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Show THE PAGE FOUR EE The EE TIMES-NEW- Times-Nev- Friday. January 4th, 1929. NEPHI. UTAH S. plain engaud over the cost of th that it so small a charge velopes cost. vl lovers only a fraction of the highEvury Friday Ht Ntphi, The envelopes aloneinare priced cover order to er than iiecessary Juab County, Uuk. a portion of the loss on the primcustomer think he Is A. U. Gibson, Editor and Manager ing, but the of this U'tt'lng a bargain because Entered In the Pout office at Kepul. juggling of price quotations. 'ti.vititr heen victims of this un Utah, as second clas mall mutter, under the Act ofCuugress ot Marc)) fair competition for halt a century, country it U little wonder that 3, 187. editors are practically a unit in opot position to government operation d (XT IMIWN FINANCIAL buBiness enterprises. All LOSSKH. business men should assist the Each year millions of dollars wv National Kditorlat Association in its loHt through unwise speculation and efforts to eliminate this Socialistic invent meut. stocks and practice. are sold with promises of fabulous 'There would be as much justifi"enand earnings The appreciation. for the operation of retail thusiastic" promoters of such ven- cation by the government as there Is tures rarely have a dollar of their ntores fur the retail sale of printed en own invested. Kven first mortgage with local velopes in competition of bonds, thought by many as being asMUrance enough, are subject to the printers." same hazards of ovr- - enthusiasm and mismanagement. ADVICK OX Nl'CCKHH. Most of these lost millions could Almost every individual who nun be saved if, before purchase of any attained a place ot distinction in his security, a well informed bunk or community or the nation bas offered reputable finance bouse were con- words of advice to youtb on how to sulted. Get all the advice possible succeed. "Work hard and save your from nationally known financial ex- money," is the gist of what most of perts and It will then he found that these sages have had to say. probably the safest general rulo Is Now comes Henry Ford, whose to confine purchases to securities lend authority to bis listed on tho solidly established achievements words, to challange part of that our stock; and bond exchanges of Work he agrees is the otie best larger cities and through the advice way to achievement, but saving ia and guidance of member brokers not so important. "No. successful hoy which In itself is assurance that the ever saved any money," he says. security has been given the careful "They spent it as fast as they got It before it is offer- for analysis of experts to improve themselves." ed the public ihorugh exchange Thenthings he reminds his hearers that listing. Thomas Edison never had any money until he ha dso much that he couldn't spend It. IWCLK SAM I'RIXTKK. Of course ,Mr. Ford, we know, lias The Red Wing. Minnesota, Republican said editorially, November 1", little sympathy for the spendthrift. ' He himself is extremely frugal in 1928: "I'ncle Sam's 1'ost Office I)ejar personal expenditures. What he seeks ment, which it is estimated will have to emphasize is this: Saving money a defict of $ 100.0u0.li00 during the for its own sake is not a virtue. Sav. present fiscal year, will continue in ng money for a worthy purpose Is the business of competing with local commendable. The boy who Is being: printers in the furnishing of printed properly envelopes, havng recently awarded a trained is being taught to save money 0 in order that he may soon have contract involving more than In this connection. enough to buy a new set of tools for "This means that one concern will his workshop, in order that he may have a monoply of this amount of secure a college education. In order gross business, a large portion of that he may buy a new set of books which will be diverted from country that will be helpful, inspiring, and publishers, who are practically the informative. men witb Boys, and we include' those who arej only class of business whom the government competes in grown up, should be made to realize this manner. that money in itself is nothing, but "The injustice of this practice is when used at a tool for self improveall the more marked because the ment, for greater service to one's printing is done for an additional community and society, then it is of charge of only a fear cents a t.hou- - vast importance. Published INIBGMW Foe Fin I. s About Over fair-minde- A New Year! But Still the Same Bank 1929 finding us stronger financially, and even more firmly established in the good will of the community, is proof of our principles of integrity and Character strong foundations, on which wc shall continue to build during 1929. The new year will find us just as eager, just as able to serve your needs. Firsl National Nephi Oank Utah X Who BuUds Well" TO BUILD WELL tiil!'s PLASTER Recommendation A BOTTLE OF LEE'S CRECLYPTUS Supported by our money back guarantee if it fails to relieve ARE HERE TO WE SErVe Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Haymond, Owner 4 S3 - Job Printing of All Kinds Phone 196 Times-New- s - I- -" 2! "i ' lisSL ' squill New house SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH One of Salt Lak City' limt hotels, where guests find mrmry comfort with a warm hospitalCmlr ity. Garage in eoanectlom. and cafeteria. Diets on the Drazn tne hem's "I k uie ot my patients, snlrt the old phystrliin. there unci is Jumble of hnlf knmvled-ianrt fnds and fumief stored away lu the section labeled diet. nine PniTipi"Ion Woman's WlthiD 03 Rooms. EACH WITH fnl-iacl- if"', I'll 111 JlffulSo)j HOTEL WEPHI PLASTER and MFG. COMPANY "" " ' ' a HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World e ! jtAjarvts;;!? " V Our '' USE- - ML but those nasty coughs hang on like a leach $15,-V0,00- .N "He Builds Wisely K.4 J ""1 ""K """ """ JJiuJllvl lJ I b I BATH $2.00 to $4.00 Feminine Logic Resltut Piciurvs Youn;! Wife (to close-tiste- hus- band) But you see, dear, it U really to your interest. The more money yon give nie voluntarily the loss I'll ask you for Quiet pictures like water or coun scenes, are restful to sick folks trj when lump b tliplr beds for them to Artlon pictures may tire look at them U Virginia' Northern Neck Beauty and Lite The geological surve sajg that the Virginia is the ooun Northern Neck irj between the I'ntomac and the up at fai as Ruii ban nock rivers Va Fredericksburg Life, to be pleusuruble unit success s food ful, requires somefhinu and raiment, roof and gasoline; that something lse Is beauty ind loveli ness. Farm and Fireside hes-ide- VJ vif Lti Oh! Boy! Did The Kiwanis Clean The American Legion On That Hunt? They Did! Now We'll Show the Kiwanis Club and their Ladies a Hot Time at the Arlington. If You're Not there Youll be Sorry! WHY NOT I Have That Old Furniture Repaired? I Rebuild and Ref inish Your Old Furniture to Look Like New UPHOLSTERING A SPECIALTY All Work Guaranteed Furniture Hospital 1st Door East Cooper-Pype- r Hardware Store All tlte Trimmings TEae HHP? WiHl be Put on Only as Legion Can Do If. LEEK OT - YOU BETTER COM Tickets 75c J |