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Show s truetiond cToafidence in. ourneigbbore tractarllrl)iek sboaldrcxaia .auitea by .tht br)thrlr bin d of onS beial deaee? r How jnuexCanoro should iro ucd aOTs a .ntighoorid he ssjj Nb:I cannot acoommodafiVyburri can-not- ect do rwe exery? fanner and: gardener tohare yqur work.v v, fc&itf-fp:':.-''V patch ofthemon their -A a good rOlUSHIJU v iTho uh.w n ayw j h.'to be aeomm ,E- JUHftSlIrt,'.. IjSITOK ti.t premises;! ? JOinrsONrtn Paorairrpa; v','.JS.,,v;D'I .we ' wish eanoot .. dated, iV,..?v W ' i' 'Certunlj ' 'V i" ' 'tubev ,VW? .X .' TCKXSs our at. deceTcd 'V '.' '?y .otrnoxDens;and:ba-' . a- V--u,Mci n- V; wnwwsseeiBtn 4 .ell ;up':vvM$ i? 7:. ... tjf ri wiT)tlj S(R, ijr .3 killed or w us 0 h not only all Sni hatonIyipoktufalely;'bUtJhathis f ii ' .' - : ' -- (y-'T- . , ' - ' - V i1'-- ? I J -- J' t - . .. . L- i- : . ten-'tCl-L- baVonr lack of pBnetualitybas.d&ingedlie and dsyedO:cbidWeewe.ripdised net onljin Min;, b at alWiii othersr gs 'peta-ith- e on, flowerV, (regatabl es': aed. dowers J:and blooming !?nntit iael ;jLet those who wjsh te retain the eon--, wereidint iiwelStUi;weheTe'W plants ' ia escV;famdesleVi' itheir idsnbe, to: a ripe eld andgdrao'wn ' agewitha oleareonscieneetakenotanf ptoltable of.' the' iqciiJ Ticei,jxay be ihif friendly cautiba and abkndon this fi i) ':i: ft' Vi ec kin 3 the' lackof uicta&litjrQ a o ur or; ear cis a ss ox 'de c eltand f J .ciicib er.of Ih f family iiuimell a doss deal iiftnliono neizhbdre 'i - '' ; j:' V-',-'-1- o . & ' ! . r 'v i ; stock.v lt Is erroneously-nailernValem. ATtichoiur.flt, ! d the( Je--f nia tire-o- Americkiabdhasbwa; like thvtatob; aueh improTcd front its natiTe statV.' reason xor .muen :vIk ilT.p erfeeily. hatdj here;'. The .thk3Bilkei6iwS stand in the ground all winter B?r toadrahtegbqr dng'and need in the summer andautamn,did we not feel the ta-bersg- nay yj - ; r.; V iv Vj'V- - --- vy t falser winter a needed, or hogs may be turned jupen.thexa and help themselves , ansntire com-- I rerpact , to the practice' ..of ranity. r 'TTe rsfer v ' r..-- ' We introdaeed them here: three : snlinerHinicr in tttrtiflnltVl . yeari ' . t ' rjns v bu f en e th a t thakcif tof,L sco nde ac B and Wiv-v' . 4 U - J. i J. V regard; bWebuhbfficlalsSihcVpUr.'jLg :j j -- r jf- - iand,Vithough. they pay. well for .good soil .end cuitiTatjon. TTe planted' thbm saebBia'CTiarlc.-:'ybdtkree lastt eprin" upon salt grass ; landi ah nils end And Jhe job'ixi--.tr.-.si- from app lxahce9'ih' J nly, ldiqaglitthey 67 weidi f ail, laklater they come on end made qnite.a crbp.-.hare" afome'sih-gl- e f ti w ir.x!rw a vCm r ;'4-s- 1 d, . tioabjoi'neeililiyyi Sn-a- T ' We . sta3ke ent T?- t- -- iaourg&rdehthatwilltdrn thd reeissniuBjS Xof ayieidktf.oimfeeiap - p.:-r ',-- ? -- 33 ''K . some S.SOObushelsto tKe end so on until c':''1 !' 1 hl-a-buhe- . Voii jazr 'patirnee.ie bV liar prsmi sit bf load would: ll'irrss"f cf ebis'Iss.' cf' tiaVsr. of acrerThU Tjiw? yetwith good potato e ground and good wtiiatii-wfeidr- v i a, ''j ; , .1 A a' at a certain tisi3.;;Tou gofor it-- pultiVitieni cnemarlaaf elTjbouht upon ; ;' aptad the cij ..isrlib yoar.,.tsani and Only WiMetto -- a ebnetabler '; nte ajuitiee 'pf the'peeee?,''jr''A i ire neid the 1; eprieei of O'V '. i Vv' n j Vt,':''tT IS' "i |