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Show I WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 17. 1977 Bruce Wormsley Qn Duty In N.D. THE pedestrian, Francis Mr. and Mrs. Wormsley of Port Crane. NY., has arrived for djty at Grand Forks AFB. N D L'.S Air Force Sergeant Bruce K. Uormslev, son of The youth suffered a fractured left leg and hip and was Junior High School student is recovering from injuries he received last weekend when he was struck as he was walking to school. A North Layton admitted to Davis North Medical Center. when he attempted to stop. police said The car began to roll out of control and struck the pedestrian, pinning the youth against a fence POLICE SAID a car driven by Kevin Davis, 20, of South Ogden, was traveling east on Antelope Drive near 1200 West when the driver came upon traffic stopped for a school bus. The driver was traveling about 40 miles per hour and lost control of his vehicle Brent Scott Phillips, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall S. Phillips of 1471 West 1920 North, Lay-towas walking to school when a car went out of control and pinned the teenager against a fence, according to Layi on City Police. 5ERGEWT lonnslev, a security specialist wuh a un.t of the" Strategic Air Command, previous1, served a: Clark AB, PhilipDints attended The sergeant y ) heh Chenango Forks School His wee, Katt'rvn is the daughter of Mi and Mis Floyd oing ot 173 te--- i 1175 North, Sunset THE DRIVER, who suffered only minor injuries, was cited for failure to keep a proper lookout and failure to keep his auto under control (' grb u Scott Larkin, dressed in his 1825 trapper outfit and using Hawken rifle, stalks turkey for the Kaysville a Chamber of Commerce-sponsoreturkey event to be held 3 in at 19) p.m. Saturday (Nov. City Hall. Tickets are available from Chamber members and are given free with any purchase from participating Kaysville stores. Ticket holders must be present to w in one of the 24 turkeys to be er sazSiiEHaD d DRESSED TO KILL A given away. lucky winners, during the Kaysville Turkey Days will be held on Saturday, Nov. 19 at 3 p.m. on the grounds in front of the Kaysville City Building. This will become an annual event being sponsored by the Kaysville Chamber of Commerce. Turkey Day event. All merchants who are members of the Chamber of Commerce in Kaysville will give tickets to their customers with their purchases prior to the big drawing. THERE WILL be a big drawing for 24 turkeys that will be given away to the I I I I Wood Burning Stoves and Poulan Chain Saws I I FEATURING: Earth Stove I I B I Chuck Wagon I I Woodsman I Heat Magna i 2333 N. Main I I I I I I Sunset I I 825-280- I I 2 I I I I I $75 Off I I on Many Stoves with this ad I be sure you pick up your ticket. GENERAL chairman of the event is Scott Larkin. Officers of the Chamber of Commerce are Mike Golden, president; Fran Brown, vice president; and Charlene Larsen, secretary. Members of the board are Spencer Wright, Dell Larkin, Dr. Jerry Wilde, Harry Duckworth, Gary Garlick and Bonnie Robins np A suspect was booked into Davis County Jail and released on bail in connection with the shooting of nine animals in Davis and Weber counties. ROBIN HOLLEY, 18, 649 Douglas, Ogden, was booked in Davis County Jail for investigation of criminal mischief Sunday and was set for arraignment at Clearfield City Court, according to Lt. Dean Egbert of the Davis County Sheriffs Office. The first shooting was reported by Junior Bennett, 4563 West 200 South, West Point on Oct. 26. Mr. Bennett said a purebred cow, grazing in a pasture between 1300 and L 1800 North near 5000 West, West Point, had been shot in the head twice. NO FURTHER shooting in- cidents were reported for two weeks. Then on Nov. 10, a horse, which had been purchased and placed in a quarantine pen at Hill Air Force Base, was shot through the rib cage. Lt. Egbert said that evidence indicated that oART Good, YES-W- E CARPET CARE PAYS & PHONE E25-108- 7 SAVES DO VELVET FURNITURE Always Prompt Courteous Service Insured Mr. Steam Method The Gentle Method Safe for all types of Carpet Quick Drying Experienced All work guaranteed ENJOY FRESH CLEAN CARPETS .BILL LILES - owner-manag- Warm, Print Rannclotto Free estimates er Blazer Knits rag low 3.3 Great for blazers, holiday lounge wear, pants too. 60 the horse had apparently been shot from the State Road 193, which runs east and west along the boundary of Hill Field. On Nov. 12, the Davis County Sheriffs office was called to investigate another report that two horses had been shot m the West Point area again about 5000 West. .,11 SEW AMD SAVE! 1 1 STRETCH YOUR FABRIC DOLLARS Deputy Art Herrera and Deputy Bud Cox were investigating that shooting incident, in which two horses were killed, when they heard on the police radio about another shooting incident about two and one-hamiles further north in Weber SUPER VALUE Holiday Colors Woodsman Plaids Shirting 1.83 Imported Velveteen County. THROUGH Great for the Fall. dresses. Beautiful lf Ttf REDUCED PRICE Booked After Si Arman SDnootniragjS 1 CHILDS When you make a purchase, cooperation with the Weber County Sheriffs Office, evidence was gathered on other animal shooting incidents in Weber County in which an Angus bull and a calf and three more a reglow Shirts, shirt-jacket- s for all in the family. For blazers, party fabric. Many holiday colors. 100 YD 5PYD cot36 Jewel-ton- e horses were found dead. Two of the horses were killed in North Ogden on Sunday morning. Lt. Egbert said the suspect was picked up on the basis of a tip and another report by a boy. Lt. Egbert estimated the value of the animals killed in both counties at about $6500. Holley was released on $2,500 bail, rk Velours rag low 3.49 Save $1.20 on a yd. For jackets, skirts, vests, robes. Lush Trims Special Trims and laces to help you personalize your holiday wardrobe. colors. m reg low prices MADE-TO-MEASUR- Am Prlc time for Christmas at surpnsmg savings. Select from 390 beautiful colors and fabrics In with this coupon. GOOD THRU SAT. NOV. ItTH First SPECIALS GOOD AT ALL LOCATIONS TIPPING Reg. $8.50 TINT Reg. $6.25 Hollywood Ogden Blvd. 2$36 Washington Phone . - 121 394-344- 3 (includes Shampoo set) Clearfield Hollywood South State, Plaza Shopping Center Phone 825-005- 3 1 Sal pric uniperms $12.50 $7.50 $5.25 SPECIALS EXPIRE DEC. 14 Not Valid Friday or Saturday Senior Citizens Discount not valid on this special iMiirMiiimoinaHaiaaii miiumrcncma OPEN: Granger MON.-FR- 9:30-- 9 I. 9:30-- 6 - - - OPEN: - MON.-FR- I. good thru Sat. Nov. 11th P.M. SUN. 12-- 5 P.M. - FREE PARKING 4179 S. Redwood, Meadowbrook Plaza SAT. P.M. Murray Town & Country Centerville Orem E Custom Draperie s BUTTERICK McCALLS SIMPLICITY YD ;of VALUABLE COUPON Pattern Sale pc, 9:30-- 9 - P.M. c 5650 South 900 East . Pages Lae j- 1266 East 3300 South SAT. 9:30-- 6 P.M. 290 E 55 South State Street - J?i |