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Show mrn p O Wednesday I KT7SSAT SOCIALS evening at her home on East 45th South. NORTHERN BAPTISTS MASSING I The South Cottonwood Dramatic o club will present the comedy, "What o Happened to Jones." next Friday In Mr. Isaac Hadley baa been on the Union ward amusement hall. sick Hit. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Drlnkwater Miss Lillie Sanairom has been on and Mr. tnd Mrs. Ray Arnold were the sick list the past week. the guests of A. Jacobsen of Ogden, I. Barlow of Bountiful was a Mur- Sunday. ray visitor, Wednesday. William Atwood and daughter, motored to Ogden Sunday, Ernest Ferley has been on the sick Rayola where they apent the day with Dr. list the past week. and Mra. G. 5V. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Bcnnlon are Mr. and Mra. Roy Smith are rethe proud parents of a baby girl. ceiving congratulation upon the arrival of a baby girl, born during he William Moss is the proud owner week. of a new Dodge car. 51 rs. J. B. Coulson spent several Murray Democrat of districts Nos. days with her daughter, Mrs. Harry 196, 197. 198. 199, 200, meet In Mur-nt- y Utah. hill Frldsy, at 8 p. m to lay Naylor, at Burmester, plans for organisation for the apThe home of Mr. and Mrs. Law- proaching campaign. Committees of rence Orsten is quarantined on ac- each district will be elected. count of clilckenpox. A number of friends pletnantiy surThe infant babe of 5Ir. and 51 Etch cl Boyce Tuesday evenln-inprised Ed Jordan is recovering from an atat hlx home In Cottonwood. The tack of bronchitis. evening was spent In game and mualc followed by refreshments, which were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Russon motored served to twenty-live guests. to Spanish Fork. Sunday and apent Mra. the day with Mr. and Sprang. Sir. and Mra. U. G. Miller will entertain a few friend next Wednesday Sunday is "Mothers day." and ap- evening at their home on State street held he services will in the propriate in compliment of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. various churches. Russon, who will leave for California as soon as school is out, where they 51 r. and Mrs. Torn Rennion are rewill make their future home. joicing upon the arrival of a baby boy, born one day last week. Mra. Roy Gaboon of Carfleld enterA special prog ram lias been ar- tained at dinner Thuraday evening, ranged Sunday, In the hlurray First the occasion being her husband' birthday. Mlaa Bertha Cahoon and ward in honor of "Mothera' Day." 51 la Lyle Cahoon of Murray were Mien Lyle Smith will entertain the the guests from Murray. Girls of the E. Q. V. Sewing Club next Mrs. Albert Will: Ul entertained Thursday at her home in Cottonwood. at a birthday party last Tuesday Mra. Sarah Mumford and family evening, the ocaslon being her birthhave moved in one of the Williams day. Thoae present were: Mra. MinhoUM-on State Street. nie Watts, Mrs. Sarah Simmons, Sirs. Augusta Darnutxer, Mra. W. R. Clark 1). Krekaon are com- and Mra. Charles Llndblade. 5ir. and Mra. J. in their new home on fortably located Ninth East. Mra. Minnie Watts entertained at a Slay day dinner Saturday afternoon Mra. William 11. Strong of 8alt Lake In honor of Mra. 8arah E. Lemmons. has been the gueat of her brother and Covers were laid for Mrs. Augusta for a week. family, Mathew Darnttxer and daughter. Ruth, Mrs. N. Walton and ton, Talmadge, and 51 las lone Atwood is working in the Mrs. W. R. Clark. clerk's ollice at the city and county building for several weeks. WE BUY, raise and sell animals. Miss Laura Miller entertained at rabbits and other you have with ua, stating dinner Sunday last. The occasion List what your lowest prices on large lot shipwas her birthday. , ments. The Fur & Specialty Farming N. P. Ave., Fargo, N. Dak. Lowell Baker of Ogden was the Co guest of William Atwood during the Mrs. A. C. Christensen entertained week. at a birthday party Monday afterMr. and Mra. Leonard Harmon re- noon at her home in Salt Lake In turned home Wednesday from a short honor of her mother. Sirs. Ellxa Zeinger'a 55th birthday. Tha center-piec- e honeymoon trip to Denver. for tlie table waa a basket of The place-car- d Mr. and Mra. Ray Larson of Salt yellow Sliaffta dalsera. were of the same design. CovLake were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ers were Isld for the following: Mrs. C. H. White Sunday. John P. Wright, Mrs. John W. A few friends met at the home of Wright, Sirs, llsriey Ross, Mrs. Mrs. J. F. Russon Thursday afternoon. Charles Ross, Mrs. Fred Furrow Mrs. J. 8. Barlow, Mrs. W. B. Haymond, The afternoon was spent in sewing. Mrs. Nellie Sorensen, Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Norman Erickson en- Kclnger, Mrs. Cassia Anderson. r. Five-YeBig Sum Asked in One Movement to Fulfill Program Personal Service of 2,000,000 Members to Be Used to Make Huge Pledges More Effective Education to Be Feature of Great Activity, Both in U. S. , . j and Abroad. tertained at a theatre party Wednesday evening for Mr., and Mrs. J. F. ? Bnason. MURRAY BAPTIST CHTOCH O1 . . ? Mrs. J. R. Iirinkwater will entertain 0 the Ilebekah Past Noble Grand Club nest Wednesday at her home on West o 48th South. Phots Mefielt MRS. BOOTH TARKINGTON. Wife of the author and playwright, Srho Is head of the Leonard Wood gromen'i organization in Indiana. WOOD POPULAR WITH PEOPLE Chicago, April 00. A poll conducted by the New York Sun and Herald In Massachusetts gives unmistakable evidence of the fact that the people are for Wood and that the politicians are for Louden. The poll of the people gave Governor Coolldge, a favorite son, first choice. Although Coolldge was given first choice he hss announced that he will not he a candidate. Consequently the mantle giving Slaasachusett first choice falls to Wood. GEORGIA MEN FOR WOOD April 00. Col. William Cooper Proctor, chnlrman of the Leonard Wood national campaign committee, has received word that Wood has two more delegates committed to him firom Georgia. E. U. Bencher of Brunswick waa chosen In the Eleventh district ss s Wood delegate without a contest and Dr. B. SI. Slierard of Griffin waa elected from the Sixth disChicago, trict ' MICHIGAN LEANS TO WOOD Oil. William Cooper Chicago, April Proctor, Leonard Wood's campaign manager, says that Michigan will declare for Wood April fi liy a large vote. "Reports made by leaders of Michigan st s recent conference in Detroit are gratifying and most encouraging," Proctor says. "There ran be no doubt but that the sentiment for Wood for president Is very si rang and substantial all over the state." Phono Murray 131-- Hours to 12, 10 J. . 2 to 8 p. m. Dr. Chas. L. Gray, D. C. CHO0PBACT0B 4904 South State Street MURRAY, UTAH Home Calls by Appointment Bplnal Analysis FREE. Franco-Amerlea- e street RIDINGS BREECHES AND LEGGINGS OF ALL KINDS experience unnecessary. Specially Candymaking Co., Philadelphia, Fa., 5 The students of the 5Iurray high South 18th street. ALSO: Tha latest styles of Outing - school will hold a circus Thursday for Men and Women. afternoon which will be followed by LIST WHAT YOU HAVE WITH Clothing J a May Day dance in the evening. ua. stating your lowest price on large lot ahipmrnta. The Fur A Specialty Marlon Robinson entertained the Farming Co.. 7 N. P. Ave., of and the class boys girls religion Fargo, N. Dak. 221 Stats St, Salt taka City last Friday evening at his home on Glenn avenue. There Is nothing worse than bad, About twenty schoolmates pleas- foul smelling breath; get rid of it antly surprised Miss Luclle Miller. for your friend's sake anyway. Hol- I hare the very beat prices In Utah lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will on Team Harness. or Idaho clean and purify your atomach and bowcla; your breath will be sweet, BIG USB. your disposition improved your friends Increased. 35c. Tea or Tablets Alva Hansen Drug Co. COME AMU SEE. - Nobby Suitorium 515-51- Dividends as Regular as the Calendar. You Take No Chance When you invest your surplus funds or savings in a high-clasecurity of a local company, the progress of which you can watch. Salt Lake & Utah Railroad Company first preferred stock Is a safe, well secured Investment, paying regularly quarPresent pries terly dividends. yields better than 7 per cent on par value of 8100.00 per share. Ask for descriptive circular, and other Information. ss A. J. ANDERSON, Auditor, Salt Lake A ROBERT HECKEL Phone Murray CARD OF THANKS. The family of John Brown wish to thank all thoae who so kindly assisted In the services, and for the beautiful floral ollcringa. MRS. JOHN U. BROWN, MRS. E. REYOLD8, MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON, ' MR. PERCY BROWN. MR. ROBERT BROWN. Utah R. R. Co. TIIR NEW WEST MAGAZINE P. O. Box 1169, TfM Salt Lake City, Utah, bUbllalvd Or J. w. McHenry, Traveling Representative, klurray, Utah. SALT LAKE ft UTAH H B. Salt Lake City, Utah. lilt- - Vrt" For the dfvrtopmmt mt Western induatrtaa, sfrirolture, miring, nil. mmi aetnle attract tau. Of inlmat to On WfaUn In vaster, farmer and right aerr. Printed an kirk tllnatraliaaa gratia paper wKh topper half-tan- a Year, 2 ; ropy, fut. Sample. lOe. I hack ken fnr tie. Rend now. Tha New Weal Mag tine, 111 I Walker Bank Bidv., Balt Iak City tHali: m White BMg. Reatlle, WeakTH h CO. Woodward An, Detroit, Mich. Addraaa maai at affira, er plan yanr sahaarlpttaa threngh aawpann. Rows of buttons are used to unusual decorative advantage, innovations in self tuckings, braid binding, suggest the style possibilities of these suits in various materials and shades. The Leader 150-pag- e Buddhism Seeks to Regain Grip Cr. home on Vine reasonable. 0. pussy-foote- n CANDY BUINE88 We start you at Mr. and Sirs. Leonard Mackey of Taylorsville have sold their home and home or anywhere; everything furare preparing to move into the Mum-for- d nished : 830 weekly, up; men, women; The lA&iS churches which constitute the Northern Baptist Contention are moving forward this spring in a program termed by their leaders on of tbs most significant unified advances a Christian body has ever made. Thirty-fou- r state convention headquarter are teeming with activity and the entire strength of the denomination is marshalled, ready for a task whose alas may well bs called staggering. It la now nine months since the as of employment for women In industry, sembled national delegates of the living conditions of foreigners and soNorthern Baptists met in Denver and cial, educational, civic gnd religions foreign-born.- " after providing entirely new and mod- opportunities for the from Japan, From ern church organisation machinery set from tlie heart of Mohammedan Afa toward the face of .,000,000 people rica, observers have been writing In five year effort, necessitating expend- unanimous agreement that conditions itures that will total at least 3100,000,-00- abroad are evea more unsettled than Tli. urgency of the world situa- In America. The belief of the church tion, viewed from the Christian stand- that the Christian Ideal la the one sopoint and made clear In detail to the lution will make Itself felt through au Investment of practically 810,000,000 Itemconvention through a ised survey of the field's Heeds, has for new equipment In foreign mission worked like maltlplylng leaven. Thou- fields. This will be In addition to norsands upon thousands of copies of that mal operating expenses. Plans Include survey have been distributed In an- the sending out of 228 new missionary families and 178 single wqmen misswer to individual written requests. Tlie denominational program la sionaries and Urn erection of 188 misknown officially as ths New World sionary residences, 241 missionary Movement of Northern Baptist. It Is schools, 76 dormitories, 75 church defined as an attempt to apply vigor- buildings, 5. industrial schools and IS ously the principles of Christianity to hospitals. In China, one of many mission fields, the problems confronting the world. The shadow of many Ills, the streams five new high schools for girts will he and pain of humanity, struggling to established. "An Intelligent womangive a new order birth after tlie cata- hood la absolutely necessary for tlie clysm of war has swept away old permanent regeneration and Christianstandards ami safeguards, are the ba- ization of the Orient," says the report which led to this plans adoption. sic urges behind the Baptist effort One domestic trend of the New Tlie churches Involved, believing the call to senl'-- Imperative and fated World Movement .will he a steady :ily to grow larger, liava decided to hammering on the problem of minispledge tlie entire 8100,000,000 Baptist ters' salaries. The average salary of fund In one financial drive" between tlie 8.823 ordained Baptist ministers In April 21 and May 2. 5Iy purpose here the United States in $1.87 s day, or is not to dlscuH the task Involved In 8683 a year. Only eight out of every ths raising of such a sum. The im- hundred receive as much aa 81,500 a from nu- year. petus of niil and merous oilier denominations working Many amusing and appealing letters together In tlie Interchurrh World have been received since It became Movement will aid the Baptists greatly known that a determined educational In their money campslgn, a larger one campaign to remedy this condition Is than any other denomination face this nmler way. One letter from Peru, Ind., says: spring. "In my opinion the greatest finanWhat must Interest the general public In considering the huge undertak- cier of the times Is not Frank Yandex ing ara some very practical questions Up or J. rierpont Morgan. Ths wife Through what channels does the of the average minister has all of the church hope to effect tic application great financiers of the country beaten of the Christian Ideal and the Chris- to a standstill. If the same degree of tian machinery toward a lessening of efficient management aa has prevailed unrest? How clssrly and wisely hive In the ministerial household could .be the church lei tiers viewed the situa- applied to our Industrial and political tion? Do they work with a seeing vi- Institutions we could successfully comsion of the tremendous ground, phys- pels In tlie markets of the world and ically and spiritually speaking, that come oft victors." In none of ths welfare features of tkey musl arnirt How definite and the Baptist program will the evangeconcrete are their plans? VX one who hss read the report of lical note be subordinated. Dr. J. Y. tho Field Surrey Committee of the Altchisoa, director of the General Northern Baptist Convention can rea- Board of Promotion of the Northern sonably doubt tha earnestness with Baptist Convention, has summed up as which the men behind ths New World follows ths keynote spirit of tbs efMovement are striving to be practical. fort: It is always necessary to remember Tlie scope of the Amerlcaslxatlon plans Indicates the trend. Children In that neither money nor buildings nor will bs asked to additional workers serve to express the Sunday-schoothe terms of the New World Movetreat the children of the foreign-bor- n s friends. Baptist women will be ment It la not a campaign. It la the asked to cultivate friendship as Indi- advance of an ideal. The raising of women. Mis- the money ind the spending of the viduals with foreign-bor- n sions will bs established In mining, money are Incidental to the supreme manufacturing and logging districts task of offering Christianity 'like a where tlie native proportion of tho healing bandage to tlie wounds of the world. population Is small. "We are going forward on the theoSpeaking of "future citizens," tbs report of the committee says : ry that the denomination or the churca "Ws cannot honestly preach to them or the man who hangs back now, la and teach them national Ideals If ws wliat President Roosevelt weuld have, r. Where Chris are silent while they, because they are called a strangers, are being exploited. It Is tianlty dominates, there cannot bd our Christian duty to assist In the bet- lust and greed and hate Certainly tering of factory conditions, standards there cannot be Bolshevism." B. A. KLASCO, Mgr. MURRAY How's This? WATCH YOUR STEP. Carelessness of Walkers Blamed for 9,000 Fatalities Last Year. Of the 10,500 automobile fatalities in New York In 1919 to date, '9,000 were due to carelessness on the port of pedestrians, according to a statement Issued by Secretary of State Hugo today, on the eve of a asfety-flr- Ws offer Oua Hundred Dollar! Reward (Or any emu of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Madtcina Hall's Catarrh Madlvina baa been taken by catarrh Buffer. re (or the past tlilrty-ilv- e yean, and has become known aa tha moat reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine nets thru the Blood on the Mucous eurfacee, expelling tho Potion from the Blood and healing th diseased portions After- you have 'aken Halls Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will or a In your general areat Improvement health. Rtart taking Hall'e Catarrh Medicine gt ones and get rid of catarrh. Bend (Or testimonials, free. J. CHKNKY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by all nnigeiela. Be. - r MICKIE et YOU movement In New York City, to educate children ae to the danger of recklessness In playing In and SAYS SOMETIMES "jE-WW- Vtuz A DOG I VSISH'O go's I COULD SICK NOU ONTO TVC FELLERS WHO COME IN.Y4M6N ink'rg GO To IfA VfJHOLfi crossing thoroughfares. Classification of the fatalltlea showed 700 due to reckless driving; 850 to defective mechanism, and ths balance to faults on the part of pedestrian. Three thousand of these were among persona crossing streets In the middle of blocks. The larger part of the remainder were among chlldred playing In the street. The educational campaign will be carried through motion pictures and propaganda. , THAT abouY reaps PRESS, WilfM NAP O' CORN MAKES US LAYS vsirfH the. paper amo RUNS US ALL RAGGEO BESIDES ' Meet Elephants Are Cowards. out of every Only about twenty-fi- v L900 elephants In India can pass the testa for courage which ore put to them before they are ua-- 4 in tiger bunting. - i- - wwr ls Sunday School, 11 a. m. Mrs. A. D Mrs. Lawrrnrc Tliayne entertained Williams, Superintendent. Service at 8 the officers and teachers of the Mur p. m., Frank R. Ward, Pastor ray First Ward Primary Friday after Ladles' Aid first and third Wednesnoon at her home on Slate Street. day in every month. A baby girl was Imrn last week to Is your skin Dry? Oily? or Normal? Mr. and 51 rs. D. Petersen of Garland. The Way will teach Mrs. letersen will be remembered as you the correct care of either skins. Miss Marie Dawaon of Murray. Also the rare of hair and scalp. Address Mrs. L. G. Welch, 85 Fifth Ave.. George Green, who has been se- Murray. Phone Sfurray 305-riously ill following an operation at the Holy Cross hiwpital. Is reWANTED. Dead or useless horses ported slightly Improved. and rows, bought, for rash. Phone 370-Mrs. B. X. Kllbotirne entertained Siurray her Salt Lake club Thunday afterNo Knife, write for Ruptured noon at her home on South State reply to J D. Frame, Murray, Utah. street. - Czecho-Slovaki- a, Naw York Sun Poll Iq Massachusetts Favors Him. D Methodist Church, Murray and Chic were never expressed to greater advantage than in these expertly Designed- SUITS presented here in our advance SPRING SHOWING at pricings most Youthfulness By LUPTON WILKINSON. o Miss Adnllla Beatty will entertain Sunday School, 10:80 a. the 1 mdies of the Baptist Church Wed- m. Sunday ; preaching service, 8 p. m. afternoon church at the nesday parlors. My Mother." Mrs. Sain Wliiltle entertained a few friends at dinner last Friday afternoon at her home on Wasatch Avenue. Program, Sunday evening, 8 p. m. The occasion was her birthday. Songs, recitations and instrumental mimic. The public is cordially invited. Mrs. Robert Heekel entertained the Wednesday. Stay 12, the Baptist Aid ladles of the Methodist Church Wed- and all the friends are Invited to meet afternoon with at home Sties Beattie at the Siurray Bapon her Stale nesday tist Church. Street. This Spring ar s 515-51- 7 HOY FORCES IN $1110,000,006 DRIVE p Bit-ho- YOULL WANT A 329-- Murray. J. After you eat always take FATONIC TOP Instantly relieves Heartburn Bloated Cany reding. Stops food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. ABP-gTOiKe- a4larr.nn Aida diiMtiia spaiUls. Kacpi atanerh sweet end atieng: Vitality end Pp. EATONIC i. the bMt iwnedr. Tm of benefited. mp4, weoderfuUy tin OdrMIleat rwlUwhr iwwt-- 4 fttmdvt.Mil to plMMar w will refund mooey. Gttahis Yea will sea, Thornton-Anderso- n Soa today. a Drug Co. 4800 So. State Street Murray, Utah Buddhist prints of Burma, after ignoring the progress of Christian missions In that country for more than a century, are making a vigorous effort to restore Buddhism to Its old place. Tills la the report made by Baptist missionaries In that field. The outcome of the struggle la of vital Importance, as Burma has the moat advanced civilisation of any part of British India, and its influence Is. growing. With thin in view, the General Board of Promotion of tlie Northern Baptist Convention believe that the working forces of Christianity should be doubled. Especially Is this so since, under direction of th British authorities, the missions lira sent sut by ths Northern Baptists ara conducting 55 per cent of ths educational work of the esustry. An Indication of governmental Is found In ths offer of the authorities to pay half tha cost of construction of a new ptant for Judson College. The government, too, has so--, eared a beautiful new campus outside the city of Rangoon. Schools of every grade, from kindergarten through college and seminary,, are conducted by missionaries, and educational work Is particularly strong among women and girl. gome Ides of the tasX of expansion is shown by' tbs fact that there srs 40 races In sn ares aa great aa Texaa and with a population greater than (hat of New York State. In aplte of the work already done, tha Illiteracy of Burma Is estimated at 62 per cent The needs are taxing the ability to meet them. In their struggle to restore the prestige of Buddha the Occident has furnished Buddhist leaders with sn Ides. One of tlielr most active agencies Is the Young Men's Buddhist Association, which drew Its Inspiration from the Y. M.C.A. Before 1024 it le hoped te be able to send 55 new missionary families, as well ae 84 new women missionaries nnd four doctors to supplement the 89 missionary families, 52 single women and four doctors and two nurses qow In the field. Especially Is there need for greater medical service, aa the present force gives medical attention to sura than 10,000 persons s year. Most f these are not In tho cities and centers of population. The British Government provides for work In such centers. Missionaries in the field estimate that some 90 per cent of those whs dia in field euffer to tha the dose without the attention of a doctor or nurse. Plane favored by the Geaersl Board of Promotion favor th use of 2fi automobiles In this region, estimating that the activities of the missionary css bs tripled by this equipment Construction of 25 new school buildings to replace outgrownqilsnts and relieve congestion, the esEkbllshment of a school Is trades and arts and the founding sf new schools for girts an reported as immediate necessities t forestall Baddhlst efforts, When In need of any fancy, fresh or staple Groceries, call J. W. HERLING Phone Hurray 57. We have a full line nt your service. "Electricity for Everything and Everything for Electricity THE PE0GRESS CDKPAEY Huxny Midvale Magna LammermjJ BOND letterheads Snvelopes 'Sill Heads GiveUsSbur Orders for It la a groat aomfort ts tha bereaved knew that tha funeral arranga-mant- a are In tha hand ef an expert-anaa- d undertaker. It also give oat lifaetltn to knew that tha funeral, ee ducted In an alsaant, dignified mam nor, will b moderately priced. I C. Printing Ft H. Banks Undertaking Co. LICENSED EMBALMERI PHONE MURRAY 847. Automobile Barrie to and Parlors if desired. (nr HIDES, FURS, SHEEPSKINS Get FULL VALUE Ship to a LARGE, CENTRAL MARKET AND RELIABLE HOUSE Get the middlemans profit ADDED to your returns by tagging next lot DIRECT TO US. We pay express and post charges on FURS. Hold shipment separate on request and submit offer. Small shipments receive same careful attention with us as large ones. Low express and freight rates all roads to Omaha on HIDES and PELTS. FREE GUIDE AND WOOL GROWERS FRIEND. Ship to us for MORE MONEY, PROMPT RETURNS AND FAIR DEALING. NEBRASKA HIDE & WOOL CO. Omaha, Nebraska , |