Show NEXT T STATE 6 RIVER PARLEY SET f R S S. S L L. I Meeting in Denver Authorizes Colorado Power Survey Survey Survey Sur Sur- vey by U. U S. S WORK TO START SOON Congressmen and Senators Also May Confer DENVER June 10 Associated Press Thc The federal government is going to determine what can be done with that sinuous torrent called the Colorado river besides flinging a dam across it down on the Arizona Ne vada ada line linc Authorized by resolution to proceed pro with its investigation of irrigation irrigation tion and power possibilities on the Colorado the reclamation service I within a a. few y da days s 's will launch its in in- survey in Wyoming to plumb the potentialities of the stream and its tributaries The resolution was adopted late yesterday at a 8 meeting of the Colorado Colorado Colo Cola rado planning commission composed com com- posed of the representatives of al althe all the states states' in the upper and lower basins excepting California CalifornIa's California's Califor Califor- nias nia's uses of or the water allocated to it already dy have been determined it was explained Wyoming will be the first scene of the bureaus bureau's Investigating activities ties tics both because that state has outlined outlined out out- lined the work it wants done and because because because be be- cause the survey is more feasible there in the summer UTAH TO B BE NEXT Presently possibly before the end of the summer Utah will be included ed cd in the investigation and by the time the snow starts flying the in In- will move south into Nevada Nevada Nevada Ne Ne- vada and Arizona The Thc meeting yesterday called to discuss expenditure of the appropriated by congress for the survey survey sur sur- vey decided to carry its next serIes of discussions to Salt Lake at an undetermined undetermined un un- determined date although the meetIng meeting meet meet- ing place can be changed at the pleasure of Porter J. J Preston of the reclamation service chairman By July 9 0 all six states party to I the conference conference Colorado Colorado Utah New Mexico Wyoming Nevada and Ari Art Arizona zona will zona-will will have advised Mr Preston what irrigation and power possibilities ties on the river and its tributaries they want investigated In December a conference of ot all senators and representatives from Irom Colorado river states in congress may maybe maybe be held in Washington At the suggestion suggestion sug sug- of Congressman Edward T. T Taylor of Colorado W W. W. W Ray delegate dele gate from Utah said he would confer con con- fer with Senator Reed Smoot about such a meeting to the end that the states may coordinate their efforts on needed legislation HALF APPROPRIATED Of the authorized for inv Investigation In in- v of irrigation and power possibilities on the stream in the Hoover dam act only half has been appropriated I The delegates indicated the re remainder remainder rel re- re would be needed by the time congress meets To emphasize the accuracy of data prepared by the states and submitted to the the reclamation reclamation bureau the meet ing went on record in favor of making making making mak mak- ing available to It photographic maps of the areas arens drained by the Colorado prepared either cither by the states or in coo cooperation with the U. U S S. S geological survey |