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Show T. w. wr i . . MmordamrB9tf?iictfirrdeIlr structibWoieonfidenW and tie wWle hUatiOn of ths-WtlxVr- citedra'i&:VisodBof cueWibrs,ltr: ,i!fe bWdsjM.' cojifiy tlIy y'' i. dehctTV; .Hbwmuol ..tkoVbr united itl by w t j, ''. fff - r. 'V neighbor did bp mt ofca of cannot accomtoo cUlsj QUIcan- - ontha pric of pork; and w . irotdd speatandjora a I f ? w. ; yi; TbousbMro Ucd4Ke-,crtjuiuTcaiwotviBbtob- , ? Mir .suiscaiaiR labia fsr.SnfcMrljti0 Oiaia x.nn-cA- sn: Va A? .'; f5 .' y-- ; lWiTm!. ' f V: i'V.V.-.,i- f a.- - .jif Jf" - ' i' M ".; Vt-v- to tfcE4lter, ?usci uclit y .i . . v IfrtJeSJ Iirt Wwr H Literary WttfUi XinfMtirlu haraa.v. iital Alt rnwfniMt atti illnii '. v : At W; fMbihit .. s iK;-- - '' - i a v'V A r com convinced -r Vs-- 3. ' ,r ' ; - - 7- v -- .1 r ?.. DfttCXl OL tllGDI Oil ad-7.- A4 y thfilf ftf V f.bat.Btkeisbbotbap lackof pnnetualitf bas damaged W and det.TPgatwn; kEfrortpV M(W';W-4VV;'PPi- WtWlyinhi'mVbiaiso'lnbthersA 1 tO ,wv ,?aad ?gd ;54btrafncighbdrsy .r.rr-- vWkboolii i. toL! AOOOMaMWnil Nte 1A ..dtt - "',. Axaoits tba xncst unpleasant and' ttn- ' Pot&blo ; of tho social yicea, jaay bo VTccicasd. tbo:, lack of pnnctaality'' ' v. .(: nb tgbe iPAinmli '. :.y- ' any . i . onrH bC WjSqssdMsor 'daeoit,'an' deal iuan WVonhieV.WotuJnannerv intrbiuped5 into' Ciis $emiory,y yst; - ;oraige ana piae-gro- oz tno Ts J5 un-.- v' rtsiat,' .bniy fro oppress ; of basinesVtbo -- I J S'-.-- s v ,?sandisi is potponed'untip'mqrrolf;, like tbo AmSriea.ana:hasbsnt . r . potato -- : r ; :. J;rsctica.thai not cdy affee.tstW in bersvzna; stand in tho ground; ailyrintsr f a personor' family,' to advaatag; .or dng?and nsed- .tn; the ;,t or boss toar oo. ai etded, tbaV shaker tLa; Joohhdcnoo'and iali rwmtor rA ' "' i . l A Ajg iWj'rX' - , .' V"---' .' iivVontPpdttoed them http; Attest.; yoar E,, san'ds'fbpshols-lwyirpwpoua1 jT so. 3 ap' men Jed t a .barrst, or.othcr shWaiasi pitca of, Ea?;hntcm or tamce. ;,Toa 'xidattree,' 3 8-- yea V ileiy oW ayield, j.--- -V- v.-v- . t. , . ,,r We piMtVd'thm from appeirahcpitfJhly vrt ul ifailbqlaietltbey earn Aadp'cuiW a - . n soil and caltiTatfW -- woc'are disjointed ta jon-an- niclally, from omlvtf.? u wnnldtiiTii tnnATi phaTIiao;lJ?Vf pod,arqJ!4aiutnro;and;vTqtp-, atfout:WVp'oM'wa ,f scaoSjSOhdsWiyto .sroold-.ij- k Vigoai or,and after a littlo ir; snay need ourM;V'i 1eonnty!reptes'tedn';ftoglsJafnriE. end jetyso ; far aaoa. Vi APs'aut Ah' LWWr biojdjJTdyiid m ; v.--f !? |