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Show THE PAGE EIGHT rr m ordinance xo. m t BARGAIN Lot WOMEN'S COATS Off . One Fourth to Lot Women Silk Dresses, Greatly Reduced Prices to Qose Out Lot Women' Slipper and Oxford One-Ha- lf $2.39 Up to $7.50 value Lots of Big Money Saving Bargains! Sec Them! -- GROCERIES ...... 68c lb. Bag Sugar size Small .... 5c Can Milk, Large Size ...,10c; Raisins, Seeded or Seedless . .9c; 3 pkgs. . ,25c 39c Special White Laundry Soap 10 for 10c Double Size Pkg. Macaroni 1 6 Molds Set Free Jell Well, Pkgs. 59c; Jelly 10 9c Jello COMPARE ALL OUR PRICES AND SAVE! F S. S 54 Color of Sounds Help Out Minister a Observations huve proved fbat a "Queen Anne's Bounty" Is a fund considerable percentage of people unBet aside b.v Queen Anne in 1704 to associate color with every consciously of the thi poorer livings augment sound they hear Pleasing notes seem tn 1013. 170 tiv Church of England to go with soft, iicllcnte shades Some lngs were augmented, besides bene moderately hlgb notes sugtesl gold, factions and grants made Ir the ex shrill ones, silver, and tiursh notes tent of about .")0,000. The capital eem to go with deep sounds fund at that time was more ti.an 7,BK.imm Long-Het- Teaching Banking The American Institute ut Bunking la the educational section of the AmerThis orican Bankers' association. ganization, is niuiiitaiued for the purpose of giving instruction to bunk emThere are about 1(50 chapployees. 4 1 I;- - ' ters Id various cities throughout the country. f To Keep tiulbs fresh In Wilt Soon Be Crowded the present rate of Increase In population all ovei the world it Is predicted that In 60 years there will be "standing room ouiy." The rate of Increase is now about MM mo n day. It ts often said the Lord hates a liar. I don't believe the Lord cares much about It. I think liars themselves started the story; 1 am always hearing liars abusing their bad habit. E. W. Howe's Monthly. lexicographer points out tliut there useless words in the ling lish language. lias he ever gut up late and broken a shoestring while hastily dressing tor a bite of break fast? Forth Wayne are ittXMXX) "He who attains great wealth,' said HI Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "may too often Hnd himself at the mercy of those who pretend to enough wisdom, to Show him how to protect . ierK. Section 4 That this ordinance shall take effect on and after the 15th day of January. 1929. Said date not being less than 15 days arter its passage. Passed this 31st day of December, A. D. 1928. Commissioner W. G. Orme voting News-Sentine- Believe San Laid Eggs There are scores of beliefs regard ing man's origin. The queerest is that of the ancient Reruvlans. who believed that the sun came down, laid two eggs. and from those the first human beings Aye' thereon; Commissioner Bunnell voting "Aye" thereon: and Com missioner Dunn voting "Aye" there came. It.'. , Of Definite Value Politeness has been eomti.n ec to an air cushion, although there is apparently oothing In It whatsoever, yet It eases our Jolts wonderfully. Georgia It Is generally agreed by that" the threshold of highest mentality Is reached at about 11 a. m. One authority says that tests made in variou? colleges prove that the mind Is less active when fntigiieil getting the only real way Is for a man to start young and grow into the game, learning ns he gos Seasoning Needed Imaginary Stone lican. The philosopher's stone was an imaginary substance which the ancient convert all alchemists thought would bse metals into gold. " Hence a person looking for a short cut to riches Is sai: to be searchiug for the philosopher stone. Pathfinder Magnzine. Diamonds in America Spark Plugs NEW CLEAN SPARK PLUGS HELP A SLUGGISH MOTOR ON A COLD MORNING. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. 000,000 carats of cut diamond? In its citizens' lewelry boxes. State Is credited with having 10v Mrs Times-New- I s. LOCAL NEWS Clarence N. Cox received word Wednesday of the death of his sister Mr. and Mrs. iox in Boise. Idaho. will leave Friday for Pocatello, where the funeral will be held. Mrs. M. W .Jones and son Ray omud of Murray visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Pexton over the week-end- ). They returned home Wednesday. Dr. J. E. Harrison will be at the Nephl Drug Company on Monday and Tuesday, January 8th and tn Pre - Inventory Clearance Fountain Green Happenings, (Continued from page 1.) their eighth wedding anniversary. Covers were laid for the following and a turkey supper was enjoyed: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oldroyd, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Osmund Crowther. Mrs Milton Oldrovd entertained a New Years' family dinner at her home Tuesday afternoon. at The Sorosis club and members husbands were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Will Ray Jensen on New Year's Eve. Games were played and dancing enjoyed. Refreshments were served. W. O. Collard and family, Mrs. Leah Long, Mrs. Alary Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. FrariE Maylett, Geo. Collard and family spent New Years' here. Miss Eva Llewellyn gave a mid night turkey supper to the members of the H. G. L. G. club on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Allred an nounce the marriage of their daughter Reba to James Anderson of Moroni. The marriage was performed at Manti, January 2nd. Mr. and Mfs. Reese Holman an nounce the arirval of a girl born January 2nd. New Officers Installed In Local Kiwanis Club (Continued From Page One) Reese, Aaron P. Christiansen, Thos. W. Allred. Good Will and Grievance Thos. Bailey, E. Gerald Pyper, Brent D. ON ALL MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, WINTER SHIRTS, SWEATERS, LUMBER JACKS Men' Overcoats, Values up to $16.00 for . .$12.75 Men's Overcoats, Values up to $25.00 for . .$17.75 Men's Overcoats, Values up to $35.00 for . .$22.50 $19.75 Men's SuitsValues up to $27.50 for Men's Suits, Values up to $40.00 for . . ... .$27.50 .$12.75 Boys' Suits, Values up to $16.00 for .$8.75 Boy's Suits, Values up to $12.75 for Values for to $8.00 $12.75 Boys' Overcoats, up Half Price Men's and Boys' Lumber Jacks . .25 Off All Mn and Rovs' Sweaters All Men's and Boys' Winter ShirtsT. . . . Half Price All All All All All All All All All r -- Tat the - . Nephi Merc. Co. "Where Good Merchandise is Cheaper" 23 EEEE After-Inventor- y Hall. House and Reception Leslie T Booth, Francis M. Beckslead, Her man L. Mangelson. Under-privilegChild," Vocational Guidance and Placement Robert Winn, Thomas H. Burton, William ' Bailey. selection of Secretary will be made at first meeting of board of Special Clean Up Price on a Selection of Woolen Shirts. -- ed directors. NEW BEAUTY SHOP OPEN'S The Powder Puff Beauty Shop will be opened above the Nephl Cafe on Monday, January 7th. Free Reset given with each Marcel un tn Janu ary 15th. Marcel, 65c all days other man Saturdays and days preceding holidays. This beauty shop will be in charge of an operator of 5 years experience in all lines of beauty worn. Amy enristensen. India's Metropolis A Complete Run of Patterns and Sizes. See Our Window Sat. For These Specials. The Hindu ot Vakuun- Ic Kail- ghattrf." "Kali" Is the name ot an In dian goddess to whom a lemple has been erected In Calcutta "Ohutta" Is the Hindu for "ghat," or "landing "Kalifc' sfta'" means there place.' fore, 'landing place of Kail" - Old Monetary Term Merchandise money wu silver money, said to have been first coined In China about S.r3 B (5., and bear the Inscription "Merchandise Ing money (Ho) of the second metal, cir culating In 'he peaceful capital." Dickens Neglected While bronze tablets ar affixed to six houses In which Charles Dickens lived In lndon. there Is rial a slngl Statue t" the great novelist In th t metropolis I V of engraving - Although Arkuusa Is the only place 17 which real dlauoi.ds are found la the rough In America, the United Ncphi, Ut. above The Elizabeth IS. Broadhead arrived too late for insertion In last weeks issue of The Music Art V. Pyper, Sam G Paxman. Program Spencer E. Forrest, J. If a man has money, says- the old Earl Reid, E. Burdett Sperry. sheep herder. In Farm and Fireside Publicity Geo. D. Haymond, John Magazine, he can buy his way In and menarason, Albert V. Gadd think he's there faster. But Knowledge is essential to success. Just as timber Is necessary In building a house, but neither Is at its best nn til well seasoned. Ttushville Repub SERVICE t False Satisfaction - MAPLE 11-1-1 Ostler. Walter Jerruld in bis biography oi the poet says that Oliver Wendell Holmes grandmother was the great of Anne Bradstreet Critics sometimes refer to her as the noTM--icolonies first (me: io iIh- Phone 246 . Pax-man- ,I 8IIILVEIt r inter-Clu- b Enos L. Relations Jones, E. Ronald Shaw, Paul E. W. G. ORME, Chairman of the Board of Booth. Ktwanls Education June Kendall County Commissioners of Cleon L. Memmott, J. Walter Juab County, Utah. J. H. VICKERS, Classification and Membership County Clerk. J. H. Vickers, W. C. Andrews, J. E. (SEAL) on. tarly American Poet Penally or Wealth ' Words Needed Then The Mind and Fatigue Conscientious Liars Sum Interest Fund: Interest on Bonds 13500.00 Charge for handling 40.00 coupons Section 2 That Countv the Auditor shall not draw warrants on County Funds except in accordance with and within the limits of this appropriation ordinance. Section 3 That no Durchase shall De incurred by or for any depart ment, agency, or Institution by any employee of Juab County without the approval and order of the County of soothsaying, namely, forseeing the future. the water At Washington According to an old superstition the seventh sou ot u seventh sou wilt be endowed with the gift ul curing (lis eases by the laying ou ot hands It la also said that he will have the power A When tulips, narcissus and other bulbs are used as cut flowers In the house, says Nature Magazine, they will keep fresh much longer if the cut ends are dipped in boiling water. Another way Is to dissolve charcoal and camphor Super stitton ct v The Board of County Commission ers of Juab County, State ot Utah, ordains aa follows: Soctlon 1 That the following sums of money or so much thereof aa may be necessary be and the same are hereby appropriated out of moneys in the County treasury noi otherwise appropriated for the sup port of the government or Juan County as hereinafter expressed for the year 1929 as provided by Chapter 76. Laws of Utah, 1927. From County General Fund: To the County Commieslouers: 650.00 Salary of Chairman liwu.vu Salary of members , Maintenance, Commissioner 300.00 Orme Maintenance, Commissioner . 300.00 Dunn Maintenance, Commissioner 300.00 Kendall Commissioners expenditures 6S9.91 In legal action To County Clerk: 3500.00 Salaries 725.00 .Maintenance 87.50 Equipment To County Sheriff: 5360.00 Salaries 2008.00 Maintenance 1234.50 Kqulpment To County Treasurer: 3750.00 Salaries 800.00 Maintenance 568.50 Equipment To County Recorder: 2790.00 Salaries Maintenance 495.00 65.00 Equipment To County Attorney. 1250. 0'j Salaries Maintenance 600.00 245.00 Equipment To County Assessor: Salaries 4425.00 Maintenance 734.00 Vital Statistics 300.00 Aid 750.00 Agricultural 1500.00 Light & Fuel Criminal Expense 2000.00 Civil Court Expense 1500.00 Justice Court Expense 750.00 Elections 500.00 100.00 Bounty Maintenance County Agent 1090.50 Juvenile Court Expense 500.00 Health & Quarantine 200.09 Court-hous- e & Grounus 3000.00 Insurance 600.00 2000.00 County Printing Maps and Plats 225.00 County Surveyor's Maintenance 500.00 Court Reporter Fees 408.00 300.00 County Audit State & County Fair 3890.23 Miscellaneous 100 00 from the County Poor Fund: 6500.00 Dependant Poor 3280.00 County Infirmary Miscellaneous 100.00 from the County Road Fund: lioads & Bridges 34000.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 From the County Bond f 1929. 77T, EE Elizabeth B. Broadhead 59 A AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING COUNT V BUDGET AND MAKU'U THE APPItOPIUATlONS FOR COUNTY SUPPORT OF TDK GOVKKNMKNT OK JUAB COUNTY KOH TDK YEAIt 1929. After - Inventory Friday, January 4th, NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- S, Cemeteries Come First Arabian villages In Egypt are usually of a drab shahhiness. bui the cemeteries are a collection of gracefully o designed and highly ornate costing much more money tl.an the houses fomb-Stone- s a v v v r |