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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. NOVEMBER Funeral services for Elwin J. Wardle, 57, of 30 N. Mam, Apt. 1, Layton were held Friday, Nov. 11, 1977, at the Lindquist Kavsville Mortuary. He died Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1977, in the McKay-De- e Hospital of cancer. principal of Central Junior High School in Layton since MR. WARDLE was born June 16, 1920, in Burley, Ida., a son of Raymond and Josephine Meacham Wardle. On April 24, 1946, he married Lama E. Hamblin in Twin Falls, Ida. They were later divorced. MR. WARDLE lived in Burley, Ida. He worked in the Lark, Utah mines. For the past several years, he made 1973. Mr. Abate was bom July 9, Pa., a son 1927 in Swissvale, Dominic and Susan Fishette Abate. He married Colleen Evans in Lehi, Utah. of HE WAS reared in Pa., moving to Utah in 1946. He graduated from Utah State University in 1950 and obtained a masters degree from BYU in 1969. He taught at North Davis Junior High School in Clearfield before accepting the vice principal job at Central Junior High School. James J. Abate, member of the Fraternal Order of Elks No. 719 of Ogden and had been on the board of directors of the heart attack. HE HAD been the vice den Bowling Association. Funeral of Sunset; daughters, Jeffery, Glen, Susan and Kathleen Abate, all of Sunset; two grandchildren; his parents of Seminole, Fla.; one brother and one sister, Lou Abbott, Pinellas Park, Fla.; and Mrs. Bryce Lawrence Clark, the infant son of Randy Lynn and Patsy Toadvine Clark of 1880 1600 N., Layton, died Friday, Nov. 11, 1977 m the Salt Lake Primary Childrens Hospital of complications following heart surgery. HE WAS bom Sept. 18, 1977 in Ogden. His parents are members of the Lavton 13th LDS Ward. his are SURVIVING parents of Layton; one brother and one sister, Jeremy Clark and Jennifer Clark, both of Layton; grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dean Clark, Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Toadvine, North Middletown, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Poulson, Ephraim, Utah; Mrs. Thelma Bloxham, Florence, Mont.; and Mrs. Lucille Ginter, Paris, Ky. Funeral services were held Monday, Nov. 14, 1977 at the Lindquist ' and sons and A1 Wagenen officiating. BURIAL was in the Lehi City Cemetery, dmg Kaysville Presidency To Be Honored An open house has been planned to honor the past Kaysville Utah LDS Stake Presidency on Friday, Nov. 25 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. THE open house will be e held in the room of the Kaysville East multi-purpos- Being honored will be Lawrence E. Welling, Clinton D. Zollinger and Ben F. Holbrook, who were recently released after many years of devoted service to their stake, np ' ' IN KAYSVILLE REPAIRING It Bring It To CMS Your Brtqga Stratton Opnl Cut t Headquarter SALES - SERVICE TILLERS a CHAIN SAWS a SNOW BLOWERS SERVICE SHARPENING 766-131- 3 CAS SMALL ENGINE REPAIR - N. MAIN, KAYSVILLE SHARPENING S RAIRING - MECHAM SMITH-CORON- NEW BISHOPRIC Mission. g He will enter the language training mission on Dec. 8. KELLY BECKSTROM Will Serve Mission For LDS 1 ELDER BENNETT is a graduate of Davis High School where he was a member of the Davis High Symphonic and Marching Band. He has been employed since graduation. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bennett of 363 East 200 North, Kaysville. np Elder Kelly Kent Becks-trom- to , son of Mr. and Mrs. Kent M. Beckstrom, 1376 Golden Circle Drive, Fruit Heights, will be honored at a missionary farewell on Sunday, Nov. 27 at the Fruit Ward Heights, Second Sacrament Meeting, 1:30 p.m. after recently undergoing major surgery. Houseguests of Mrs. Norma Ward for a few days are a" cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pead of Los Angeles, Calif, who are en route home from a tour of the Eastern States and Canada Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell and daughter of Alameda, Calif., are visiting, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Campbell. Dwight and Loma Robbins of Norwalk, Ohio are spending two weeks with his Taiwan-Kaohsiun- Cam-mac- ELDER Beckstrom had been called to serve a LDS Mission to the Minneapolis, Minnesota Mission. imm ; FROM THE LAYTON (CITIZENS PARTY CANDIDATES) Ashbaker. Mrs. Roy Hatch spent a few days last week in Grand Junction, Colo, visiting with LEWIS G. SHIELDS relatives. Houseguests of Lt. Col. (Ret) and Mrs. Russell Mas- JOHN A. BAKER LYNN W. WOOD sey is Mrs. Betty Robles of Phoenix, Ariz. The Mini Stars, FOR YOUR VOTE OF All-Sta- and Small Stars Marching group under the direction of Pat Rhoades marched in the Brigham, Young University Homecoming parade on Saturday in Provo. CONFIDENCE & SUPPORT IN THE RECENT CITY ELECTION 3 59 Mission g for two years. Enroute home he visited a few days in Virginia with his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bennett. Elder Brett Timothy has received his call to serve a LDS Mission to the Korea-SouMission. He is entering the language training mission in Provo on Jan. 19. He is a member of the Kaysville Fourth LDS Ward and the son of Mr. and Mrs. LaMar c mmm Mrs. Morjorie Dinger is convalescing at her home ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE" He will enter the mission home on Dec. 3 and depart for Minneapolis on Dec. 8. Elder Beckstrom is an Eagle Scout, has received his Duty to God award and has held positions m his Deacons and Priests Quorums. He is a graduate of Davis High School, where he was senior class president and awarded the outstanding Industrial Arts Student of the Year. HURRY 1976 HUGE STOCK IS INCLUDED IN THIS SALE! 'k lpxu dove dfi to-- 7 ok TVaUfeaftm (fytcf J 4ufiix foot fa.xice& felu6ifouttt&&3ctUl ju4i ft tnli cvu&! State Championship football team and was named All State Fullback, np GRANGER cnOTMEffiJ cnnnt nmran- Til 9:00 P.M. STORE OPEN REPAST! DLVINYl FOR THIS SALE M0N.-FR- I. (RUSE) QSlnSm 032232 ) - urn esBcp, Plus 10" in free cartridge ribbons with copy of this ad and machine purchase. aEe nBic-DH!EjIit- iv FOR BEST SELECTION EVERY ROLL OF WALLCOVERING IN OUR ELDER Beckstrom was active in sports while attending Davis, was a member of the 3 DAYS ONLY kt gXDGSbfe CflKlirffsPpTTflTi SPECIAL Change from Fabric to Carbon Ribbons in Seconds. complete with case. top of the line Price is $330.00 List Suggested IF WE DON'T HAVE THE STOCK .. WANT TOU as NO ONE BEATS OUR PRICE bishopric members were Edwin bishop; Bowen Lewis, 1st counselor and James Brough, 2nd counselor. Richard Olsen, executive secretary; Ron Tipjietts, ward clerk; Frank Walters and Max Bodily, assistant ward clerks. grandmother, Mrs. Melvin Timothy. A Smith-Coron- was taken are DeLoy Reid and William Morrison, assistant ward clerks. Outgoing Sustained as members of the New Kaysville Fourth LDS Ward Bishopric are to r, front, James Brough, 1st counselor; center, Maurice Lee, Bishop; Dr. Ute Knowlton, 2nd counselor. Back row standing, Max Bodily, ward clerk; Donald Jones, finance clerk and Paul Wagaman, executive secretary. Absent when photo party and refreshments. Blake Bennett returned Sunday evening by plane from a five week trip to Iran where he visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bennett prior to leaving on his mission Dec. 8 Coronamatic 2200 Taiwan-Kaohsiun- n LAWN MOWER 180 ELDER BENNETT has been called to serve a two year LDS Mission to the Mr. and Mrs. Bengt Jons-so- n and family, Mr. and Mrs. Meldon Ward and family attended the 50th wedding anniversary open house of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown held Saturday in Garland held at the Garland LDS Stake Center. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are the parents of Mrs. Jons-soand Mrs. Ward. Mrs. Beth Reid and Mrs. Kathleen Thorsted entertained at a stork shower Saturday afternoon at the Reid home in honor of Mrs. David Green. Sixteen guests attended and enjoyed a delightful Tuesday in the Lindquist Clearfield Mortuary with Bishop Alfred C. Van - LAWN MOWERS 3:30 p.m. Kaysville News Bourgeois, Port Arthur, Tex. Funeral services were held Presidents BURIAL was in the Memorial Gardens of the Wasatch, dmg n the Kaysville Eighth LDS Ward Chapel, 25 South 200 East, Kaysville, beginning at (Phil) Stake Center. and Sons Colonial Chapel in Ogden. Bishop Bumis L. Skinner officiated at the services. INTERMENT was in the Memorial Park, dmg Kaysville-Layto- Accepts LDS Mission Call held on Sunday, Nov. 27, in Utahna Pelton, Wash. SURVIVING are his widow Services Are Held W. Reserve for ten years. He was a member of the Catholic Church. He was a BLAKE BENNETT A farewell testimonial for Elder Blake Bennett will be SURVIVING are four sons and three daughters, Rodney James Wardle, Snowville, Utah; Richard B. Wardle, Elwin J. Wardle, Keith M. Mrs. Thomas Wardle, (Dorothy) Richardson, Mrs. Dean (Linda) Thompson, Mrs. Verl (Laura) Moon, all of Layton; six grandchildren. Also surviving are one brother and three sisters, Wayne Wardle, Mrs. Myrna Judd, Mrs. Laveme Sides, all of Idaho Falls, Ida.; Mrs. aircraft pilot in the Army North 390 West, Sunset, died Friday, Nov. 11, 1977 at the St. Benedicts Hospital in Ogden of a his home in Layton. He was a veteran of the Army and had served during world war II. MR. ABATE served in the U.S. Army in Germany during World War II. He had been a helicopter and light 50, of 1100 7, 1 977 Friday Rites Held for E. Wardle Rites Held F or James J. Abate JAMES ABATE 1 GET IT FOR COUNT IN OUR WE'U IE KAPFT TOU AT - ON LOVABLE PURCHASE PRICES SELF-STIC- K CARTOON TO DIS- CHARACTERS AND ANIMALS PRICES. KXuU SoxA 6u - So 7 dOt NO ONE BEATS OUR DEAL Caw" "Not N Naaf VWwW Maria Mi Cwllia, far la Oar Btan flia TmkA Ma EWIki PvtafW Laaa I GIVE SANTA A BREAK... DECORATE NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS 25 o$ ON You always Come Back To BUSINESS MACHINES, 3 INC All IMPERIAL BOOKS ef . aa a Putdiii a. Caninf - j lidwji HufiidA (Al Nttorac) Sm M hi Yar S are W Kmm Ti Mat Ym I sQrfXTk Vwtl On Al Stock Pttorw) AH AMWT out CXatniYI I I ON NAJKBtt SttTlft. PRICE OGDEN WE WILL BEAT ANY ADVERTISED SALT LAKE CITY 1865 South State St., Sait Lake City, Utah PHONE 487-981- 3 2260 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah 3 PHONE 392-750- 42E0I9 |