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Show THE Friday, January 4. 1929 TIMES-NEW- S'.iiZ FINNEY OP THE FORCE Notthe Principals k 1,1, ..A.as? THE FEATHERHEAD5 PACK SEVEN NEPIII. UTAH S. exposure, indeed OH CAME TO NOTHING NOT PRUDISH, MERELY TECHNICAL H ITS LOCATION H! ML A Miss de Colte Here's my latest photograph. What do you think of it? Mr. Shutter (the amiteur photographer) Pretty fair. Little too much exposure, though. Miss de Colte lower. i'ysen thm though Wy'Stti'Tw-aWsr- - I cut much Biggs At last she has come to marry Reggie Sapp. Jiggs I always said she'd come to nothing. Sporty Gentleman "I'd like to av4 a golf club, please." Green iClerk i "Yessir, there's one down the road about a quarter of a mile." GOT A BUM START "Are those the two girls you dated up for us?" "Yep, some pippins, eh!" "Gosh! One of 'em's my wife." WHAT HE'D GIVE THEN HUBBY SMILED "" Hubby "Why did the new maid atto serve soup before each course tonight?" Wine "I haven't an idea. I particularly told her that soup must be served before everything, of course." Poet What will you give rue for these poems? Editor (reaching for paper-weigafter hasty perusal) Just two minutes start. She (observing hobo) Why should a young man like that every become a tramp? He Got a bum start In life, I guess. ' (MUr It ' ' iMf iwtik ' fOREMAUUELCOOONV HBVUASHeatMECAft LlV PICKS u I j igf Y ' Hi ' HAVE CHAUQEP ' Clancy;, mas One of Those ' prohibitionists. Thought Timmie PERCY L. CROSBY i Um McClarf Hpt FOR HER 1 Cug Oh, Mr. Worm, how nice of you to let me use you for a swing I Wto (Wl The OoprrlcM. HORSE-PLA- He (embracing ber) "Let's gel hitched, dear." She "Quit your horseplay, young man." The Amateur Poet KMiCKERSAU0AecJM5H8O8 Pii 35 irni 1 P? fiT ' HC - How did you find :ae ink? I found the ink well ! A.) l,l'lll'll.ll'liti"ll" By Charles Sughroe MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL XtWTrs vtcwfc'V Eraser Blotter NO VERY NICE WELL, WELL! tempt 1 , Sm4lrau A VlRAlMlNv. Fl ?L Wfj skhtTjj A SHAMELESS GUV ; IS BOMIO DRAPER ! W AUUWS BORROW f 0 -- J" M IPf! I) S. W& - i |