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Show r-- WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 17. 1977 Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Drive, East Layton, announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Pauline Kae Adams to Gary Lyn Welch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Welch, Bancroft, Idaho. THE COUPLE has chosen December 2, 1977 as their wedding date, to be performed in the Ogden LDS Planning Ceremony Miss Connie Ann Rose will become the bride of Barry T. Thurgood fin December 2. 1977 in the Ogden LDS Temple. ADAMS MISS attended SUSAN HEAPS PAULINE KAE ADAMS Layton High School. Mr. Welch attended North Gem High School in Idaho and also attended Ricks College. He fulfilled a LDS Mission to Georgia, Atlanta. THE announcement was made by Mr. and Mrs. Doyle E. Rose, 2456 North 490 West, Layton, parents of the bride-to-bThe prospective groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd T. Thurgood, 2178 South 1000 West, Syracuse. A reception is planned to be Layton Births e. held at the Antelope Drive Chapel, 590 West 2000 North, Layton following the wedding. THE bride-to-b- e graduated from Layton High School where she was a member of the Laytones, and Layton LDS Seminary. She attended Ricks College. The prospective groom graduated from Clearfield High School and LDS Seminary. He fulfilled a LDS Mission to Ecuador. MRS. SCOTT WILLIAM MORTENSEN Temple Wedding Linda Layton, daughter of Mrs. Darlene B. Layton of 2727 Gramercy Ave., and Scott William Mortensen, son of Dr. and Mrs. Burton P. Mortensen of 977 Church Street, were married Nov. 10 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. THE couple was honored at a reception at the Ogden 52nd Ward. The bride wore a white textured polyester gown with ruffled lace inserts on bodice front and back. It had lace yoke and cuffs trimmed with seed pearls. Layton was maid Bridesmaids were Mary Layton, Gail Mortensen, Diane Mortensen and make their home in William Burton Honored At 90 William J. Burton of Layton was the guest of honor at a family birthday dinner party held Saturday, Nov. 12 at the home of a granddaughter, Mrs. John Kunz of Bountiful. Mr. Burton is 90 years old. WILLIAM J. Burton was bom Nov. 14, 1887 in Kaysville, the son of John William and Malinda Jane Adams Burton. He married Emily Pearl Ware in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. She died in 1958. Later, he married Iowa Houstin. She died in 1964. BURTON MR. was employed by the Utah Power and Light Company for 37 years. After his retirement, he worked in the Salt Lake LDS Temple for 18 years. Early in his married life, Mr. Burton was called to serve an LDS mission. He left home a wife and baby girl while he served his mission. HE WAS the bishop of the Layton Ward for several years. While he served as bishop, the white chapel was built and dedicated. Bishop Burton is the father of two living children, Mrs. Wilda Jones of Logan and Lynn W. Burton of Layton. He has seven grandchildren and 13 A n. brother, Robert Burton and a sister, Mrs. Robert Green, are still living. AT THE age of 90, Bishop Burton is still very active. He does his own housekeeping and still drives a car. He raises sheep and walks a mile every day. dmg MATERNITY PANTS Tall to Small Levis & Dress Pants and up Its now one for Mr. of each and Mrs. Mark Hatch of Lay-toThe 6 lb 13 oz son arrived on September 30, 1977 at the McKay-De- e Hospital and will be named Burke Mark Hatch. At home is a little sister Hillary to welcome him. He and Hillary make a five generation for the family. Mrs. Hatch was the former Bette Ann Robins of Kays- of their ninth grandchild. Little Benjamin Jay was born Oct. 15 to Jay and Peggy Whitesides of Ogden. He weighed 9 pounds. His otherfandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dow from Ogden. He also has two great- grandmothers, Mrs. Rosetta Dow of Ogden and Mrs. Arta Whitesides from Kaysville. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bowers of North Layton announce the The new daughter was bom on Nov. 2, 1977 at the McKay-De- e in Ogden weighing 8 lb 7 oz and will be named Kachelle. They have two sons at home, Doug and Hospital Mark. Mrs. McEwen was the former Kaye Weaver of Kaysville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hatch of Fruit Mrs. C. Earl Heights; Bingham, Clearfield; and are the and Mrs. Florence McEwen of Panguitch. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Burton of Layton arrival of their first son. He was bom Oct. 23, at the Davis North Medical Center. The boy weighed 9 lbs. 8 oz. and measured 21 inches tall. He has two older sisters. His grandparents are Vern and Delva Mauchley of West Point and Mrs. Lorraine Bowers Stenesk of Taylors- ville. are ts Emma Evans of Layton, Arnold and Verna Mauchley of Taylorsville and Mrs. Dency Stout of Cucumonga, Calif, dmg is Mrs. Chloe M. of Woods Cross. Samuel. The mother will be remembered as the former J Lynne Robbins of Kaysville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hatch of Fruit Heights and Mr. and Mrs. William Robbins of Kaysville. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Robbins, Brigham City and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weight of Provo are the Mrs. Catherine Wilson of Brigham City is the great-grea- t grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. John David Lambert of 969 North Highway 89 are announcing the arrival of a daughter born Oct. 14 at the Davis North Medical Center. She is their third child and third daughter with Trudy and Mandy happy to have a little playmate who will be named Laurie. Mrs. Lambert was the former Sheryle Cutler of Salt s. Rejoicing over the arrival of their first daughter are Mr. and Mrs. Robert McEwen of 184 West 400 South, Kaysville. Lt. Col. (Ret) and Mrs. Leon Heaps of 1088 East Sherwood Drive, Kaysville announce the engagement of their daughter Susan to Richard James Ayers. THE prospective groom is a son at Dr. Richard Ayers of Huntington Beach, California and Mrs. Barbara Ferguson of Provo. The couple are planning a May 12 wedding in the Salt Lake LDS Temple with a reception following that evening at the McCune Mansion, Salt Lake City. THE bride-elegraduated from Winston Churchill High School, San Antonio, Texas and attended Brigham Young University. She is currently employed as a secretary-receptionifor a realty company in Orem. ct st THE future groom graduated from Provo High School and is attending University of Utah on a football scholarship, np Mr. ville. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Garrett were spending two weeks in Arizona and California when they received word of her sisters Cottrell. Mr. and Mrs. Reigh Daniels and family attended the BYU death, Mrs. Genevieve Reed of Salt Lake City. They returned home to attend the funeral services held Wednesday at the 17th North LDS Ward in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Merrill Scoffield returned home Saturday evening from Malad, Ida. where she spent a week with her son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Scoffield. Homecoming game and parade in Provo on Saturday and also visited with her mother, Mrs. Richard Harris. Miss Cindy Scott left Tuesday to return to her home at Big Bear, Calif, after spending the past two weeks in Kaysville as a houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Day. She came for the wedding of of Weekend houseguests Miss Debbie Day who was married to Mark Rulon Boyce last week and Cindy was a bridesmaid in the wedding line. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott former Kaysville residents. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jan Cheney were Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcox and son Johnny of Washington who Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Harvey and family were Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Beitchers of Denver, Colo. They enjoyed the weekend along with sightseeing in the Salt Lake City area. Dean Holman underwent major surgery last week at the Davis North Medical Center. He is now at home convalescing. visited while en route to Mrs. Lois Nielsen, Mrs. Cara Deena Rae and Donald Rob were among the delegates representing Davis County Schools who attended the U.E.A. House of Delegates Davenport, Iowa, to make their home. Other visitors of the Cheneys were Mrs. Cheneys parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hill of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and her sister Mrs. Kathy Brown and daughter Kimberly of Angelton, Texas. J. D. Kettenrmg has been meetings on Saturday, Nov. 12 at Midvale. There were 35 delegates from Davis County in attendance. Shawls are popular this season. They may be made of challis or other fabrics. On Thursday, Nov. 17 the Happy K&F (Kaysville and Farmington) Senior Citizens The new mother is the former Martha Zollinger of Kaysville. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clinton D. Zollinger, Kaysville and Attorney and Mrs. Milton Hess of Farmington. The greatgrandfather is Wesley Nelson October 30, 1977 and Mrs. Milton N. Love, 448 children erf Tremonton were Tuesday visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dinner Meeting Fashion For Happy K&F Crocheted and knitted ones come in a variety of styles and colors. regular dinner meeting will be held at the Davis High School with Eugene Tolman, president in charge. Shops are showing "His and Her sweaters, blazers and vests for adults-- a twin look HOT dinner will be served to all senior citizens who attend followed by a special program. Mr. Tolman urges all to attend. He extends a special invite to those who have never A copied from mother-daughtcombinations. A paycheck you can attended and are interested. It is open to all 65 years of age pend on yourself. and over. Births and the Welcoming their third child and third son are Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hatch of 213 East Center Street, Kaysville. The 8 lb 7 oz lad arrived on Nov. 3, 1977 at the McKay-De- e Hospital in Ogden. At home are two little brothers, Kevin Jr. and Welcoming their first child, i sor. are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hess of Provo, former Kaysville residents. The 9 lb 12 oz lad arrived on October 26, 1977 at the Utah Valley Hospital and will be named Jacob Zollinger. Announces Engagement of Logan. Neil Robins of Sunset. The is Mrs. Afton A. Moss, Bountiful Calif. 107 North Main, Bountiful birth David the ville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Max Cutler, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Creer, Granger; Mrs. Beth Lambert, Ogden; and Mrs. Ruth Cutler of Los Angeles, MATERNITY & INFANTS WEAR Mrs. announced Grandmothers are Mrs. Louis Weaver of Kaysville Lake City. ufe waiting Qame and Kaysville Births SHARON of honor. Lori Bake. Best man was Stan Seely. Ushers were Lane Mortensen, Scott Fumiss, Alan Hatch and Randy Layton. AFTER a honeymoon to southern Utah the couple will Mr. Whitesides York City mission. She will enter the mission home on Jan. 7, in Salt Lake City. She is a member of the Kaysville Eighth LDS Ward and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gray of Center- and Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Larry Kidman and two Prenuptial parties were given for relatives by aunts and cousins held in Fruit Heights at the home of Nora Burton. A shower was also given by friends for neighbors and friends, held in East Layton at the home of Joye Adams. The prospective grooms mother, grandmother and aunt from Bancroft, Idaho attended. where he underwent major surgery. He is now convalescing at his home. Miss April Butters has received ter mission call to serve an 18 month LDS Mission to the New York - New Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Campbell were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Slough and his brother and sister-in-laall of Houston, Texas. They spent a week with Mr. Temple. A wedding breakfast will be held at the Harman's Cafe with a reception at the Chateau Reception Center in Layton. CONNIE ANN ROSE confined to the Lakeview hospital in Hospital in Bountiful Mrs. Helen Crawford of Rock Springs, Wyo. visited durmg the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hyde. Mrs. Crawford is Mrs. Hydes mother. They were all dinner guests in Salt Lake City Saturday evening of Mrs. Hydes brother, Mr. and Mrs. William Crawford and family. E. Oakndge 1934 Adams, Kaysville H. Call: J&W CAR WASH THE DINNER is served at 2 p.m. in the Davis High School auditorium, np 376-508- 2 Synthetic Lubricants N. Fairfield, Layton, girl Mr. October 31, 1977 and Mrs. Clarke Williams, 2778 W. 1700 November N., Clinton, girl November 1, 1977 and Mrs. Scott K. Layton. 2333 N. 300 W., Sunset, boy Mr. and Mrs. Terence E. Simmons, 301 N. Main, Mr. No. 66, Layton, girl November 2, 1977 and Mrs. Steven R. Jensen, 975 E. 4th S., No. 9, Salt Lake City, boy Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Morton, 230 W. 200 N., Kaysville, girl Mr. Mr. and Mrs. November 6, 1977 Randy K. Kehr, 402 N. Forhand, Layton, girl Eagles Auxiliary Schedules Bazaar and Mrs. November 7, 1977 Charles J. Collier, 226 E. 1800 S., Clearfield, boy Mr. November 9, 1977 and Mrs. James Rasmussen, 205 W. 525 North, Layton, girl Mr. and Mrs. John Applonie, 1642 N. Celia, Layton, girl Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Johnson, 189 S. Main, Layton, boy Mr. and Mrs. David Zaugg, 1548 Melanie Lane, Syracuse, boy Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Chatterton, 408 N. 1200 W., Clearfield, boy November 10, 1977 Stringham, 600 W. Mutton Mr. and Mr. November 11, 1977 and Mrs. Kelly W. Terry, 319 Park, Layton, ' at to help you with your Where Fun is Spun for You . Christmas gift making ... rSucilla Yarns Frisky j29 99" Introducing Bernats The Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary No. 3198 of Layton are holding their annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 19 from 11 a.m. till 3 p.m. at the Eagles Lodge Mr. SPECIALS MARIAN CARTER TABRIZ Needle - Art Yarn Great for Needlepoint and Bargello 156 West Gentile, Layton. It is under the direction of Mrs. Marian Carter. IT IS open to the public and all are invited to come and have a good time, besides help in their Christmas shop- Reg. 30 TRY IT SPECIAL P.S. 25 Jeweled Calendars still on sale ping. Beautiful quilts, afghans, dish towels, pillow cases, knitted department, crochet department, food department and a Christmas decoration department are just a few of the many departments of beautiful things on display. DINNER is also being served under the direction of Mrs. Carma Brown at 25 cents The: ptnsinci IDktd 76 South Main, Bountiful a dip. Mrs. Lynn W. Hollow, Kaysville, girl Pre-Christm- as CLEARANCE boy on all Van Heusen MAXINES HIRT Reg. $19.95 825-342- 2 Starting at $1 000 -- Much More Than a Traditional Flower Store! 292-518- 1 Complete selection: Sizes 3 thru 20 (orders being taken now for Christmas) Every gown discounted From LAKESIDE SQUARE MEN'S WEAR Phone Finest Selection of House Plants, Gifts, and Arrangements in the Area! 30 Went 100 North. Bountiful. I'lah Now $097 377 South State - Clearfield, Utah 84015 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT New Bridal Dept. Entire Stock Now Vl Price Van Heusen Van Q Thanksgiver' Bouquet. 20 POINSETTIAS Off For personal attention s Phone 295-579- 3 292-518- 1 or after 7:00 KAYSVILLE FLOWER & GIFT 59 N. MAIN, KAYSVILLE 376-480- 1 |