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Show THE TIME: Friday, January 4th, 1929. NOTICE OK IUNI JIM 11 What Are OKOIXAVCI- At this time, following many and varied New Years' resolution, a lot of new faces are seen in our store. These are people who have decided to pay cash and save during the year X929. They have resolved to save the most and that's why they became an O. P. Skaggg System patron. ADOPTING A AN ORDINANCE BUDGET AND TO GOVERN EX' PENDITt'UEH OK NEPHI CITft' NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that FOR THE CALENDAR on Saturday, the 26th day of Janu1929. ary, 1929, a special bond election will be held within the limits of Nephi City, Juab County. State of Utah, WHEREAS, the mayor and city for the purpose of submit ting to such recorder of Nephi City have filed shall as said of electors City qualified of said City a have paij a property tax therein in with the City Couuell budget and an estimate of the next year preceding such elec- tentative the esuentlal expenditures of said tion, the following question, f. city for the calendar year 1929; kud Shall the negotiable coupon WHEREAS, by resolution of said bonds of Nephi City, Juab council passed on the 20th day of the in of State Utah, County, December. 1928. at a regular meetamount of $30,000.00. payable ing thereof Friday, December 28th. In not to exceed twenty years 1928. at 7:30 o'clock P. M. was fixfrom the date of their Issue, ed as the time aud place tor the holdexceed to not interest bearing ing of a public hearing upon the 5 per cent per annum, be Issued budget for the calendar yeur 1929 and sold for the purpose of raisand the passing of an ordinance to the funds expeuse defray ing adopting such budget and to govern of building an electric light exexpenditures of said City for said plant aud for improving and discalendar year 1929; and electric the present tending WHEREAS, notice of the holding for in and system tributing of such public hearing has been given for the purUtah, Nephi City, by publication in the Ihsuo of the pose of supplying such City and Times-New- s of December 21st, 1928, the Inhabitants thereof with a newspaper having a general circuartificial light, the said electric lation In said City; and light plant, system and works WHEREAS, at the time and place to be owtied and controlled by pperified a public hearing was opensuld City? ed on, and all mutters relating to At said election, the form of ballot said budget ami ordinance aforesaid shall be as follows: were discussed and considered; and KU'ICTION BALIX)T IH1 said City Council being fully advised in the premises; now therefore, Yes Issue of For the BE IT ORDAINED hv the City Council of Nephi City; That for the No Bonds Electric Light calendar year 1929, the following stated budget be. and the same Is shall the said At polls election, adopted; and to govern the hereby o'clock 7:00 of at the hour be opened of said city for said expenditures 7:00 of hour at M. closed and A. the and within the estimated exyear, M. o'clock P. . The voting place for all qualified pendable revenues for said year apfrom the respective electors of said City in Voting Di- propriations and revenues of said city, are funds Hotel 1 be Forest No. at shall strict Annex on 1st South and 1st East hereby made as follows: $13,217.85 Street and the judges of election Contingentof expenses Water sources shall be Wm. Burton, Ralph Bellis-to- n Purchase to construct water and and Ralph Carter. works and supply water The voting place for all qualified for irrigation and other electors of said City In Voting Dis$ 3,000.00 purposes trict No. 2 shall be at Nephi City Maintenance of City Hall $ 1,800.00 Hall on Main Street, and the judges To open. Improve and reof election shall be I. P. Christen-sepair streets and sideJames B. Riches and L. M. $ 3.000.00 walks Pextou. $ 2,000.00 The voting place for all qualified Public Library fund for payment electors of said City in Voting Dis- Sinking outstanding bonds ....$ 9,000.00 trict No. 3 shall be at North Ward Forof interest accruing on Amusement Hall on Main Street, and $ 2,462.50 bonds the judges of election shall be Jesse Foroutstanding construction and Pay, N. A. Nielsen and A. W. Olsen. maintenance of electric Dated at Nephi City, Juab County, $14,000.00 light works State of Utah, this 27th day of December, A. D., 1928. $48,480.35 By order of the City Council of This ordinance shall take effect Nephi City, Juab County, State of upon its publication. Utah. Adopted and passed by the City HARRY BEAGLEY, Council of Nephi City, Utah this 28th JVlayor. day of December, 1928; ATTEST: HARRY BEAGLEY, MARTHA E. VICKERS. Attest: Mayor. City Recorder. MARTHA E. VICKERS, (SEAL) City Recorder. (Corporate SEAL) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION State of Utah ) of Juab ( ss. Department of the Interior, U. S. County of Nephi ) Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, City MARTHA E. VICKERS, city I, Dec. 28. 1928. City, Utah NOTICE is hereby given that Mrs. recorder in and for Nephi hereby certify that the foregoing Tracie Shingleton, of Salt Lake City, do Is a full, true and correct copy of an Utah, who, on Dec. 22, 1923, made ordinance entitled "An ordinance homestead entry, No. 033707, for a budget and to govern exNE 4 , SE4NWy4, NE4-SWV- i, adopting penditures of Nephi City for the Seotion 12, Township 16 Soth calendar year passed by the Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, City Council of 1929,' said City on the 28th has filed notice of intention to make of December, 1928 as the same three year Proof, to establish claim day on file and of record in my to the land above described, before appears the Clerk of the District Court at office. Witness my hand and the Nephi, Utah, on the 15th day of seal of said Nephi City this corporate 28th day February, 1929. of December, 1928. Claimant names at witnesses: MARTHA E. VICKERS, J. M. Bosh, Floyd Bosh & Roy City Recorder. Jackman, of Levan. Utah & Sylvester (SEAL) Peirce, of Mills, Utah. ELI F. TAYLOR, PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP Register. NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE Consult County Clerk or Respective TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Signers for Further Information. Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of January, 1929 a NOTICE TO CREDITORS mechanic's lien existed and was on file in the office of the County Re- Estate of Robert M. Scott, deceased. corder of Juab County, Utah; that Creditors will nrpsent minima with said lien is between Duke Page, vouchers to the undersigned at hts lienor, and John Doe, whose true residence in Nephi City, Juab County name is unknown to affiant, lienee; oiate or utan. on or berore the llth that the amount claimed under said day of May A. D. 1929. lien on the date of the first publiSIDNEY SCOTT, cation of this notice was $75.00; Executor of the Estate of that the property upon which said Robert M. Scott. nprPHsAd lien exists is: Date of first publication January 4, One touring automobile of 1922; A. D. 1320. Lafayette make, Wyoming License Wm. A. C. Bryan, No.- - 35268 of 1927, Motor No. 2701; Attorney for Executor. that the name of the owner said automobile is unknown; that said Dream Brought Riches property will be sold to' the highest A etoiy of a romantic discovery of bidder Friday, January 18th, 1929 at 1:10 p. m. at the Page Motor riches comes from Rhodesia. A woman Company's place of business In farmer went ..r a picnic, during which Nephi, Juab County, Utah. she and a companion came across an P. J. SANDERS, outcrop of quartz. The same night Attorney for Duke Page, she dreamed there was a gold mine oi Nephi, Utah. Id " Dated this 3rd day of January, 1929. the spot and that for her share she received $ i50.UK) As a result her dream digging was undertake-anNOTICE OF SALE In a short time a valuable g TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: reef was found Notice Is hereby given that on the 3rd day of January, 1929 a Give State Nickname mechanic's Hen existed and was on The regiment furnished by Dela file in the office of the Countv Re corder of Juab County, Utah; that ware tn the Revolutionary war was, on lien is between Duke Page, lienor, account of Its fighting qualities, known and Eugene Bullard, lienee; that the as the 'Game Cock Regiment." One amount claimed under said lien on of Its ofHcer8 Captain Caldwell the date of the first publication of who was noted as a fancier of game tnis notice was $67.00; that the maintained that a true game property upon which said lien exists cocks, cock must ot necessity be the prop is: One touring automobile of 1921: eny of a blue hen. Hence arose the Motor R 24130, Utah application of this name to the state Hupmobile, License 1927, No. 67135; that the name of the owner of said automobile Corn Meat Widely Used is Eugene Bullard; that said prop Investigations made by the Departerty will be sold to the highest bidder Friday, January 18th, 1929 ment of Agriculture show that more at 1 p. m. in front of the Page Motor ttiiin til) per cent ol 'the food conCompany's place of business in Nephi, sumed by the people ot the United Juab County, Utah. States, on an average, Is of vegetable P. J. SANDERS, ' of origin, and thiit about Duke for Attorney Page, this, or 8.7 pet cent ot the whole. Is Nephi, Utah corn meal. Ol the totul protein con Dated this 3rd day of January, 1929 mmed animal as mil as corn menl supplies 10 per cent ; of the 14, 1928. Date of completion of publication, total fnt, 8.8 per. trent. mid nt the total carbohydrates. 1.7 vvt ,.,,nl January 11, 1929. to-wl- Better Foods For Less Cost These new customers quickly found that they are able to serve and enjoy better foods for much less total cost than they were formerly paying. They have proven to themselves that it is neither necessary to cut down their eats or to use poor quality foods in order to save. If you have not already adopted the O. P. Skaggs System of table food Bupply, do bo soon. It will mean much to your 19 29 finances. OP. SKAGGS n, Owned and Operated by JAMES A. KELLY AND SON Nephi Fillmore Delta NOTICE TO WATEK USKRS State Engineer's Office, December 8, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1928 Notice is hereby given that the Tintic Giant Mines Company, a Cor-of place poration, whose principal Utah has business is Salt Lake City, made application ia accordance with the requirements of the Compiled amended by Laws of Utah, 1917. as the Session Laws of Utah, 1919 s.and of 1925 to appropriate .053 c. f. water from An Unnamed Spring Area in Utah County, Utah. Said water is to be diverted at a point which bears N. 58 degrees W. 720 ft11-from S., the SE cor. of Sec. 9, T. R. 1 W., S. L. B. & M. and conveyed of by means of a pipeline to place use where it will be used during the entire year for general mining purposes at the Tintic Giant Mine in the Tintic Mining District. As much water as may be necessary will be used during the entire year for This use condomestc purposes. sumes all of said water. This application is designated in the State Engineer's- Office as File No .10449. All protests aganst the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be by affidavit in duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $1.00, and filed in this office with thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. GEO. M. BACON, State Engineer. Date of first publication, December 14, 1928. Date of completion of publication, January 11, 1929. - NOTICE TO WATER USERS 8, 1928 Notice is .hereby Riven that the Tintic Giant Mines Co., a Corporation, whose principal place of business is Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application in accordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1919 and 1925 to appropriate .32 c. f. s. of water from An .Unnamed Spring Area and two Springs in Utah County, Utah. Said water is to be diverted from the points of issuance of the two springs as follows: No. 1, S. 50 degrees 10 minutes W. 2639.7 ft & No. 2, S E4 degrees 3 minutes W. 3436.6 ft. both being dascribed from the NE cor of Sec 16, T. 11 S., R 1 W., S. L. B. & M. The water from' the two springs together with the water from the spring area is to be collected at the point of issuance of spring No. 1 and conveyed by means of a plpo line a distance of 11,880 ft. where it will be used during the entire year for general minGiant ing purposes at the Tintic Mine in the Tintic Mining Distriot. As much water as may be necessary will be used during the entire year for domestic purposes. This use consumes all of said water. This application is designated In the State Engineer's Office at File No. 10443. All protests against the granting of eaid application , stating the reasons therefor, must be by affidavit U duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $1.00, and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. GEO. M. BACON, I State Engineer. Date of first publication, December NSE, J4-ll-- h J4-ll-- N VTA II YEl You Doing State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, December AN EM-XTIO.- l'HI ITY fOl'NTV, STATK OF NS NEPHI. UTAH f PAGE THREE T om lNews Little three year olj Garland Miller met a tragic death Tuesday when he wus badly burned at the Starr ranch where he lived with his Mr. nn,i Mr. W. W. Miller. Kren, He and his little brother, Ernest, seven years old were up stairs playing with the fire In a stove when n sof emanuer his clothing caught fire. The boys' screams soon brought Mr. Mlb-r- , who tried to smother tiie flames with a rug. Being unsuccesx-fu- l he curried the boy outside and rolled him in the snow, extinguishing the fire. The child was rushed to Salt Lake in the hopes that something might be done tor him at a hospital, but ho little fellow was so badly burned that he died enroute. J.C.PENNEYCO. NEPHI, UTAH fWinter Thursday. December 27th. a rabbit hunt was staged here between the married and single men. As a result the married men were entertained Friday evening with a free dance and supper at the expense of their unA return hunt married opponents. was held New Years' Day in which the single men were victorious by the count of one rabbit. The dance and supper will be given later. White Week Wait! 23c Fleece-Line- d Union Suits Pot well Especially made (or warmth and comfort f men. 98c 'Nation-Wicfe- - Outing Flannel An especially 36 inch width all white fancy patterns. Yard fine batt weight about 5 pounds. Eac 98; Chic ao3 19c .ocks For Women, Girls' Coats In Sizes 7 to 10 Miss, t slues in youthfully design-a- d coats of suede cloths in red, blue, Juniors Superb Such compelling values in such delightful frocks! Satins, flat crepes, and combinations in black and favorite colors. CATTLE PRICE CYCXK IS NOW NEAR HIGH POINT Charming For children's cotter frocks sod house dresses. Yd. Cotton Batts The Gold and Blue Ball of the M. Wednesday evening and a general good time was had all. by ht Fresh 36 in. Plain-Quilte- d I. A. was held An explanation of the present rela-- f tlvely h'gh price of beef cattle appears in the annual report of Secretary of Agriculture Jardlne just Issued. "Records of the last twenty- eight years show," says he. "that under normal business conditions the prosperity of the cattlemen in this country varies inversely with the per capita supply of beef available for A yearly supply in exconsumption. cess of sixty-on- e pounds to the person tends to depress prices to such levels as to force liquidation. On the other hand, a per capita supply main tained at or below that amount, will bring about a rise in prices. In 1926 the per capita supply of beef amounted to 63.3 pounds. In 1927 it dropped to fifty-eigand average cattle figures advanced 18 per cent. For the current year the per capita supply will probably not exceed and will be the small est for any twelve months for which records are available. As a result average prices for cattle during the first eight months were 27 per cent higher than in 1927 and 44 above those in 1926." As regards the future, the report continues: "The cattle industry has a definite cycle averaging from fourteen to sixteen years. Apparently it is now near the low point of production and the high point ot the price cycle. Previous smilar points occur red in 1912 and 1898. It requires three to four years to sufficiently in crease beef supplies through restocking and hard expansion to make production unprofitaleb. Since the pop ulation of the country is increasing at the rate of more that 1,500,000 annually, the general outlook for the ndustry is extremely favorable." "Avenue" Prints Cominc:l 1 Enough contracts have been signed by the people of Mona with the I'tuti that Power and Light Company power and light for the homes here is now practically assured. Work will commence In about thirty days, It being planned to have thu line completed and ready to connect up with the homes before spring. Store No. 165 and the wood each one shades trimmed with soft mandeL $7.90 $6,90 I Rule tor Enjoyment Hog Imported Animal There were uo true lings it America .intll Miej wtrt broughi over by The unlmu.F oallve to Europeans America which most -- esemblt the rt the peccaries which i.ojj ire pi;; like mammals f.iuud 'rom I'exns to Paraguay Apparently the peccarj was nexei domesticated by the America. nt aborigines We all want to eujoy ourselves. Bui the only successful way to do so Is by uiuklug oneself Into something that is enjoyable. Any other kind of self, no mutter Into whui kind of pleasurable surroundings It ma; be born, will goon quench fheir brightness, hs water quenches. '" ;.,),'. e Vinegar Production Geotogtc Formations Drnmliiis are plongHte oi oval hills ) Norm. lb tt.ej are glnclal drift with the eompnet and utistrotlfled onjer axis parallel ui 'he direction of the movement of th transporting ice These geologic formation abound 'n Vnyne. f'nyngn nnd fmondnga counties New Vork ; in Podge find Jefferson cnuntlps Wisconsin and tn Massachusetts Prolific Fishing Grounds The (hiee greatest commercial Ashing waters are 'enter! near the coasts of ncrthwestern Europe, northeastern In merfca and northeastern Asia 'hose places, where the ocean Is shallow, enormous schools f valuable food fish congregMte In order to obtain the food thai they find near the bottom I Ardent Adornments related to neckluces ol precious stoiies are the chaius and col HOOVER WILL. REMAIN IN FLORIDA FOR TWO MONTHS lars of gold which uppeat to have been used b.v the Hebrews for orna mem as well as official distinction, much as they are, to a certain exPresident-elec- t Herbert Hoover tent, Ancient Persians were today will set up his residence for the two months between his return from the extremely fond of gold ornnnents and South American trip and March 4th, conspicuous among the various ob the date of his inauguration, in the Ipofs wre chains Belle Isle home of J, C. Penney at Miami Beach, Florida. Decision to use this beautiful es tate was reached by Laurence Richey, personal representative of Mr .Hoover, in Miami this week after You Haven't an Inspection of several estates which had been offered. The south Radio Until end of Belle Isle will be turned over to the Hoover party, with rooms for guests and accomodations for the press being furnished in the home of Joseph H. Adams, adjacent to the Penney property. This will be the first time that a has ever Republican president-elec- t vacation spent his in the democartic south, for Florida, while carried in the Republican columns in the presidential election, is still Democratic by a large figure in Closely Grains chiefly corn, barley rye u.id oats are largely utilized foi the production ot spirit and malt vinegar. The starch which they contain la first converted into sugar, usuullv J he wan ICIIOII Ol mull lituirtaTtill vlnegnr Is made from the sugnry solution or wort obtt t'ned by (Weeping rushed malt In warm watet tr Heat From the Sun The Naval observatory bays that a theory recently suggested to account for the sun's heat Is that It Is due to some suhatotnli process, sucb as the mutual destruction of electrons by collision, resulting In the transformation of theli mass Into energy, and thence Into heat. Early American Genius John La Farg , who died In 1910, was America's flist great ttrttst.' Be 'not only had a remarkable color sense Combined with his Hrtlstlc gift, but experimented successful I y n the manufacture find designing ot stained glass. Calitornta Has Monopoly Kernlte deposits lu the Mohave I uiuiuaMut In 1' Jit nU1.H.VI ... t., fall, I .J IL . 1 . , mam PAW. " So fur as known, this mineral of sucb Importance to the borax industry, exists nowhere pIsp In fhe world W X. 1 V . 1 1 L V. I V. Heard a REAL You Hear the lajestic Electric state politics. Poets Inspired by Bird lod'istrious searchers ro lieht 17S nd.lcotivetBritish poets to the brought - applied by nightingale's lag. t You Can't Buy & Better Radio at ANY Price! Stars on the lag stars oti the Americuu flag rep resent the states of the Union collectively, not individually. It is erroneous to suppose that u certain star repThe resents 8 pnriicnlnr stnte. Come in For Free Demonstration Fled From Painted Baboon blue baboon has tipped the raids vild animals In Kenya South Africa, according to latest reports. and Kiephants, liippuuotanil, hi boons thtit have done much dam me In villages have been completely by the u9trance creature." which consisted ol h baboon thnt wus ptuted. shaved ami innineit a bright to try He before he was releiiM-loin hi fellows, who dpd at his pea ranee. A f Lomax Music Store Claude R. Lomax, Mgr. "We Are the Earliest With the , Latest" |