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Show HOURS: On week IN THE DAYS OF THE DUEL. dava from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money orders and regtstery business closes Reminder of Timeo When Gentlemen at 6 p. m. sharp. On Sundays office Met on Field of Honor. open from 8 until 10 a. m. All mail leaving for the East and West must The years which separata us Amerbe In by 7 :20 p. m. and for Beaver, Newhouse ana Frisco, mail must he ican from dueling are fewer than in by 8:U a. m. most of us realise. The late Prof. Skater's Autobiography, In the Atlantic, has this amusing reminiscence: POST OFFICE Bahking Business m Have more or less of it. Possibly it is with us. Such being the case you know something of our But if not a patron wouldn't it be well for you to service. become one. OUR SAVING'S DEPARTMENT is calculated to serve all classes; the old and the young, the poor and rlie rich. It receives deposits from $1 up to $5000 and allows four per cent, interest, compounded T 1 semi-annuall- y. State Bank of Beaver County .MILFORD, UTAH HOTEL BAR -- Wu. Emerson, Proprietor .The right place to get the best of everything in liquid refreshments k . pleue our patrons by giving courteous treatment. ' Main Street Frisco, Utah , Bert Lockhart It. T. Green LOCKHART & GREEN Have opened Bowmans shop and are now prepared to do all kinds of 6eneral Bladcsmithlng, WMiEMIng and dorsesboelng At Reasonable Prices The Best Work Guaranteed At rear of Bank Building PilbBIBWt ClUfboliMd Milford, Utah R. G SUEWERT House, Carriage mil Sign Painting . Estimates on FI RST-CLAS- CALCIMINi'dG AND Work S CALL OR WRITE GRAINING Checvfully MILFORD, tFrumm difllra amt Given UTAH SDomesfie tf AVJINEH, I.IQLOKW and CJGAHfil are handled will hyiaiidwe treat you right if call at u ....Hbc JSrich Saloon.... Backett & Keljr, Proprietor Give us a Call when you are in Frisco If there la anything yon want, wo have it, A Strenuous Occupation. As wo look over the busy tugs ol New York harbor we little realist Arrangements are being made for the Milford base hall fana to go to Callente on the 24th to play a return game with that team. While our boys wrn two games from Callente on the 4th and 6th they have no cinch on winning when they get down to Callente. Keep a stiff upper lip boys and play the game, you may be able to beat them on their own grounds. On the 2nd ot July, 1776, when a majority of the delegates of the colonies voted for the Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote to his wife, and among other things he said : Henceforth this day will be celebrated with pomp, parade, games, e and illumination from bell, j one end of the continent to the other. And so it has been from that time to jthis and will undoubtedly continue just as Adams said It would. The day ' is the moat auspicious one in all the countrys history, and it waa made so farmers. by fifty-si- and can supply yon the dangers and responsibilities of the busy life wf these "draught horses" of the deep. Day and night, in all kinds of weather, they are hustling here and there about their various troSolesome tasks. When n big liner, or any other craft la in distress by Are. or stranding, or other accident, the ublqultoua tug la the first upon the scene to aave life or property. Some of tho harbor craft have eventful histories worth a The page in a Sunday newspaper. venerable steam lighter General 8lgel, for instance, has been sunk five times! New York Press. bon-flr- j Net Included. After the dry goods salesman had completed his business with Cyrus Craig, Centervllle'a storekeeper, he asked what was going on in the town. "Mad any entertainments this winter? he inquired, No. said Mr. Craig, "not one. 8a j lome Howe's pupils have given two concerts, piano and organ, nnd the principal of the 'enderny has lectured twice, onre on Our National Forest' sod onre on Stones As 1 Know Them;' but as far an entertainments are concerned, Centerville hasn't got round to 'em yet." Youth's Companion. at right prices. FRISCO, UTAH want the Best Rooms, Best Meals and Best Sendee when in Frisco, stop at the If you JAMES HOUSE- D. W. JAMRS, Proprietor We are prepared to give the public the best accommodations at reasonable rates "Mind Your Stops. Massachusetts has a law, known at tha semi-colo- n law," under which i misplaced seml-cokregulates th liquor traffic in the city of Boston But thla ia not a circumstance to at omitted comma aa Instanced in thi following act of the last legislator of Massachusetts: "Whoever operatei an automobile or a motor-cycl- e on anj public way or private way laid out under the authority or law reckless!) or while under the Influence 4 or so as to endangei liquor, the lives or safety of tb public," etc. It Is now asserted that the reckless motorist caa go aa hi pleases on highways which have not been "laid out under the influence ol liquor." x HANGING, Dry Goods Miners Supplies Groceries j PAPER CTTtl GRIFFITHS L. new-foun- J. T. Jakeman, owner of the old Milford Times, came down from Salt Lake this morning in company with Oid Proper and Carl Swanson, and are now engaged In packing up the old plant preparatory to ahipplng it to Tooele. It la the Intention of Mr. Jakeman to atart the second paper at the new smelter town np north. We try to . A Cockroach Remedy.:' well-know- Plneules are for ali kidney, liver, bladder, rheumatic and urinary complaints. They assist in separating alt and water with their poison from the blood. They act promptly. Sold by Milford Pharmacy. Are you interested in California, Arisons and Old Mexico, if so, it would be wise to write for full Information about the shortest line and the beat service from your point to thorn sections via the SALT LAKE ROUTE, Utahs most popular roadf Are you interested in California Arisons and Old Mexico, if not so, it would be wise to write for full information about the shortest line and the best service from your point to those section via the SALT LAKE ROUTE, Utah moat popular route. . ; - housekeeper who wae recommended to try cucumber peelings aa a remedy for cockroaches strewed the floor with pieces of the peel cut not very thin and watched the sequel, says a writer in Suburban Life. The peats covered the peel In n abort time ao that it could not be seen, so voraciously wero they engaged In sucking the A ly became engaged to a very sweet young girl, who, for all her sweetness, is well supplied with spirit. This youth evidently-though- t ho had tho entire game neatly printed In a book, and determined to head off the usual "Am I tho only girir etc., queries, for, tak-ln- g her In his arms, he said, gently but "The first occasion was when a firmly; poisonous moisture from 1C The secilly cousin of mine with too much "Now, sweetheart, I might as well ond night that thla waa tried the numn wine la him challenged a tell you at tho atari you are not tho ber of cockroaches was rsduead to a duelist, James Jackson, who as a gen- only girl I have ever kissed." quarter and none were left on the eral fell at Perryville. Well maybe not," aho retorted, third nighC Fortunately, 1 knew Jackson well at a boy of 18 may "but you still havo much to learn know a man of twice his years. I about It. Perhaps. Harper's Weekly. made jaj plea to him to give my kinsPearl In the Brat chapter of this man no eany way out. At Brat ho waa novel It states that the heroine baa obdurate, saying that ho would havo How tf Might Work Out basal eyes and In another chapter it hi life ho bad, indeed, reason to bo "I often .wish I had more leisure for alludes to her liquid eyes. ' vexed but in the end he told hia sec- substantia reading,' said the slightly Ruby Liquid! Well, or perhaps ond to Ax it up with me. My good, Insincere person. she baa witch basal ayes. I may any Indeed affectionate, rela"No doubt, answered Miss Cayene. tions with Jackson had begun a year "In that case you would bars more before in a like absurd business in a time to play golf." mwavunanusn ballroom. I had acciFrankfort dentally stepped into a mess made on tho floor by the breaking of a bottle of champagne, which he aa manager waa trying to have cleaned np. With a sharp word, ha pushed me aside; my d . maaly dignity waa offended; ao therefore, as usual la such Carries the best and most complete cases, I asked him for his card. Hia answer vac T beg pardon, my dear stock of everything In Wo sir, 1 took you for a boy.1 both saw tho fun of tho situation, and became friends. He waa one of the , , glories of thla world; he lifted my sense of what it was to be a monand All Kinds of FRESH and ths ancient type of gentleman." CURED MEATS LOCAL AND PERSONAL D0IN6S j ...Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars... - By Word of Mouth. who recent- Then la a certain youth FEED STABLE IN CONNECTION - - Frisco, Utah COSMOPOLITAN BAR, Reynolds, O. D. Pproprietor Exclusive Agents for HUMBOLT EL PAYO Cigars, and we also handle the ' Choicest of Wines and Liquors Our bar room ia fitted np with good pool and billiard tables and also have in connection BARBER SHOP AND BATH ROOM. Mitt Trouble with Dsfiance. little dogs bark at ahadowa, so do some women become alarmed a the first sign of trouble. To the stroog hearted and the strong minded there are few situations that cannot be control!. Why not be superior to these mall matters that annoy you so? You do not live ut all unless you live In peace and happinese. Change what Chancs to Make Up. can be Justly changed and let the rest "Why sc sorrowful, girl?" go hang. Perhaps you are like the We have parted forever. Il writes northern woman who went into the me to send hark the ring." beautiful southland and grieved all Tell him to call for It," advised the the day and all the night, too, because experienced friend, Louisville Con the nightingales sang ao loud. Poor rior Journal lady! Aa Chas. C. Klzer COSY CORNER CLUB Kiser A Brandt, Props. ..... St Barnard Minion Billiard aod Pool Tables The Monarch Cushions, the Best in the World.1 Wo have the best grade of SEGARS, TOBACCOS AND CANDIES t Commodious and quiet Buchanan Building e i Louis P. Brandt JS at all times Milford, Utah J |