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Show SANDY CITY STAR SANDY. UTAH Norwegian of Utah will celebrate ftfeiem Ambassad ors their national boll lay Muy 17, at the iiruultd e Luke iubcrnade. Xo rattle will be admitted to the AVayaU'h national forest which have PRODUCTION OF DUCKS ! . - EGGS Entirely Free from Catarrh of the Stomach at Good Prices Is Limited Except Around Easter Indian Runner la Favored. The demand fur ducks good price Is limited dnns for "Pmma baa Inly falls mo what auuiyposit t . 1 liav baa dmfnn Ulna and acnlu compallrd to take to my bail for dil Tho first boida of iertma relief and wliiis I always Cavs ll In tlie liouna for sinarg-encir- a, Relief so Writes Demand a track and y pe-ru-- ha Gave not been varrlnated for blackleg. The Kune County High School held field meet In which the aenlora won with 03 point a agaluat ft! for the Junlonc The city cuiuinlxxhm at Provo ha old two additional lota la the dty cemetery to the State Mental hospital for a burial ground. Lome of cattle In part of the Fillmore forest, reported to have been due to "oak poisoning, were In many Instances caused by tick. Andrew Haravgla, a Greek, la to be tried at Salt Lake for the murder of W..H. Scott, who was shot and killed in a rooming house in Salt Lnke on Hecenilier 2L Wlien a board bridge slipped a they were crossing the Price river, two children of Frank Ergen of Price, aged 5 and 0, were precipitated Into the river und drowned. Failure to disconnect un electric flour polishing machine's current when workmen left the newly complete cd lliiwiliorne ward chaiiel, Salt Lake, 1000 fire damage. of Class work at the University Utah will conclude for the year on Jpne 5, and plans for the fifty-firs- t huiiiiuL commencement exercises ox (lie senior clsa are now being perfected. Ilie docket for the Muy term of the supreme court of Utah slums a total cases. In addition to of thirty-fiv- e which the main West Cache Sugar case Is set fur special hearing next month. Following the award of the arbitration board granting an Increase in wages to the street car men at Balt Lake, the company has asked permission to charge 8 cent fare instead of 4 cents. Nearly 100 business men, representing almost every branch of Industry lu the city, left Balt Lake May 1, for tour of Idaho. a nine-daThirty towns will be visited in tbe course of the trip. Four hundred car reimlrers laid off at the Denver ft II lo Gramle shop at Salt lake because of the Interference of the switchmen's strike with the movement of cars, have been called back to work. UnUm Pablflc railway officials are In favor of cooperation between the state and the railway In the construction of an overhead crossing of the railroad tracks at invertin', Weber county, It la announced. Eighty-fou- r Suit Lake high school cadets have been recommended by Captain IL 1L Thomas, cadet commandant, for admission to the R. O. TOL training camp, to be lield at tamp Kearney, June 17 to 28. Tbe report of federal operations of Route fllet with tlie the Balt public utilities' commission of Utah shows a balance transferred to profit In lfllD of 5,870,000.82, which was 820,000.27 more tlinn In 1018. While busily making five' gallons of cracked moonshine whiskey from corn and raisin nuishjn a room within less than 200 feet of the sheriffs office, Jim Flyer, colored, was surprised by officers at Ogden and arrested. Tlie Ogden Housing company, an auxiliary of the chamber of commerce, which was organised recently, will ask tor bids upon twenty or thirty bouses Immediately, in an endeavor to furnish homes badly needed In that city. One hundred inside carpenters and cabinet workers went on strike May 1 at tlie various planing mills of Balt Lake to gain recognition of their demands for a new wage scale of 80 cents an hour. The present scale la 75 cents. Four alleged ringleaders in a movement to foment a radical May-da- y demonstration at Bingham were arrested by special agents of tbe bureau of Investigation of the United State department of Justice and deputy sheriffs. Sacrifice of 100 Balt Lake eofinty boys who gave their Uvea In the recent overseas struggle will be commemorated by trees to be planted In Road to Memory Grove, according to plana now nearly completed by the Service Star Legion. Mystery surrounds the whereabouts of A. C. Gartman, a man of about 55 years .of age, owner of considerable property In Balt Lake and until December 20 a resident of that city. He disappeared December 20 and has not since been heard from. Agents of tlie department of Justice who warned several leaders of the L W. W. element at Bingham to discontinue ilielr radical agitations or face a sentence in the federal penitentiary are still watching the local conditions with Interest although no trouble la expected now. i Michael Scanlon, secretary of the Salt Lake local of the Industrial Workers of tlie World, has been arrested by special agents of the bureau of Investigation of the United States department of Justice, and la being held In the county Jail to answer to a charge of violating the stale syndicalism law. B. D. Anderson, a resident of Idaho, has been awarded the gold medal granted annually by the Bona of tlie American Revolution for the best patriotic address delivered by a student of the University of Idaho. The budget for tbe Balt Lake dty school system was adopted last week, the total figure being 2,630,0u0. Steps toward making Ogden the livestock and packing center of the Inlcnnountain region are bdug formulated by the livestock and packing Interests of that dty and district. Ogden City has begun work on the estnhl'.shment of an aviation field through the action of the dty commission mid the chamber of commerce. An Mil Ion on 8000 acres of hind In Yv-- r c noly near the Utah Hot i boon secured. aw POULTRY UTAH STATE NEWS eggs at a and nut nenrly Viilm, I nwMrr nyarlf rnilrvlr tree front catarrh af tha 1 suftha IroatU from winchaiaaiaeb, fered for so lone tutor taking this remedy. or Tablet Pam Uttli held Knrfahm Aalt 1'aar Itaalrr Sr, Rasliwrr, general ms the demand for lieu' UAL Hr, IT Highland MtUriui'd Huplils, lllrh. egg. The qualliy of tlie Southern mill Western duck eggs on the averA Jawbreaker. Tha Usual On. age market wus poor until people beWluit dreadful name are you apply What was it inmlu yon feel so rut gun to keep Indian ltiiniicr ducks slid up In tlmt telephone iilTuIrl" to luilld up s trade In first class egg. lug to that iiinul I supiMise It was Ilie iiiteratur. A good demand tor ducks' Merely hi own, rcsisuulcd the eggs exists Iiusxlna courteously. uliout Easier time at prices usually Thu poorer the lawyer tlie fewer hi several cents a dozen higher than for Paradoxical Evidence. trials. hens' egg. Most buyers make no You could See she whs pul out.' (luotnilniui for ducks' egg except earl? llow so? toil of im-i- i socrvily pray for their In the prlng. Since throe ducks' eggs wives. Iy Hie lire In her eyes. weigh about the nnuie ns tour liens' eggs, ducks are not ns prulliulde for a M. O. -- Dont Let Catarrh Drag You into Consumption be cured by inhalers, Avoid Its Dangerous Stage. There is a more serious stage of Catarrh than the annoyance caused , air by the stopped-u- p and the hawking and spitting and other distasteful features. . The real danger comes from the sprays, jellies and other local application. S. S. S. has proven a most satisfactory remedy for Catarrh because it goes direct to its source, and tends to remove the germs of the disease from the blood. Get a bottle from your druggist today, and begin the only logical treatment that gives real results. For free medical advice write to Medical Director, 1 J4 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, tia. Consistent. lie lx u most eoiiHixleiit critic. Bo I Judge by liix running . on fugitive pas.-mges- tendency of the disease to continue I'PAREXTLY It I the fuslilon abroad to send to Washington an ambassador whoso wife I an American woman. And It seem a sensible sort of fashion. How could an miiliassndor have better credential! Anyway, these wives sre many In the capital of the land that gave them birth and, as to to be expected, they do 11 proud. At the head of tbe foreign diplomatic corps stands (he dean of them all, M. Jean Adrien Atolne Julee Jussurand, amlmisador from the French republic, who has represented La Bella France uninterruptedly for the Inst eighteen years. By his side itands Mine. Juseerand, so American woman. Who will deny that ahe has been one of the Inatrumentnll-tie- s In binding America and France ever close through tlie greatest crisis that ever confronted her adopted nation? Mme. Juseerand wns before her marriage Mias Elisa Richards, daughter of the late George T. Richards, of New England, and one of the founder of tha banking hot re of Munroe ft Co., of Paris. Through her mother, born Kernochan, ahe to related to the New York family of that name. Of brilliant Intellect, madume lias been ot Invaluable aid to her distinguished husband in the many exacting duties that have confronted him during nearly two decade of service In Washington. Next to Ume. Jnaaennd, the honor of long (residence oea to Mrsi Wj A. Ekengren, wife of the Swedish minister. Her husband waa first secretary of the Swedish legation In 1006 and then eras appointed charge d'affaires, wblcb position hs filled until hto elevation to the ambassadorship In April, 1912. Mme. Ekengren to a daughter of New Jersey, Her father was the brilliant lawyer, John P. Jackson, for many year counsel tor the Pennsylvania Railroad. She was educated In Paris and Dresden, and when It carao time to Introduce her to society her mother took a home 'In Washington. There she wee courted and wed by the Swedish ambassador. Mme. Ekengren Her to of real American descent. mother came of tbe Illustrious Gregory Her greatfamily In New Jersey. grandfather waa Major General Roger Wolcott, first governor of Connecticut, and further bark in the family tree stands Oliver Wolcott, signer of the Declaration of Independence. Bareness Avezxano, wife of the new Italian ambassador, to the baby member of the group. Tlie baroness waa Miss Marie Jacqueline Taylor, daughter of the late Amos Tiylor, who went from Kentucky to 8t. Louis more than forty yean ago and made a name and fortune for hlmSelf in the field of law. Miss Taylor grew up In St Louts. She met Baron Aveaxano while he waa serving as an attache of the Italian embassy under Baron Favo. They were wed In IDOL After her marriage the baroness spent most of her time abroad. The baron served In virtually every large capital In Europe, and the baroness thoroughly liked this life, that brought her In contact with the peoples anfl customs of many Innda. Bhe waa particularly happy at last when the baron was sent to her own native land. She hopes he will stay here a long time. The Baron and Baroness Avcssano have a beautlfnl daughter. Miss Yolandn Avexxano, a bad much sought among the capital younger set It to only a few months since the former Mrs. Hamilton Wilkes Gary married Baron Cartier de Mnrchlenne. niuch-bclove- d . , Opportunity on the Farm There waa a time when the Idea was altogether too common, that the occupation of farming waa a tort of Jnnk pile where tote threw human discards who lacked ambition. Intellisucgence, or perseverance enough to ceed in any other calling in life. Then along In the late nineties there waa a back to the land movement, nnd mossback" and hnyeeed" vere relo ALL SPOILED. ner Mother I think Harold vacation plan to a fine one and I don't It's what ee why you oppose It. you're always wanted. Mrs. Just wed 1 know Tvs always wanted IL But, don't you understand, mother, I forgot to mention It and so he proposed It flrrt. Sam Thing. Docs your daughter ext 'cereals?" Well, she devour continued its course downward until the lungs become affected, nnd then dreaded consumption is on your path. Your own experience has ta gbt you that the disease cannot Goldsn Opportunity. 1 seen the defendant Indian Runner Ducklings. come place before? Lawyer Yes. your honor; lie taught tho production of market eggs us fowl. iiiili-- s s higher price Is secured your wife how to sing like a grand opera star. Better u live polltblun than a dead for Ilie ducks' eggs. hero. A (rude Is gradually d being The avenge msn thinks lie sec the la some markets for fancy near-bTlie wise limn and tlie tool's money duekx' eggs, which bring higher imago of ixnTectien every lime be a mirror. are soon united. prices than lions' eggs, and the de- bumps up against mand to lie increasing. Pure white eggs are preferred nnd usunlly bring the highest price. Thexe eggs should Im marketed frequently, ux (liey depreciate In quality more rapidly tliun hens' eggs, cxiicrlnlly during hot wen) her. Tbe market for eggs should lie iwrefully Investigated by those who Intend to mine breeds of SAY the type of ducks, sncli ax the Indlun Itunncr, especially for the prnductliui of eggs, say poultry of the United Stales depart-meu- t Spoil or Streak Material in a Poor Dye of agriculture. Judge Haven't coia-men- te Ilie Belgian uiiilmssailor. Kite was Marie lhnv,. a Buxton girl, of no fori une but many ambition. When Ellhu Frost, a New England multimillionaire, look his bride to New York twenty years ago, unheralded and unknown, the petite beauty set out to win her wnjr Into the exclusive smart-se- t circles. As Mrs. Frost she became known as the woman In New York. She met Hamilton Wilkes Cary, klu of Colonel John Jacob Astor, racing enthusiast, yachtsman and popular In New York aoriety. Mrs. Frost went to Iteno and secured a divorce. Mrs. Frost, the divorcee, and Mr. Cary, widower, were wed. Two years later he died. When Ills affairs were straightened out she went to France and engaged In war worK It waa while there that she met Jm charming Belgian baron. Their wedding occurred last July In Paris. Herbert Hoover and the American ambassador. Hugh C. Wallace, were among the guests. King Albert of Belgium, In honor of the marriage, revived the ancient title of Baron tie Cartier, which had fallen Into abeyance at the time of the French revolution. It to Jnst three years since the Mexican Government lent Ignacio Bonillas, then secretary of communications In the gWmuynt . it, Mexico City, to Washington, General Carranza may have made many mistakes since his ascendancy to the executive leadership of a turbulent state, bnt there are few to admit that he made a mistake when he designated the estate Senor Bonillas as the envoy of hto government to hto big nelghlior republic. 8enor Bonillas has absorbed American atmosphere all hto life. He was graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of TechWhen It came time to marry nology. he took as bis wife an American girl, the slater of former Governor Salford, af Arizona. The Bonillas have two daughters, who have been very popular In the Washington smart set. Benor Bonilla to a cnndldnte tor tho presidency of Mexico and to now absent from Washington pulling political wires In Mexico. His enemies declare he to not a Mexican citizen, alleging that he waa bora on this aide of the border nnd has been naturalised. To look upon the fair Benora Alicia Ward Dlano y Gnynngos, wife of the Spanish ambaasador, 1a to vow tbnt this to some fair Caatlllnn beauty. Every one, says the aenora, to atnnxed when site acknowledges the United States her birthplace and fatherlnnd. From the day of her arrival In Washington she has proved one of the most popular and efficient chatelaines of tlie entire diplomatic corps. Blie la an accomplished linguist, speaking fluently half a doxen different languages. She to athletic, going In tor swimming, walking, motoring and traveling. She waa Miss Alice Ward of New York. She spent moat of her girlhood days In Washington and was the chum of Mrs. Nicholas Longworth when, as Mias Alice Roosevelt, ahe led Washington socle! y. From a wedding ceremony In the New York home of Elbert 11. Gary, the steel king, came Benora do Oamn, fresh to the diplomatic family In Ilie same season that Washington society welcomed Mme. Ekengren. The sennra was the widow of George A. Hearn, dry goods merchunt prince. She Is a Texas girl. Her husband died In 1010 best-dress- long-distan- CbwrfMJ von 3 vrmtorff estuli-llxhe- y Kenor Diinilclo de (Inina baa rcpresint-e- d the big Ilmalllnn republic since 1011, having seen much of Washington since 1008, when he was apixilnted secretary of a special commitudon lo Washington In connection with the settlement of n dispute between Brazil ami Argentina, In the Palinns territory dispute, lie hus now boon transferred to London and he and hto wife will lie missed In Washington. In year gone by Germany made no secret of her desire and efforts to cultivate a position of friendliness and Influence In Washington. One of the methods used was the chnlre of ambassadors with American wives. Both the tote Baron Speck von Sternberg and Count von Benistorff married American women, and neither of them ever tired of giving publicity to the toot: Countess von Burnxtnrlf was Miss Jeanne Luckcmeyer of New York. She was married to the Bunin In 1887. Tbe von Bernslnrffs left America, of course, when diplomatic relations with Oennnny were severed. Sir Auckland Geddes, the : The way to success Ilea away from Tha world methods wants sunshine. It also wants to think that people It trusts are getting along In the world. Tlie be your Bbst habit I Innate and to sure to come out when we want to Impress people. That's why ths young man puts pn bis best suit and tie when he's going out to call on the tolr one. That's why maidens of every age make yuu wait crape-bangin- g PROVIDE FOWLS CLEAN FEED Carelessness on Part of Poultryman In Cleaning Utensils Will Caua Much Trouble. Fowls that are fed grain are pretty sure to receive pure feed, as all one has to watch 1a to make sure the grains are sweet and clean, and not moldy or decayed. However, It to seldom adviaiJila to make gralu fht sole ration of the poultry. 8oft feeds (or mashes) will have to be tod to some extent and troughs must he used for this kind of feed. Where the residue to left to sour, the fowls will show the effects In time. Fermented feeds do not appear to be readily digested by poultry and may also spread disease germs. Carelessness In the matter of denning the troughs has brought disaster to many a poultryman. Tbe same llilng Is true of the drinking vessels. It requires only a little effort to hnve the feeding and wntering vessels always dean, and It certainly to tlie llilng to da. Each package of Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any a new, rich, woinan can diamond-dyfiidelcxa color Into worn, sbubby gnr incur, draperies, covprlmr. whether e ALL SHE WANTED TO HEAR Possibly Clark Had Mors Information to Giv Out, but Elizabeth Wouldn't Wait sects, green vegetation, weed and grass seed, waste grain, waste nuts, and convert 'them Into ddldous meat at a minimum expense. Plenty of range Is essential to success In turkey raising, and usually the discouraging results have come from attempts to raise the fowls under dose conflnemenL cution or mixed Dyes no other kind then jicrfoct results are guaranteed even If you hnve never dyed before. Druggist lias eulnr SUSPICIOUS TO HER Mrs. Todd Its Sadly Misunderstood Note Sent to Her Hubby From the tbs Library, i Elizabeth tripped blltliely luto tlie country postufllce. I want to know," slie ilcinunded e blush as she linnded with a tho clerk a pink communication to her lover, luiw long It will be before I get an answer to this tell-tal- leller." That x Chronicle-Telegrap- Given plenty of range, turkeys will rustle for grasshoppers and other In- wool, silk, linen, goods. Diamond Buy LOOKED If rtejiemlx," he nnxwcred; he's In Jail they will let lilm write once a iiiniilh only; If lie's dead broke lie'll huvo to wait till lie run mini tlie price of a stump, anil I luivc no data upon which (o base un opinion of bis canting capacities. If lie's III In bed lie may not care to dictate dix Interested third nirty, nnd If It's siniill-xithey won't let hhn write at all; PLENTY OF RANGE ESSENTIAL ditto. If lie's dead. Tlien, again, If he's got a new girl" At which monent he realized that Discouraging Results Have Coma From the fair Elizabeth had flown. PittsAttempting to Rails Turkeys Under ConflnemenL burgh Concluding the Ceremony. The Justice of tlie I'eaee Do you lake this woinun to lie your lawful wedded wife? 'Ilie Bridegroom I do. Tlie Justice Then I pronounce you man and wife. Ami remember you nxked me to do tills. Dont ever blame me. r r When a ntenioer desires a hook that certain library, he flies hit application tor the volume, slilch Ilia librarian reserve for him on Its reI not In a turn, notifying him (lint the Ixtok awaits his pleaxure. Now, It linpixmeil that one or ths memlierx applied for, but rnuhl not gtt at the time, u ropy of a novel entitled The Girl lie Left Behind Hlin." In course of time a ixistiniil urrlved from Die library, mill nx (lie members wife lx of u xiixplcioux nature that xist-rurouxed rouble, for It read: nl Mr. Tixblb-- lx Informed that ths girl lie left belli ml him lx now In ths library, ami will Im kept for him till next Tuesduy morning. Ienrxnu's Weekly. France Establishes 30 as Bachelor Age, The lime honored question of ths ugi'H nt which ii mull liecnmex a bachelor anil a woman i spinster Is alnait In lie settled by France. The finance committee of Ilie elmmlmr of deputies intends to tlx 20 year ax tlie age nt whh.1i an unmarried man lu France becomes liable to Ilie liuelielor tnx af ten tier rent. It Is exyieeted that Ibis tnx will heroine effective on June 1. Tlie luqieiidlnK decision wns xalil to have huxlenrd many niurringes during tlie Baxter holiday. The Kind. As a rule n man's sugar rented These automobile thieves who are sweetness wears off with the wunlng so bold, certainly have nerve. of tlie lioiieyiiiiHin. Yes; motor nerre." Be aura chicks do not become crowded. a Ship or deliver eggs twice or three times weekly. d d 8 tart the season right by getting rid of the mites. Carhollneum or crude oil brushed Into tlie cracks of the chicken house, roosts, etc, will do the Chris- Nuts Not Properly Appreciated. The reason why nut tree are not Job. a a being planted more extensively In Market hens which you do not wish this country to similar lo (hs reason why the nnlomoblle was not In nse a to carry longer aa soon as they stop comparatively few years ago. People laying nnd liegln to molt In (he late had not thought much about It The summer or fait. tlms .Is coining when nut trees will One of the best remedies fur scaly hear ns Important a relation to our food supply as the automobile does leg Is an ointment made of one part of oil or caraway and live ixirts of to transportation. ' white vaseline. . Life to one thing after snot her. DYES Dont whlte-slielle- Ik fora you an inilll they sllck-np- " permitted to cast eyes upon them. Oh, life to a great game, end It wants the best you have. It wants sunshine. It looks upon showers as blessings and clouds as protection from frosts. It feels the thrill of Ufe and respond to tha challenge of opportunity. And what la more a fellow fuels better for rnd no willing ears hnvlng met IL to the crape hanger. The world baa no legitimate place for the crape hunger. Grit DYE RIGHT! DIAMOND g Modest Request "Why do you keep Insisting on more compensation?" Inquired (He eminent economist Market and I don't want any more nctnal comeggs In separate packages. pensation," replied the government employee. All Iih asking la the same Overgrown fowls are no hotter In actnnl value In meat and bread and any particular than those of normal potatoes that I got some years ago. else. Give the World Your Best WOMEN! j i, the boundaries of his horizon tian nerald. n l diplomacy., as Xha becoming a diplomat had not entered hlq Isawhen married Mlsa he thoughts bella G. Boas of Staten Island In 1INI5. He was at that time assistant professor of anatomy at Edinburgh unlvenslty, where he waa educated and won the gold medal tor anatomy. Lady Geddes, who Is the third daughter of the late Mr. ami Mrs. IV. A. Boas, tor many years residents of Livingston, 8. I., was born at Dobbs Ferry. After her marriage she lived first In Edinburgh. Later her husband became professor of anatomy at the Royal College of Burgeons, Dublin, and a year before the war took the same position at McGill university, Montreal, of which he soon became prindpnL' Sir Auckland's hobby has always been military tactics, lie waa a lieutenant In the Boer War and In November, 1014, went to England to accept a commission as major In the British forces. In a short time he received a ataff appointment In France, where he was wounded and Invalided hack to London. Lady Geddes remained In Montreal until her husband's appointment aa minister of national service, when she Bhe has a Joined him In London. slater, Mrs. Roger Houghton, and a brother, Tercy n. Bom, living on Staten Island. Three sisters and a brother live In England. 8lr Auckland and Lady Gcddcs hnve five children four sons and one daughter. Anyone would suppose from the foregoing that Lady Geddes was an But the Pall Mall American wife. Gazette (London) says she Is not an American woman.. It points out that she to the daughter of W. A. Boas of Belfast, who spent much of hla Ufa In America but was never naturalised. cated to the columns of obsolete slang. The farmer sees life and growth on every hand. Even in winter. In the localities where Ilie tondecape seems a symbol of death with snow and lee holding everything In Its grasp, there to the hope of renewed life, or of seed grain, typified by the next spring's planting. Truly, on the farm there are special opportunities tor olwcrvntlon and thought, und happy I the farmer whose thnnghts go deeper than tlie bottom of his milk pall and whose pasture fences are not resnr-rertlo- s s a a as to eliminate (he early mutter and other unprofitable Instant Postum still sells at the same low price as before the general rise in costs and great is the number of families who now use this table beverage in place of coffee. Attracted to its use by continued low cost, they found its agreeable coffeelike flavor much to their liking. With no health intent behind their action they discovered better nerves followed the change. Cull the flock so producers. The Imporinnt thing In getting started In tnrkey raising to to be cureful to get healthy stock. Uniform poultry products command fowls prothe best prices. Inre-bre- d duce uniform products. . silling eggs to the country merchant or rash buyer. Insist ilmi Jho transaction be on a qcuiiiy basis. When i All Grocers sell Postum. and your trial is invited Theres a Reason9, tfoi. by POSTUM BATTU CEREAL CKXBK. ftUCKKUN CXX, Inc., |