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Show WHAT NATURE STUDIES. By Horatio Winslow by Daily Story Pub. Co.) Ae for me I have no theories about (Copyright, vsb it whatever, for though I am a medical student such a thing as the death d d Leave Jt to Him. Wichita man was fussing because of his aching teeth. Why don't you go to a dentist? aBked one of his A friends. "Oh, I haven't got the nerve, was the reply. Never mind that, replied the friend, the dentist will find the nerve all right Kansas City Jorunal. Serial No. 701. When Uncle Sam went nut after fake drug! and patent medicine. Dr. .Mitchells Eye calve with never a change in formula or label at once registered and received Serial No. 701. The influence of Dr. Mitchell' Eye Salve liaa ever up read through honest merit. Unfailing cure for sore, weak and inflamed even, i'rics 25 cents. A Simple Problem. Teacher Don't know the sixth commandment? Now listen: If a man came tip to me with a revolver and shot and killed me, what would It be? Johnnie (brightly) A holiday ma'am. Ita Cause. Ellas new dress Is in shocking taste. "Possibly on account of its color. "How Is that? You know, It Is electric blue. Shake Into Your Shorn a powder for your feet It cures painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makes new shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 2Sc. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Allen's Foot-Eas- e, The Spice of Life. Ashley Do you have much variety in your boarding house? Seymour Well, we hare three different names for the meals. A household once supplied with Hamlin Wizard Oil i seldom allowed to be without it. In case of sudden mishap or accident Wizard Oil takes the place of the family doctor. Are you supplied? Save the Babies. Superfluoue Seemingly Question as to Happenings at Cabinet Meeting. Reporter's The White Arm The Fhunnibeak Bird Hello, wlio are you? The Other Bird Don't you know me? Why, I'm "The harp that once through Tara'a Halle. The Phunnibeak Bird (shortly) Oh, tut; tut! You're a lyre! Tbat'a what you are. An Anatomical Wonder. Senator Beveridge was criticising the ludicrous speeches of a certain upright but congressman. He does make queer blunders, doesn't he? said Senator Beveridge. Have you heard about his latest? Well, it seems that a constituent, visiting him recently, complained of the Bhabbiness of a pair of crash trousers that he had on. A man of your position, said the constituent, reproachfully, ''ought to wear handsomer trousers than those.' The congressman, offended, answered reproachfully: My trousers may be shabby, but they cover a warm and honest heart' WERE THEY THERE FOR of Anje lies out of our province; we deal only with things observed and noted down and approved. So if I tell the events as I saw them that is all that ran be expected, fur I am ueiiher a theory spinner nor a student of psychical research. It began in the laboratories when Thompson called me in to the end room which we used for topographical anatomy and where sometimes the cadavers lie for a day or so before they are disturbed. "I have an Idea," said Thompson, for s practical Joke on Anje. You know bow Anje has always set himr self up as a among the ladies?" "Yes." And how he has told of his conquests until everyone of us Is sick of them and him? Wen, this la the joke. He threw hack a cloth from the bench at his knees. For a good minute I stared at the body as if I had never seen a corpse before and for that matter 1 had never seen one like this. In our dissecting rooms we get the bodies black with preserving fluids and looking Iesa like modern belnga than Egyptian mummies. But this was as white aa a living body; whiter, for it was rather like marble. It was a girl, not such a bad looking girl in her time, with regular features and neither fat nor thin. And she lay on that bench aa if she were a piece of statuary fresh from the sculptor's hands. Suicide, Thompson said, but they took her out of the river soon after she Jumped in. What do you think of this new preserving process? Lord! I said. "It makes you think you are looking at a piece of statuary and that right arm is especially perfect." He broke In on my speech. I knew you would notice that right arm. Isn't it beautifully turned and chiseled? It is a masterpiece and with it we shall play a joke on Anje that will be a masterpiece. You know Anje has always been so infernally conceited about his love affairs and his strong stomach. Now this Is my idea. We will take the white arm and put It in Anje'a bed with the hand sticking out from the bed clothea. We will get Anje drunk and then we will let him go to bed and wake up and find the arm there and then while he is still dizzy reason things out for himself. Wont that hit him? There waa no opposition frupn me, for, like the rest, I was rather tick of Anje's love tales. Moreover 1 thought since be had been so melancholy and depressed for the past week or two an uncanny shock like this might wake him out of his brooding and make him cheerful again. A merry rad la very much more enjoyable than a sad one. And then the idea of Anje waking up in bed with tbs arm appealed to me. heart-breake- MORTALITY is something frightful. We can hardly realize that of INFANT children bom in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent, or nearly Postmaster General Meyer Is of a serious turn of wind, but be has a bit of buuior in his makeup, nevertheless. Being looked ujion as the shrewdest politician In the president's cabinet, he is the objective point for newsiwper correspondents on cabinet days. Xaist week as Mr. Meyer emerged from the White House a newspaper man asked: Mr. Postmaster General, can't you give us some news about the cabinet die before they reach ono year; thirtyseven per cent., or more before they are five, and one-ha- lf before they are fifteen! one-quart- er, than one-thir- d, that a timely use of Castoria would savo a majority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these We do not hositate to say infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for childrens complaints contain more or less opium, or In any quantity morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria operates exactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears the signature of Chas. E Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood. to circulate properly, opens the pores of the skin and allays fever. meetings? "There really is nothing to say, reWe displied the cabinet officer. cussed nothing of especial Importance. "Do you mean to say you did not discuss polities? the newspaper man queried. The postmaster general burst into laughter. When he recovered his usual serenity he said: Do you suppose we were all muscled Letters from Prominent Physicians r addressed to Chas. A JOB FOR TWO. What you fellers got in that box? officer. We're takln home Mamie Casey's hat wot she wore at de lawn party last night!" "Its all right, Force of Habit. In spite of the Impediment In his speech the fervent lover had nerved himself up to the point of a proposal. I he began, call you may I "Why. yes, ir you wish to, Mr. Chatter"Muin-Mum-Mau- uium-mum-iiia- " -ton Harry. That's Call me t. is my heart- - Can it Is! y. very WormsfouvulsionsJeverisk ness mid Loss Sleep. nun-nun-ne- what you tut-tut-te- ll you fftcS; my pAtbmonlks This is so sudden! The Kind You Have Always Bought The Marital Grasshopper. What is a grasshopper? The latest definition comes from western Australis. Domestic servants are almost unprocurable there, and wives have to do nearly an their own household work. The consequence is that they are compelled to recuperate at the seaside in summer. In their absence the husbands have to prepare their own meals and do domestic duty generally. Husbands so engaged have come to be No locally known aa grasshoppers. doubt the word is the husband of the more familiar "grass widow." London Chronicle. Exact Copy of Wrapper. InTNI Use For Over 30 vwm Years. aiNTMi Hanwr, n htv. muT. mi W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. No Romance About IL The stricken man constantly moaned (he name of the young woman who had jilted him. Tell her, he said to the medical man, that her cruelty killed me. Tell tier I am dying from a broken heart." The medical man shook his head. That would "Aw, go on," he said. be shamelessly unprofessional. Your heart's all right. It's your liver that's the trouble." 28-19- 09. Canton Plows the practical joke gathered headway and in due course of time it beat the A man can find more reasons for do- came known to everyone An Irish Bull. to is. bouse that everyone boarding as for wishes he as he than ing doing After Roches famous bird Boyle except Anje. ought. John Ruskln. Good Excuse. On the night on which it was to he comes the County Cork veterinary surBut, Egbert, you never used to perpetrated I took Anje up into my geon. At the last meeting of the cutting the grass. room and talked to him till eight rural council a member of mind I know, pa, but it's a whole lot o'clock, when Thompson came up and that body complained of the InattenBince you sharpened the lawn harder winked signifying that the arm waa tion of the official veterinary surgeon. in place. Whereupon the three of There was," the rural councillor ex- mower." ua sallied forth into the night. plained, a case of swine fever in this In the matters of conscience, first Aa the liquor rose In Anje he be- place recently, and, though the docThe Success Sulky Plow are best; in matters of pruthoughts tor came communicative but he remained got the order to go there, he Yon run make two mi.takra In bnylng dence are best. Versole. last thoughts Riding 1'low. One in to buy an Inferior unutterably sad and dreary. He waa never turned up until the following plow Iw.um It L offered cheap, and III no longer boasting of his conquests; Tuesday, and even then it was anTKRKY IIAVIS 1'AIMtll.I.KK i to buy a high priced riding plow oilier ha pMin mid inflamuiaiion 1mm when the SUCCESS, a medium pried Instead he was reproaching himself other man who came to represent drawn und iiiMrt bilNk KouilM'MincliiJIairKlIiftffiwIuliU-lwill do batter work. plow, because he had played too fast and him." liiguf KKHKjuito bile ttc, tto and Site bottle. loose with some woman. Successful Plowing The winner never has any fault to Now it's no use," he kept repeatAN OLD TIMER Can alway. be accompllxhed. under all find with the referee's decision. wiili the Success Plow. Has Had Experiences. ing. "It's too late. It's no use. She It n framelr plow that will lanl a lifemight hare given me a chance.' time. It ha the Mrs. Window'. Soothing Ayrup. hitch, the belt landleu. Hie .unt, reduce. to-And then aa he got drunker: She ing dic. the best rolling cutter, and the A woman who has used Postum For rhllilrra moliln., .of millo. wind care, KicnlwUia, best bottom erer put on Hiding Plow. didn't have any reason to do what since It came upon the market knows aMmOuo,dly pain, It ha only two lever, hut they glv the A doctor of divinity Bhould believe Hume range of adjustment a plow with she did. I treated her right. I never from experience the wisdom of usor four lever. H I heavier he three waa any worse than anybody else." ing Postum in place of coffee If one in the faith cure. inure material but fewer parts, and les ennipliraled, than oilier. And when he was still farther gone values health and a clear brain. She Kiuihhed with wide share for Alfalfa he repeated: "Ellen, Ellen, Ellen, as rays: Plowing, alien unb red. I it That' were a charm. why strong, simple and At the time Postum was first put though it durable. It distinctly different from any we Thompson became very much dis- on the market I was suffering from That' why rail it the Succoas." other sausage you ever tasted. Ak the funner who own one he know. nervous dyspepsia, and my physician gusted with him. Just try one can and it is sure to Years of Knowing How Ham67 "Whats the use? be said, drawing had repeatedly told me not to use e become a We can't get him decent- tea or coffee. me aside. necessity, to mered Into Every One of Them. Finally I decided to Writ for Beautifully Illustrated Pamph. be served at frequent intervale. ly under. Lets take him home the take his advice and try Postum. I lit No. 87 of InKMfNt to rrvrjf farmer, and way he is. a P. A O. Catalog, which ft ill bo mailed and got had It carefully package Libby Vienna free. So we shifted Anje into a cab and, prepared, finding it delicious to the just suits for breakfast, is once more back at the house, we taBte. So I continued its use and very PARLIN & OREKDORFF CO. Mgs fine for luncheon and satisfies at watched outside his door while he un- Boon its beneficial effects convinced Canton, Illinois. dinner or supper. Like all of Cmh Implement OhlrleCn.. fs.lt lake flty. CM. dressed. But there came no cry nor me of ita value, for I of well my Hurt on liniileinent 'o., Offrirn. 'tali. got fMrhfMd liMiitcninit Co.. Hit liiltlif. I tali word nor movement of surprise from nervousness and dyspepsia. Libbys Food Products it is carePtMkf Hirer riiipiriiirnt r.. Hurley. Malm. room. cooked and prepared, ready Anjes fully "My husband had been drinking cofAfter his light went out we heard fee all hia life until it bad affected in Libby Great him creeping into bed. the hia nerves and I persuaded White For Any Face or. Any Beard since him to shift terribly, a but waited little We longer in scientific to Postum. It was easy kitchen most cleanest, NO HONING STROIPLNG NO Anje made no Bound we climbed away to get him to make the change for the world. to our bedrooms. the Postum is so delicious. It cerAs to Anje's death, no doubt you tainly worked wonders for him. (tyier popular, have read in the papers the details We soon learned that Postum does Libby Pure Food are: of that very unsatisfactory affair; not exhilarate nor WORM) OVER KNOWN THE depress and does Cooked Oonned Beef how he was found the next morning; not stimulate, but honest-lPositively cured by and steadily how the detectives and the police PeerleemDrted Beef these Little Fills. strengthens the nerves and the EVERYONE SHOULD LEARN THE rummaged about the house and the stomach. Veal Loaf They 10 relieve neighborhood looking for clews; how (rum To make a long story Iykpepin, our enPRINCIPLES OF BOOKKEEPING ami Too Hearty Evaporated Milk all the suspects arrested proved their tire family continued to short, use Postum rema Eating, perfect RTPrybody tfinulri know how Acroiml in innocence completely. Baked Beane with satisfying results, as shown in neatly Umnd to! kept. Kwplmf IJtNik's' edy ior DiixincK, Kao-rIt us what know of two will teach But of 1(4 puir1. by Dwiplit Drowliii-aaonly unit Bad our fine condition of health and va Obow Chow .yuu all you neetl tu know. A fetmiilairri text In the Month, CoatTeat was that really killed Anje. have II noticed book thun a for imsure rather postpaid. twenty yearn. Mixed Pktklee ed Tongue. Tala In tha When Thompson and I on that Sun- provement in brain andunexpected nerve power. TOKIID LIVES. E. L DOW, 309 Hazel Ave., Chicago. Side, on knocked his first free for "How Write booklet, day morning Increased brain and nerve power They rcgalata Ilia Bowel. Purely VcfglUa door and then broke our way in, we to make Good Thing! to Eat". follow the use of Postum In SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. PRESCRIPTIONS dways or hail mndliliA u? saw him still lying in the bed, his at yow Insist on Libby Ifc'HrrilM place of coffee, sometimes in a very lbarbh face black from suffocation, his Com I iijrutvN. CuL. y'uur 6jBjptuift California Must Genuine manner. narked Bear a "There's Reason. grocers. twisted In agony and about Look In pkgs. for the famous little run TO.i M III.VFK KIIOK MFD. anti CO.,T. Signature hfs neck, clenching the throat with a vLnftl iirnw Jj.MINN.ft fr MoMolll book, "The Hoad to Wellvllle. of klkN'h rr Mi n. WoiMii and Cliiulwa. Libby, Ubby hatred sceinc'l to personify giip that Urvd a bitfl Moo' rut Hiwcialty. Ever read Ihr a burr Irftrrf A OMoago implacable, stretched the thumb and anrnr from time rime. Thrr arr genuine, true, aad In fur Ktairhimf fall af k.M. lingers of the white arm. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. DEFIANCE STARCH llUCfel JlUCDII. Interest. BE 30 So ALWAYS 35D0SLSrJ$CENTS ?" "Oh. Harry! CASTORIA Dears the of NEW YORK. ihsc1 Wuh-wuh-wi- ll Mo., says: Signature AcSinde Siftamrrjaf you. My you. GENUINE of that concerns "Why, no, Harry. Then I'll I w Apeifert Remedy rorComflp tion , Sour StonaduDlanhoa there "Thank you, Fletcher. II. "I have prescribed your Castoria In many cases and have alwaye found It an efllrlent and speedy remedy. Dr. E. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa says: I have prescribed your C toria In my practice for many years with great satisfaction to myself aaff benefit to my patients. Dr. Edward Fairish, of Brooklyn, N. Y says: 1 have used your Cha toria In my own household with good results, and have advised several patients to use it for its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm. Dr. J. B. Elliott, cf New York City, ears: "Having during the past six years prescribed your Castoria for infantile stomach disorders, I moot heartily commend Its use. The formula contains nothing delete riosa to the most delicate of children. Dr. C. G. Sprague, cf Omaha, Neb., aays: 'Tour Castoria Is an Ideal medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe 1L While I do not advocate the Indiscriminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria la aa. exception for conditions which arise In the care of children. Dr. J. A. Tarkcr, if Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria holds the esteem of the medical profession In a manner held by no other proprietary preparation. It Is a sure and reliable medicine for Infants and children. In fact. It Is the universal household remedy for Infantile ailments. Dr. IL F. Merrill, cf Augusta, Me., rays: "Castoria Is one of the very, finest and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In my opinion your Castoria has raved thousands from an early grave. I earn, furnish hundreds of testimonials from this locality aa to Its efficiency and merits. Dr. Norman IL Geer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "During the last twelve years I have frequently recommended your Castoria as ono of the bat preparations of the kind, being safe In the hands of parents and very affective in relieving children's disorders, while the ease with which suehl a pleasant preparation can be administered Is a great advantage. Sr. A. F. Peeler, of 8L Louis, Dun-manwa- y Food Products' 1 j . bt j Libby's I Vienna Sausage meal-tim- San. TOILET ANTISEPTIO NOTHINC LIKE IT FOR Paxtino cxc.l. any draoUm Tlir I Vito Trill! I toto I M in tlaanang. whoenmg mi removing tutor roa tha teeth, boride. d ail germ, of decay aad diieam which tooth preparation, cumot do. THE MOUTH Wuh dainiecta tha ad throat, purifie tha breath, aad kill, tha which collect ia the mouth, ceiniag .are bed teeth, bed breath, grippe, and ouich i TUP I Vito rVrC tol toO when mBamciL tired, and bum, may bo im relieved and (trengthcaed by Paxlina. Poxlioe will dedrny tha MBTADDLI wA I AllVIVI that cauie catoth, heal the im Bammatioo end Mop the dim huge. It i. a mm Kmedy ior uterine catarrh. Paxtine i. a harmlcw yet powerful germicide, duinf edeat ana deodorizer. Died in bathing it degroy. odor, end leave, tha body ontimplically clean. aw rOR SALE AT ONUS BTORES.BOC. OH POSTPAID BY MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET CO.. BOSTON. BIASS Down in the dumps drinkings from bad liver and constipation gel many a one, but there's a way oat Cascarets relieve and enrs and quickly. Take one feci ever so much better in tbs mording. over-eatin- to-nig- CAacarrt Me hoe week', treatment. AH clruggNu. Blggeatacller in tba world million boxu. a munctL I Kitohen g, pTifri uyi DAISY FLY KILLER aitwfi aad hlhd Mil fllM. MfftK etwaa.onwiweft( vi lent, cfiwft U4nllirHaB,tkM md ipl 1 1 or mm uvrt, will inial orlnJiirNMiytataa itmniitRM Am tiVH. Uftlldriftpft nr WYMNita eon ready-to-ser- ve SICK HEADACHE r. rf iMktldlNHk late y PARKER'S HAIR Dio-trr.- a, M. , fes-ture- s Fac-Simi- le t nr in i BALSAM Charms and bewetiffcs 0m hi IrnniuW a laaunsid pwft Venr toFails to AsstoroGoto Ony Ito TothAl Hair Cam mup diwsm ft aaw tafia ftk.snd ti ft'sv PwifUsi ASSAYS lw K KKLltm I'KIIMFT Gold .ftr: tviM I and Copper. 11 AO. flnlrt and HiWer niallloitaokA. and bought. wiJfirfriM OUliKS MHAX CO.. IMtlwriVlMb I W HOWARD HiMM'iinevt i&r; 8ilvir, E. BURTON, Hilwer, lad( $): pniK:Pflr: Unld, 91. BValiisQ Cold, Zinc or loner, tm Hupllrstt llet w'nt ravplnppi and lull price and nniplra work Rollrlirt!, l.rsdffllk ('iiimlUefcreneo Cartxxiale JkalltAsl Bank. lob Thompsons Eye Water |