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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH IV I r Another Royal Suggestion MUFFINS and POPOVERS FIX SUM OF GERMAN REPARATIONS AT NOT LESS THAN 100 BILLION MARKS. WOULD TWENTY-NIN- Limit That American Experts Report. ,od They Fcund Germany Able to Pay May be Demanded by France. E too Breakfastas ua duty rather than a joy. The Men Responsible for Widoeprcsd Distribution of Explosive! Last Juno Run to Earth. Ons of Loaders Suicides. er l lx going t lxnnliiii in ci.iifiT willi 1 luvlil l.luyii George, the Hriiixh prime minister, regarding flimiiciul Xiueximin. It 1 l'lirix.-Tn-mi- From the New Royal Cook Book MEMBERS OF AN ANARCHIST GROUP TAKEN BY DEPARTMENT AGENTS. Mlllt-nini- Waxhiiiglon. Twenty-nin- e lt will reuelu-- members d s cups flour Powder 1 tablespoon H teesponn si I cun milk S S 1 repre-.iiiiiillv- 1 rn-.ii- nsoN-lutc- uei-ep- sev-or- u Get-iiiiin- Mnn-ilu- reui-hei- 1 bur-de- Can-anna- t.TIU-ln- x, s. 11 Czeelio-Klovu- k hnmlit-hi-fisle- d e Eu-roi- jinx-lplln- H0U8ES DEMOLISHED WHEN THE TWISTER CWEEPS PATH OF DESTRUCTION. Walls Lifted by Wind and Occupant of Building Shook Out Upon the Ground. Many Have Nar row Escapes From Death. Muskogee, Okla. are known At least fifty lsgg Sift together corn meal, flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; add milk, melted shortening and egg; mix welL Grease muffin tins and drop two tablespoons of mixture into each. Bake about S3 minutes in hot oven. well-beat- BAKING tcuponna Royal Baking usar , tabieopoon Shortening Sift together flour, baking powder, ugrr and salt; add milk, egs and melted shorteninfTT mix well. Grease muffin tins and put two tablespoons of batter into each. Bake in hot oven SO to SS minutes. Egglesi VufLns wcll-L'i-at- nsxll-firiitln- 11 Cora Huffing V cup eon meal 11 cups flour teaspoons Royal Baking Powder U teaspoon salt I tablespoon sugar 1 cup milk 1 tablsspoeaa shortening al Department presents some breakfast disheJ that will send the children to school with a hip hip hurrah and his majesty man to his daily duties with the "up and doifig" feeling which knows no discouragement. MuSna f the lnterxou group" or anarchists said to be resxinslble fur llie wide- l.fi-i- suc- cess of tlie day may depend upon. the spirit of breakfast The Royal Education- spread distribution uf bonihx In June, lUI'i, have l.eeu arrested by the wiili regard to execution of Ilia rcpnrn-I'niof jusilce, it was learned riiiiiM-of tlie treaty of Ver- - Monday. Ni'illl'K. Andre Kulsedo, who threw himself Tlie r'iiiii-rnlll also ugn-- mi llie from llie fourteenth fb.nr of ihe der. uf Hit" in lit held Willi part men of Justice iifHees In $ow III (irriiiiin ut llie Sjm York curly Monday morning uml was meetlm. on Mny 2.1. Instantly killed, was one of the ringIn (lull tln-Tin- - I'lilnli leaders of llie linml. lim bi'iidiU..r-ter- s Hi ilt iici In "III mil tllriix i nf nny wen In ralersiiii, New Jersey. oluiixc of ilit uml will tuku up Knlsedo, who weal iii.der rite ullasex willi 1n Eirt-rmily tln manner of of licncdh-lami Toil) '1'uvla, was placed umler survcilimiee l.y the iiimlyiiiU I In treaty's terms. n U'liiil unioiiiitx In u depai'tineiit of Justice Iu February of of l lit reparations clause will this year after u lengthy investigation lio iIIm'iikmmI iu llio forin of pnqsmcd at the order of Assistant Attorney Miiiiniiiiii uml iiinxliiiuiii totals uf re(euenil Frank I. Ilurvim bad disclosed TO REMAIN ENDANGERS THEIR LIVES AND TO MOVE parations. that he ml his were t INVITES MASSACRE. Tlie Kniirli jin.lnibly will not in the plot which resulted hi a lower iiiiiiliiiiiin limn kxi.iKxmhhi.mii aileuiplx to assassinate Attorney lien, nuirkx jiulil. blit lire likely In coirx-u- t oral Fulmer In lids rlly mnl uml Situation io Complicated by the to fixing the niuxiimiiii reparation p federal Judges III New York mid Refusal of Americana to Dceert ut irxi,ilixi,Uri.iKX) by tierniiiny lliiludelphln. the Armenian Orphans That Are iiinrkx, which wux tlie limit Hie An.er-ii-nIn tin arrest of Kalsedo uml Ihe Under Their Protection. found experts roixirted they others, deiuirtmenl of Jusllra ofUclals uliln to imy. believe that they have broken up the The inlnliiitiiii 011111 may lx divided notorious ring of anarchists which have Chlengo. A niesxiige received liy the lino uiiiiuillex of a.OO.diii.iNXi murks, hare hud their hemhimrierx In Pater- Tribune from lis correspondent at ax ill Run Remo. son since 1KD5. A former ineuilier of llelrul says Urn French have evacuaty Tlie ion ferrii ce of nmhuxxiidor this group wss (laeUano Hresci, the ed Admin und then are iimny Americities which are morning decided to xxlMUie the assassin of King Ilumhert of Itnly. De- cans In CUh.-Inl-i liy the Turks. French plebiscite in the Tearhen district of partment of Juxilre offflclnls also statuud Ihixuntl have at Kilexlu for two month. The liullotlng ed that Enrico Mslattesta, al present to decide llie natlnnullty nf Ihe region leader of the Hoclxllxt la tlie Itullan nut been heard from for a niniilh. Amerlcuiis must lie gut out of the will occur on July 12. chamber of deputies, had hern associated with Salxedo, and lirescl In Pat- beleaguered cilles nf CUlela, whire their lives ure in serluus danger. A GRAVE YIELDS PROOF OF CRIME erson. l Beirut roncenilng message lias iiilxsiiin workers who eseaied from HAS JUAREZ CAPITULATED. Body of Victim of Bluebtard Found Ainrah ami Irfn after being tiexleged by Searching Party. a inuiiih. John H. Iluyil, who wus of Kina Msxican Border Town in Hand of lilxieliiud, Cal. The director at Alntuh. is en route to Ian Dclmiey wux found by Ihe searchCarranza's Eensmlea. to upxnl to the United El raso. Juarez him capitulated. Slates high commissioner there for ing jMirly directed by Waller Andrew Wiilxon, her alleged xluyer, Holiday The Mexican town Jusi across the r shl, und, if necessary, he will go to afleriMKUi. The laxly wax hurled In from El Puxo was In the hands of Paris. a gulch fire nillea norlli of t'oyole the rebels Monday. Not a shot wax Loretta lllgley of (Tilcago and Elizawella. fired when the military commander beth Harris of Fort Wayne. Ind an . the when Wat win cnlluimcd laxly renounced The nuiulfexto now ut ltclriit. They sny tlie Turks wux uncorered uml luid to lie uxslxled was Issued at 2 o'cluck mid was acwere for twenly-on- e iluys ut to tin miiliiiliinre, where lie luy ilur. claimed by the ringing of church bells Alntah.fought When they left, the women, lug the xulixefiieiit xllr of gelling Ihe and the blare nf hands. All Jmtrez sny, I hey promised Auierlcnne who hail was celebrating. body reinly for lived lliere for twenty-lir- e years to The jHHtil lain of the lxxly Imre out The city wiib surrendered In sup- Smre no effort to to the ntteu-tlu- u bring Wnlxou'x alleged porter of (inland Oliregon. Obregon every portion of nf tlie American aulluirltlrs tin xiiileiniiilx einiivniing hlx roiirxe after Is a raudhhile for president of Mexdangerous position of tlie ..nierlranx he laid killed ihe woman, lie had ico and Is uiposed by President Car- In . They liofic for action. They xiild he put the body In nn automobile ranza. Tlie pnlltlenl revnlulhm hud say tlmt I out of the quesneutrality ut Simla Jlonlni, adjacent to Loa ll beginning when Curninxa al tempt- tion for Americans In besieged cilles. t mid curried it down over ed to send troops Into the state of Hodeclare that Americana at Ain-la- b They Wan nors to oppose Ohregon's candidacy highway, inlniid through uml Urra1 were forced, in' Diego county ami then eerrlixTIl ill tficrc.' Sonora revolted. to shoot Turks. hlx iiriiix to a xjmt lie coiilil nut rraeli are accusing Turkish nntliniullxt Into lie It thrust where HUliiiiinhiie, Reach Prisoners War Frisco. by the Americans of nhllng the Annen-iunu xiiiull cxenviitlon hurdly to lie classed Sun Francisco. The imny transand preiliranicnt of tin x u grave In the ordinary xeiixe. lie port Mount Vernon arrived here Sun- Americans the Aiuliili Is made worse at xnht II was wrupiHnl In vuiiraa mid day from Vladivostok wllh 4H.12 pasbecause they refuse to disirt llie otherwlxe imile. The ilixeuvered fuels sengers, Including 3H1.1 Instead, they Insist on removult rallied wllh thin statement. soldiers and IKK) Herman, Austrian and ing llkKI of them, from the bewar Hungarian prisoners, who territory Into the Kneeful zone. DRY LAW ENFORCEMENT COST ing returned to llielr bellies In This would neiswiinite a lxiwerful is curt. An Httenipt on (lie part of llie Yearly Expenditure of $88,000,000 to Mako Prohibition Effective. Fnneh to fight llielr way to Mnrnsli H. GULAMU RASUL and Urfii and oilier cities hebloby the rrohlhllloii will mxt Wiixhlnglon. more general Turks would ?sx,im(),0d0 Iinnuully, lleiirexenlntlYc lighting. Americans In iiuiny pluees. Maxxaeliuxvttx, tiiilliviili, IVnuxTHt, partlciilai'ly at Aliitnlz. refuse a Turderlurcd ill Ihe lioiixe. kish escort, fearing tmivhery. There nre more illicit still now tlmn The Limllng of un American force before pnihiblllnii lieeame effective, lie In ("Hit-li- t might cause a massacre of xiild, lidding Hull llie hulk of Americans ill places where the Turks leugue funds un iisihI to hire are kkvIiiI agents to locate stills. nl si ills round In f There wen Alleged Slayer of Czar Shot. (icorglu In llllfl." he declared, L.T34 In Warsaw. It Is xuld that a limn in North Citroliira and twinly-xl- x limned Posredpleke, who was ime of .Nebraska, llie Inline of llie first the group which assassinated former uxwlle of gniM Juice. Eiiiienir Nicholas, was taken from jail "Ulii'hig llie yelir wlieli pmliibllioii and handed over to the Itolxhevlkl, wax young, over ijKO stills were rapwho tixik lihn to ihe red front. There tured by prohibition liiKxetor, mill he was shot for high treuxrai. WNI.OOO gallons of 'numnsliliii--' confiscated." Jealouay Prompt Suicide. Huerta Chosen ae Rebel Loader. Norwalk, Conn. Crazed wllh Harold (iiles, 21. shut Mrs. Hur-ol- d Mini, Kixiorn. Mexico. lsnilera of Morrill 11ml then turned the pistol tlie revolution in northern Mexico met ngnlnst himself. Itotli were probably here Mt'iuliiy to iinnic n inliinet for fatally Injured. the provlsioiuil goveminoiil. (lovernor Adolfo lb! Ijt Hiierln uf Sonora 1ms Cordillo Convicted of Manslaughter. Iks!II made provisional president until (Tieyenne. John Cordlllii was fouml h limn to miitpiiI him cun lx; selected s of the vurlous gulliy of voluntary iiuinslnugliler In by tlm govcrnoi-court here for the killing of states. Frank Jennings, November 2 last. The hours. Jury was out nearly twenty-on- e Irieh Republic Frowned Upon. Itesolntlons' 1 urgIown. Moines, Typewriter Official Killed. ing defeat of nny projsised actions la New York. Vice President (ieofgc H. Gulamu Rasul, adopted ten of roiigress which would nxiignixe' Remington as a siarnle npulille" were the sultan of Sulu, is studying law In II. Weaver of the was killed early Sunthe his of cuniimny Washington' at llellnslisl completion the Kplseouil by udoplisl education preparatory to hio dutlca In day In un automobile accident. Ile general cutifereuee on Monday. was 40 and uu married. tha government of his people. Famoue Idaho Race Track Sold. Policeman Victim of Holdup. Killed by Falling Airplane. Oociir d'Alene. Ahm race I ruck, Two persons were Denver. When John Klmlxnigh. a Kan Francisco. fdimnia in raring annals of the United entered a drug store killed, a third was probubly fatally imrk policeman, here hammer went under the Klales, n cigar he encountered two injured and another temporarily lost at a sheriffs sale. It went for less to purriiiiscwlio were lixittng the rash Ills reason from the shock when a rent or Ha orlglnul coat to roliherx, than 3 airl tyie Curtis register. Tliey took tlie officers pissatisfy a mortgage. . tol and $12.1 from hi plane fell IKK) feet to tlie ground. Fatal Shooting in Montana. Juarez ' Bara Generals. Pole Kllinillkoff - Carranza Lieutenants Deserting. Hillings, Mont. A gun l'rlela. Paso. El Generals Junn Jose Rios Carranza apimnmtly was slmt and kllhxl by E. - Reed at 1 Imming ground rapidly In northern anil Manuel Gambou, Mexican army the la I tor's farm In the IJivIna local- Mexico lo llie revolutionist without officer, who lost their commands ity. The men arc said to have quar- liliNslshed. The revolt lini spread Into when the state of Sonora seceded from 1ms surrenReed over cattle. reled Chlliunliun, where iimny military lead- Mexico, have been denied permission dered. to enter Juarez. ers have joined the rebels. Town Has Preacher Mayor. Dead Hero of Arrlvoa. May Day Arrest In Seattl. Shipload , Einisn-iaKalis. This city 1ms a Kew York. Tlie bodies of U.13 8eatt!e. Eleven men were arrested , C. preacher for mayor, the Rev. J. American soldiers who gave their and large quantities nf alleged I. W. imslor of the Grave Methodist lives for the cause of freedom ar- W. literal urc were seized when police rhurcli. He wna elected mayor over rived here Wednesday on board the on May 1 raided what they declared maa II. II. Morse, by (he Incuinlxmt, transport Mercury from Antwerp and to have been a newly established northjority of 28T votes. west headqnnrters'of the I. W. W. Southampton. Suit Holds Back Farm Loans. Posse 8ecking Draft Evades Dropa Five Miles, Still Lives. Furm loans aggregatWashington IVIthee. WI& A large posse, aided Mineola, N. 1. Major H. W. Schroe-drheld been lOO.CXKiJifKl have over ing holder of the world's altitude rec- by bloodhounds, has surrounded s up by the litigation over Ihe validity ord, suffered no 111 clfecta mm hi swamp near here In senrch of Louis of the form loan act, It dpvrioixxl at thrilling nt Dayton, Ohio, dur- Krueger, for eighteen months a fugithe conference here ' of furiu loan ing whichflight he dro!x.d five miles, ac- tive from Justice on a charge of miliofficials. tary draft evasion. cording lo a reisirt Just made. mi iigrecim-n- t ing and beat until smooth. Balts in greased muffin tins in hot oven 80 to SS minutes. POWDER Absolutely Pure Popovers tenps flour U teaspoon salt loses Z cups milk Sift together flour and salt. Make a well in flour, break eggs into well, add milk and atir until smooth. Pour into hot greased gem pans and bake 85 to S3 minutes in a very hot .pven. If taken out of oven too soon they will falL SENT FREE S cup flour 4 teaspoon Royal Baking Powder 5 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cun milk S tablespoons shortening New Royal Cook Book containing soon of delightful, economical recipes, many of than tho most famous In use today. Address nor sl Bsxnto rowosx oa us ysltea Stmt Mix and sift dry ingredients, add milk and melted shorten- - Bake with Royal and be Sure ar-sui- is In hove been killed uml ubout ion Injinx-- d Iu a tornado which swept the count ryslde mirth of Chelsea late Sunday. Three iiilles uorili of Chelsea, (ills Ragan, living with Ids three clilhlren In a brick farm house, terrified by the roar of the slonns. gathered Ids children about him uud they huddled together In a corner of a room, waiting for the tornado to strike. Tlie furm house was demolished. Af the walls were lifted the four fell outside Into die ynnl. Iiebrix showered upon them. All wen badly hurt. Almost tlie entire sipulatlou of Chelsea WHtrlied the storm us It swrept Its puih nf destruction almost a mile from the town. Many narrow escape are being Among those who weathered the siorm safely were Walter Bulher-luug ami eight friends, who were In a wugon with Sutherland wlieu Suththey saw the storm apprmu-hliig- . erland hitched hi team to a telephone pone and tlie party run a few yards ulieud and fell face forward Into a ditch. The atorm passed overhead without Injuring any of them. The horses and wagon were carried away. Willi t exception of Muilden, all of the known ulcud are . firmer who were killed tjrhcn I heir itomea were Madden waa riding horse-Imealong a country road when the toruadn struck lilm. The town of Ieggs was practically swept awny. Relief parties searelied ull day Monday la the mud and tangled wreckage for victims, seven lierxons being rcxirtcd missing. In some cases several Ixxlles were fouml nimiiig the ruins of one building. Indicating whole families lmd been wlied out. The bodies were covered with mud. They were removed ami piled In nooks anil comers left untouched hy Ihe storm lo await IdentiHd-lu- gen rack OUT His Advantage. Sunday School Teacher The mnn with live talent Incmimnl them to tn, but the man with one hid hi. Hint was wrong, wasnt It? Willie Willis Huh I Think of the augh he had on tho other guy when .lie Income tax man mine around and took away 05 per .cent of tlie ten Judge.'. tal-rat- a. Her Aim. Wlint that flirting grans widow trying to do?" I guess she is trying to make liay while tlie sun shines." 1 The noblest pursuit an honest man. M Modsrn Poetry of Motion. Tho orchestra softly played Kiss hie Again." Klie gazed Into Ills eyes And breathed a sigh. Your dancing Is like poem," She said. Yea, yea, go 011," he ' Murmured. An Amy Lowell poem; The feet Are all mixed up," She answered. Record. After the Rentf Hewitt Jewett womnn Is toon. Muy I ace you aim rtf No, I'm not broke yet. Car- Identified. This," smiled the fond young wlft) as she passed a plate of pudding to her husband, "la cottage pudding. I made It myself." llie husband tasted It I'd hare known It was cottage pudding," he returned. Would your she asked, delighted. Yes; I can taste the plaster and The Queenslander. tlie wall-pape- r. Playing the Game. Grace She saves all letters she receives from her male friends. Edylbe For her sentiment? Grace No; she thinks she might work a breach of promise suit out of them. One never knows how foolish some Too many mistake their faults for men ran act until they break Into the O tlier men betides minister misfortune. fnther class. for money. marry k fication. GENERAL OKI Aull-Mihi- siipi-ciu- : ULL Durham cigarettes: you roll them yourself from genuine Bull Durham tobacco; fifty from one bag. No machine can even duplicate your own rolled from genuine Bull Durham tobacco. Good old reliable Bull. Always genuine; Jsince 1865 hes been everyones friend. Jenl-inix- Tyx-w-rit- r J-- lxx-ket- -- I- llro-gsn- r, ir Gensral Okl, who commands the Jap. antse force in Vladivostok which occupied the city after eight hour of severe fighting In all parte of the seaport Detectivs Receives Warning. A letter signed with a skull and crosxlionex and the committee" was received Saturday hy T. T. Mitriicll, city detective, wlio has testified In several imrts of tile slate In Jnses ngnlnst ulleged I. W. IV. Kxiknnc. Was a Peaceful May Day. Washington. Plans of radlral leaders for iiiiiiuii-wld- e May day demon. Stratton, Involving strikes and plotted nxsnssliiutleiis of more tlmn a score of federal and stale officials, fell flat, from general reports. All Quiet In the West Chicago. May day passed quietly In the central stntes and the west, virtually nn disorder being reported, al- though federal, state and city forces had made eluhorate preparations to (lcnl with threatened disturbances. Canadian Coal M Inara 8trik. Toronto Twelve thousand coal miners In the Sydney, N. S., district went on a May day strike as a protest against Imprisonment of the leaders of Winnipeg's general strike last year, according to reports received here. - l |