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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH GEERS ENJOYS DISTINCTION OF BEING ' OLDEST MAN WHO EVER HANDLED REINS ; jJ Frantic WithFain A Physical Wreck From Kidney Trouble, But DOANS Made Her WelL trouble made u complete Kidney wreck oi me, Mr. my Wm. Harvey, i N. Eighth St., Greute Pass, Ore. I we o despondent and miserable it seemed 1 had nothing left to live for. Death would hare been a welcome relief. For six mouth 1 waa in bed and never expected to leave it a five. 1 waa 621 t 0 tooth- throbbing I had ache. awful c Sarto band lert & waa pain- - -- I reeked all over. CO. POSTOt-MILBUR- N VfJSV Ktlwurd F. Goers, "I lie grand old mini of the sulky," who will be on Job" al (lie Grand Circuit light harm rnree t Ills at lie hna been some forty odd yearn past, lie will drive fur Frank C. Junes of Memphis, It Is said that this veteran, wlin was severely Injured Inst saaaon la of the oldest. If nut the oldest, man who hue ever bundled the reins In the for one the OSCAR STAR AGE FALLS BACK COACH AL SHARPE IS naked tlie hardware Captain, ealiwnmn, would you mind telling me how you lost your arm?" Not at all, not at all, replied the browsed officer with the empty aleeve, It happened thin way : We were due for another turn in the trenches the next day, so they were giving a dunce for iin that night back In the rest camp. A few welfnre workers were there, and among them waa the cutest little girl 1 ever met. I managed to dance with her most of tho evening, and toward the end we wandered out In the moonlight. . . . Captain, she Mild, after a while, please remove your arm, And you know, she waa such a little queen, I Just couldnt refuse her.Tlie Home Sector. - Outdoor Ufa. la nyblg game lpinter, and waa tnlklng of ilia happy experiences in the out of doors. Then tlie tulk drlft- m1 to old friends bock In the old home town. Whatever became of one friend asked the hnnter. Oh, hadnt yon heard? Hes In Jail." Yon dont tell met lie DOES IT. ALLEN'S FOOT-EA- SE When your shoes pinch or your cur ns and bunions ache get Allan'a Foot-Ea- sa, tha ahakan Into ahoos antiseptic powderIn tothabo foot-bath. It will and sprinkled take tlia atlng out of coma and bunlona and give Instant rsllsf to Tired, Aching, Swollen. Tender feet Bold everywhere Dont ocfl anil mMShIs-M- v, J t ; j j Tid-lei- s J e II i I I LL-A- FOR INDIGESTION BETTER DEAD Life la a burden when the body Is ranked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To feting back the sunshine take GOLD MEDAL shit has to will hweskiii be sent to Okany parson dtUYoiIng from rbeamatlom, eceemo, ehnmle eoaotlpotlon. liver or atomaeb tiovble. malaria, anloraod alanria In neeli or rain, oltf aorta and mem pimploa andh black beads or any trouble jiao to a pototm-ueondlUon of tho blood. Wrlto iu or call for oar book and fall of oar treotmeot. All aorroapoadaaes atrletly ooafldratlaL THB BAUVAR DNPOT. COLO. DBMVBJI weighed only struck our shores. Georges Carpentler Coach Al Sharpe. refused to alter up. The Instructor the lesson schedule to accommodate the playera. Coach gliarpe oayi the facilities for basketball are Inadequate, while new qunrters of ample alio would enable this sport to at least pay Ita own way. In part, hla report anya: "Tale should' take advantage of the Increased popularity of the game, and at the same time oflTer encouragement to tlie member of tbebasketball squads In the future." It Is said Tnle officials have taken a stand against building for the present. Pitcher Howard McGrnner, who has been out of tlie game. Is going to try a comeback with Syracuse uf Ihc International league. J. Franklin "Homr Run" Baker lias again reiterated Hint he hus retired from baseball and will not Join Hie New York Americans. Whatever happens to the disrupted Aaron Ward la one man pretYankees Roads are being built aruund Antto stay with Huggins, and sure ty werp to accommodate the traffic for prove mighty valuable. the Olympic games. a Bill James, former pitcher OrovlIIe Arthur J. Karpus has been elected of the Boston Braves, who worked out rnptnln of the 1021 University of with the Chicago Cuba at Pa widens, Michigan basketball squad. says bis arm Is all right again. In Melroae, Mas the T. M. C. A. Trig Speaker may not be the greathas Inaugurated an Indoor night school est outfielder In the annals of baseof Instruction In golf playing. ball, but there Is s large majority of who say he Is! America will be represented at the baseball enthusiasts of the and Ancient meeting Boyal The Mobile club has signed a secCommittee on Golf at London. ond base tryont named K C. Leinas-ter- , who lmHs from Evansville, Ind., Boxing la enjoying a big liontn In semi-prexperience. the navy. Several clever knights of where he has lind a the padded glove are being developed Rotla Mnpel, who was expected "to among the aaliora. . do sonic real sonthpnwlng for tlie St.' All that publicity Carpentler nnd his Lonls Browns this senson, has decided collur got In New York mind have to play Independent hall In Colorado. nude Dempsey feel like a nickel at Three youngsters from I lie sand lots the 1020 Follies box office. of Unmliu are making a strung bid Htmngler Lewis must have an awful for pluces on Ih Ruurke'a Western i rush to that hendluck of Ills. Tlie league uuttlt. They nre Stanley Skupa , and Waller heads of sume of tlie grapplcr are nut nnd Eil Franck, Infielder. In ext soft Ihc the world, cither, Nnfer, tilings Let Cuticura Be Your Beast; Doctor t 2S eel SO. Tihsw St. Oreat eppbrtully for yea SUn a. mnafaetarar or satssinaa. Altroetlv V U, Salt Lake City, No. 20. Liver and Bowels Bight Always Feel Fine i HAS stood the test of ha Swamp-Ro- It ia sold by all druggist) on year. it merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine hni so many friends. and atari Be sure to get Swan.p-Boo- t treatment At oma. However, if yon wish first to teet thi greet preparation send ten rent to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a ample bottle. When writing be aura and mention thi paper. Adv. Lady of distinction. Is recognized hy the dnllcnte fusclnot-lutiifiucnce of tliu perfume slm uses. A lintli vwltli Cullcnra Soup anil hot water to thoroughly clcunsu the isirea, followed by a dusting with Cuticura Talcum Powder usually mean a clear, sweet, healthy aklu. Adv. Carter Utile UierlHIknever tail. Miliums CARTER'S ! 3 will testify yr tliat there ia nothing ao loud fox ITTLE IVEH PELLS bil- iousness indigestion, headache of sallow, pimply akin. Purely vegetable. Small FIR Small Daae SataU Price CARTEBS IKON PILLS, Natures great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, RheumalUsi, Nervousness, Slecpteasueas and Female Wcakaeaa. D3L Even Were New Suits Nut $10. Sir Oliver l.islge mi)' Hull dying Is un nhl Mill of eliiihes. like To soihciir us (luliig llie luller iu nihilist us linnl us dying, iriily. Tha Worriaoma One Well, grunddiiil, yon don't worry over your seventy-lir- e years." No. Only over the lusl live." Blatter (Munich). Bnalas bui Saw iluriu Ti;in-erli- i. FRECKLES Now A Tim Ie Get Ki4 of TkeM UrIjt spot. ajHiia. un ounor of Olhtn -- iluvhU limn your iIiukkIiK, Mini miily $ II nhclit ami puiriilnir hiiI yot M'wiiifih Ilf tin uf ta'iulA F(Mn i I fw'ilw hut hvfb ihc huhtri iu UmiipiMNr, whilo 111 vinlulR il onllrrly. i icliliiir on oun( In n "iliil (u e m thin that nii'n bcautlftt pKtoly cIfnf hi Nkln nil fulii clvar euiiiplosiun. Un iui lo mk for Ihr Anahit BtroiMrtl In wild uikIdi puamiiffo oi Othlius on thlN If It falls to nmov freckle. nuttv; 1mv ImnVH one huvo i Don't worry over lost upisirtunllles. Keep your eyes omh for tlie next uni Unit cornea along. klo Spavin I.ainRieti, alia; pain. Due not blister, cninve tlia luir or lay up the hone. 82. SO a hold at drugKii-i- s or drliverrd. Book 1 R free. an AllbOlUilNE, J!L, for niiveptic liniment for bruisrt, emi, vuundi, riiaiiia, paint al, swollen veins of p.lanJt. It $1.25 a boi:l: a: riiiig-- 1 j beais and soot.ici. gists or portinid. Will teU you mom U you write. Made in U. S. A. by Maas. W. F. YOIINII, 'ae.. HOInssti .. You mil iimko iilimwl jiuy nt::ii pnliiv-Every limn who has the courage of niarviiiii hy Hlllntr him Mint FRECKLES his con vlcl inns has lo Imre a lot of itum wiik rixkliiir iilhitit I.I111. 11 sin l uluigomcnta. Thickened, Swollen 1 issues. Curbs, Filled Tendons. Soreness from bruise or Strains; VIA (fpIIim thou liuraal KkiIih-- b (hr ti'GK-fil tho kliNlltONf Thw'n HHhuiiMt! of your Crt'chU,, hh oililm ta inaMrihuUGAl tii luinovt diull g 1 ESirss'sxtsI u r ,i iiP3 I Baby Specialists. rpHAI there are Physicians who specialize on Infant .ailments yon know. All Physicians understand Infant troubles: all Physicians treat them. It is his profession, his duty, to know human ills from tho Stork to the Great Beyond. But in serious cases he calls in the Specialist. Why? He knows as every Mother knows, or ought to know, that Baby is just a baby, needing special treatment, special remedies. Gan a Mother he less thoughtful ? Can a Mother try to relieve Baby with a remedy that she would use for herself? Ask yourself; and answer honestly I Always remember that Baby is just a baby. And remembering this you will remember that Fletchers Castoria is made especially for Mints and Children. Children Cry For ALGOHOLtf PER GEKT similalinitMlbod r RABBIT". INFIELD Miss Hunt for Flrat Time. For tbs first time In 13 rears the New England Fox Hunters dob did not hold a meet this season because of failure to locate a suitable place to hold the hunt. l hearing, mmhllng sound or lnis-rfer- t IVufues I the when II Is entirely liiNnmni.-ttliibe result, tnless ihetills- restored to il norand this mal eondllhm. hearing may be destroyed forever. Many eases nf Benfiires are tanned by t'ninrrh. whleh Is an hiliumed rmiilltlon nf tin- V neons Rurfiues. ONK HUNlHIKn nm.I.ARR for any Peafnera thit rnnnot ran of ( atarelml HALL'8 CATARRH Piiml he by MEPTCINK All Pnieglsta 7 . Clrcnlara free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. ia a ilrengthening medi-inhelps the kidneys, liver and blad-le- r do tha work nature intended they It . tea-gu- ar W. N. upplu-athii- o Bill Rodgers' ball dub at SacramenJim Bice, coach of Columbia unlver-aitoarsmen, has been Identified with to la link craxy. Tlie whole aggrethe sport S3 years. gation golfs. They are given the entire moriilng up to one o'clock for Coach Jnck Slattery has chrisThti English Amateur Athletic asso- their golf. tened Harvard Infield the rabciation has decided hereafter all cluha Theres a reason. bit Infield. and promoters must state the value of Tlie Milwaukee Panthers have a Conlon. the shortstop, stands rookie outfielder. Sieve Coslngton, on prlxee given on tlie programs. five feet seven Inches and their squad who was horn In BmsIL weighs only 140. Eddie Lincoln, Revision of tha rules of gulf Is con- lie came to the United States a masat third, Is .he same height, and templated, doubtless to milks them ter of the Spanish hinguuge. la three pounds heavier, while conform to the present lack uf a nineEnmmnns la an CnpL Bohhl teenth hole. Mike Kelley, pennant pilot of the Inch taller and weighs ISO American Association Inst season, has pounds. Slattery says small Carjieiitlcr, who has promised his Heqnesthed Vancouver the services of men make the beat Infleldcrs. wife to stop fighting after he meets e promising slubber In the person of ' ... Demiisny, takes an extremely optimis- Soathpew Febr. o tic view of marriage. Freak Delivery Ban. One good piece of news comes from Following the lead of the major It most be very edifying to Mr. Jack the Yankees. It Is that Charley and roost of the minors, the Western Association uf Baseball clubs, at a Dempsey to hear Americans express O'Leary Ie a much livelier coacher meeting recently, put tha apltball" the fervent hope that Carpentler will than Pat O'Connor waa. That will and other freak deliveries under ban. knock Ida bean oil. help some. ,f Tha national remedy of Holland for over MO yoars; it ie an enemy of all palna remit! ng from kidney, Bvar and uric add troubles. An drnggtatw three aiaea. SPORTS 173 pounds when lie NS Leatar M. Osrfcsr. TbaWrvllla. l. Swamp-Ho- Veteran GOSSIP Y TylMOIG s LOOK "i, n.l wul'ld-fnin.m- J Hot water Sure Relief Seep ZSc. (Hat tub-lel- ' e S.ure Relief BT. VVomiin Until Relieved by Lydia C. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. Sayt this r d Naturally. The hygienic experta net their faces . against kissing. Who doesnt?" 1TR I Backstop Given Charge of Why Is not a team that ran bent Young Pitchers, Unless Young the world's champions euilllcd to Imi Catcher Fail. considered the real cliuniplon uf the world? Basketball Teams and Hockey Oscnr Storage won't be asked to do the plate In the Lack Building, He Says. regular duly Otto Miller has been appointed present campaign of the Detroit Tigers eoach of tlie Brooklyn team by Manthe Maimion nnless young catchers, ager Robinson, succeeding Jack and Woodall, fall In come up to cxpec- - Coombs. Forcing Man to Us Philadelphia lee Rink Was Imposition Players The Sioux Clly eluh bn sold the Who Missed Recitation Forced veteran uutflelder, Iniil Mebain. to to Make Them Up. Ynklm of the Pacific luternnllunnl league. Conch Al Bliarpe of Tale la going to make an liumcHlIutc demand fur a .Too Harris, who say lie hna quit large building to acromuiodiile the the Clevclnnd Indians, lias token the lie baakctlinll nnd hockey team. liiiiiingeineiit of a billiard room in wants a building that will ueut apFranklin, Id. proximately 6,000 people. In an unofficial communication lo Every time Ruliblt Mnninville (pul Tale authorities, Slinrpe declared the pilIlnnk Gowily kill off a woulil-lito team of the hockey forcing practice ferer, the cry goes ui, The Army and use the Philadelphia lee rink was Nuvy Forever." Tnder tlie plnn In vogue waa crew this winter, Tale'a hockey Indications are Hint Alnurlcc Shanforced to take an express (rain to non Iihx won the third luise Jobs with A Philadelphia for the games and then the Griffmen over y any ret (ini to till college aa quickly a cundldute. oilier possible and by whatever nieniia was available. Gua Ilelfrich. spltbnll pitcher sold Those of the player who missed by Nnslivlllu to Fort Worth, has anrecitations were obliged to make them nounced Ida retirement from professional baseball. rations. Tlie telernn will handle young pitchers which nughey JenBoth Pfcffcr and Grimes were nings Is collecting In bales In the sought by Munngcr Stallings of the hoies of finding s couple good enough Braves, lint Unele Robbie refused to to make tho regular string. part with cither. AFTER NEW QUARTERS The atmosphere of the aniuklng ear 11 Tlie linycr ('miKiny. who Introduced Aspirin. I I I iu their careful direct ini w iu i.ich Kiekuge of gcuidnc uf Aspirin Hint In g.H Hayt-- 'i'nhlei lierl rcMdix one or tun glosses of aster should !h drunk lifter Inking i J t, lent lieelf to reinlnlaeence. mi , J MISERY TO HER direction. costs only a few cents. lw-ii- history of the light harness turf. Diurmlng Order, Leah lee (ha name Cold Utakl on Frcezons (icr-iiiu- ii t. B , J Ciiurlcr-Jouruu- EATONIC Uth beat remedy .ittaku the harmful acida and gaaea right out of the body and, of course.you get wren. Tene of thouaande wonderfully benefited. Guaranteed to aatiafy or money refunded by your own drug-gilCoot a trifle. rlesa try it I Bcll-an- Doesnt hurt a bit and y ch 6 Red Faber made, perhaps, the most unique (trike ever seen on tho bowling alleys of llie Old- Falter roll cago Elks club. with terrific qieed, which uc- counted fur tlie freak. He cut the hall luose and It hit a little to the left of the center pin. leaving No. 8 slaudlug. Ouu uf the plus flew clear to I be pit, hit the wall, caromed off the wooden side of the alley and gilt llio lone pin standing. When l lie game finished ihe pin I'se sbu glad boy remarked: muu Is done tlmt Idg finish, 'cause If he ain't I Is." LIFE WAS Aspi- left-hand- gATCHMC A Bayer Company, who introduced rin in 1900, giv proper I cal-lo- BUFFALO. N. Y. one or two tableta eat Kka candy. InatantlvrelieveaH eartimru. Bloated Guay reeling. Stop indigestion, food eouring, repeating, headache and the many miunu eaoaed by WATER WITH ASPIRIN Lift off Corns! j NOTES After you eat always use Acid-Stoma- - t DIAMOND The kidney accretion, like thick, black eoffoe and terribly. They almost stopped and then my feet bloated like water. I waa frantic with pain. thought I would low my reason I bad lost all faith in medicine and Doon'e Kidney Pill only be-- a dear friend naked me. Bight the etut I begaa to fed bettw Doan a cured me. fwom to hrfore me, A. B. PARSONS, Notary Pvllte. Cal Daaefb at Aw Stmn. flOc a Beu DOAN'S UNIQUE STRIKE I suffered almost Carrollton, Ky. . I of Aspirin" to In two year with female weakne-s"Buyer could not walk any must be 0 mnrked wbh J genuine ride or distance, J linycr (mss." Then you ure ail e sry exercise st s As-tlie genuine, uli wiiiwut renting. gelling J j J by pliysieiuns for If 1 swept ihe Hour pirin. A or aid ary kind of ovit eighteen years. J j s work it would brine Kiieli milirokeii Buyer" my mckness on. 1 ! contiiins prnier directions for ('olds, was weak and l&ng-'- k llciidiirhc, Tim.i linclic. Earache. Neuuid, bad do energy, N'cnri-li- . lilieuiiiulisni, l.umlHigo. ralgia. Ujaad life was a misery and Piiin generally. VS to me. 1 was under With your finger! Tun can lift oft Inixes iiililets care of a good of twelve lln lliimly beany hard Corn, soft corn, for sevCOKt lint H few eenls. Ilruggists ulu AAMpliyrician tween the toes, and the hard skin cal- Mil I nonius and tried ether reiuedies. larger "Buyer" imekiigis. Aspirin eral I had read of Lydia E. Finkhsms Vegeluses from bottom of feet. 1 the trade mark of Buyer Mnmifne- - table and decided to try it. A tiny bottle of Freeione" costs tnre of MoiiiNieeHeaeldester of Snllcy' After Compoundtwelve bottles I found taking little at any drug store; apply a few lieu clil. Adv. myself much improved and I took six All Yuukee pitchers must tnko five drops upon the corn or callous. Inmore. I hare never bad any more Beyond Expression. stantly It stops hurting, then shortly trouble iu that respect since. I have wluutes of control practice daily. An elderly holy wus qucsiiiiiiliig the done all kinds of work and at present you lift that bothersome corn or Anil uliut mis the am an attendant at a utato Hospital right off, root and all, without Wllliert Robinson has Itecn trying to Truly I must terrible sight you wiincsMsI in nod nm feeling fine. 1 have recomIdttcr out of one bit of pain or sorcnc make a mended your Vegetable Compound to No humbug I Adv. tlie wnrV" Ileriile Nets. friendu and shall alwavs dozens or o o e Well, it Win like Ibis," replied Ihe recommendmy Lillian Tuahp, 321 it and Tricotine, We liud jtixl xhiIiciI ii soldier. Georgett S. tilb (ii., Carrollton, Ky. Charley Pick Is HeJdlug well at secI Tricutlne, I hear sonic silly girl iniieliiiu-giIlls! with uluuil 12 ond base, but he but nut yei found Ida If you have ary symptom about which going to innrry Algy." enemy gunners lliul were liuhling up would like to know write to the batting eye. . Ye." We Hie iicsi nnd ycj our udrnm-cLydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, It rldlcnlnu?" Isnt fip--l sliul rigid in (iu uibldle Hie Maas., for helpful advice given free of pul New Turk betters favor the Giants Well, 1 dont know wlint to any, of the Jerries." charge. over tlie'Cliirlnuatl Red to win (be How drendfui: interrupted the old Georgette. I'm the girl." Louisville Xutiunal league iiennnnt. ludy. "did il kill lliem nllV" No'iu," replied llie soldier sudly. il The Western league, seeing prosper-Itdllil." Aliierienn logloli Weekly. abend, ret unis to the system of WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND wus a double umpires this season. Catarrhal Rtafnegs Cannot Be Currd t milll l 0 I li.'y Green uniforms with crimson lethy the illsensi-i- l yrilon of llie car. There Is Inbeen the for have adopted rmurrlial Henfne. tering line wsy lo For many year druggist have witched only diana university baseball lentil. sod that Is hy a Ionstllutloniil rcme-ly- . with much interest the remarkable record IIA1.I8 CATAMRH MRHliMNIS act Surfareii llirnush the Tllnud un tin- - Miiinu maintained by Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-RooIe The Clnrlnnutl Reds, whether nr not the f the Pystcin. ('iiliinhnl Peutnee There's one right way to speedily tons mediand bladder liver of ll. kidney, I Intlanv un gnat maimed , hy lienclii-liilwill . their slay In Miami was up tlie liver and keep mucous lining of the Kuntuehliin Tube ate. s bowels tegular. the When this tiihe Is Inltx'iiel you buesn-return there next spring to train. It is a physician's preeeription. J too weak to move without the help of my nurse and o nervous 1 acreumed when rite touched me. My bark and head hurt like a MOST Princeton A. A. spent nearly 17,300 for Ita vanity and freshmen team lust fall. Buppllea. such as shoes. Jerseys pants, stockings, etc., totnlc d $2A4U.4!t, while freshman eleven equipment cost $422.77. The Washington club has signed a He Cuban cntcher mimed Torres. innde such n good Impression plnylng with the Hnvnnn stars against the CrllTmen at Tnmpu Hint Mnnager Grlf-- I on iii- - ihii nib siii.-- 1 . OtccfftlnesssadRzACtrtM neWw Opium AHGQT1C NOT Mineral. AssSfcArf Advert iiingby the use of large apace, the expenditure at huge sumi of money have placed on the market, have put in year home, perhaps, many articles that today have been discarded, as you will readily admit. Do yon recall anything that has more modestly appealed to the public than has Fletchers Castoria: modest in all iu claims, pleading at all timea and truthfully for our babies ? The big splurg, the misleading claim may win for n time, but the honest truth-tellin- g advertiser u like the old story of the tortoise that heat the hare. Mothers everywhere, nnd their daughters, now mothers, speak frankly, glowingly, enthusiastically in praise of Fletchers Castoria. Speak of it lovingly as n friend that hna brought comfort, cheer nod miles to their little-onThere nre substitutes and imitations as there are for the diamond, for anything of value. One might almost say that that which is not copied has no value. So you have had the signature of Chao. H. Fletcher nnd n copy of the genuine wrapper kept constantly before yon that you may guard against tha false and the untrue. e. AhripfitlBJjXss ConstlpalionandDiarrto & ftaGaiwmC"116 ygnvr YPWjv MOTH US SHOULD SEAD THE GENUINE 100X111 THAT IS ASOUND EVEKY SOTTLE OF CASTORIA FUTCHESS CASTOSIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of Bxact Copy 8f Wxappssb mm INTAUR itMNANV. NIWVtRN tITV. 3.7 |