Show ii lery t ery Modern Convenience Supplied at Yale Park Subdivision tf 4 t. t I 1 Yi sf 5 4 S S S S j f 4 t t 4 f 2 k Ji- Ji I J j S 4 i f i ts I f I The fleet residential subdivision In city to have ha paved streets gas mains telephone service y water ater electric light and pow power r and double parking on each side the th streets I is 11 Yale Park according to iward C. C Ashton of or th the Ashton Jen ns as company compan which lB is handling that A Mi te It will he be one of or tn the m most t Lilly h. h Improved l residence subdivisions L. L S the city It IM hi approached by three rest c car lines Une one on Eleventh Ele I et st t south or of Ninth tl South street treet one n 1 Fifteenth East street an and arul the third 11 Thirteenth East an ano Ninth South rests Building of or and I re S maintained and all nil horn homes already dY built JIll have ve co cost t considerably more morA than tha that thaU h Three lire fire brick residences are be beIng being be- be 1 ing inc constructed conf d on Yale avenue near Thirteenth E Enst Ept st street one by Edward Edword M. M Ashton facing north and east of or Thirteenth East st street and each eath on tho the two corners cornera of Yale avenue and Thirteenth Thirteenth Thirteenth Thir Thir- East street one by Isaac Hancock Hancock Hancock Han Han- cock and tho the oth other r by Edward Hancock Each of these will cost or more A noticeable feature of or Yale Park Is Istha that tha t It has hils great t natural beauty Red Butte hollow hollo is at the back of or all the lots iota facing north on Yale avenue This hollow Is thickly wooded with with great trees planted b by Judge Le Lc Grand Young thirty or fort forty ears a ago o. o A beautiful stream of water courses counes through th the premises most of or which rises from nat nat- nral liral on the ground Lots facing north on Yale avenue have 8 a depth of or feet one half of which Is b in the tho hollow and the tIle other halt half high and level overlooking the ell city Purchasers Include some Borne of Salt Lake Cit City's most particular and most prominent business men Among Amon these are aro W. W W W. Riter E. E M. M L Allison Jr George Albert Smith Hugh J. J Cannon Preston J J. J Cannon S S. S N. N Huddleston Dr Dv Charles Charle Gowans Mrs Abbie Abble C. C Warren War War- ren Raymond Raimond J J. J Ashton George George- A. A Smith of the Utah Sugar company compan Edward Edward Edward Ed Ed- ward M. M Ashton of the Jenkins Ashton company l Y Lor Lorenzo Smith of or Denver Den Mrs Mary Gartside owner O of or a beautiful home In an exclusive o residence district of or St. St Louis Geor George o jk Child Harry and arid A. A P. P Kc Kosler Kesler ler supervisor Isor of oC the Lowell school |