OCR Text |
Show which I will ;eell for ' 4X'berriee, -- i ?2i - -- r : ? : Gritl - - 9 9 v T r - JTX7IU' he imported iexf SjnlngVrrp- - YYjwird of50,000ehoicAFPLEPEAB. CIlERRYead ' ether-tree- Plants or the best' Improved STRATA- -: CS'.T JERRIES, l;wili dispose offorGraiaat ivV'r:''-:.'5.o!- j? , , e , .'s jgflrnyQq.fr v w' JJSCTIUCJBAlXJIXTr .M;nt,;;'a't taxi MXCjiJNGJE & CQitXSSldtfSTQM&h .bis t roat-graft- e, a es, YEARLING TREES,' Canantey Wfar.t'l - n4TM'9ouittfi&?ftVfWVYX9.-' rv,". Oppoiii IIsi. ienec, li r ; rt! VLJtfv All aorta vof;fgron:;andce'ntry,tpTedenHV:w: bough ty sold And exchanged.' ' Salea Uckberric- s- Rosea; caahiAJao fbrpala,- Greyra Sat DaatrpyV'V;' V of All'kiade reqwillj Shrubayand plaits heap.; Periorra Wiahiag.to obtafiir any f theaboTt.yrllPpIeaao send their order is ICO. .lQO.-Grapetin- gxxx. gpi tagTii'..-;- Atii. ;RORIRT GRXER; . v -- wiwi,yw); - lassonoquartery byH.YI .v'X iT'XX r. , TnceSl Produc:. PayioaV AW Pindrd.' 'Conntrj aeeular tnnei? arranged f ft acred;' SOUTH WORTHS JI.L. Prera.- :? ' -- ehoirt,. tiMyu: Prints- families attended . Store: y YTYIf iT"- X- f - r thefirat f ApVfci 'three priboi ol brindl Jr li?bt COW, with . jairr Marked Witk; alitCiarightXear, fGALT branded C US on the? left hlp,'and'eide Lead, Wood and Jill "kina S?'?iNP W I V; raPaatlafaetiohWah, ,, , f?6 3DWt.llIt work " tng torpar ba gaara nlaad-t.hlkrf-''V- . " ; trended . If; A OL;Th ewnerla jaqaeeted ThatanJhbrehalchargadforigrihdiagrtfv Eaaineea arranged o.tkat'cnstamara.: fc' proT e . ptopertr charge and take ether .r aettlemanUfM ba' accomzaedatad- - pj of Pr HARRISOX ; - :QjKL'i? ''A'Ua imnaadlateVy.. 'i Kh-j- f :;, , v-vr- -j Sri ' u-. fw; i sv Sry- - vOITHT &'2.'AT7E3TI03I, & celebrated. 2 ri -; : y .: f -- : ' XS-VX : - or. elopin erop oartnd elitiatbo lef )i V.SIENDENHALLV PoendXocper.. ir? Sprlngrille, JJ n- iroSST" l s i. ", f ' - iayii i ' , r r xTjr V- - nctckT:' VX!! LLY ansonnae' jjfaVb-i- - V OESPICTI'l) XAbahitante of Utah ta;lha; Xal'-Vv.- :' geunty,' that thar'erv' prepared to fill all ordara for FURS ITtXE wth diapatelif at theif ehop VI- - '---i ?I -- tArRplfSprintritle;Utlr"o:fJnlV on door- - orth; 15thASORREI-'BAIJ)-rACE- D UcairetW Sprib haroa'a, gtill; EORSR; feet white; oni rlava aye. ettppotad tor ba'IQ tor 12 year a oldollad on, when F.aii2ai:c r ' , rljgbt TI13. j!:R'oiESTSf U i'Uidxritemi Bofani'so-riediceTAtte- oldVA-hal- f XJLTears : Macknarth-ea- ef chairs, af tha.TSthiag-&ia- o block,' ' "r tabxes;::redsteads,so- - takena heary.eet ot thoert-j- : Plain Hirneia and Collar dhark Pivnoiid k !a'd i ca the' left, highvv Jt ; 1 cuppoee tetftre beea .etplen' by Indians, VxAnyione -- 8ad-Rlejr arh relnrui ??T ot aiyin tjnptlc a .of aelrnil.'will beknitably te CYRU S SANDFOSD. Warded,; j! a 2reqco?P3Ri;s'iisETiKO-r av tntj H,":l.jAr.n-v- ..fiftriesa '? :v-- ' v- - a V . .. . - J - Iri pc 1 1 1 of Vob- - .. Jni a bitasta oft .the. V.wr.' ynio jo-jnin- se beajv Ox fBowa Straw xxnmbvr, VV Bohdeto3f es, Uoo.ntain Aliim ;y Ilata, thatke Cepparat: Saleratua.T Etercli Yla tall; iitreeV xearly 'where he je'prerared the abort, Uxe. i' 2'rdre.ain of ec cs kinc! ,rrJ th .. . - . ! V-o- r k Jddne fflib dil prices .iioDERATE,;;: " jj r ' eid u ' KiMASL L 'jiJbr AJ RET- - or ; TJitfBER VI7IL, Firit-PriHatch r v . Saciotyt'iimth LOW. Growe rapidljy'ni&kaf a good HU,. : Vhef ;ot ia ve S: I;t and iathe well, Vj, . " '&.!. ?'s: ? & W60Jjoara; or fuel, v Cutting-- . eentJa f! Jla lnTitee Jil agante In idl.pirtV of the a EJ.ailj-at$50 erhiindra dfv- - Territory to call or eepd and thatp J CE ALOTKIJS AMERICA' atock of, Matchee,Ae for thode mande of it "Tic and 'any W Id tb''J'ap;tb: 0--i plant-- S3 cent pier. fkaSmnrTi'Podlarsndreliablaperoe Thtfreat ' a applied, wholssela.an reasonable terms:'? Km.to.Srinl; v'r v.'v Tb Urcj .ciko-fa iGrafnRagajQldf-Bottlea; fefl hyra maVrrVf.q-..V1 andall kind itpilL t. Old Hjcon,"x rente por foot, aieording jfi. ' R. Ov TITOlIPO:, flar amount of Jambar..-Thehina a ia v I hi ,.t la am tbit' by planed :rni:i;p.;0.j; Cts-- J eouat jr; Nabraaka lag V , qualwi (it h a nd. )Lh 1c kn eto, an d ,ny 'V- - .? , if &t - rclt l ! a ATW-sac- ij, tinnh -- ' and-qualit- f a ;f,v.f:4,i ' ONFgQTlONZRii: KER'4hO A L5v.;: eetTed A hi hotjre jLrJL. ; Kiva id j'ily da Trsf-- fe 'as 1 a about .the f tt. mi r m s n w rd ? Dining' Ropra f air in'; f, CareetaaeaVsyr tee C:eini Paatriaaaad biatof Fruit aerred ln t!jeir aeaon.' :Cen FraltaOjetarir'and. |