OCR Text |
Show r .atthfir-iio-ofi.TerTm- andfaawham arrionltoral npenhod Wt.?aumb4r y.. . "', - w ii wortnth sabjoription price; which 1 j onlj aollar.; ThTeditolroffarVtonw aabeeribers. op old ones whorenewtheir "t .th bottom, tad ilnk thil bollard r With fT--t v':.?'- - . 'v iv urannd ii.i: ? .;'. v.-- Mr r - .' --- ::R f: i . . -- : t- 'tf. ;.' A; t .' also other Tenable lerreaeanapple: f. - - L . , .. . '. i M i one plant weli - gtowipg wanld b e worth aDoilarPablUb by? 6xi$ Lil6vnditTL' palrtriiiar . ..... i one;. 'i' .Wenih.eqr events toptocee $ ofc en6e dtepVnder ;it:take.put v t jj:. we haTe 'waited; ixtaadihe lftehei Tb y jna&ing saMeriberi theiarab&Vwi i .V flittle awaterreoorie , ''s'stiu i iW M-ox whem remamnnsubeenptions . the .,. t. alongXnear j . , : . . i t - .i. Tf.- r ' V- -' " . ... . it .d.:ptih.iot.:eMtiir.n2ihe the keep jpoond racriatandthejora . .e . ls v ' r t a j in e i Xs KtK.rwillfliaTi :v. .?.&. you agenta.t:l4et,p,TiJP .'.for the tatile' three (tlUikvfit ' v vtVi.'WAAVI AMlIiM v V--A- - . V.l '. BAik .-- 0 . f. A waw via . . : nqiniraia. iV .4? . KT'Faoetf 4f0prte0ri - dlana Ohio and .WUc6iisi&; ;uid OTtr a ', T,v '' . ' ? -- ere uosts iq JLuniit.vedeetaalij killing i. .vjia jZ9 jz Vi. s' eornV nnei.ana i Sach enaerTefeUtion. - ?H , . fi ' ' - rs i. an oeearrtnee crr n&coBunon well - -- xc-- ii a.'nxea.anVeniwTin.rerb.fOra v.t. '! ii i ''' .',' i'i-:,i!-:i yV" :m-- ' worth of - V 't. W v?-- ' Proxoajtithatlia;nita 1?, '. PpQnonefeurth of i rodof rroohdthe t.-s- . Lys -- teoidat$120Pethoneiid;hareoCMM-W'bT- byqn a been i dnUt nriub thatHa - ili '' GfejyitwidwlTho in,mV.riofth;PjeonG.reen..:Clab P (rriTox . .u . .. enerok. oerger iW adogVthat .... . weighed 2-l- b. w 'i Si: ' .V v . fapened seed finely thepast seasoiuk?! 11.. receipt Wi are 'bleaaad , j oraceordlnryto lnstraetl6nsx to lour .Vi A j ;. - jJa "a - haihe!.af;wh;.t,'d.tiV.r.a.Vr.C.ed th'i.wfieatnowoeataodbojpapeand V i f iT j .. r ,f..- - fi f |