jury on Monday. Feed all the rougtyige a cow win eat. Rhe will eat more If fed two or three times a day. There to no other disease known that reuses the same number of deaths In dairy cattle as tuberculosis. There Is no specific euro for tuberculosis whether In humans, animals or birds. The keynote to prevention. Purebred sires, on account of their Intensified blood lines, are a safer proposition than tho ordinary grade males. gray-haire- Au.-rirn- -, ( Give the young stock a chance to do- ve! op a strong constitution before you ild the burden of sustaining and de- veloping a calf. Heifers Should not be bred too young 'herenoe of the fact that It to liable to stunt the growth and development of the unimal. Soul Development. There can be no permanent success In the world of art without a deep soul development. One goes to a concert not so much to bo thrilled or startled but to bo toothed. An artist may strike a phenomenal or unusual note which may glvs a momentary thrill, but which when heard once or twice n longer Interests, If that Is all the artist has to contribute to hla art Where, however, there la spiritual and ethical development behind Jhnt singing, the-ar-t carries s new message. If a singer any man for tbat matter la kindly. thouxhtful and unselfish It show In his life and action anJ to an of degree tn the quality of his voice, and consciously or mi consciously he draws men ' to him. Morgan Kingston. Hla Girt. visit to 'a girl friend of During mine In another city I was kind to a half wltted fellow there, and he immediately conceived a great liking for me. Several months later while visiting 'there again I attended a dance, when this fellow came up to am during a dance and In a loud voice, easily heard all over the plnce, mid, O, I know who you are; you're my girl, and proceeded to follow me around tho rest of the evening, Exchange. Regulating the Concrete Mixer. Tlie hour glam principle has been employed In an almost automatic concrete mixer lb which the Ingredients d fall through three hoppers lu succession and are kneaded together. cone-sliape- Strategy. The director took the studio violinist to one side. In the next scene, he whispered, "the star has got to register Intense anguish. When tlmt point comes play some old drinking song. Film Fun. Wad Satisfied. Salesman I am sorry nothing her pi esse you, madam. " Mrs. Schopper On tha contrary, X am very well plrestd, Indeed. Nothing gives me more enjoyment than to look over new goods. Good morning. Boston Transcript. ) Natural Association. "Aren't you afraid to lot that queer fellow have so much to do with tha machinery T "No ; machinery to often operated bg a crank. |