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Show AN ANCIENT RACE OUT DYING RP Veddahs of Ceylon Regarded ss resenting the Btons Age. BEAVER COUITT DIRECTORY District Judge Joshua Greenwood i. O. O. Lodge No. 42, I. District Attorney E. H. Ryan O. O. F. meets in Odd Fellow hall Clerk of Court Dennis White every Saturday evening at eight H. A. White Jr. oclock. Sojourning brothers corCounty Tree County Recorder Flizalieth Neilson dially invited. Sheriff W. J. Robinson Alex. Ross, N. G. A sure BrciiANA.it, Secy. Assessor J. S. Murdock M. II. Fennemore Attorney Encampment Saunders EncampHupt. of Schools R. H. Barton ment No. 9, I. O. O. F. meets the Commissioners Henry Hall, Miners-villsecond and fourth Monday evenSamuel lluoten.Beaver, W J. Burns, Milford ings of each month in Odd Fellow Juvenile Officer J. II. Barton hail at 8 oclock. Visiting Patriarchs welcome. MILFORD TOWN QFFIIALS J. W. Ball, C. P. The Board of Trustees meets ever C. Baxtkk, Scribe. E. 8 a oclock. Thursday evening President Ed Bardslcy D. of R. Mispah Rebekah Lodge No. Trustees W. J. Burns, W. H. '18, L O. O. F. meets in Odd fellow ChtslrBartuu George ' Fdeluiau. Lull. Visiting Kebekahs welcome. .r . Emma Howell. N Clerk R. II. Pitchforth Moore, Secy. Habby Marshal J. II. Hedges Engineer J. A. Ingula Aerie No.. 1295, Fra-- ' F. O. uli Justice of the Peace Bert Nichole . ' ternal Order of Eagles meets in Odd , Board of Health F. J- - Burton, ball Fellow every Wednesday evenand II. H. v J. C. Bowman 8 oclock. at 'Visiting Eagles ings ' ' .; Pitchforth welcome.' always ' School Board Jos. Hickman, W. Frank H. Gunks, W. IV i J. Bums, Wm. Armstrong Harry D. Toebhkn, Secy. F.-Mi- lford e, e, - - R.-V- health-officer- '. - THE - . The oldest Inhabitsnts of Ceylon sre oaaslng away. These are the famous Veddahs. Fifty years ago it was estimated Jut 8,000 of them were still llvlux l he forests, but Dr. Max Moaxknwskl who has recently visited them, 'f there are only 50 or 00 of them stli! alive and that a few more years will e the end of race. The Veddahs have Interested an Ihmiiclogista because they have been regarded as the best living types ot :l.e man of the stone age. The attitude of the Cingalese toward (hem is remarkable. They hold the Xor creatures In great honor and rank Jiem as belonging to the highest caste n the Island. The reason Is that they ; ire reputed to have descended from :he ancient demons or spirits that ; were the original pesaesfors of the j i Island. There nomad, hunting people, never le&ring their forests, living under ties and in caves, without knowl- j edge of pottery or any other art except that of making bows and arrows. are perishing because of their way of living and of their inability to stand np when stronger folk are pressing .loser around them. They are exact-- , ly what they were centuries ago when people. of India came and conquered! their green Island. . . , j thr "After the mauner of the v'lljgf he did not stir, hut smiled sweetly at me, and lifting up hit voice cried: Kill, come out! There's a lady wants to see you. From the depths of the blacksmltl shop a voice roared: Is she young, John, or old?' In the words of an old poem, looked at Juhn and Juliu looked ai me. Then, atill without moving, h called: " 'You'll Ik ratlsfled, Hill, when yov get out.' ' loafer, . - . - Elen-eser- "cnl-uhe- . . lc if FtrfcitiKi. Milford, Utah, May 14, 1909 To John Dailey, hem nr assign:" You are hereby notified that I ii ive expended fJOU.UU in Inlior amt uta, upon the Valley View, and Valley View No. 2 mining claims consisting of sinking as appeared by the certificate filed with the county recorder for assessment for the year of 19UH, in order to hold said premises under the provisions of section 2324 Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the same for the veur endincr 1908. and if within ninety days irom me service of this notice, or within ninety days after the notice by publication you fail f r iff use to contribute your proportion rf such exienditures as a ynr co-ow- First pub. Mly I.ast pub. Aug. OF THE OLD SOD Irishman Thought Color Wat Dus to tho Hot Sun. DKAl-HKSito- TninRiTlNb, 50 14, 1909 13, 19J9 1 The Chilly Homes of England. ORDER if fo ranymmo. thwart - ODKp It Is largely our own fault If Eng SdinV'.i orfir te tbeIt li a may be mturwdreltable and (cut to pais aa mfco ia tl knd has t.arnr-the? the reputation of will Pin ride fxxtrr, tireafro1 eecicT, that win Sad rf throe rr'oriera pair ia w. Imposeible than any tire yoe hire .aw nod or aero xt any country to winter In. As a UU 1 Miilng Timbers end ill kills of Building Material Rock Springs and Castle Gate Coal Bji'dsrs Hardware, Lath Blocks and Pickets rkm 1 For a sociable game of pool or billiards drop in at THE OXFORD Large anJ commodious accommodations for the convenience of tourists and traveling men. All the latest magazines and papers . are in our reading room. State Enginms Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 22, 1909, Notico is hireby given that the Beaver Carbonate Mining Coinjiany, by ils manager Grant Snyder, whom p.ist office address in Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application in accord ance with the requirements of Chapter 108, Hendon laws of Utah, 1905, as amended by the Herndon latvs of Utah (1-- 8 jot 1907, to appropriate a cubic foot per second of water from Quaking Asp, Willow and Lucky Boy springs, Beaver county, Utah. Quaking Asp Spring is situated at a point which bears north 22 degrees 50 minutes west 20,120 feet distant from the northeast corner of Section 13, Township 27 south, Range 13 west., Balt Lake base and meredian. Willow Spring is situated, at a point which liears north 22 degrees 10 minutes west 25,550 leet distant from the same point and Lucky Boy Spring is situ-25 ated at a point which bears north degrees west 18,120 feet distant from the corner last above described. The water from Quaking Asp Spring will be diverted by means of a pipe line and conveyed to Willow Spring, where the water from Willow Spring, will he commingled with that of Quak ing Asp Spring and conveyed from t hat poiut to the Lucky Boy Spring, at which point the water issuing from the last named spring will be commingled with that diverted from the other tprings, from which place it will be conveyed about 13,670 feet to a storage tank, from where it will be taken whenever needed during the period from January 1 to December 31, tacluslvf , of each year, and used at the Beaver Carlionate Mining Com Francisco panys miue in the San Mining District for the concentration of ores. As much water as may be necessary will be used during the entire year for domestic purposes. This application is designated in the State Engineer's office aa No. 2302. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reason therefor, must be made by affidavit in duplicate and tiled in this office within thirty (30) days after the com pietlon of the publication of this notice, lh Caleb Tanker, State Engineer, s WIr Windows and Duurs Mouldings, interest in the on-eigh- coal-blHc- strictly you per pairt if you mot (thereby making the prim SLPJlSnf rf aptr this advertisement. Vow nm no risk In and Lumber, and Retail Dealers In lolict Ii Water Uteri. jm aliowa Whulal Ben Thomson. 2324. Milford. Uift miHaM dfttlforfc Xumbcir Co. said claims will Cr vine the property of the subscriber under said section It is said to be a peculiarity of thf Island of Montserrat that the ne groes speak In a rich Irish brogue This - phenomenon is explained b ;; I AM Prepared. to. (fo all kinds of Light and Heavy Hauling 1 the '' fact that in the seven Promptly and at reasonable prices. Thc,e is nothing too the colony was peo left Orders tgenth residence, at for century to deliyer. me too nor my heavy ; light almost pled by the Irish. If entirely either by 'phone or in-- : person will be promptly attended to. ; The Cradle of the Deep Sir Fred erick Treves gives the following In cldent Illustrative of the care with :: which this dialect has been preserved It is quoted from Ober. An Irishman fresh from Donegal ar rives at Montserrat, and leaning ovci the steamer's rail, addresses, hlmsell In the following terms to a negro who has come alongside with MtANTOWI provisions: to distrirt ml rate and exhibit a Say, Cuffee, phwat's the chance foi ernywhere St- a lad ashore?" efa. HVaVw full trrlKlart nd iftcml tfftr t fact. yovi biejeb. We mu' MONKV BEQUlRKDoiitilyoaractiaeaiidappiovta Good, yer honor, if ye're not afrbld advance, yrtew Ayfr. the U . S. mUkmd m cm toMyoaarotwo and of wurruk. yoo ey nifeth But me name's not CufDAY 0 FREE TK1AI. durins fee, an, plase ye, it's Pat Mul vaney. FACTORY PIICES M Naalwidf abofK- . , Mulvaney? And do ye mane tossy of bSeycls ttiwo Sm& tahtodym' bSSia! or boa trmf1 i and Mam pair Olrish? ai ye're our uobtarl oar caaloeun too snil artoj st oor AM min rotor agents. . OI do. ntetomnd rtmttrkailt tftckU tfftri tobcWma receive oor bmatilul catahno aw The saints defend us! TO! WILL BE JwlUllSnto aiudv our amcrh eiadcta at lha uMMUt An' bow Una ymr. W roll Uliwiii fixes weeks rewsrooii, long have ye been out here? aatitfiad with i.ea profit above iactom STs nv ortST SSSr W.ETO can sell oar UcAtaa voder pour ova state plots A matter of tin year or so." Tin year! An yes black as me hal ! bicyclca, but arc clear out , lava a somber me soul, I took yex for a nay Save otailod tree, barpainliels manotiv SI hSIO. Paacnptiva rhnfna and prdM. Pta repaira Youths Companion. gur. Imported vollop, C0ASTE1-BRAIETtUdtncn. aviwsmt ol aUkMda at U(f fit Fashion and Good Tasts. HEDGETHORH PUNCTURE-PROO- F ft Is very foolish and betrays what TeLF-NEALINa small mind we have, to allow fash TIRES SAMPLE PAIR G ion lo sway us In everything that , TSt rtrIar riiail price gf lkiu tint ti taste; in our way of living, our SSMptrtair.Mtoittirod act health and our conscience. . .To metl yuSMnmpU pair fur have a bobby Is not to have a taste MMnOIBLEFBOMPDNCTUIES tha but for for what Is good and MAILS. Teaks or Glaas will wot let tW-Dyer Mir ouLWixty thousand palm oaW what is rare and singular and for Sae. now in two hundred Uwnfod fiirp what no one else csli match; It is not lo like things which' sre perfect, but MaOea tha thlak robber trend those which are most sought after and A" and puuaturo (trips M fashionable . It is not an amusement and D," vlao rim atrip H but a passion; and often so violent to prevent rim uuttlag. Thte outlast any other that In the mettiness of Its object It tire will -NO FT, ELASTIC and mobs yields only to love and ambition. EASY RIDING. kan De I.a Bruyere. O. (Itiaini C. on D. mm day letter la received. We ship vD Soper pair. All oroemanippeo tha rider as teprrsented. have examined and found them AUGUST THIESSE.N, Ideal Hardwall Plasters and Fiber Portland Cement Mdicc reprove man, who expressed great repentance, promised reform, VolunMilford The Fire Department when he saw how serf teer Fire Department, meets 2nd and, finally, his o.ense was taken, end! . and 4th Friday evening at the opera ously with: houseat 8 oclock. Regular practice Now, Miss Lucy, doan yo' be too Monday evenings at 7 oclock. hahd on his dahkey. Ah knows sh R. H. Pitchforth, Pres. oughtnt tub drink dat whiskey when II. E. Greenwood, Secy. all dem folks was heah, hut den yo knows. Miss Lucy, Ah's jus lak de Have The. News do your printing cuhnel; and, Miss Lucy, yo knows yo'se'f none ob us Pages evsh could and it wili be done right. itsn no liquah. And TACT. him.' i F. and A. M. Albert Pike Lodge No. HE HAD THE FAMILY FAILING 14, F. and A. M. meet in Odd Pel-- 1 low hall the secord and fourth Tues- Humorous Apr logy Mads by Pompous Old Colored Butler... day evening of each month at 8 oclock.- Sojourning .brothers welA relative of Thomas Nelson Page come. ; 8. E. Potts, W. M. who resides In the south, has In hir Geo. Jefferson, Becy. employ an old family butler, who goes . U. D. Order by the name of Ehe, short for O. E. 8. Ruth Chapter Ebe la a very pompous of Eastern Star meets the first and intensely proud of de thid Tuesday ' evening of each familygemniun, and emulative of his master, mouth in Odd Fellow hal) at 8 "de cuhnel,' In every possible Inoclock. Visiting Stars welcome. stance. ' Rachel Jefferson, W. M. A few days ago there was s big dinner "up at de house, and In the Myra M. DkWolfe, Secy. colonel's absence Ebe took advantage B. R. C. A. Meets in Odd Fellow of the occasion to. get gloriously Inhall the first and third Monday toxicated, and was unable to attend to his duties for a day or two. A evening of each month at 8 oclock. of the household undertook daughter invited. Visiting brothers cordially to the old HMtforfc f ! j HAD ACCENT REAL Talking about tact, said a woman who is Just verging on middle age. "I never saw anyone gel out of a dilllcult situation more dfily than did a man I met at a blacksmith shop la a New England village 1 was driv ing through lust summer. I was alone hi the lanes with my fil-n- d, the horse, when 1 noticed that he limited a bit, so when we reached the nexi village I slopped at the door of the blacasiulth shop. A man was hold lug up the doorpost and to him I said: '"Will you please tell th? baek smith to come out? I want to bin j MILFORD CHURCHES. First Church of Christ Scientist-Regu- lar services held every Sunday at 11 .a. m. and 8'p. ni. Experience meetirig Wednesday evening, at, 8 oclock. Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45 a. m. M. Catherine Smithson, First Reader. All services are held in the Christian Science Reading Room at corner of First avenue and McKeon street.- All an cordially invited. Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching service every Sunday evening at.7;30 9 yery oclock, ..Junior league Wednesday Afternoon at 3 oclock. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 ;30 oclock. Ladies Aid society meets Thursday afternoons ' at 2 o'clock. Chapel at corner of Main street and Second avenue Latter Day Saints Sunday School every Sunday at 2 p. m. Mutual Improvement associations meet. Avery Sunday evening at 8 oclock. Relief society meets every Thursday at 2 p. m. All services are held in the L. D. S. Meeting house, yhe public is invited to attend all services. BUT HAD Delicate Situation That Was Handled In Masterly Manner. ; SOCIETIES. FRATERNAL LOAFER, June A Ingols & Taylor ENGINEERS, ASSAYERS CHEMISTS UNO Simyon for Utah ill Nmli We are now prepared to give prompt attention to II. S. Deputy Miienl SURVEYS for Patent Underground Locations, Etc. IF ITS THERE WE'LL FIND IT Office and Labratory opposite Opera House' Phone Milford, Utah 46 Schow, Fotheringham & Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Meats, Groceries, Vegetables, Hay and Grain COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL OUR RICES ARE RIGHT 25, of publi- cation July QHAS. C. 28, 1909 KIZER Notary Public All kinds of legal blanks, location notices, proofs ot labor, etc., always on hand. Notary work promptly and accurately attended to. Oxford bldg. The Cough Syrup that ride the system of a cold a cathartic on tha by acting boweli is sje EARLE THE PAINTER FOR ALL KINDS OF fin--r will give u. &r order ym wart trireefo yoOder. trial order at once, hrmtw tin reeurknUci tireaotil yootend lrfspelr don't Weiiy kind el etr price lire on enpiovnl Hedceiliore Piincture-ProYOU end our Tlif lor write or BnnaryCeii ottoted ehtwe; bj introdectory price e LfrLtiad MEED TIRES a IF of ,uu ESf MSSLSxmiisssiSsssr'M ILL J.L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Nevis $ 1 CHICAGO, 1 . nation we re, I verily ihe greatest living amateurs In the sdi-ucof keeping our housrs warm. An It la hlngltubman's home Is his aleo, ninety-nin- e tlinee out of e hun I red. his refrlReralnr. The trulh Is hat England in winter time Is one of ihe chilliest utoia on earth. year In America It look me, I recall. 10 months on my return to iKtndon to ;et warm again. London Chronicle. House LAXATIVE Afl.-rsom- In Book Form. "He Is going to put his play Into book form. Whet does that mean? Means he'll write 100,000 words. divide 'em Into chapters and print 'em between covers.'' and Sign Painting FULL LINE OF PAPER ALWAYS ON HAND WALL GOUGH SYRUP Bees is the original laxative congh tpupi contains no opiates, genllv moves the bowels, carrying tho cold ofi through the Guaranteed to give natural channels. satisfaction or money refunded. Milford Pharmacy, Milford, Utah. The News Tells it All J |