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Show Trxxs; t'Tkii bisbeon prMtissd dknngik .pMVeV'yBMB'Uo.kBYBWOO - eliewhais:Iikpn jths tTflEnntiartrubk.,rxt.jbeenin alt dirtCtiokd.YoakftdofnoblelrkeB W?i til'i'akT &or8eeBtbtYtr,V2v ;laicWs ' ki miUti trsSf HwM the kaoai) sorca h Nmdi, the 'tabtore bled A siaoo th,rsh furrow sps Sssfr wid A Mm dsmss ui iflwrtt; tkf4aildterf (IcftTMt' tontild trkfm ameieraadcatalp, bldftnbU;23 ntiCbMVittVdiamkler4,. & beeii . jf.1 thflaboriag L. kakred-wiBkYp-vTThre- Housewife sCorneri v, ., r strobges tcepiAuta; a nd' east eat applied . for tbia parpoae.' ni knd tb wxjiiU ab egg, :jTp;o88Itittlw;a;juMHuker fi J &$ S tity of therteggrto .mend'vOne'Aricle, at .a. vf ti me,: ebiiTe: on aqaanttty or.limei Jaadiouct is-li- - hare gbd- - a ni plac the djv firrol y Vtogeti er, wh UI iverr ,8o6n teceme et ',andT bl eedia bf'trjpefr taky bftjB yPP.W6Ks Pped Vi" r; "s , ;Pieu.yCAkMOCoi'tbe; -- yrl th" n id t o ? b a e !it. Jill eapir,ritli ..thea iqgre. rffif smell jar; ertglaaq j c.t 1 e heads htofe:hU.-0" abort time' ia' ne. together 'SY'j ; :$; - ?; L ekheJ,Lim 7 jf. dfebti ; makka kw et' pickle ot molaaa a .u tun arctn tins tlutv , faa pC ,an ttrf 1 the anil.Shew hii charter 4ufktIneaffaeAaoawitIprenty':cfird,;fy f. akd:UHrl8 wpU Icnkwa tbbt thefef8ubatahl iWirtntf 1 silriiiiHisn:' isnil'Athsr sntMl tA i ' ;w ..'1. - J ,;. V,Vi. BOthttwISMt iCxVfe O. gTMfoa tulnuttnut. ee8'a1:8ti;8SVJ'ibM5rY0'r,l'a, 11 res- w lift. e4 ' 8b8ll. 81 IftftNt ftmtwTka WefetraUmi' gZt andtolpr oisli ttaterialior iatlcd iroitkvf .(liftr babeii of owti: vNowj' itlB'reaBpakble ImWib the n bread ddf to Boppose hit ftwibk'ftaib.ftsbef khd-cii.' i 4 A-- y quaitirs'ijetthkbjktandl' we cold Ohonvlhem nd ynXm-ipai- ; ; strongfv jV ;Y oa.wiU Jnfxb ii g rokll qaantitiy at tbe ulc Db?b at 8 d " tb 4PBf ated ko kbdft eo it dkanot it Mrdebe-vrWf jepOfroOtaVxQaktarfldid joij nhkaeinaiS Xetin be 'utedfYi Cal cl ned pliiterof Pafiawopld 'tSviV isv4'-length bkra bMn traBplantpd ak8wer,tha.ymbkrpo8e.'v!YlVt'-atb , ; if t : V . . K jj:-- td 9t y serif bn, to Jbmu jp rposk bfraappljinfftba ibia. kingalax Id xerial TpirJtbelrbariapaftd tin ct fa anImLIa, kb lovr in the kcalo ptint telligenCB, is thkly Vebdirfa L Viy bila "hoes are at Jarffetbe' , akei in clay. and ailicia with th eir . fbod ud eat bbnes abdtobtk nti whlcji pofttiia1 ,n Bcesaalj-iagredidei-rfarlth- B putbeptbearepentptheyeftdeaijpr to jiapply the material necessarr f or Jf :np tb amrwit sirslcserssa, .thair frame 'by darouhiig iiahes B; IhM fair nlslu from-itstrsamlsts larkHTfMf'C. and ei oders ; IstfNdsvitV h ey im prate" ilk" condition Vnu to tlisir li amti.t boss faithful arm bait toil :j fo orswj with' wms thsir iwa uuiaMtiOr 'vf bt eating them.M XAtj to ta tre Goa, freedom aad msnkiad. Bed baadrt fsetioh shall h uhial, y stately forms, that, boadipg ssa Bow.. lusloolff ttsUaHljltT, irisebHerect, liffii the nudltu sf tbs land: jf ; n ,ttlll It. Atsiiw AUMir ;.n effg: liatUMtrn 'aaqieB8f qllyi as M time for se Till-- ' tbs the bills shostg f triumph ' a . W si-sh- M "Ji rin Li : H. - hertith.iitxeWk,elhbtfbsslf Hijff ee,yals6keem 6 brire Bjmialti Tho limS duat thai shewed on the fodder h elps the inakjbBg bf bonfand thas etrengtliens tlia frameottio animaUtiTIieold eustoTii of sp rinkl iag eaItOTi bay ak itU beabg atoted iwtjj moiatenBYwh jiatlime-drieh. Si'AJ. wi.t'.L lncanae garin forjh.fmeTiry heart int-thit eka giya utterance tollui language Hof s : ? VAntai'MatnBVisoneltheJSiiy esteittef if tfltbairotld; jcckr4iasr.ioi too' I dt'bntkip Kennebeo 'jovrval ,'sqoart 1 bian Vrildiboars; fa- Nevr-Yor- k; e f claim. ofthO-inanasie- jCSdiored rs Orphan ',o;ihe iBylamifor rot.'Sivkenitftby' To.bbin.'ftfceroyfabd fty .,' to. ':r't '?rv dreBsets kra said wentbtiis Htsi jrmteaVearafor v 'z Ki '1 jShort - .a;JrOaop,tApri(W$omp!w&rlecdmAndi; fWJ3W Morfl befers . T ft A M fM A ft Ivncs . theirhfmei; m scskssW tv m iftftfe Jh T l Cbt or.breakihe blitter1 .jintogrAlnsor'yferyryyivY iy tlnkll ;vpieej: hyJ;pSseing:. .it thnmgVXa) counts klfcvk or btbsrwbKPut tttnid jhe& . ... 'kbbB iwitk'aabfficMii qkabUty bf&ow. tbidwtn gabkjitiqukktsbrbadeait pvwreacBloadof baJ itlsheipgpod 'keems to absorb tbe)mQiture, ; bwayMtany yiouldingifd the eattle eat mtikooktUkbdjvbinraitVeny-whichJtlv-- i prevents by- X 2: JWkr ? f tera'y bbusekeepifr-;gfTearbentnoVlBgbriwssrl- J - theya. he.'comfng( infasbiop.vand.'jitVloterjriothiiigklse VilJlvba.feii InbgroMaoIfwkoirf (.": manf at CouneXL' Blnfis, has been J a. fibed $3. forxdiDglbrdsa the sidewalk.' -- M 11 |