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Show THE Friday, January 4th. 1929. CLASSIFIED 192S Scald in tr hot water and tit. most care are combined at this dairy to produce a scrupulously clean bottle in which to deliver a superior product. The bottle must be clean. DAIRY TWO Dr. VV. J. Long myi rlml Stevcnsou was Indebted to E. A I'ne's story. 'William Wilsou," for the plot of "Doctor Jekyll nnrt Mr Hydo " Evil 1 i;eueiull. .oininlirec nuclei hope of NEWS ITEMS New Year Hall, manager of the Jones. Mr. Reuben Maugelson spent a few days of lam week In Salt Lake City. 2t SPECIALS Mr. and Mn, Ferrln Woh of Salt Lake City are spending a few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Darral Child family of Centerfield spent a days here with relatives. and tew The Instant Bleach, 25c for the price of one Anheuser-Busc- h Extra Dry GINGER ALE Three Bottles for the price of two . . . .50c TRI-TE- Mr. and Wrs. Erlck Peterson of Salt Lake City have been guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hosh. for the past few days. Mrs. Floy Mortensen 2 and family returned to their home in Salt Lake City Wednesday after spending- the past two weeks with Mrs. .Morten sen's parents. $12.50 ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR, Special The more vmi leeiil on luck, the less ol li von rnve Cincinnati En qulrer EXTRA SPECIAL! .$8.75 Floor Lamps, $4.95 While they last ELECTRIC HEATER, $5.00 Value, F'ef Collegiate Criminal ' OlH survey of I'.l.lINo itiiivlcten crlniiii only BID were reported to have li i'l tit college hiIhi'.i! Inn IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU ? , valve-in-hea- "to-initi- al low-price- d f O, ot clover kills microbes in 3f minutes, while typhoid fever bac teriii are killed by essence of clnna nion In 12 minutes, according to a statement made by au English expert menter For nearlj two years uphol stery In whlcb quantities, ot these plants have been mixed has remained The I I Vicious Habit ot a Th PHAETON The COUPE... The SEDAN The Sport CABRIOLET.. All 595 400 IH TON CHASSIS . . .'545 1 H TON CHASSIS WITH CAB ..'695 prices o. 725 SEDAN DELIVERY LIGHT DELIVERY CHASSIS '595 '675 f. Iha-LAND- AU . $ 650 Flint, Michigan Can Do Without Soil wati Earth's Gravitation Nuval observatory says thdl there is no limit to the distance to which the earth's gravitational pull extends, but Its amount decreases In proportion to the square ol the distance from the earth's center At the dlstimie of the moon It Is about wlint It Is al the earth's Surface Partial List of Outstanding Features New motor, valve-kv- head type, fully enclosed. New automatic lubrication of rocker arm mechanism. New fabric camshaft gear. New heavier crankshaft statically and dynamically balanced. New piston pins. manifold. New hot-spNew AC gasoline pump with filter replacing vacuum tank. New type AC air cleaner. COOLING SYSTEM New type thermostat cooling system controL New water temperature indicator on dash. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT New two-beaheadlamps with foot button control. New parking lights inside head lamps. New prismatic headlamp lenses. ot r.'nurcii New theft-proElectrolock. New spark control. New waterproof spark coil located beneath cowl. CHASSIS New single plate, dry disc clutch. New smooth sliding transmission with vanadium steel gears. New solid shaft type steering column. New fiat type, slender rim steering wheel with large horn button in center. New and more efficient muffling Nephi, A x. T ju T ...jl Tj ; yj jl A T uiaki- - mil' " " l',v lisunder stood nisi.cn-7- Uist experienced la It was I hen believed Europe in I"" t i In' planets to be an h I'hii'itin ' nctlon n1 Intliien liillnetiza iviis .! system. New and more complete Alemlte chassis lubrication. New rubber-on-stepedal enclosures. New larger gasoline tank at rear capacity. New, smaller, smarter wheels with full balloon tires. all force bnse al Kowelt, established to detenu the city gainst desert Wahnhl raiders recently engaged a oew enemy When Clouds of locusts threatened tr do great dumtige. airplanes went ti to try to scatter them. Some of the machines were forced down nwlna to the locust blocking he rndlntnr Africa Nature's Protection The law of protective coloration In animals relates to the law of nature which gives animal9 and birds the colors which enable them to hide For Instance, themselves readily. some birds are colored about the same as the trunk of a tree. Pain Analyzed Haiu itself it not without its allevia Hons. It muy be violent and frequent, but It is seldom both violent and lone continued, and its pauses and inter missions become positive pleasures It has the power of shedding a satisfaction over intervals of ease which few Wllllnm Pnley. ; enjoyments exceed Famous Grammarian Prtscian was the most noted ot He belongs to Latin grammarians. the early part of the Sixth century, teaching Latin at t'onstantinople, probably at the Imperii! I court, since be received a eovernmenf salary. Test Is t.t Results lie golden key If It will not open t lie lock nmt what objection Is there to the womieii key 11 If will? Ancnsflne nf Hippo What profits I Altogether Too O S T Often There It this thing thai .in be said He always la favor of the hornet. baa an ulm and generally he hltr tbe mark t'ntMMT Weekly ' -- Conservative in its Standards and Progressive in its Methods We Offer a Like Service to Customers NEPHI NATIONAL BANK C S curious auction Is held In the village ot Upwey Weymouth, England, every spring hen the parish meadow Is rented for the year, not to the highest Milder, tin i to the one who bids lust when the light from a bit ot can die ei:ri'S NY Vwk Times A "Whatever You Earn Spend Less" Utah LOW Uiacarded ."ire The city of New York Is supplied artificial Ice, und the Hudson valley natural Ice crops have gone largely Into the discard, along with the Maine Ice. cut so far as the metropolis. Is concerned. The Ice plants In the city semi-automat- Co. Motor Nephi TT r The Come in and see these Beautiful New Cars on display in our showrooms y, by flowerluK plums are kepi id water wll limit soil, l hey ordinarily will die the concentration ot mineral becaii T!..'i lhv do aot foods Is too wenli need soil for life wns imwn recently when sucb plants were raised Id m Tlw Convertible ... 525 .... 525 ROADSTER asid It Distinctive New Beauty Th uilnd degrees will break out upon those who are youi friends, or those who are Indifferent In voti. Plutarch four-whe- 595 ol habit vicious The Odd English Auction Hating A mnn should "l allow himself to hute even his enemies; uecause. If yoi: Imliilae this passion on seme occa olons, It will As of Itself in others; 11 you linle vmii enemies, you contract Matching this spectacular advance in nerform. ance is the greatest array of new features Chev rolet has ever announced. The big, new brakes are exceedingly headquiet in operation. The new lamps with foot control dimming device were never before available in Chevrolet's price class. And so on throughout the entire chassis, you will find feature after feature previously demanded in the finest of automobiles and now offered on the Outstanding Chevrolet in keep ing with Chevrolet s policy of constant progr The COACH imIoi germproof Great Array of New Features But, however impressed you may be by the mechanical superiority of the Outstanding Chevrolet, your admiration will reach even greater heights when you study the car's distinctive beauty the marvelous new Fisher bodies represent a masterful example of artistic coachwork. Never have beauty, comfort, convenience and staunch construction been more skillfully combined in the bodies of any automobile! So we urge you to come in today and inspect this outstanding new car. .$ Victory tor Locust Odors That Kill Germ$ six-cylin- two-bea- $3.50 Special Take Advantage of These Below Cost Specials! 1? Sho Turoom Today you can see the most sensational auto mobile ever introduced The Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History, a Six in the price range of the four! Today, this amazing new automobile is on display in our showrooms and we cordially invite you to come in for a personal inspection! When you lift the hood and see the new d engine you will realize that a new era has dawned for the buyers of automobiles. Representing four years development and testing, this new power plant is a marvel of advanced design. At every peed it operates with that delightful smoothness which everyone demands today in a modern automobile. It develops approximately 32 more power than any previous Chevrolet engine. It displays sensationally greater speed and faster acceleration. And yet, despite this brilliantly improved performance, it maintains Chevrolet's worldwide reputation for economical transportation by delivering better than an average of twenty miles to the gallon of gasoline! $6.95 Special TPv o in our $9.00 $9.75 ELECTRIC WAFFLE IRON, Bad Luck ttpected O some advantage the pur null of virtue seldom obtains to R Hayrton i he C. Nephi branch of the Company, Is in Provo this week attending a manager's convenDr. J. E. Harrison will be at the tion. The Co. has grown to Nephi Drug Company on Monday be one or tl.e largest chain furniand Tuesday, January 8th and 9th. ture stores of the state of Utah, having stores in Provo, Sprlngville, HOLSTEIN MILK. Nephi, FOU SALE Pleasant (Jrove, Payson, especially good for babies, as It Spanish Fork, Heber, and American testa "20 Soft Curd." 12 quarts Fork. The convention in Provo will be held for three days, Thursday, for $1.00 Kay Powell. Friday and Saturday, during which McCORMICK-DEEU-1NFOR SALE time a number of things relative to Combine Harvester, good the company's plana for the year W. V. Miller, Starr 1929 will be taken condition. up with the J4-branch managers. Ranch. Mona, Utah. Net Sicy irso.i's Plot Purpose ot Evil John HOUSE FOR BENT Mrs. Vilate LEU jie::nuutuj u in stiiiiJ ;if uuHiimiumuaajimiia STEAM KOOM See PAGE FIVE NEPHI, UTAH Local News ADS bj ii!aiiiiuii!msin:i auunwrui MEADOWBR00K , HEAT. BATH a guest of Alius Knld Kendall privilege. Hut and Cold Water. Miss Mildred Kendall wai of Suit Lake Single $10.00 par mouth and up; Double $15.00 per month and up. City over the holidays. Forrest Hotel Annex. Born to Mr. and Sir. Cleon Sauders, a twelve pound girl, on L.ET C. J. Pyper. do your electrical New Yearn Day. work and repair your electrical apErnent H. Anderson, manager of pliance. He alio baa the ruoat comBig Springs Power Company waa plete line ot electric! flxtues and the in Nephi Thursday discussing the supplies in Nepbl. power needs of thin city, with a number of the business men. Mr, AnderSALE-Tab- le. FOU Ica Crtani. and son reports that bis company is in Pine Salt Co a position to furnish Nephi with all Sheep SALT-Lo- ne tf. the power needed. PLone 204R3. ROOMS Coprrijbud. TIMES-NEWS- |