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Show i f o TRY THE TRY THE HOME MERCHANT HOME MERCHANT FIRST The Times, Vol. 19. FIRST Xo. Nephi, Juub County, Utah," .Friday, January 4th. 1929. 1. FORMER NEPH1TE DIES GUNNISON BANK ROBBERS FOILED; ONE IS WOUNDED Trio Captured South of Levan Following Attempted Holdup Ryan Undergoes an Operation At Aird Ho??; John Ityun. 50. one of u trio of wan accidentally ishot lu the abduna-- .Thursday . morning, south of Levan, following an attempt lo blow the mxIo in the Gunnison Valley State Dunk, aud is now la the Aird hospital at Provo. where he submitted to uU operation lu an effort to save hU life at 1:30 p. m. Thursday afternoon. Ryan and hit partners, George Drier and F. 11. Bauer, were escap-ing- r from the scene of the attempted robbery at Gunnison, and were being trailed by a puss from Gunnison, of Roacoe L. Tollestrup, , consisting marshal of Gunnison, Ira Overfeit, cashier of the Gunnison bank, and F. II. Jones, Manager .of the J. C. Penney store at Gunnison. Another posse from Nephi, headed by Louis Garrett, and composed of RoscoeTolley, George Goble and Hoy Niel-as son, started to Levan, as Boon they were notified by the Sanpete county officers. About four mile south of Levan, ' Ryan and Urier, alighted from the ' yeggs automobile,' and the third member drovo tho car toward. Levan. The two desperadoes, walked about a quarter of a nii!o east of the state road and hid a hand hag containing tool.j, and other paraphernalia. They later returned to the stale road and headed toward Levan. Near Levan they hid in a hay stack on tho east side of the statu highway. The officers from Gunnison met the Nephi officers south of Levan, and then passed the yeggs car on the road comin? thin way. Near Levan road, and, stopped they barricaded the was alone in the F. H. Rauer, who car at that timu. Tb? officers then to 'lie im.'t nhere the went desperados, u AT HOME IN ARIZONA Wednesday Word wan received from Eager, Arizona, carrying tho ad Buwt f the death of Mrs. Joseph L'lUll. who- died following an attack of infln.Vr. Ldall wan bora In t'entervllle, Davis County, Utah. September 26. 1&82, the daughter of and Ellen J. Coldsbrougb, her llnry parent jurying, to Nephi when she was very young. She lived in Neptl uncut threw years after her marriage to Joseph L'datl, when they were called to help the Saints roloaiz some parts of Arizona, and were sent to St. John. Arizona, liv ing there for several years, later moving to iSprlngvllle, and later to Cager, where tbey have resided tor number of yers pant. airs, Udall U survived by her bus- hand, and the fallowing children: Joseph Jr., Harry, Gains, Pratt, Mrs. tarry Toller, Mrs. Ellen Wfnsor and Lula Udall, besides several grand hlldren. She la also survived by the following brother and sisters: Mrs. Kllen Pyper of Salt Lake City. Mr. David Ockey. II. D. Goldsbrough od Mrs. Sophie Sperry of Nephi. BE REDUCED' ON KIWANIS CLUB annual saving to ibe public of more than 5,0ou.0U0 will result from reductions in day rate Jor ion and long distance calls lu tho H' U February 1. accord System ing to an announcement niaueof The 11. Itld. President by fk Mountain Stales Telephone and Tele graph Company. All day calls Iteiweua pomis iroin 130 to approximately 1500 mile in cost. This Is apart are reduced n calls as well true of as calls by number. This reduction affects cans piacea to any one of the 19.000.000 teleTelephones In the United States. served phone users in the territory by The Mountain States Telephona and Telegraph Company will profit substantially by the reductions. This genera! reduction is the third made by the Bell System In two yeaxs and four month, and, according to Mr. Raid's statement, is In Th 'Installation of the 1329 officers of the Nephi KiwanU Club a htld at the Korrent lintel Thursday evening, when 1. M. Petty took vtr the reins of the leal dub for il cijinliie.. v.'ar 'Id., ,.... iiiiiaii.ii.,.. .,v.,,,, Budget Ordinance Passed By Council The estimated cost of operating nd maintaining the various depart ments of Nephi City for the year 1929 will coat $48,480.33. according to the budget which was adopted last Friday evening by the city council of thl city. The lnrgcst single item in the budget is for construction and main tenance of electric light works, which calls for an expenditure of $14.- This money will be spent 000.00. for the salaries of the men employ ed in the' department, and for the furtherance of the rebuilding program that has been going on during the past several years. We are herewith printing the various Items of tb,e budget as pass, ed by the council: $13,217.85 Contingent expenses Purchase of Water sources SBd- - t wat tracked them to the place where they works and supply water hid the toois, and later tracked for irrigation and other them to the haystack on the out $ 3,00f( j0 purposes Maintenance of City Hall $ 1 SoO.OO skirts of Levan. The officers surrounded the hay To open, improve and re- pair streets and side stack, and Deputy Sheriff Garrett $ 3,000.00 walks commanded the men to come out of $ 2,000.00 the haystack, with their hands In the Public Library air. Drier crawled out of the stack Sinking fund for payment of outstanding bonds ....$ 9,000.00 Immediately, but Ryan didn't seem to respond to the sheriff s commands For interest accruing on $ 2.462.50 outstanding bonds so Mr. Garrett fired into the ground, construction and to notify the yegg that he meant bus For maintenance of electric iness, at this Ryan emerged from the . light works $14,000.00 stack. Mr. Garrett searched Drier, and $48,480.35 ordered .Mr. Jones of Gunnison to search Ryan. Projecting from Ryan's belt was a lone 44 revolver. As Mr Jones attempted to jerk the weapon from Ryan's bolt the gun accidental entering his ly discharged, the bullet stomach, and taking a course through his back coming out above his left hiD. He was brought into Nephi and taken to the office of Dr. T. W. All- red, where he received first aid. The annual election of officers of Following the operation at Provo, Dr. J. L. Aird reported that his injuries the East Juab County Fish and were not as serious as first expected Game Protective association will be and his chances for recovery are held on the 10th day of January at the City Hall, in Nephi. The officers good. The other two desperadoes. Drier include a president, first and second r, secretary-treasureand Bauer, were held in the Juab county jail until Thursday afternoon and board of six directors. There are a number of important when sheriff Sanderson of Mantl took them to the Sanpete county seat tntngs to be discussed at the annual where they will await trial. Sheriff meeting, chief among these are, the Sanderson reports that Drier has a building of several cement rearing lone criminal record, having been ponds In Salt Creek canyon, which implicated in the Moroni bank will take care of the small trout. robbery some years ago, and served until they are ready to run Into the main stream. time in the Montana state prison A legislative program will also be The Juab county officers are to be commended for the part they discussed at this meeting. President Hawkins urged that all played in capturing the attempted members of the association be out to bank robbers. this meeting, which will be held at - - ; '" Fish and Game Club To Meet nt, Young Couple Married At Moroni January 1st eff.-ctiv- e , person-to-perao- in . Russell Hawkns took charge of Die meeting, and after the preliminary proceedings, turned the meeting our to Euos L. Jous, who acted as tDSstmaster . Those who took part on the prosrani were: selections, quartet, composed of Arthur V. fyper, Samuel G. Paxman. Owen L. fiarnett, and Paul K. Booth; ladles trio, Mrs. Paul K. Booth, Mrs. Robert Winn, and .Mrs. Will L. Hoyt; peppy talks were given by George 1. d and Speucer K. Forrest. President Gilbert Bailey gave a tulk theu presented the presi de!:! s pin. to the incoming president, I M. Petty, who gave a short reviewing some of the tMiVg fhat the club had accomplished dicing the past year, and asked fpi the of the members 'of the club In putting over the 1929 pro-g- r m. Following President Petty' talk. W. C. Andrews presented Mr, Bailey with the past president's pin. A. L. Garbett, for the coming year was the next speaker. The attendance prizes were won by Mrs. W. C. Andrews, and A. B. Gibson. Miss Melba Anderson, club acompanlst during the year 1928 was presented with a token of appreciation for the services she has rendered, the presentation being made by Gilbert Bailey. Following the program the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing, excellent music being furnished by the Anderson Sisters orchestra. The following is the list of officers and the standing committees for the year 1929, the first name listed in each group acting as chairman: President, I. M. Petty: Vice Presi dent Art L. Garbett; District Tmstee Gilbert Bailey; Treasurer, J. Earl of Diretots TP", 'ihosTW. t .rea.D. uuKe hei. Fart w okcIo Cluf Reese, Albert E. Smith, Aaron l'. cnristiansen, O. L. Barnett. Hay-nion- with the Hell System's keeping policy of providing "the best possible service at the least cost consistent with financial safety." Mr. Reld points out that In the statement of policy It was announced that "earnings more than sufficient to provide the best possible service will either be spent for the enlargement and improvement of the service furnished or the rates charged for !n the service must be reduced." long distance service It has been possible both to improve the service and reduce the rates. ' During 1928 there has been a continuous Improvement In the speed with which toll and long distance calls were handled," according to Mr. Reid. "The fact that 90 per cent of ealla are now handled while the subscriber remains at the telephone has been one of the influences that has brought about the steadily' increasing use of long distance facilities that have marked the year. "Principally - tanner-dance- nt the Industrial areas of the country there was an extension of 1500 miles of lnter-cit- y tele phone cable. This cable is practical! 1 long, rifeiance service between centers of population." This is the second substantial sav ing offered to the public by tbje Bell System In the space of littlel more than one year, according to Mr) Reid. The last rate reduction became effective December 1st, 1927, on calls longer than 450 miles and saved the telephone using public $1,500,000 in 1928. The reduction that immediately preceded .this became effective Octo ber 1st, 1926, and represented annual saving to the public of $3,000,000. in , Committers Attendance Earl H. Steele, Geo. V. Ord. Will L. Hoyt, Abe B. Gibson. Agriculture A. E. Smith, Albert H. Belliston, Robert Winn, A. F. Bracken. Business Standards, Laws and and Public Affairs: Regulations Russell Hawkins, George R. Judd, J. A. Whipple, Pete J. Sanders. Fiaance Duke Page, Cliff D. (Continued on page 8) FOUNTAIN GREEN HAPPENINGS The following out of town people spent Christmas holidays here visit ing relatives and friends: Mrs. Ruby Stringham, Parley Hanson, Robert Stringham, Mr. and Mrs. Rube Ivory, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Oldroyd, Mrs. A. H. Anderson of Salt Lake City; George Thompson of Idaho Falls; Mrs. Lavina Aagard and children of Provo; Mrs. Bertha Jorgenson and son Frank, Clifford Olson of Sanford, Colorado; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mower of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jacob-so- n of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Allred, Mr. and Mrs. Orlana Auga-soMr. and Mrs. La Val Johnson, Virginia Llewellyn, Heber Livingston and family of Springville and John Aagard and family of Provo. n, The members of the choir under the direction of Mrs. Charles Coombs spent Christmas eve carol singing. They visited the homes of the aged people and shut ins. A brass quartet 8 o'clock next Mr. Millett, Osmond Crowther Thursday evening at with Kerrill Rasmussen and John Guymon me ciiy nan. also serenaded the town playing Christmas carols. Glen Worthington enjoyed a short visit m Nephi during the par.t week, Mrs. Osmond Crowther entertain visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs ed the members of the George Worthngton. club and their husbands at a Christmas narty on Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Brough and and night. The ladies exchanged son Dwane spent the Christmas holi gifts. Covers were laid for thirteen days in salt Lake City. They were people. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Greenwood. Mrs. Andrew A. Anderson was hostess at a dinner for the members of the Elite club on Saturday afternoon. All the members were present. Battery "E" Takes Up Mr. and Mrs. Da'id Cloward of Moroni, announce the marriage of their daughter Mace!, trs Mr. Foy Parkins, of Nephi. The marriage ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents in iMoront, Bishop Elmo Irons, officiating. Fol lowng the ceremony a reception washeld, covers being laid for thirtyThe table was beautifive guests. and fully decorated with sweet peas roses. The gtoom is the son or Mr, Drill Work After Vacation and iVa I Henry Parkins, and has been employed in Pocatello, Idaho for some time pak, where the, young After a two weeks vacation the couple will maw$ their future home local unit of the Utah National Mrs. Parkins, haS &en employed at the Forrest Hotarjn tnts city tor tne Guard begin their regular Monday evening Armory drills, January 7th, past four years, a at 7.45. The drills from now until early spring will be consumed in Mrs. Ray Stees and small son re- preparation for the annual Inspecturned to Nephi durlng'the holidays tion. A number of recruits have joined from Freeport, Illinois, where she went to attend the trial of the man the unit within the last few weeks, who killed her husband on Septem- and will strengthen the organization. The public are not only privileged ber 8th. The man was examined by medical men and they determined to visit the Battery during drill and hours, but a patriotic duty calls on that he was criminally Inssne, he was sent to the asylum at Chester, each citizen to personally observe the activities of the local boyB. Illinois. ' " An night. Mrs. G. F. Johnson entertained at a family turkey supper at their home Thursday night. Covers were laid for 30 people. Besides relatives the following special guests were present: Miss Collia Hanson of Mt. Pleasant, Miss Bermadlne Hardy of Moroni and Monte Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Seeley gave a midnight party Saturday night at their home. Refreshments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oldroyd, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Livingston and the host and hostess. Jensen Miss Emma and Athalic are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Truman Curtis at Salt Lake during the holidays. in KILfcED ON BIG HUNT IN FEBRUARY 1ST ." ,, OVER 1200 RABBITS IEW OFFICERS PHONE RATES TO ri I. Twelve eleven and huudrid rabbits were slaiu by thirty-fou- r the Nephi Post hunters, rtpivming Li ih Auieri. an ' I.eclon. and the N't phi Kiwanln club, at their annual hunt held Ml' New Year's Day. The hunt Uret of Pclplo, of Sclpio trave the w:i.s ptaKed urn mid thsj hunters an unuHuul aiaouut if cooperation lu the New Year's Day affair, ICach hunter had a umn to pick up hU rabbit ears, and another man on Korsehack to pack bl shells, and scare the rabbits out of the brush. club won the event, having, killed 685 rubbits, while thv Lt g!on succeeded in, getting 526 buanies. High point 'men were Cliff Reese, SO; Russell Hawkins, 70; and K. L. Jnues, 65. Ole floswell scored hifch for the Legion, getting The. ICiwauia Just-A-Me- - iparty re mm mohLi BALL SCHEDULE IS DRAWN UP Firt Game January to be Played All Nephi 16 th Games to be Played at the High. School Gymnasium. Representative of tho "M" aiffa Denartments of the wards of Juib Stake met fat the Nephi High School and 19th December Wednesday, came to the foHcwlua; Agr'r'inant relative to the "M" men bank St ball ' . schedule: ELIGIBILITY. A rabbits. 1. The rules as to age. residence The hunters will be entertained at etc, as outlined in the "M" Men the Forrett Hotel at a banquet Sat- hand book shall be lived to strictly. urday evening, which will be follow!. Each ward sball submit a ed by u public dance at tha Arlington of the names of its eligible lift hall. playerg to the Athletic Committee, George A. Sper'y, Chairman, before the date of the first game, Wednes day, January 16th. 59 N. H. S. Boosters Club Enjoy Party B OFFICIALS. The officials 'for all games' shall be appointed by the Athletic Council. 2. Each ward shall submit a list of names of men who are capable of serving as off ials. A very succesful banquet was TRANSPORTATION Each - ward given by the Booster Club of the shall transport Its own team and the Nephi High School Thursday, Doc. officials by Athletic Coun appointed 27th, 192S. The following program cil. was enjoyed during the dinner. ADMISSION CHARGE A charge Alberta Cowan Reading Song Dorothy Haymond of 10c shall be made for admission Retold Story Lorna Kendall to each game. After the expense for each game Trio La Veve Petty, has ben paid the balance shall be Wanda Petty and Cleo Petty Ruth Sperry divided between the teams particiReading Ellen Cole pating. Song Twelve men and the coach are to Toast mistress, Florence Chase, with her wise cracks and funny be admitted free to the game in jokes, added much merriment to the which they participate. COLLECTOR The Athletic Coun The president gave a short party. talk and suggested that an alumni cil shall appoint a door man. He committee be chosen to take charge shall be paid $1.00 each evening.PLAYING FLOOR Ail games of this banquet, which Is to be an annual affair from now on. It was played In Nephi shall be played at approved of by all members present Nephi High School Gymnasium. . The following names men were ap(28 in all). The voting results were: to serve- as the, Athletic AIr.,13dith Ostler, Preytdeut, Miss pointed Gorge A, Spery, Chair-- i VenRley, Vice P Erma Council: ' I'.h. naafK4ger-Iuni- ; Alton i Sidd HeXi-- " Laht jlTfti!;n.a rrirti.-f- j Secretary and Trelurer. With sfch active man vicKers cugene y lAjnngton, membeisSin office there is much in Claude Lomax, Ralph Celhstdn and store fori the Boosters in coming two. to be appointed Schedule o'f Games years. Letters 1 f regret were received Wednesday, Januar-- , 16th. 7 P. M. from Norma Engar, former Nepht North Ward vs. iuth Ward. Levan vs. Cente Ward. High School student whi is now in y North Ward Lctermen vs. South California; from Ruth and Aseneth Grover who are now residing in Salt Ward Lettermen. A card and a large box of Lake. Wednesday, January 23 Center Ward vs. North Ward. ' candy was received from Miss Corn South Ward vs. Levan at Levan. wall, former teacher and Booster Center Ward Lettermen vs. North sponsorer of the Nephi High School. bhe sent her regrets for not being Ward Lettermen. able to attend the banquet but re January 30th Levan Ward vs. North Ward. quested that we eat th'e candy and South Ward vs. Center Ward. think about her. Tha applause South Ward Lettermen vs. Center assured everyone present, and rfould have her also, if she had been pres- Ward Lettermen. Second Half ent, of our respect and thoughts for her. February 6th A spirit of pep prevailed throughCenter Ward vs. Levan at Levan. South Ward vs. North Ward. out the evening and after the presSouth Ward Lettermen vs. North ent Booster members had sung the club song, the words of which were Ward Lettermen. composed by Florence Chase, alumni February 13th North Ward vs. Center Ward. member, the evening was closed by Levan vs. South Ward. : the singing of all popular and known folk songs by all members and the North Ward Lettermen vs Center banquet adjourned with a good spirit Ward Lettermen. prevailing. February 20th We regret to mention that neither Center Ward vs. South Ward, of our sponsorers were present, both North Ward vs. Levan at Levan. Center Ward Lettermen vs. North being out of town for the holidays. We have just learned that we have Ward Lettermen. j lo3t one of our sponsorers, Lettermen elegibility as to age Miss as is other same was who attendance and the married January 2, Stoker, 1929. We wish her all tho luck in "M" men. the world. This was quite a surprise and some of the girls haven't fully realized it yet. Booster Reporter. Action Commenced For 1. - , . ' vk i-nt- , ! Sells Estate Settlement Affair Takes Place Monday, Jan. 7 th Wednesday marked the commence ment of bringing actions on behalf of the estate of Wilford J. Sells, deis snaping up tor a ceased, by the filing of suit in the very enjoyable enterta;nmeiit on Precinct Court of Justice J. S. Monday evening of next week when Cooper by the estate against Ray the members of the Kiwanis Club Stewart. of Eureka will celebrate the birthAccording to counsel for the day of the organization by enter estate, the filing of many , other ' taining the ladies, also delegations actions will be made directly in the ' from other nearby cities where sim- - above Court and also in the District lar clubs are located. It is stated Court, in the course of settlement that Kiwanianj at Provo, Springville, of the affairs of the estate. The Spanish Fork and Nephi have ac actions involve collections on notes i cepted the invitations extended to and accounts of the estate. " them and will be present at the and entertainment follow. ing. County Commissioners in order to accomodate such i Adopt Budget for 1929 . large gathering it will be necessary for the local club to conduct this at fair in the lower portion of the Odd Fellows Hallj. The club's regular The board of county commissioners room is much too small for a gather met last Monday, and passed the ing of this size. Eureka Reporter. budget ordinance. The expenditures for the year 1929 are published in welcome home party was ren newly returned missionaries: Miss La Priel Aagard, Miss Ruby Hanson and Gardell Jacobson and a farewell party for Miss Mildred Allred, who leaves for a mission to California January 4th. The following program was given under the direction of the Relief Society. Mrs. Arthur Edler was in charge: Singing by the choir, "Let the Lower Light be Burning." Invocation by John E. Aagard. Singing by the choir, "Come Unto Me." Welcome Home Talk by Pres. J. L. Nielson. Musical reading by Evane'.le Ander Mrs. N. W. Jensen entertained at a family party at her home Friday son, with ueneice uuymo as accom night. A turkey supper was served panist. A bariton solo by Kennedy Seager The evening was to 25 relatives. A few remarks by Ruby Hanson. spent in chatting and playing cards. Tenor solo, Joseph Robertson. A short talk by La Priel Aagord. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Livingston enA brass quartet by Roy F. Millet, Service Star Legion To tertained the following at a Xmas Osmond Crowther, Kenil Rasmussen, party at mid night ChristmasMr.night: and Meet on, January 11th John Guymon. and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holman, Talk by Gardell Jacobson. Mrs. N. C. Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Talk by Mildred Allred. Milton Oldroyd, Mr. and Mrs. Royal The regular monthly meeting of Farewell talk by Merrill Oldroyd. Ivory, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Seeley, ReSinging by the choir, "I'll Go the ermive Star Legion will be held Mr. and Mrs. Heber Livingston. Where You Want Me To Go." Friday, January 11th, 1929 at 3:30 freshments were served. P. M. at the City Hall. A program Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Jol4ron en - will be given and all members are Mr. and M' N- c- - Nielson enterto enjoy the tained a few friends at a midnight tertained Sundayon nisht in honor of requested to be present program prepared for them. age Eight) (Continued at their home Wednesd&y chill A for the following ' - lum-heo- another part of The from the general funds amount to $52,273.14; from the county poor fund, $9880.00; from the county road fund, and from the county bond interest fund, $13,540.00. Times-New- s. The moneys appropriated $34,-100.0- 0; Air. and Mrs. Malin Mendelhall and family spent Sunday In Nephi., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cooper, parents of Mrs. Mendcnball. Y 0 - |