Show Utah Alumni Meet At An Annual Banquet BanquetA A covered wagon Idea was carried I out at the forty forty fifth fifth annual UniversIty University sity of Utah alumni banquet and ball given In the Hotel Utah Tuesday eve fling In honor of or the graduates from the institution More than GOO graduates and alumni attended the affair which was the concluding event on the three-day three graduating program Dr Adam 5 S. S BennIon president presided and delivered a a. speech reviewing reviewing re re- viewing the highlights of the University Uni of Utah during the past year Dr Bennion Introduced Ellas Elias A. A Smith Jr who was master of or cere cere- monies Wilson W. W McCarthy a member of the board of or regents outlined the various various va rious trails followed b by college graduates graduates grad grad- in his speech The Trail Tran Dr Elbert D. D Thomas a member member of pf the faculty concluded the program with an address on The Covered Wagon Dancing followed In the ballroom |