Show Salt Lake Newsboys to Enjoy Selves At Annual Outing at Lagoon Monday I Therell There'll be a hot time in the old oldtown oldtown town next Monday for Tribune Tele gram newsboys On that day all aU o of the youthful merchants will gather at Lagoon for their twenty fifth t annual outing and picnic and 1 if past events mean anything anything any- any thing it will wm be the day of days das for forthe forthe forthe the youngsters Plans for the affair are being made by Charles W. W McGillis street circulation manager for forThe The Tribune and The Telegram and Frank Baldin Baldwin Baldwin Bald Bald- win in circulation manager for both newspapers Monday morning at at 7 a. a m. m the newsboys more newsboys more S more than of them them- will meet at Mr McGillis' McGillis office where they will wUI receive instructions for the day From there they will go o to the interurban station where Julian M. M Bamberger will have ha a special train waiting to take them to lo the resort A few of the attractions are arc dinner dinner dinner din din- ner in the Lagoon cafe athletic cont contests contests con con- t tests ts for lor prizes special music and rides on the concessions In addition to Mr McGillis and Mr Baldwin the boys will be accompanied accompanied accompanied by Russel L. L Tracy godfather er cr of Salt Lake newsboys Ray B. B Needham traffic mana manager er of the thc Bamberger Electric railroad and members of the Tribune Telegram circulation department The party will continue until 2 p.m. p.m. p. p m. m when the new newsboys will board a special train to return to Salt Lake Lakein in time to distribute the afternoon editions of The Telegram S |