Show Monument to Pony Express To Be Unveiled Bronze Tablet Marking Site of Station to Be Placed at Tribune-Telegram Tribune I Building The first of 80 BO bronze tablets to tobe tobe tobe be placed throughout the west marking stations of the historic pony pon express will be unveiled at 1215 p. p m rn Friday in front of the Tribune Tele gram building on Main street The bronze tablets which mark the Salt Lake station which once occupied the lie site of the building now occupied by bj The Tribune and The Telegram will be embedded in a seven foot monument the gUt gilt of the two newspapers news news- papers The Salt Lake marker is the first fIrstin in n the nation and will be followed by others throughout the w west st 12 of which will be located in Utah The markers are arc the gift of the Oregon Memorial Trail association to the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Landmarks Landmarks Land Land- marks association which has charge of placing the markers in Utah The unveiling of the Tribune- Tribune Telegram monument will be attended attend attend- ed by due pomp and ana ceremony Ten young pony express riders emulating the he historic riders of oC old will travel from the Nevada border on the west and the Wyoming border on the east In n relays with letters Jetters from the governors governors governors gov gov- of or the two states to Governor George H. H Dern They are due to arrive in front of the Tribune Tele gram building shortly after noon Speakers at the unveiling ceremonies ceremonies ceremonies cere cere- monies will be Mayor John F. F Bowman Bow Bow- man Acting Governor Go Milton H. H Veiling George Albert Smith of the Utah Ulah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association and Dr Howard R. R DrIggs of New York president of or the Oregon Memorial Tr Trail U association |