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Show THE BEAYER COUNTY NEWS W. .... L. Elewlek, MILFORD to-se- Editor and Managar BIG RESERVOIR UTAH FOR LONDON. THEn Engliah City Hat Juat Completed Wonderful Piece of Engineering Work. unieierfiil ad value iu science To show the extent of llie wonderever known or hoped for lias m t tinunrlil ful engineering work which lias given UUnit can now have scarcely any ue Unit advance udl what of to the city last l.oiidoii, England, In inhahly the area lest entered reser-voi, Inn s a imi of its huh-already jrreut many of the concept in the world, it la only neres-aar1 which tinis those Jt of Jut lire art1 only of to quote a Tew of the chief facta here. and figures. Opera tioua were begun regard us prurl ieul certainties that I ss-aBy In IR98. and It la eatiniuted that the tears nnd it will start Firt. Within the next 20 or ELLA MIDDLETON 220,000. undertaking haa coat within the next two or three concrete unhiteeture will takl of the price of the land. IncludTYB0UT enormous strides forward; the art of moMing concrete will b ing the engine and boiler houae and the varloua approachea, the reaervolr mluifcl to a aeienee of iierfeetion, and, what is equally im covera nearly 30 arrea. It haa a of heapness; then- will rise up a larger number of gifted archiIllustrations by Ray Walters capacity of 56.500,000 gallona, and jHirtaiit, la divided into four compartment, tects, ami through their efforts cities and towns will spring up in tliii two of which hold auout 16.000,0(10 galcountry. lon 8. About N, 000,000 brick have been e machines will lie so erfcctcd that the char-ac- t Second. lllfMritfllba AMN,lljr J. Jt. l.lppluwll LU.j uaed In ila conatruction. ers will not only move, hut will sjieuk, and all the accessories of the The reaervolr will derive ila aupply SYNOPSIS. princlitally by nieaiia of a singe. This, of stage will Is faithfully reproduced on the main from the Hampton work of the Three girls Elixalieth, Gabrielle and will not lie dmu as well as on ihc regular stage, but ils standard fur CmiHila to spend the metropolitan water board, but water course, On hoard steamer they there. srimm-will also be obtained from a deep well will upprnm-very near to ihal, and the fact that such entertainment will a frightened Py an apparently dement'd r. who Mriiugi finding a bag belonging in the oiialk. The depth of the com1e furnished for live cent.--, will draw vast numbers of the working classes. tn one of them, look enjoyment In a partments range from 20 to lilt feet. of the trio. Klim- shared photo conthe on 2(1 finauciul or 13 Third. In years sinteriMiin with a Mrs. Grahnni. also At the center of the four coiniutrt-mentamind fur CunHilu. The women on where the dlvlalon walla Inter dition of the country Uie locnmoiivc will pass almost altogether out of n sightseeing tour met young Sira. I'.raliuni. unximi.-.lher MWHithig who lind husband, aect, la the central well from which use, and all our main trunk railways will be ciertited by electricity. h in mi. i fur milling. d They were the charging and emptying will be dito Wilfrid anil Ijord I,ady Ktlilli. Fourth. A new fertilizer will spring into existence, containing a A tile waa by for rected. modern by Kvery appliance llie trio for (lie Hummer. Elixalieth large juTcciiiage cd nitrogen. This will ! drawn from the air by lesriiiHl that a friend of her father's was regulating and automatically record II. Two men one of them and will la- used lo increase the arability of llie land. Even now lo lug the iiigrraa and egress of the wu iielng llie stranger on the ter will be employed, and by iiieuiia this is dune to a were Ktrnuier. The "not at home. girls large extent in but discovei-eof special connections It will be posby the eurds left that one men waa of thr fathers Fifth. All our water Miners will be utilized by electricity to an friend. The men Klisahrth's sible to work each or every compartproved to be John C. ment at the aaiue time without inter extent now ulimisl imtluMiglit of, and will lie used with great advantage, Make Mini Gordon Ueiinerl. The fairly waa told nf the search for smugglers in fering with the others. the of llie rnttHge. Kliae visited Imt h industrially and for railroads. Mrs. Graham to And that her life waa not the learned that the lie Mic'iTssful A aerial The Army Mule. happiest. established will Sixth. navigation perhapa (iridiums and lanly Hlie Kilith were Ry an order from headquarters the for mails -- and will A of from Air. Grahnlr wisp yellow a sound, practical working haaia. ham's piN'ket fell Into the hands of Kllae. pusses from some of the Yc shall lie able to pi'oicc-ourselves against environment Airs. Graham's hair was During army posts and Hie mule comes back a si nrm the young women heard a crash to Ita own. It wua only a question bv the nf llie milage unit a moami things of that sort, so that the general state of in Ihe nf ment Inter Alury Anne, their winnan servof time, for the uttHchmenta of the health will Tn asand the average- span of life will increase by a large ant. entered, her ann improve, sure them there wiih no danger. Mary the agea are not easily broken. The tn the baaeinent alone Anne descended mule's enlistment never was intended and quieted tlielr fern's. to expire, und an for the summary disFiglitli. A new forre in nature, of some sort or other, will be but now missal, It was CHAPTER VI. by which many tilings not now understood will be explained. We all's well ones more with the mule was a beautiful world which it very know we fi had wed five if more. n have ii iri eight niisitoly only seizes; snd the army. The army, mule is a us in the morning after the greeted Nissihilities coal will tactician snd a strategist. Study of llie of Wc onr realize Ninth. supplies better, storm, all swept and garnished and lls huhlia has won many h hut lie. ity und will learn how lo utilize thorn so that !'0 mt cent, of theefficiency freshly painted for our delectation. Hie mere rurl of a lip it develops a I wish I could describe It, as we is he ns it will not thrown away, no defensive front, and under stood ii ion o tr veranda drinking In the of seeming cace or of active Finally, let it lie said, hunlly any piece of machinery now manufac-lure- d ozo.te and feasting our eye war are its flanks left unguarded. The is more than HI cent, perfect. As the years go on this will be niton the landscape. Perhaps If I mule heard Hie army awear In Flanwere an artist I could better express improved upon tremendously ; more automatic: maders and It heara It awcur In the the bright nzure of the sky, the deeptarIt always has been the chinery will he devised, and arlicles of comfort and er blue of the sparkling ocean rippling get for profaully, and It bua done loyal luxury will lie produced in enormous numbers at such with waves, the wonderservice as the soldiers' safety valve. ful clearness of the atmosphere, and a email rost that all classes will Is ble to enjoy the the glorious sunlight gilding everyThe Brute. . lieneflta of them. until the commonest objects A certain Chicago married man who thing These are some of til inventions which the world were endowed with a charm hitherto boasts to the boya that hla wife never sits up for him slipped out for a cigar is awaiting which it is sure of seeing realized. Just unsuspected. unre-- f I had wakened tired and the other evening after supper, and how they will lie realized is what the inventors are failed to notice that hla wife had her reshed, and both Gabrielle and Elizanow to determine. beth looked rather pale and heavyparty gown. on. When be softly tipped working Into the house at 2 a. in. he waa eyed, so we decided to spend the day at home, and established ourselves slightly surprised to see a To my mind the most fascinating upon the veranda for one of the long, lady trip down the stairway, turn her back to him and tearfully say: question of sfHvulation right now is the lazy mornings in which we frequently There are two hooka 1 Just couldn't Indulged. future of Turkey. reach; won't you unfasten them so I Lady Edith Campbell soon Joined us, It appeals to me with especial force, fresh can go to bed?" and dainty In her pretty morning as I lin'd in the dominions of the sultan costume and simple hat, and we Fortunately he could and did. Chi. cago for a jieriod of five years, and am familiar greeted her with enthusiasm. Wilfrid has gone fishing. she reCredentials of a Converted Cannibal. with most phases of life in that old but marked. as she removed her hat, and A real Fiji man came Into WashWhat is going to as he means to be away all day, I shall country. conInternational attend the ington to missed. How very cozy you all happen in Turkey rests not with the Turks, not heand vention of the Seventh Hay Adventwhat a wonderful morning, look, ists. He waa armed with a club with but with the foreign powers. Russia, right is It not?" which his former chief In the South at the doors of the Sick Man of the East, If storms bring days like this) reSea Islands uaed to beat the life out marked Gabrtelle, from the hammock, the establishment of liberal frowns a also upon and of Ameriran missionaries, I shall not care how often they with a big dish, upon which the chief would reacto like see and a government, come. used to serve up incut from these wave that would overwhelm the tionary Oh, shall you not? replied Iady Club and diah missionaries' bones. I do not Edith, with a little shiver. were brought along as mute evidences Young Turks in ruin, (Sennanr, too (and hv this 1 mean the governLast I with believe you. agree night of the conversion of the FIJI chief, ment), is on the side of the deposed Abdul Humid, and nothing would was terrible even In the village; what who now heads the Seventh Pay Ad- suit Berlin better lliun to have him gel back upon the throne. England, It must have been In this exposed ventists' society In ttie South Sea is on the other the liund, Young Turks, at least with moral sup- place I cannot Imagine. 1 am always hacking Isles. " 1 is rather think this combi nation able to make a afraid of the wind, and then, too and so and France, port, Rochester's Social Centers. looked and She uncertainly paused Rochester. N. Y.. has maintained standoff as against Russia and Germany, so as lo allow the forces now in at us. for what are called "stH'lul centers" Such a dreadful thing happened! power to work out their own salvation. over a year. A number of the school the situation is ticklish, and a spark may set off a frightfnl ex- Do you care to hear hotel gossip? liul buildings are utilized as places of We hastened to assure her that we The Young Turks, be it remcmliored, are in no numerical mameeting for the people, without dis- plosion. loved all gossip, hotel or otherwise. tinction, to gather and discuss sub- jority; they are index'd a strong minority of educated and liberty-lovin-g And she resumed. jects of Interest to all. These gath- men, against whom may be precipitated a mass of ignorant and fanatical Well, last night Mrs. liundy, the erings are really clubs for the advan- Moslems. old lady who had the table next to fat The advantage with the Young Turks is that they represent tage of every verson who wishes to Durs, you know" enter them. The lighting, heating, lec- authority, and the common ople have an inheritexl nSHx-- for that. Who wore a diamond sunburst on tures, games and Janitor service have forefinger and headlights In her ler not exceeded a cost of 14 cents per tars," Interrupted Gabrielle. One of the kindest nets 1 ever knew a capita. And came to breakfast In a velvet man to perform was that done by Mr. reagown, with an emerald necklace, Figures of Popular Vote. Of course R. Mcls-anowner of the Washington supplemented Elizabeth. John The popular vote for presidential her. Did she die of we remember electors In 1KSR. the first year in a Tost, to liealcn, dispirited, apoplexy or anything?" which these reporrts were required I and pugilist. She was robbed. said Lady Edith by law. was 11,361406; in 1S92, when was 1SS2. in Mr. All her Jewels were taken, It Mel can In 1000, gravely. 1S!6. in 13.813.243; and they were very valuable. Poor was living in and in active con13,904,518: in 1904, 13.fi23.S19. and In old woman! Was It not dreadful? She 1908, 14.887,133, or about one vote for trol of the Enquirer. The whole nation Is In a state of hysterical rollapse every six iiermuis. had Ihh11 in n state of excitement over the this morning, and who can wonder?" Naval Accidents Costly Things. Robbed!" I exclaimed, incredu-loul- y. outcome of the tight heiwt'c-- John L. u Accidents at sea are costly. Damand Iaddy Ryan at Mississippi city. ages to the amount of over $128,000 Yes, robbed. It makes one very were claimed by the owners of the The talent thought Ryan would annihilate uncomfortable, does it not? They say St. Paul, In eolllson with which the the l'oslon hoy, but the smart men were it is the work of an exjiert, and have Itrltsh (Radiator was sunk last year. the matter into the hand of the wrong, and ioor Faddy's star went down put The Ilrltfsh admiralty registrar awardpolice, hoping to recover the jewels." sn permanent eclipse, ed about $9.i,790. lie had bandy enough money to get hack to CinWhom do they suspect? I do not know;" she hesitated a and was in n most deplorable condition in the town where he had cinnati, Running for Cars. You moment, then resumed quietly: several weeks encounter. the lion been a There for is not on preceding thil see, the hotel was crowded last night One of the dangers which civilization has brought in 11s wake is that terrestrial globe such an utterly 'dead one as the beaten knight of the with strangers on Ihe of running to catch trains and rnrs. llstic defeat means for him not the ordinary humiliation of failure, Island, and It will be difficult to form arena; Running Is dangerous to every one an opinion. Mrs. Bundy was alarmed not accustomed to It, physicians say, but the desertion of the multitude. Everyone turns his backfon him. It at the storm, and sent most of the of bis forlorn state, nnd that he was penniless And to any one whose heart la not was so with Ryan. Hearing night In her daughter's room. It is sound It may prove futal. Cases In to boot, Mr. Mclican dispatched a trusty aid to the dcjivtcd in then, or one, bearing a probable the thief got which men have run for trains and when she was at dinner." was what more of to the and, cheer, roll ;i of bi purpose, then sank exhausted into their scats, message nut." objected Elizabeth, It must never to rise nguln, are by no means amounting to $300 in good American money. The fallen idol of the riiic have been some one who knew she Women are not likely had no claim infrequent. upon the donor it was simply an aet of true goodness and had them. It could not have been a (o run for rare us men do, but they huinunitr. stranger." are often templed to hurry to an exOne ran never tell." said Lady tent that la by no means beneficial. THE Iievt era uni mark tin inw-iiiiiii- i nm--t - 1 SMUGGLER - r inven-lioii- iuclu-aiv- ator-ag- Edith. thoughtfully. "Rut I rontons it ' After lunch Elisabeth declared her has mads me nervous. I did not bring Intention of going down the cellar what it was like, saying that it many Jewels, fortunately, but I have ruy mother's jiearls and a few other made her very uncomfortable not to trinkets 1 would not rare to lose, ar.d know what she lived over; bu( she I do not know what to do with thei-.iimmediately, with a most diseir.ee it appears unsafe to trust things gusted expression. 'n one's room, even if they are ar"Mary Anne is scrubbing." she anil rely put sway. Mrs. liundy Insisted nounced, and the whole place Is as that she locked up her emeralds with wet as the ocan. I'll have to wait her own hands, and had thr key on a until Just now I would riti1' around her neck. need a boat. Klad we left when we did." I "What's the use of bothering?" ind as she paused. rem Not that quired Gabrielle, placidly. It would I am burdened with jewels, but it not worry me if I never explored the must be awfully unpleasant. cellar. Just so 1 know it's there, I It Is, she agreed; one la Inclined don't care what it looks like." to look suspiciously at one's neighbors, 'Well, 1 do." returned Elizabeth, not to mention servants. As for me. I and I'm going down there the first have put ray treasures In this box and thing In the morning, if I don't forcarried It with me everywhere this get it." morning. I would not even trust my "Suppose we walk down tn the maid, who has been with me for years. wharf In the village." suggested Ijutv I do not know what In the world to do Edith, and meet Wilfrid. We with them, and am more than half In- induce him to take us for a sail. might clined to dig a hole and bury them But I still felt very Indolent and deep and safe. f preferred the hammock, with Its many She gave a vexed little laugh as she pillows and cool breeze, to the long, spoke, aud raised a box wr&piied In hot walk to the village, so the other white paper which she held on her three started cheerfully off. leaving lap. and which had appeared to con- me to my own devices. tain bonbons. For a while I swung idly to and fro, I'll tell you, said Elizabeth. Im- watching the dancing water and adLeave them here. There miring the effect of the sunlight on pulsively. is a little Iron safe under the china the occasional sail which ventured closet In the dining room. I cant around the point from the island col Imagine why It was put there, for It ony on the other aide. was thinking is not big enough to hold much silver, In a desultory way of poor Mrs. Bundy even if we hod anything but the most and her lost emeralds, and of Lady obvious plate; but it possesses two Edith and her mother's pearls, and padlocks, and you could lock It and wishing she had opened the box and keep the keys. shown them to us before locking them Do you really mean it?" said Lady away, when I heard a step upon the Edith, incredulously. gravel path, and Gordon Bennett lifted "Yes why not? Im sure we won't his cap and smiled amicably upon me be pursued for our valuables, and, if as though he were quite in the habit you will take all responsibility for leav- of paying us dally visits. I noticed then what white teeth ing them, you are more than welcome to the exclusive use of the safe isn't and how he smiled with his eyes as woll as his lips, but this is an unimshe, girls? Of course we agreed willingly, and portant digression. 1 were quite repaid by the look of relief aX)logize for coming so often."' in her big brown eyes and the pretty, he remarked, appropriating a comeager manner with which she endeav- fortable chair. My excuse is that ored to express her gratitude. wish to return your property, l for Let us put them away at once and got It yesterday." He drew Gabrlelle's hag from his get them off our minds, suggested Gabrtelle, springing from the ham- pocket as he sixike, and regarded it afmock and leading the way to the din- fectionately. At last, he continued. I suppose ing room. So we opened the door which it belongs to one of you; I found It on looked like an ordinary wooden panel the steamer coming up, you know, just below the corner closet and disclosed where you had been sitting." e - c 1 Moving-pictur- h living-pictu- re Kliso-Miurl- i-ii r hitii-tinixli- ig - clcH-mlin- s lii-- I lniru-iluri-- elee-tricil- y, - qiieer-Hi'tln- g Swc-dei- auton.-obll- Seii-nlh- . bliu-k- . t liasi-men- ii.-- c- t hlm-ding- . - iis-c-iivc- . 1 : he-ha- 1 I - to-da- y. elreiitn-stunce- s I'lill-Ipplne- a. , dead-brok- of down-and-o- e, ut ('iiu-iniial- i JSnlli-va- sioriu-houn- please?" Why. dewy-eye- d t of There was a twinkle in his eye which made me hotly resentful, al though I tried lo preserve a cool' and Indifferent manner, Would you really like to know? Pining to tie told; I have lost val uable sleep trying to work it out." "Well, we thought you were crazy.' white-cappe- d crcr-intcrcsti- ng our ownership 1 life-givin-g a-- r Record-Herald- acknowledged the uroperty. and extended iny hand for It. but he held It thoughtfully, as though unwilling to relinquish it. "Would ion mind," he Bald at last, with some hesitation, telling me why when started to bring you this bag that night on the steamer, you al! turned and fled as though I had been a carnivorous animal?" For Awhile I 8wung Idly To and Fro. the little iron safe with Its two padlocks both so rusty from disuse that It took all the strength I possessed to turn the keys. There!" I remarked, handing them tn Edith and closing the outer wooden door. Now you can rest In peace." dy You have removed an Incubus from my shoulders. she said, with a quick display of dimples, and I am more grateful than I can express. I should not have had an easy minute after Mrs. Bundy's experience, although I am Inclined to believe it was one of the strange men who spent the night here, rather than a guest or servant of the hotel. I would rather think so. And do you know, she continued, thoughtfully, my maid says that several of these men left very early, without waiting for breakfast as soon as it was light, in fact. That in Itself seems suspicious, under the circurn-staneebut then, as I said, every one Is inclined to suspect every one else, and It is all very horrid and uncomfortable. Now. do let us go outside again, and not waste this glorious day." We had a delightful morning, for our guest was even more .charming than usual. There was a subdued exhilaration In her manner, and an exuberance of spirit we hnd never seen before; her cheeks were softly pink, ami her eyes shone, as she chatted merrily of various things after the fashion of girts the world over. In her sottened mood, with the grande dame manner laid aside, she was quite irresistible, and I found myself wondering why her left hand bore neither wedding nor engagement ring, and whether she aa well as her brother had an unhappy romance to be lived down and forgotten. She did not., however, convey the impression of a lovelorn damsel, for a more radiant creature I have never seen. By the time lunch was over we felt as though we had known her always. and were planning a summer abroad, part of which was to be spent at her faihcrs castle In Scotland. I hope," she added, that Wilfrid will have quite recovered his poise before you come over, and you ran see him as he really is such a dear fellow! And then, who knows what might happen? One of you might he induced to stay in the old world, for we have many friends, and American gills are very popular, you know. His voice wag genuinely astonished and I plunged at once Into an explana tion I hcqied would be satisfactory. You see. It was those chairs you threw overboard. It waa such an extraordinary thing to do. And Gabrielle said you muttered when you did it." Is that all? relief and amusement struggled for supremacy in his voice and I felt myself flashing uncom fortably. I think it's quite enough," I reNo men in their turned, irritably. senses go around throwing chairs over board. And is that why I got the cold shoulder when I called? Mr. Gordon Bennett laughed then as he haa never dared laugh since when referring to that subject, for we don't like to talk about it, as It makes us appear rather foolish. I TO r.K CONTINUED.) ASKED TO WATCH FOR HUBBY. Cleveland Woman Thinks That quest Was the Limit. Re- "I don't rare what anybody asks me now, remarked the woman with the heavily upholstered velvet jacket. I'll be prepared now fur anything. Nothing would surprise me. Not after what the woman across the hall asked me ypsterday. It was after five o'clock, and I was busy getting dinner, for my husband is usually home by six. I guess the woman across the hall must have been figuring on having her dinner ready just on time, too. She knocked at the door, nnd when I asked her to come out to the kitchen she says: O, no, I haven't time to stop only a moment. I just wanted to ask you If you would look out of your window and let me know when my husband gets off the car and then tell me so I can hurry my supper on the table. He's always in such a hurry when he gets home. You'll watch out for him, won't you. dear? You know I can't see the car from our flat. And she was gone before I had time to catch my breath. I can see myself sitting at the window and watching for her husband. The Idea!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Man the Driver. admit that any woman ran drive better than he can. Even the woman who dances on the back of a horse at the circus doesn't know ns much shout horses os he does. The only reason he can't dance on the back of a horse is that he can't dance; It isn't the back of the horse that ruts any figure. The man who drives with n woman, and lets the woman drive, should have one of these two signs tacked to him If he wants to keep the respect of other men: "I ain Ir. love." or "I have rheumatism in my No man will ever lingers." Atchison Globe. |