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Show BANDY CITY STAR, SANDY. UTAH emm LADY LARKSPUR American Smelling and Refining Co. Garfield Smelting Company By MEREDITH NICHOLSON ', Ctoftjriickl LADY LARKSPUR Lady Larkspur is a delightful little whimsey of a story by Meredith Nicholson, author of The House of a Thousand Candles and other charming romances that nearly everybody has read. Its short and sweet and full of the fanciful charm which has made Nicholson deservedly popu- lar. Bob Singleton is the hero. Hes an aviator invalided home. His Uncle Bashford has married an Englishwoman in Japan in his old age, died and left a widow whom Bob has never seen. Said widow, present whereabouts unknown, Is mystery No. 1. Mystery No. 2 is Violet Dewing, an entirely charming English actress, also missing from public view. Bobs friend Searles has written a play, Lady Larkspur, especially for her and naturally is combing the universe to find her. Bob goes to the Bashford farm at Barton in New England to recuperate. The household is made up of hotel broken-dow- n bf Chart Purrhasors OeribMr', laugh bad the Joy of the lark ascending !" ' I ejaculated, "there By Jove! more here than appear. You're in lore with the girl I" "Rubbish" be cried Impatiently. "You'll think I'm talking rot, but this girl waa the visualization of a character I bad dreamed of and groped after for years. Thafa aU; but It' a whole lot, I can tell you 1" "Let u be practical for a moment, Scoriae," I urged. "Emperor, president. and popular murderer are not more conspicuous than the people of the stage. No girl talented enough to get two engagements, even for small London theater parts, In a trst-cla- s could vanish. With your acquaintance In the profession you'd be able to trace her anywhere on earth. By the way, what did the paragon call herself?" "Violet Dewing was her stage name and the only name the managers knew her by. I assumed that, of counw, all I had to do wa to finish my play and then have Dalton, who represent me over there, make an appointment to read It to her; bnt Dalton worked for three months trying to find her, without success. I wasnt the only person who was Interested In her. Dalton aald that half a dozen managers had their eye on her, but after Honorable Women closed aha stepped Into the void. I knew what you're thinking that the other members of the two companies she appeared with must have had some Inkling of her Identity, but I tell you Dalton and I exhausted the possibilities. It was by accident that she got her chance In the pantomime some one wouldnt do at the lust mluute. and they gave Miss em- ployees befriended by the uncle comedy materiaL young and attractive woman arrives and says shes the widow. Bob is quickly captivated. Appear in due course a puzzling stranger, a remarkable fan, and a suspected German spy material for adventure and incidents both exciting and entertaining, to say nothing of mySlV-Ke- p and dark. In the end but whats the use in spoiling it! Read it for yourself. A ' CHAPTER --1 .. I. - body-snatch- PRUNE PEACH TREE x GOLD, SILVER, LEAD AND COPPER ORES, COPPER MATTE, BULLION AND FURNACE PRODUCTS HEAVILY Will Indue Correspondingly Large Amount of New Weed Growth. Knowledge EsaentlaL Lead Plant at Murray, UtaK Copper Plant at Garfield, Utah1 Peaches are always borne on wood that grew the previous season. Therefor after e peach tree reaches bearing age It Is essential so to menage It as to Induce fairly liberal growth season. each ' As a general proposition, very heavy pruning will induce a correspondingly Urge amount of new wood growth. It follow that the weaker-growinvarieties should bo pruned more heavily, g relatively, than the very aorta The growing of an tree U not merely a matter of keeping the top veil thinned out The position of tha brandies ran be controlled and directed to n marked extent by the manner in which the pruning is dona Heading In a tree from year to year, end pruning with a view to producing an open, spreading, low-to- p results not only In tha development of strong, a Q&mb all communications to J. M. BIDWELL', Manager, Room 700 McComick Block, .... Salt Lake City, Utah g strong-growin- . open-heed- stocky limbs well able to sustain heavy loads of fruit, bnt It brings a largo proportion of the top near the ground when much of the fruit ran bo harvested without the use of Tha man who prune n fruit tree during Its first years must have a pretty dear conception of what the tree U to look like when It reaches maturity, and he needs to know from the beginning what U necessary each time It Is pruned in order to develop the ties which forms his mental virion. A plan, based on a knowledge of tha underlying principles of pruning; la essential If the operation U to bo anything more than a haphazard removal of branches that appear to be In the way. What you expect Just a reminder art laundered at tha Manor a. foundry. y-- wdl-form- CODUNG MOTH Whoa your lfaue la fetenoffi from our lauadry you an now! disappointed to. (far npqtatM; for high class work aB Usee an colored skirts, r or rough dry le to and compute seti assured when yow ; ? V f i I ! IS CHECKED Control of Injurious Insect Mere Last Year Then for Several Seasons. Phono today for a trial. I When the apple crop of the country was harvested last fell, It was apparent that control of the codling moth had been more effective lest year than for many seasons past, according to deciduous fruit specialists of the bu- - Murray Laundry PRINTING - ' Eftapilonal FacSttu Ettoblo Ut to Guar-OWork MAGNA FRUIT & ut on Ion Ay kWN pad rim is kora A kd a wUn yoo really seed A we here eoaharioa the habit af eattaMui eT fee Ugliest wanead ear sswtsss qpalBy a at year lastsat WaoeeeroedeB Ian out Mari are die-- , VEGETABLE STORE All kinds of fresh fruit, Boft drinks & Ida cream, Open every day until 10p.m. Main Street between - lat & 2nd East includ-ingholida- ys aotekeads. ' f The "Troops" "It waa hard luck., aald Searles, "that I should spend a year writing a play for a woman only to find that she had vanished Jumped off the earth Into nowhere. This waa my highest flight, Singleton, the best writing I ever did, and after the vast peine I took with the thing, the only woman I ever saw who could possibly act It la unavailable; worse than that, Nobody absolutely undlscoverable! knows I have this script; Ive kept quiet about It simply because Fm not going to be forced Into accepting a star I don't want I have a feeling about this play that I never had about my other things. The public has been ao kind to my small offerings that Fm trying to lead em on to the best I can do; something a little finer and more Imaginative, with a touch of " poetry, if you plrnse. And now ' He glared at me as though I were responsible for hi troubles. As he knew I had been flying In the French aviation corps for two years and had Just been Invalided home, I didnt think It necessary to establish an allbL Fate had been kind to Dick Searles. In college he had written a his play or two that demonstrated talent, and after a rigid apprenticeand assistant ship as scene-shiftproducer he bad made a killing with "Let George Do It," a farce that earned enough to put him at ease and make possible an upward step Into straight comedy. Even as we talked a capacity house was laughing at his skit "Who Killed Cock Robin?" Just around the corner from his lodgings. 80 his story was not the Invention of a rea jected playwright to cover the ranee of a play which nobody would produce. "Isnt It always a mistake to write a play for a particular star? I suggested. "Seems to me I've read somewhere that that la among ths besetting sins of you playwrights." "OJd stuff, my boy; but this Isn't on of those cases. The person I had In mind Air this play wasn't a star, but a beginner, quite unknown. It was when I was In London putting on 'Fairy Gold that I saw her; she had a small part In a pantomime, and pantomime it the severest test of an actors powers, you know. A little later she appeared In Honorable Women,' a capital play that died early, but there again I felt her. peculiar charm It was Just thnt. 8lie was No one ever captured my Imagination as she did. I watched her night after night I was afraid that when I heard her voice It would break ths spell, and I actually shook like a man with an ague when site tripped out on the stage as the InWomen.' And genue In Honorable er I Yon know how hollow her ' mirth la. but Hint girl's Ci,. . er noa-appe- bin-lit- truck me as a pretty decent square sort of chap, and not at all the familiar grouchy unde of fiction and the drama. I made notes on him from time to time with a view to building a play around him the perfect uncle, unobtrusive, never blustering at his nephew; translating the avuncular relationship Into something remote and chaste like a distant view of Mount Washington In winter. It was Just like him-tretire .from business on his sixtieth birthday and depart for the Orient, there to commit the shameless Indiscretion of matrimony." "Lika him I It was the greatest shock of my Ufa. To the beet of my knowledge he never knew any women except the widow iff his partner In tha She was about Importing house. eighty and perfectly safe. He spent twenty years In the Tyrlngham, the dullest and most respectable hotel In the world, and his chief recreation was a leisurely walk In the park before going to bed. You could set your dock by him. Pretty thin picking for a dramatist, I should think. He used to take me to the theater regularly every other Thursday It waa a date and his favorite entertainment was vaudeville with blackface embellishment preferred. Butin his shy fashion be was kind and generous and mighty good to me." "If you hadnt gone to war, but had kept right at his elbow, the marriage might have been averted," suggested Senries. "He did leave you something, didnt her "Fifty thousand cash and the right to use the garage at the Barton farm. Calling It a farm !s a Joke; If s rocks mostly. He bought the house to have a place to store his prints and Jap ceramics. He hated motoring except In taxis up end down town, and when I urged him to set up a machine, he told ho to go ahead and buy one and build the garage. Told me I'd better fix up the studio In the garage and have It as a place to work in. His will provides that I may lodge In the garage for life. "The estate footed a million, aa 1 remember, so I cant praise his generosity. But the widow, your unknown who annexacntle, the ed the old boy what of herr Ive asked the trust company people whethzr site's In sight anywhere, and they assure me that site Is not on these shores. Torrence, the third vice president you know Torry; he was in the class ahead of us at college, the man who never smllea Torry said she acknowledged the .last remittance three months ago from Bangkok wherever that Is. I suppose the old girl's resumed her tour of the world looking for another retired merchant to add to her list To what nutlon, "Very likely. tribe, or human group does this predatory person belong?" .. vt' "Oh, Im Not Knocking the Deadl Dewing a trial. She waa well liked by her associates In spite of the fact that she was a bit offish and vanished from their world the minute the cur tain felL" "A clever governess out of a Job, satisfying a craving for excitement and playing the mysterious role as a part of the adventure. Am I to assume that you've burned your piny and that the Incident la closed? "Oh, I didn't bum It; I have a copy locked In a safety vault, and Dalton left one heavily sealed at a small exclusive London hotel where; he found after much difficulty, the glri had lodged during her two engagements. "You're morbid, I said. "Show me her photograph. He laughed Ironically. "Never a chance, Singleton I You havent yet got the Idea that this young woman Is out of the ordinary. Site refused to be photographed wrote it Into her two contracts that this was not to be asked. I never saw her off the stage, and I can't give you a description of her that would be of the slightest assistance to the keenest detective alive. In that pantomime she waa a frolic, the clown's daughter, and, although nobody saw It, she was ths. whole piece, the elusive sprite that could evoke laughter and tears by a gesture; a lifting of the blows, a grimace. By utterly different methods In 'Honorable Women' she proved her wide range of appeal. Hers was the one true characterization In the piece. When Terry was In her prime you remember bow we used to say that only one bird sang like that, and from paradise It flew? Well, this bird sings on the same bronchi Her voice was her charm made audible "Rave some morel I pleaded. "You never talked better In your life. "Dont be an ass, be said sourly. "Let's forget her and take a squint at your affvlra. Just what do you mean to do with yon rf elf?" "My shoulder still creaks a little, and the doctors advise me U alt around for a while. They offered me some Jobs In Washington, but desk work and Inspection duty ere too tamo after a couple of years spent In star climbing. Im ?olng up to and 111 camp In tha garage on my uncle's place. "Your uncle played you a nasty Searles; "getting trick, Interrupted married and then adding to the crime by dying. You couldn't beat that for general apltefulneaa. "Do you remember Jie Immortal Unrest at the SII lobfcCoiM Ib 7 and eaa os Best time yew need sooMthlag the priaUngHae. Barton farm. a (TO BK CONTINUED.) the Cause of Wormy Applet. Arehseleglat Describee Sensation en roan of entomology. United States deBecause of partment of agriculture. Entering Egyptian Tomb Mere the unusually high value of tbs apple Then tflOO Yea re Old. crop, the specialists expect that the In February, 1909; an American ex- results obtained will stimulate similar plorer In Egypt, T. M. Davie, discov- Jborougfa work another year. ered the tomb of Yuaa end Tirana, faR ther and mother of that Queen Tjrl SPRAYING FOR whose Influence played so greet s part In Akhenatena religious reformation. Solution af Nicotine Sulphate With The tomb was Intact and the .obLittle Seep Added le Effective jects It contained were as perfectly to Kill preserved ns if they had been shut up of the One archeweeks. n few 40 A only per cent eolation of nicotine ologists described hie sensations os aulphzts used at the rata of one part entering the place a being very much of tha sulphate to 1,900 parts of walike those of e men who enters n town ter, with e little soap added, forme house which has been shut np for ths on effective spray for the apple Armchairs stood about, summer. Ae this pest frequently stunts beautifully carved and decorated with apple trees, It would be well to watch gold, the cushion on one of them, for It and kill It os soon as It makes stuffed with down and covered with Its appearance; linen ao perfectly preserved that they might have been sat upon or tooted, EGGS OF TENT CATERPILLAR shout without Injury. Two BMs of fine design, decorated with gold, ocDeposited in Mooses Around Small cupied another part of ths chamber, Branches of Apple Tree Cut while a light chariot In perfect preserThem Out end Bum. 'comer. starn Most In stood vation of was a ths Jar discovery tling of all The eggs of the tent caterpillar are of honey, still liquid and still preservIn masses around tha small deposited ing Its characteristic scent after 8JKX) branches of apple trees and the winter I yean Is passed In this stage. Watch for them while pruning your orchard and Tee Deep for Him. cat oat theao egg masses and burn An Irish sailor, after pulling In .10 them. This will prevent future loss to himself. muttered of line, (a thorn end effect a complete control. "Sure, It's as long as today and tomorrow! It' a good week's work for FOR PLANTING any five men. More of It yet? The RIGHT SPACE any'a mighty deep, to be rare. Then he suddenly stopped short; and, look- About TYmnty Feet Apart for Peer, Plume and Sour Cherries le ing up to the officer on watch, he exQuito Satisfactory. , plained : "Bad luck to me, aorr, II I don't belave somebodys cut off the t. Congrega-tlonelliI" Pears, plume and tour cherries other end of this line should be planted about twenty feet apart each way, while iweet cherries A Thought. should be planted not less than twenty-f' feet apart each way. The tenIt' not easy to be famous or skill- ive In one's chosen pro- dency now la to plant peaches wide ful or fession, bnt It 1 easy for every man tc apart than formerly, 20 by 20 feet and be a kind father, a good neighbor, a more bring the distance recom maided. true friend and a loyal citizen. If bt la these be Is ell that men of renow Instruments for Pruning. In pruning; nee sharp Instrument, ran be. The great men who bee won his greatness at the expense of hit and nuke a dean, smooth cut A children or hie nelghlmre or hit bruised or splintered cot disfigures the friends has traded I ailing meinarief tree; for temporary feme. Trees May Need Fertilizing. Orchard trees, like other crops, often Seeling Wax In the Middle Agee. Wax seals were used ea far hack ere greatly helped by the Judicious lines: 1350 In England. Moat of them use of fertiliser. - Oh, skip your dear ancle! of a mixture of and Tli Bellman exclaimed Twc others of pure min, Worthy of Good Piece; hie bell? A be angrily tinkled eels In the public record mitre In LonThe strawberry Is certainly worthy re of a very Important place in any homo "Oh. I'm not knocking Hu dead I" he don of the dntes lffim n-- i IliiHlifiinl "Mr. always apectlvcly. were compo. . f ux. orchard. protp---- RESEMBLED Codling AN UNUSED HOME Moth, We carry the hugest line of misfit and uncalled for Clothing in the State. t . rv. . NOBBY SUIIORIDII LEAF-HOPPE- leaf-hopp- 219-22- Yon Say You Theft what other have aid and al of a sudden Hsusa Cigna and Seanary Painting. All kinds of Interior No. IS Canter SL, Magna,' Utah Fo r m te Help your own opinion of the quality of printing we turn out by looking over the samplee we win be glad toi show you. There is noth big in this line thnt wq cent do to your entire satisf- action. High-cla- ss printing creates n good Eagle Publishing Company u d Im-w- as. SokLeka DUKE. 1 d St Decorating. Work the heel Prices reasonable. found some competitor wit doing what they thought they couldn't da And getting away wkh it. Oat tha bulge on your competitors by tailing your Mary in an attractive manner so it wiH be read. You'll get the reiulta. An Alii State Cant Advertise? We 1 Murray, Utah Phone 35 fanpees slonfon you end your V Corinth Befen yom 'end year Term tpA TeM' |