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Show IJBIMRV rmvjrt:nsirrnf .. .. r ; VOL 2. NO 9 Ill !. MILFORD. BEAVER COUNTY. UTAH. FRIDAY JULY 9. 1909 OdA WAS A GLORIOUS Ftllstrt hstatt Dfficri. Cupid Helps lick Harvest $2.00 3EA. r (r Luther Hardy of this city and Miss Last Saturday night Milford Lodge ' LOCAL AND PERSONAL D0IN6S Alisa Banka of Mineraville were unit- No. 42, I. 0. 0. F. held its semi-anBEAVER COUNTY MINES AND MINING ed in the holy bonds of wedlock at nual installation of officers and after JJELEBRATION the installation Bee our line of calendar samples. the home of the brides paten's in services an elaborate Mluersville on Wednesday, Jime 7th. ' banquet was served by the Rebekahs. They are better. Lion, Interesting Mining News QathereJ from he Various The groom is one of Milfords up-Rebekahs had Despite the Gentle Zephyrs which During the day the Geo. II. Williams haa been quit right and popular young men, and gathered at the hall and tastily sick for the past week. SICining Districts of Beaver County. Prevailed Throughout the the bride is one ot the highly esteemdecorated the room with the lodge Pay your subscription to the News ed and accomplished yonng ladies of colors which had a moat pleasing Day it was a Gala Day our neighboring town. A large circle effect. About ten oclock that even- now and get a set of those knives. There is but little doing In the'min- - was allowed for 17.5 per cent copper, in Milford ing the Odd Fellows had finished the Dr. Burton was called to Frisco of friends of the young couple join in work of installation and the Rebek- yesterday on professional business. ounces silver and 2 gold. extending to them a pit semna and Ing line this week as most of the 4 on closed down for see ahs four well scene the of on matriwith voyage car lot which should run altout other the happy days appeared The celebration in Milford this year Prof. O. 8. Bartln was down from mony. men might celebrate the the same in metals will lie on the that the tilled baskets of all the delicacies on the 4tb and 6th haa marked an known to the culinary art and pro- Frisco to spend the Fourth in Milford. A couple of matrimonial events Fourth. However, it wiH only be a market in a few days. The Beaver epoch in the history of this grand and ceeded to and A son to waa the we failed to get for last weeks day or two until work is going on in Combination, in the same district, is bom heir and Mr, which arrange elegant spread. prosperous little city that will long be There waa said to have the Red Warrior vein in served that the Mrs. Ed Hart Monday morning July paper were the marriages of Arthur the same old way at all properties. everything remembered by those who were of man could desire and this 6th. its shaft, hut it has not the Red War-to- r heart of Milford and Miss B. Hardy Emma a Smithson has J. lease secnml fortunate enough to participate in was finished off with a liberal supply values. of Mineraville; and Everett on the Elephant projierty in the St a: the event of the day, On Sunday of Havanas for the Rings Little Liver Pills email, Davis', DurThe Allison Miss and gentlemen. Della question of concentration proBanks of district and expect to begin operaand easy to take. Bold by there was a ball game between Milcesses is beginning to interest the ofa number of choice pleasant the The Mineraville. ing evening occurceremonies tions at once. there is The Milford Pharmacy. ford and Calient, which resulted in Elephant selections were rendered on the organ, red ai Mineraville on Wednesday, a good property and haa been a pro- ficials in charge of the Beaver Cara victory for the home guards by a full A of D. underwear line B, V, with a few recitals by some June Sith at the homes of the respec- ducer for some time past. Jack in- bonate mine at Frisco. There seems soore of 10 to 20. ' The fourth being together of the young ladies. All the. newly and Pajamas at Milfords most popu- tive brides. All the parties are well tends to put on sufficient force to do to be no limit to the body of mill ore Sunday there was little doing aside elected officers of the Odd Fellows as lar store. 8. D Atkin. to known the peopie of this city and some extensive mining and will no entered in the TOO foot, level. No from the ball game, but for a few well as those of Rebehaha were the bald in are Mrs. this left DeFord and family highest esteem by every- doubt be shipping ore within the next matter where they drift the miners hours the people were entertained by called find ore in front of them. The shoot Toastmaster E. C. week for Provo, where they will one. upon by few weeks. a very pretty display of fireworks by found and to make short talks Davis Ben and Miss Clistie Pendleoriginally liy the northeast make their future home. the Japanese portion of the popula- Baxter, Mines. in a most pleashas been crosscut for 55 feet lewkstiu drift Paro-wa- n left ton everyone responded for yesterday morning tion. Mrs. Geo. Hardy went to Minera-vill- e manner. The officers Installed Mr. Samuel Newhouse, president of without disclosing its limits and drifts where will ing be united in they the As the sun made it appearance for Wednesday to attend the wedterm were: the holy bonds of wedlock. Both parties the Newhouse Mines A Smelters Cor- east and weat from the crosscut have over the eastern mountains on the P. G. ensuing of her son Luther. ding A. M. Roms are quite well known in this city, Mr. poration, has returned to New York gone 15 and 30 feet respectively with morning of the 6th the real events of N. Q. J. W. Ball Mias Agnes Watkins came down Davis having been employed as meat after an absence of several mouths in their faces in ore all the way. This n the day began by a salute of from Frisco Saturday to spend the cotter for B. D. Atkin for several Salt Lake City, and in a few days great mass of ore is from 5 to 9 r V. C. J. A. Collins guns. From that time until 9 Sec. W. L. Elawick Fourth and visit a couple of days with months and later having purchased promises to comment upon conditions cent lead with as many ounces of oclock there was a continuous firing Treas. W. D. Williams friends. the Baxter restaurant. Miss Pendle- down at his companys plant and silver in its comKisition. After raisof explosives and those who were Conductor F. E. Willard ton is one of Parowans charming properties in southern Utah. Mr. ing for 150 feet in the high grade shoot D. B. stands V. Pretty hot, alnt itf disposed to peacefully slumber were A. M. Carter Warden for coolness and comfort in under- young ladies and is popular with Newhouse arrives with very gratify- near the footwall the miners are still forced to arise and Join in the celeThe many friends of the ing reports concerning the result of getting goikd values. A. N. Stoddard That the purChaplain wear. We have a fine line 'of it. S. everyone. bration of the nations birthday. young couple extend best- wishes. ot a concentrating mills is fully chase R. B. to N. G. J..H. Hedges the trials the Fink latest at furnace, Atkin D. At 9 oclock the grand parade was L. 8. to N. Geo. H. Williams Yon oan get the best bread at the and it is quite generally assumed that' justified by the present showing is formed, and while the merchants For Rent: Furnished house in de Milford Bakery. Bread is baked fresh as soon as he is convinced of the eff- nonended by all competent oliservers. R. S. to V. G. Geo. Edelman failed to respond to the call for float slrable part of city. Three rooms, every day and you can get it at the iciency of the method, ground will lie Tim Indian (iuen tunnel is in INJH L. B. to V. G. Chat. Baxter for this occasion the parade went oil bakery or at the tores which handle broken for the installation of a bat- feet, and is breaking its way at Mm I. G. Oscar Potter city water and other conveniences. It. smoothly and the goddess of liberty News office. Inquire at O. G. John Forgie tery of Fink furnaces at Newhouse. rate of about 8 feet a day. The King float and the thirteen original states For Bale A new residence, modern Mr. Newhouse R. 8. S. R. A. Hampton uses Milford begged that he be ex- David, another Frisco district Bakery In Everybody float were certainly the work of art. L. lot 60x116 besutl way, every feet, has Its shaft down 4 JO feel anJ Dan 8. cused from comment upon further ,8. Ferguson bread, because it is the best, and our After the parade the citizens and vislocated on Btoddard St. 91276. matters Is fully on the 2tHl and 300 levels. to the drifting and relating cakes are unequalled. Try reorganization pies itors gathered at the opera house to M M sl tk flirt. J. W. Ball, Frisco, Utah. of the Newhouse Mines & Smellers them be convinced. and listen to the rendition of the excellent All over the country war is being We have just made arrangements Corporation, which are now in the ManZan is good for any kind of program which had been arranged waged against the house fly. The Among the visitors from Frisco on whereby can give the B a er handa of the committee on reorgani- Piles. It Mttqi Inflammation, creates for the occasion. This program con- time is coming when this pest will the Fourth we noticed the smiling Oountv Vjvs .w and McCalls MagAii he entertains no a normal circulation, thus reducing for 2.00. Subscribe now zation, although sisted of patriotic songs by the choir, exist only In memory: It is only in face of W. D. James, 0. G. Wood- foro'f7 the doubt productiveness the Piles, and heals the part affected. concerning of offer. this 'subage and the singing could not be- surpass- recent years It haa been discovered bury, and numerous others. of the undertaking ip soon as present ManZan may be conveniently and who has juatdis-posed'o- f embarrassment iXill have been reed, the reading of the Declaration of that the fly is productive of moe Morg Rtoddard applied as t.he tube in which yeumed frpm the ;j7jranyV; g his business interest at Lot moved. MeanwhBk, the privilege of easily "hdeprcdence by Bon. Wm. deaths from contagious' diseases pi Dixie he where is it country Friday up has a small, patent nozel put was most Interesting and the the United States than any other has been for the past few months Vegas, arrived in Milford the first of paying the aaaeasient into the hands attached. Bold by Milford Pharmacy. reader put feeling and patriotism in medium. The fly is a common carthe week and is visiting with his of a trustee will have expired on July on the telephone line. mother-in-lathe reading. The address by Hon. rier of disease. It breeds in filth, working Mrs. D. C. Reed. Mr. 1. It is understood that the Are you interested in California, majority You can get a set of knivea free, Irwin McNiece proved our statement revels in filth and carries contaminaon and Old Mexico, if so, it enroute a Arizona tour of of those whose interest are involved Harrington it true that he waa the silver tongued tion wherever it goes. To anihilate consisting of one bread, one cake and Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. be wise to write for full inforwould have subscribed to the plan of reormation about the shortest line and orator of Southern Utah, and his ad' the pest means that a thorough sys- one pearing knife, by paying a years 1 a share, the best service from your mint to F. J. Alexander, representing the ganization and deposited dress was one of the best ever listen- tem of sanitation must be adopted. subscription to the News. Do it now as required under the agreement. The those sections via the BALT LAKH Alexander be will company Optical Wm. McHale, the prospector poet ed to in this section of the state and The insect breeds in manure piles, in in Milford about July 17th, any one committee on reorganization itself ex- ROUTE, Usaas most popular road. waa gramatlcally and oritorically garbage heaps, in privy vaults. These came down from Frisco last night having any trouble with their eyes pressed the belief that practically all services at First Church of peerless. breeding places are easily destroyed. and left on the evening train for Balt and wishing the services of tikis com- of the shareholders will consent to Sunday of Milford are held as Scientist Christ The afternoon program was carried Kerosene oil sprinkled on manure Lake to look after a big mining deal. will Mr. the plan before the expiration of the follows: leave word with pany please Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. onttotbe letter, with the exception heaps and garbage will remove one Banders Cos limit in which to put up the assess- morning service at 11 oclock, evenEncampment No. 9, I. 0. Ira Wilden at DeWolfe-McKa- y of the balloon ascension, the drilling source of danger. Screened doors O. F. will hold installation of officers store and they will be called upon. ment. contest and sufficient band music. and windows will prevent the insect next ing services at 8 oclock. Wednesday which time all at Monday night to home the fact that the ball The ball game between the Owing evening experience meeting at 8 from infesting any premises. Utmost members are requested to be present, Beaver Ciuntj Mini Prisparicg on waa team the afternoon the oclock. of Caliente Fifth and the game guarus cleanliness must everywhere prevail. Very conservative is the report won by our own war horses by a Sticky paper will help along with the The stone for the erection of the occupied considerable time it waa imout by E. P. Jennings, the Balt The News has just made arrangeCo. warehouse is possible to give the childrens dance given score of IS to 14 and the visiting fans work of annihilation. To make the DeWolfe-McKa- y who examined t he Cactus ment whereby wo will give to all Lake expert were satisfied that they were not fast latter cheaply the Kansas state board now being hauled in and work on the which was to have occurred ' at four arrears to tills mine recently for the Newhouse ubcrilHr paying up of health Is having the following re- building will be commenced in a short oclock. Therefore the committee in Mines A Smelters bondholders, and paper, and to all new subscribers payenough for the home tigers. ing in advance, an elegant set of The grand display of fireworks in ceipt published in all the newspapers time. charge of the celebration is arranging still Mr. estimates the an- kitchen knives consisting ot one Jennings witthis to in some ever dance afternoon finest was the give the evening in Kansas: Take two pounds of resin Irwin McNiece enjoyed a pleasant cake knire and one nual profit on copper at bread knife, oneYon cannot afford to nessed in Southern Utah and was and one pint of castor oil, boil togeth- visit from his brother R. 8. McNiece the near future. The date for this knife. paring He ton. a cents 90 or about 1319,600, miss this great opportunity to secure fully appreciated by everyone, while er until It is well mixed, pour off in of Balt Lake, and his cousin Ben dance will be announced later. gives the tonnage of ora in sight at a kitchen set absolutely free. the free dance at the opera house an bucket, take an or- Carey from Ohio, who arrived last One of the men who was employed 1,127,003; partly exposed by surface was a most enjoyable affair. dinary paint brush and smear while week and spent the Fourth in Milford. on the erection of the temporary outcrop, 1,000,000; partly developed, The surest and easiest way to cure Of course a Fourth pf July oelebra hot on any kind of paper an old lunch room at the depot the first of 1,000,000; total 3,127,003 tons. The a cough or cold is by gently and freeTwenty-fou- r special trains carrying tion would not be complete without a newspaper is good and place several the week met with an accident metal content is from 1.8 to 2 per cent. ly moving the Imwels. Bees Laxafew "scraps and a few "kicks at about the room. A dozen of these the Elk delegates to the national con- which resulted in a broken arm. He tive Cough Kyrup is pleasant, stops Mining, milling and marketing costs, the committee, and this occasion was may be put in a room at a cost of one vention at Los Angeles, passed was working on the roof when in he the coughing and quickly relieves the places at 11.39 cents a pound. co igcstiou and by no exception to the rule. Ho less cent. It never loses its strength, does through Milford last night and this some way he lost his fell The Cave mine in the Star district, cold by allaying footing and than fifteen fistic battles were pulled not deteriorate, and can be kept in morning. Most of the trains stopped to the floor. The fracture waa re- Beaver county, included a good grade pleasantly and promptly moving tint off during the celebration, and every- an ordinary fruit Jar or open mouthed here for lunch. duced by Dr. Burton and the fellow of copper ora in its last carload. It bowels. Hold by Milford Pharmacy. body had a kick coming at the com' bucket and heated when needed. a will be all right again in a short time now Milford boast of having mlttee. Make your own sticky fly paper. knife rack and for ten cent you can While oiling the shafting at the Altogether the celebration was the Buying the prepared article sold in get three rings which you are at shops of Tuesday, Wm. Forgie had the best ever held in Milford, with stores is too expensive. liberty to toss at the knives and if misfortune to get his glove incifew of a caught in course, the exception yon make a ringer the knife is yours. the belts which caused him to be A! Hm dents which bordered on a real frost. hi Tkuler Its great, try it. burled to the floor with such force The Rex Theater has secured the Mckahi Officers IsstilW bf several of his teeth were knock that Mrs. Ed. a services of Mr. Westenfeld, who is an Bardsley gave birthday Mispah Rebekah Lodge No. IS in accomplished musician, and who will party yesterday afternoon In honor of ed out and his face was badly scratchstalled newly elected officers at famish the music for the theater her three year old daughter Maxine, ed up. Billy says that his face doesn't the meeting last Friday night. No every evening. An entire change of A number of the little friends of the feel very good but that as soon as special program was carried out on program will be given tonight, which hostess were present and a most en- he get another bunch of teeth l.e will be all right. this occasion but a pleasant and soci- is as follows: joyable time was had by all. able time was had by the members, 1. Mary Jane's Lovers. Ben Davis sold his restaurant and It is stated that anew schedule of lunch The following officers were duly inThe Colored Stenographer. counter to Ab Tanner the first for par-- 1 Bong: "You Own My Heart time for the mail trains will go into of the week and the latter took stalled for the ensuing term: Ice poseffect Madeline. the about If the fifteenth. Forever, N. G. Carrie Grimes Lost New Years Dinner. schedule as now outlined goes into session of same Wednesday morning. V. G. Mabel Beard ties any time Bong: "The Bwellest Thing On effect the mail from the east will ar- Mr. Tanner states that it is his inten- 1 Baxter Ada Bee. Earth rive here at 6 p. m. instead of 9:20 tion to give the best service and to it Treas. Anna McCarrell Suffragiates Dream supply his patrons with all the delicaa. m. Coffee Plantation. R. B. N, G. E. C. Baxter cies the market affords. Short orders Chaidain Ellen Els wick All persons having claims against A man who just came np from Los and regular meal will be served from Wanton F. E. Willard the Fourth of July committee are re- Vegas stated to the News that since 6 oclock a. m. until 10 oclock p. m. I. G. A. M. Carter quested to present same to the treas- he had spent a few days at Vegas he and sjiaoial attention will be given to Now is the Urns to begin making urer, Chesley Barton, at the State bad decided to join church as he was private dinner parties. preparations for tbs celsbrstion of Bank of Beaver county, within the fully oonvinoed that hell would be At Iht Aiuftcnest Theater the 24th. This is the day set apart negt week. It is the desire of the too hot for him, And ws agree with as so latter the the far to tribute state to the gentleman make a statement of pay legislature An entire change of program will pommittM by to the sturdy pioneers who crossed the rsosipt and disbursement of th ptri of his statement is concerned. be put on at the Amusement Theater the plains in 49 and settled In the celebration in next week's paper and S, J. Walkor returned from Los tonight and will ooiu 1st of the followvalleys and bills of this great com in order to do so It is necessary to Vegas last night where he had been ing subject: monwealth. Then let us of Milford have all bills in and paid. I. Dieppe Circuit. for a few days visiting with his Fourth of July Commlttr. 9. Bong: "Bv the Old Oaken Buckappropriately observe and celebrate daughter, Mrs. MoDevltt. Mr. Walker E. F. MISCH, Psom. tbs day. ays that all the Milfordlana who are et, Louise. is good for carbolisad Pinesalve, Are in Business For Your Health." "We Remember. 8. The Curse of Drink. All persons indebted to the Bhauntie burns. It the pores, draws now located at Vegas are getting penetrates 4. Jewel of UTAH a Servant. well Cash Rtore prior to April 17th are re' out inflammation, and is healing. It along nicely and enjoying life a TELEPHOPE 37.2 6. bruisas is extreme sores settle also and for Bail, and Bong: store the the cote, to call at good "Play poesible considering quested es. Bold by Milford Pharmacy. 9. Curious Mr. Curio. warmth of the country. at once. J. II. Lightner. ! -, J I 1 4 2 I 1 . . forty-seve- n-- - pros-(met- -, ' . Arra-4ron- . 13-ce- nt open-mouthe- d CREAM! PACKERS i DERSONS Cream desiring 1 can at a late hour or at I order same and have packed and delivered One Quart for Two Four IlMlfovb t I $0.60 1.00 1.75 pbramaev j MILFORD, : |