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Show v l.t Xfi'i V kv' - - a - A ' . - ir ?' ' . r V'- '. .. i. r ? 8- ?is. m9 i v;' - - W-- : juv JUBaif1 HU . nuiwB.- - Sora grow p' trie heihVof flrom'J2 t18 b et e p pedd d r n't j8 ot,l 0 feet. y: It" willjrei!4 froei .0 to9:'gillw of iVi Pw f.- - v. VooJ.eynipio a'Wa p:Qa Ioad.r Tlie'Imphee from StcrlOfeet high; wUhaheavy .iivXiiV i holding itsthicknesi welliiptothe i; "upper joint, Top vilowa' to ft. orT; feet," te.'19 gaU-it;wiiWoauee fonvli) . A,..: v-- we willmendona !' stripping, goodplain it"'t,'",'' lliocsly aaggeationj.. iriade' inroae oft th Ohio coaTeadona . Jast winter-.-;T)- i idea nor too ldng.jeat it ahouldrindnce crowd jht order fa keep the , trackjJ parrOwin depth tbrough jhe ring i ple,le5titpalI;onthetopoftiie.i . mdchjnor too wide.lee tit'causethelower pert of thehowato pteMtoq hifd ; r r- - "r : f j"Vs T '. A: 'at&ted .triht fectly Pirippci; The i&ember J1- tried th plan ' andit"., had .worked TrellT!l8i,8 is no tatenfc-o- the: nr n .Juar 're'' frv.lt 'trees thatT hay, frufied . j - |