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Show LEADER WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 1 7, 1 977 TRUCKS Reduce sate fast with GoBese "water pills" Kowley Drug, Layton; Kaysville R Toblets Drug. & 8, 36-4- 3 - Vacuums reconditioned. used. Rebuilt, Hoovers, Electrolux, Sears, Eurekos, Wards, in good condition. Ready for use. Rebuilt Kirbys In excellent condition - with guaran- tees. Prices range from up. See ot Kiroy Co. Main No 2, Layton. 7660941. R41 Must sell a typewriter 19.00 -354 No. Phone Phone R41 Ford . ton pickup. V8 4 sp., positroction, camper shell first 42200.00. Compoond Bow Browning - used once, 475.00, 4 Jeep wheels 15" 420.0Q, Console Stereo 480.00 - moy trade. 1972 - R41 Couch, Moss Green, nylon cover 435 Queen size mattress 410. 3765654. R41 Nice Dog Houses - large and We small, Insulated. 415-42deliver It in area. Call Also, rabbit pens 410 each. R4l - pUrrorHT Sadhen Billy goat 5 month old 425. Also 7 month old Ram good ebting 450. Call 37 6 2350. R41 In dosh AMFM Cassette stereo with 40 ch. C.B. also 8 trk. Below wholesale. Must sell R41 RIDER - MOWER Make a great buy! 1977 Sears r 7.0 h.p. Mower with ond extras. Paid over 745.00 for it. Make offer. gross-catche- 376 2984. R41 STOVE AND FIREPLACE OWNERS Stock up on good hardwood for the long winter ahead, from WOOD Tim's Firewood Service. 3761765. Free Delivery. R41 "engine 350 C.l. Engine out of 72 GMC. Coll: 376 2984. R41 New free orm sewing machine -R41 below wholesale. Male, 8 mo. Silver Poodle & ployful very wpopers hosuebroke. Ph. otter. R41 1976 500 XS Yamaha Like new. Low Two sets mileoge. handlebars 4995.00 3769765, 808 6 470.00best N. Moin, Koysville, Applications will be taken through November 30th at the Courthouse, Farmington, room 214. R41 Golden Years Center in Bountiful needs a part-tim- e (back van driver 42.90 hr. Applications will be taken November 23rd at the through up) Davis County Courthouse, room 214. R41 your manual or electric. choice Full or Dart-tim- e Homemaker for Davis County Homemaker Service. Must have general knowledge ot hamemaking skills. Ut. R41 Gun Cabinet, 10 gun, sliding glass doors, storage, locks, all wood, 4165.00. Bed stead, old, pineapple posts. 460.00. Call 3768617. R41 For Sale or Lease. New Allis Chalmers Back Hoe yd. front loader. Ph. interested work 19 Woman Citizens to Mature Wanted: in Senior hours 1975 Ford Ranger 4WD oir radio, power steering, extro gas. clean AM-F- R41 1977 Chev. Cheyenne Vj T. P W. P.S., P.B., 4 sod., 6 cvl. very 14,800.00, Immaculate White Clover Nebraska raw Finest grade pure Cans & Bottles 14,595.00 or best otter 4 p.m. good condition otter. Coll GREAT FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS R41-4- 1977 Chev. Cheyenne Vj 376-414- 9 T.,6 cvl., Evenings on Out- weekly reach. Must have car. Mileage allowed. 43.00 per hour ext. 200. Applications or taken through November 23rd at the Davis County Courthouse 4 0 room 214. R41 Mechanic wanted: should have front end ond air conditioning experience. Will be in charge of labor operation. Contact Davis Farm Coop 3769138, 320 No. Main, Kaysville. R41 R.N. needed for full time position In Home Health Agency of Davis County Health Dept. Contact Mrs. Jewett, or 0 ext 216 for further inR41 formation. 4 Sales Personnel Needed by local distributing co. in Layton area. Full time permanent positions available for neat appearing person who enjoys working with people. Great opportunity KECREATIONAf THANK YOU Rupp Snowmobiles & Trailer. 1970 - 400 & 1969 - 440. Call after 5 p.m. 3764750. R41 Two FOR YOUR VOTE OF CONFIDENCE AND GREAT SUPPORT The Citizens Candidates of East Layton MAYOR DON DEWITT Leaving on mission, must sell 1971 C.L. Honda 17Scc Scrambler runs great, low mileage, new battery, Best otter. Call 3764397 ask tor Jeff. R38 BOB GREEN TOM HAYES Certain things come straight from the heart for advancement and management responsibilities that yield far above average income. No experience necessary. Earn while you train. For Interview call 7660014 Layton. To be specific, Bookkeeper: would like 2 to 3 yrs. experience in accounts payable & accounts receivable. inCompany pays health surance. Will be moving offices to Kaysville in 10 months. Wage offer will be based on experience and oblllfy. For appointment & Information coll Utahs Best Sofa Values! Buy direct from the Factory. SH38 R41-4- 2 - LADIES HERCULON Need ambitous woman, self starter, capable of handling responsibility. Nationally known firm. Top pay for the right person. Call for Interview, Connie CONTEMPORARY Quantity limited Beautilul herculon plaids and stripes, hardwood frames Reg $289 3765112. R3- 7- LADIES Have tun giving a Queens Way to Fashion party in your home and earn up to 4115.00 Free fashions. Call Connie 3765112. R3- 7- pieces 459.50. Hotel Sales, 562 W. 100 N Bountiful. R41 DESKS 3 ond 4 drawer, walnut and oak hardwood - great for students 455.00 & 460. Hotel Sales, 562 W. 100 N Bountiful. R41 Sears Washer & Dryer, dryer for sale needs some repair. 3761556. R41 iGEEDdDCEPi Used 10" table saw, 6" jointer. Must be in good condition willing to poy for value R41 ones come from. To use any or all, you only have to come into the bank with the heart of gold. 178 $ NYLON Quantity limited Herculon Covers in Exciting new Natural Weaves Hardwood Frames, Loose Cushions Reg $329 ROCK MUSIC Boxspring and mattress, mons Hotel Firm full size, both handled services where these specially named CONTEMPORARY R41 Sim- theres something unique about our popular banking services. For savings, checking, auto financing, mortgage and personal loan customers, we make these services special. Because we aim these services directly at our customers convenience and benefit. Thats why these popular services have special names. Please remember that there are many other uniquely R41 715 - Weekends R w's (2) Retread snow tires 430.00. good tread - mounted Phone 3769838. R41 1969 Ford Wagon needs starter motor - tires very good condition. Bargain 4175. Ph. 3768457. R41-4- 2 Bicycle, 10 speed, for sale, In excellent condition, has Schwinn speedometer, boys size bike -make otter. Hurry while It lasts. Coll 3769207. R41 & 122 So. Mtn. Rd. Fruit Heights very good condition. PS, PB, 4 SDd, 11,800 miles. 44595. or best otter. Call after 5 P.m. Want a real full-tiboogie rock'n roll band tor vour next stomp, or any occoncert private party, casion? Then "Lazer" is your band. We have the sound gear & lights to bring you the best, . . tor a reasonable price. We are professional musicians & will play anytime anywhere. Coll our agent: "Rocky Professional Mountain or Booking" $ A2 Santa Claus. Good witn children, families, church, school Quantity Limited Super Comfortable SAXON' Hardwood Frames Reg. $399 Authentic suit. Reasonable rates. parties. 228 HAITIAN COTTON in Ngnsmoker.. Nondrinker. demand. Call early for Information from Mrs. Santa. 966 2470. 258 R41-4- 4 LAYTON DEPARTMENT STORE FALL QUILTED VELVET 1975 Lincoln Quantity Limited Traditional Style with Rich Quilted Velvet covers Hardwood Frames Reg. $399 Continental has everything. Low mileage. High book over 47,000. Asking 46,500. Elwin Roberts, 1464 No. Fort Lane, Layton $ R40-4- Riviera. Real 1972 2 door Bulck Sharp. All power, new radial tires. Best offer takes, A '76 Monte, Landau, air shocks, mags, maroon, loaded, 43,000. 2 or R41 7661536. HOLDPAV 168 SLEEP SOFA great buy. R38 AWED Quantity Limited Herculon Plaids or Stripes m Beautiful Colors Double size sleeper with foam mattress Reg $349 '74 Yellow VW Early Christmas shoppers. Need extra money? Good extra Income available working as Amway Distributor a few hours per day. For appointment, phone JUfc a Laying Out A Fast Fly? The idea of fishing generally conjures up images of some sporty angler laying out a fly on some quiet and secluded mountain stream. brakes, condition. Superbeetle. New shocks, clutch. Good 42300. Call 3762018. R41 1975 Olds Starfire V-automatic, great economical cor, see ond make offer 3765532. R41 1971 Datson 1200. 4 speed Michelln tires and snow tires. 4500 or best offer. 3761373. R41 1971 Ford LTD sedan. Auto transmission, air conditMichelln tires and snow ioning. tires 41200 or best offer. 3761373. R41 1970 Olds Cutlass Supreme PS PB air conditioning, radial tires, good condition, extra snow tires, FURNITURE VILLAGE 3900 South Highway 91 R41 Open Mon Sharp 1975 Monza Fastback 4 new tires - 4 used tires, white color, red Interior. Call 7661514. & Fri 10-- 8 292-454- Daily & Sat. 5 10-- 6 n R41 Or maybe some youngster in a pair of ragged jeans and straw hat drowning worms with a cane pole and bobber. BUT what if you saw a fisherman dressed in piles of sweaters, multiple layers of trousers, and topped off with a snowmobile suit, heavy sun-tann- broad-brimme- d gloves and pulldown type cap? Your first thought might be that he was a classic northern ice fisherman; but he might' in fact be headed from Flaming Gorge and the possibility of landing a record brown trout. IN MARCH of 1977 an amazing brown weighing 33 pounds ten ounces was taken from Sheep Creek Bay about a dozen miles south of Manila. And while that behemoth at the moment is the grand- daddy of the reservoir browns, there have been a number of that species weighing over 30 pounds taken from those waters. And this seems to be the time of the year when the fishing in Flaming Gorge Reservoir is at its best. But dont go unprepared for the weather. Do wear those piles of sweaters and extra pants and even the snowmobile suit. And do be prepared for a fishing adventure. THE BROWNS have proved unpredictable, but theyre there and are readily taken. So vVe ae -- wont even notice the cold. 5- O0 eg"oee . despite the fact that summer is on vacation, dont pack that rod and reel away. Head for Flaming Gorge and the challenge of the massive browns. You may well come home with a brown of a lifetime; and, somehow, you of' seas 3- 1' v 0 ai0 - fi & b0 fo' , sh vV0fe0 o G IflVTOM DEPT. STORE IN LAYTON SHOPPING PLAZA J |