Show TELLS OF TIME WHEN AUTO WAS WASA A CURIOSITY Guess Gue I must most have started 9 something something some some- thing as the boys say cay now said IRid El El- mar mer manufacturer of Apperson Apper Apper- I Ison son Jack Jack Rabbit Babbit motor cars cars theother the tho other day daJ a as I he ho looked over some somo photographs of the H Wallace Hagenback-Wallace i circus with a II Jack Rabbit car loading loading londin load lond- ing in ing the parade 11 I won wont won't t go o so 50 far as M t to say that the present Jack Rabbit which hi b carrice carries car car- rice ries the Hagenback Wallace Wallace managers and b heads is the main attraction though it does head the parade parado nor does it ex excite ito quite as much as the big elephant tho man eating tiger or tie the pink ink lady who loops the loop hanging oy by y her hor teeth to the rear axle of an automobile automobile Ap Apperson reon cars are too plentiful and too well l Known tho those e days to excite any comment other than admiration or of surprise that any car could b bo be so eo complete in every detail But you yon can put it down dOD as R a fact that the Apperson Apperson Apper son eon son Jack Rabbit I exhibited with Vitti theol theold the theold ol old Robinson di Franklin circus back in for 96 for a 8 tat fat fat monthly was salary salary was tho the t whole show In circus parlance wo we had tho the rest of ot tho the acts backed of off tho boards We led the parade just jest ahead of the huge hUe elephant and I was afraid every minute hed he'd hed grab the rear axle arle and top stop the show Id I'd d like Uko to see any team of ot elephants do ao it now Y Yes Yea s ho concluded times have bave changed ed Motor cars care are are not quite the curiosities the they were fifteen years ago but theY they're re lot more efficient Its It's ma made Io us us all hustle hurtle to kc keep p up with Philadelphia on November 10 lo Ot this tho the popular demand for perfection |