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Show FRENCH PORTFOLIO Tflt WAtk You should require good cervlco when you have your watch repaired. A poor workman will more than likely rum a good watch. Our watch experts are all men of years of experience in their work and we guan-anteeverything they do. You can't lose if you deal with us. Maine Man Finds Animals Can Be Easily Raised. e SALT lake cut. in J. ROBINSON ATTORNEY 304-30- 1 AT LAW Judie Building, Balt Lake City SPANIARD SEEN AT HIS BEST. Illustration of Courtesy and Hospitality It Would Be Hard to Find Match For. ol Soul Havelock Kills, in tils pain," has revealed intimately and charmingly liiu temperament of the Spanish people. According to hint, the Spaniard is still fundamentally prlmltivs. In proof uf his possession of the primal instincts of hospitality and charity hs quotes the following anecdote from an Aragonese newspaper of a few years ago, at a time whin there was much distress In Arsgon. A laborer out of work came on the highroad determined to rob the first person be met. This was a man w ltb n wagon. The laborer bade him halt, and demanded hla niouey. "Here are f30, all that I have," the detained man replied. "There Is nothing left for me but of My family are dying robbery. hunger," the aggressor said, apologetically, and proceeded to put the money In hla pocket; but as he did ao his mind changed. Take this, chlco," he aald, bandOne Is enough for ing hack 20. me. "Would you like anything I have In the cart?" asked the wagoner. Impressed by this generosity. Take this "Tee," said the man. dollar back, loo. I had belter have some rice and some beans. The wagoner handed over a bag ot ataoles, and then held out five dollars, which, however, the laborer refused. "Take them for luck money," aald the wagoner. 1 owe you that." And only so was the would be robber persuaded to accept. Youth's Companion. liangor, Mi. Klljiili Noriuii of luxes a umu- - pruliialile emp lliau poiuiiH-or La), and so he long and ago quii planting and mowing, and is now devoting liis entire attention to raising the hharp-eyeand bushy tailed little unlinals, whose fur Im in great demand always ami everywhere. When Norton began raising loxea li was an experiment; now he has I he hiisinesx fully established on a highly profitable basis, and his sunny hillside farm on the bank of the i'lxeaiaipilx is known as llie best puyiiig pieee of land ill Maine. Thu Norton lox larin Is not the first in Maine, for foxes had been successfully bred by a man on Heron Island, lluothbuy harbor, years belore the Dover enterprise was thought of. When Norton gut ready to go into the fox business be visited the Heron island farm, and one on Prince Kdward Island, In the Gulf of St. tawrunce, lo gel points, and also to buy some breeding slock. Then be started in to beat the original fax farmers, and he lias succeeded. living an old hunter, and knowing the ways of foxes. Non on ut the outset recognized the fact that to lie heallby, and thus profiiahle, his stock must is contented, and to Insure this happy condition he so constructed and arranged his Inclosure as to diHpel the Idea of captivity which foxes cannot endure, lie built a fence IG feet high, of a heavy and specially woven wire west-boun- hoi-iu- Cures for Sleeplessness. In nearly all hospitals where there are patients In an excitable condition who cannot sleep and where It would be Injurious to give narcotics, the following method Is adopted. A but water bottle Is covered with flannel and placed at the feet. A thin tissue bag or thinnest silk rubber Is partially flllfd with cold water and placed to the base of the brain. This Is about ten Inches lung and six Inches wide, ns soft as silk and only half filled with cold water, so It does not feel bulky back or the head. In many cases the patient goes to sleep within n few minutes, because this draws the blood from the active brain, which le one cause of Insomnia. When the petlent Is extremely nervous, a cracker spread with butter and sprinkled slightly with cayenne pepper Is eaten. This heats the stomach. Tha stocking wound around the neck, not too cloee, yet rather snug. Is an old method. for It does not retard the flow or blood from the head to the bnt It does retard the flow arteries, to the Just as the cold water assists. All these methods are elmple, effective and harmless. bd. Earthquake Fears. Mankind are strangely Inconsistent In the matter of running risks. Thera Is no danger that appalls the imagination more than the danger of and yet those parts of tha world that are most subject to earthquake seem never to have been therefore shunned by human beings. An earthquake Is ac net or God, and man are clearly helplcaa against IL Uke death, no one knows when It may eoms; but, unlike death, It may never eome to nil, and therefore men fear !lt less than death. London Times. earth-zquak- PRIVILEGED liacun. who-waIarls Noi! iug shows ihe practical secn-iarof stale for two month of the French chatacter better last winter, has accepted the post or -- iban the of, the bicycle. In aiiihassuixr' i Fiance. He will eie- . Xmerica wehistory look it up and everyone M. Henry While, at present am "ode. everyone talked, bicycU.. Then hassudor lo France, almut the first of r all died out and tie bicycle masers next year. tailed and ft was all over. Npt ao In Mr. Huron was a member of Pre-- I Fiance. deiif's Koosi-vt-li'"tennis cabinet." wen- - slow to taka up tha Here lie entered ihe service of the govern wheel. they looked to hvf nelgh-io- r Everyone merit as secretary of Ma: to get a bicycle first, i de, find under Secretary Root, and succeed: nit If it bad merit and tail It over, lo that po.it when Hoot was elected mending then, if satisfied, t, get one. from New York. that he one of Morgan's abbe t HER FRIENDS WONDER CLASS. How Mrs. Kessler Was Rescued from Almost Certain Death, Few have lived through such trials and Buffering from kidney disease as were endured by Mrs. Caroline Kessler or W. Main St., Piiw Paw, Midi. Well and strong again, her case is thought a miracle by her friends. What Mrs. Kobi-- i t l'Iei-M,n- d Kessler went makes a story backBut, Minna, you shouldn't flirt with ache, rheumatism, dizzy and fainting nil the men as your are doing! Re- spells, urinary disorders, dreadful bloating of dropsy and finally a commember youre not married!" plete prostration that defied medical skill and caused her to be given up. HANDS RAW AND SCALY. Through the use of Doans Kidney Itched and Burned Terribly- Could Pills Mrs. Kessler Is a well woman Not Move Thumbs Without Flesh and la willing to tell about her case to anyone who cares to inquire. Cracking 8leep Impossible. Sold by all dealers. 50 cts. a box. Foster-Mill- ) urn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Cuticura Soon Cured His Eczema. through long - lieutenants and a member of the firm. lle directed the Morgan Interests In the famous Northern Pacific corner of 1901. lie arranged the Urltish end ot the great steamship merger ihlch created the International Mercantile Marine rompany. It Is not generally known, but Mr. I 'noon was actually, legally and con sliiutlnnally president for the space of about 15 uiluutes. his administration coming in between those of Roosevelt and Taft. The term of Roosevelt as president expired by constitutional limit at noon on March 4. So did that of Fairbanks. Hut the change In the Inauguration plans, the result of Hie storm that made services iupracticable. caused a delay of 15 or 18 minutes in the administering of the oath to the new officials. During that interval, Mr. Ilacon, as secretary of state with no limit to his term, became under the constitution actually president. Nobody knew there had been a double shift of presidents until the attor ncy general called their attention to the fart next day. Even Mr. Ilacon was not aware that the sun of greatness had heanied hotly down upon his classic head for a moment. Vice-Preside- out-dix- d The Spinster's Prayer. "Dear tard, Is the favorite prayer of an Atchison spinster, make me to see every time 1 come to thee with complaints what my married brothers and sisters hnve to put up with from their children, that I may cease my complaining, and be duly grateful that thou bait seen fit In tby wisdom to be n carefree spinster of me. Atchison (Kan.) Globe. THE Former Secretary of State to Replace Practical Side of People's Naturo la Henry M. White, the Present Shown in Clinging to Useful Ambassador. Means of Locomotion. i TO UTAH EDUCATORS. The Salt lake Iloute, Utahs most popular road, announces many rates exand dates for east and These excursions include cursions. attractive water and rail trips, ocean voyages and side trip to the Alaska. Yukon Exposition and other notable placet. For the N. E. A. convention at Denver, July 6th to 9th, all stations In Utah will sell round trip tickets, also on many oilier dates low round trips to Denver. Cheyenne, Pueblo and Colorado Springs. The round trip to taa Angeles on days especially suited for teachers go. lag on their vacation Is (30.00. Tickets also sold returning via San Francisco and Portland. Ore., and good for ocean trip to Portland. Every teacher In Utah should call on the nearest Salt Lake Route agent for full particulars or write to Kenneth C. Kerr, I). P. A., Salt take City, who will cheerfully give full Information. IN FRANCE. s r fiuilH HARRY NO FAD - Demand at Good Prices How Rearing of Reynard la Managed by a Typical Down Easter. Pelts Always Duvi-- UTAH TO BACON BICYCLE ir Ons of Mr. Norton's Rsd Foxes. POSED FOR BY FAMOUS HORSE. to keep the foxes In and to keep other aniinuls out. Six Inclosures thus formed rover about one and a half Statuette Called Spanish Trot, Exhibited at Paria Salon, tho Work acres of ground, and In each of them of American 8culptor. Is a kennel built of wood and set deep Into Ihe earth serving as a nursery tandon. There Is especial Ameriand as a den for the foxes in winter. At first a few of the foxes escaped bv can Interest In the statuette called Trot," exhibited at the 8aln burrowing down under the fence, but deSpanish Concours Hipplque In Parle, for it Norton stopped this by carrying the Is not only the work of an American wire down from four to eight feet to Walter Wlnana, but the ani sculptor, the solid ledge. The whole farm has mad portrayed la the artist's horse been allowed to grow up with rank grass and weeds, so that It resembles tbo native haunts of the fox In the wlldwond, and Norton's stock does not seem to realize that It Is living In captivity. On the farm are common red foxes from the woods of Maine, blue foxes from Alaska; silver grays from Prince Kdward Island, and blacks front Ohio. The reds are the commonest and least valued of foxes; blues are worth more, but the silver grays and the blacks are the aristocrats. As a matter of fact, the black and the silver gray are the same breed, a silver gray being a bluck with a sprinkling or gray hairs. The blark fox pelt la uinong the most valuable of furs, fine specimens frequently bringing 300 to SG0O. while In several Instances as high as 11,000 to $1,200 has been paid. Norton had not been long In the Spanish Trot." business when he made the important discovery that it Is possible to tingle March, who is to be a feature of this year a London horse show and reproduce black and silver gray foxes. waa Naturalists say that these rare speci- class winner of the srhool horse" in last year's horse show. mens are simply freaks of nature, beMr. Wlnans,- who has exhibited hla liable to d ing appear among the reds at any time, while their sculpture all over the world and got the silver medal at the Paris exhibiprogeny is more than likely to wear tion of 1900, Is showing also at the the plebeian red coat. Norton has Royal Acudemy In tandon. his work discovered, however, that by Inbreed- there being The IJttle Mermaid," ing II Is iHisslble, In the course of the story in Hans Andertime, to eliminate the red and pro- son's fairy tales of the little mermaid duce the genuine bluck variety. He who saw a shipwreck, saved a beaubought an Ohio black fox, paying $:;oo tiful therefrom, falling In love prince for It, and this he bred with a com- with him, and thereafter had the mismon Maine red. then bred their ery of seeing hint murrled to a prinprogeny together, and so on. Thus cess. The artist has her at far he hns met with flattering success, the moment when she caught is witnessing and he feels confident that his suc- the betrothal. cess will continue, l.nst year he sold It wps this sculptor who won the a pair of black foxes bred on his farm ' world's as the reprefor 50l), and now has a family of sentative championship or the United States at the four, which he values at $1,000. Olympic games last for shooting The foxes are fed with scraps or with the hunting rifleyear at the "running meat, bread, tnllk and the like. And deer" target. are all in good health. In summer time they need to be watered, but In The Climax. winter they quench their thirst with He was telling n thrilling snow. story (,t or his wnl'et or a thousand and one When Norton wants to capture one hairbreadth escapes over in Santiago of Ills foxes he simply pokes his hand donclo-rktiow- . and tits pretty listener down Imo a burrow, to which shelter! was leaning anxiously toward they flee when any one approaches.1 hanging on his every utteranee. ,lin and pulls the uniinal out. much ns one "The wolves wi re ti.on us." he would take an apple out of a bug. All and muring, as I iJaVMs.iij bellowing of his 25 foxes whmii to know hlin ns often heard thir. We tied Tor our dogs know their master, and at feed- lives. 1 don't deny it; (tut sec frolic time almut they him like so und wc knew the ravenous every ing pa,-The beauties of the many kittens. us. on At last they were gaining so colony arc a pair or twin blacks, now near that wc could reel (heir nuiv.ies weeks ten old, coni blark with Ihe ex- against our legs" ception of snowy white at the tips -"Ah!" gasped out the !(1W of their tails, fat. fluffy and as play- glad you must have beenlady. they had ful as kittens. their muzzles on!" Answers. Using the Bicycle in Business, An Itching humor covered both my hands and got up over my wrists and even up to the elbows. The itching and burning were terrible. My bands got all scaly and when I scratched, the surface would be covered with blisters and then get raw. The eczema got so bad that I could not move my thumbs without deep cracks appearing. I went to my doctor, but hla medicine could only stop the Itching. At night Z suffered ao fearfully that I could not sleep. I could not bear to touch my hands with water. This went on for three months and I was fairly worn out At last I got the Cuticura Remedies and In a month I was cured. Walter H. Cox, 16 Somerset St., Boston, Mass., Sept 25, 1908." fvtur Drag A Cbm. Corp Bole Flops BoSca Having gotten one, the Frenchman put ft to practical use. Here's a Good Ons. A friend of mine told me of a curiThe sale of bicycles haa steadily Inous experience. He was carefully creased. especially lu the country. In France the bicycle Is not as It stalking a big bull elephant In a large was in many American cities, a toy herd, when they got his wind, and a and a fad for a time. The roads are big cow elephant charged him. He so uniformly good and smooth that ev- Jumped behind a large tree aa the ery man and boy has a wheel. Every elephant reached him, and,, being unhas a wheel. Millinery, cloth- able to stop herself in time, the eleing. shoe and dry goods shops all phant drove her tusks with such force have little carts or vans, covered and Into the tree that they snapped off closed, mounted on tricycles. The close to her bead. The elephant was lioy behind the cart pushes It through stunned for a moment, but luckily the streets like lightning sad the turned and galloped after the fast retradesman saves money. treating herd, leaving him the possesSuppose you luty a hat downtown sor of some 80 pounds of Ivory, valued and ask to have It delivered as soon at about $250. Circle Magazine. as imssible. You take a cab And start Alcohol and Tuberculosis. for home. Ilefore you get there your The most prominent tuberculosis hat has been delivered, and It yon wll inquire you will flud that a boy on a specialists in the country agree that alcohol will not cure consumption. Dr. wheel brought It In Chicago the work would be done S- - A. Knopf says: "Alcohol has never by a pair of horses and a Mg covered cured and never will cure tuberculosis. will either prevent or retard recovwagon, and yet the boy wltt his little It Dr. Frank Billings of Chicago ery." can A cart out take dozen or bicycle Dr. and Vincent Y. Bowditch, more hats, and that probably is as of the National Association for many as your big wagon takes on an the Stufiy and Prevention of Tubercuaverage. losis; Dr. Lawrence F. Flick of Philadelphia end Dr. Edward L. Trudeau of SUCCEEDS TO FATHER'S RANK. Saranac take, the founder of the antituberculosis movement in this country, Capt Winslow, Son of amoua Old are all of the same opinion. Civil War Naval Hire, la Made an Admiral. Cheering Him Up. Bill," said the Invalid's friend, "Ive Herbert Winslow, Just come to cheer you up a bit like. I've Washington. named aa admiral in the nary by the brought yer a few liahrs, B11L I executive order, has been In command fought If I was too late they'd come In of the battleship Kearsarge since that 'andy for a wreaf, yer know. Don't Bill. Lummy, don't modem ship of death waa placed In get down-'earteHe is the sun of that you look gashly! But there, keep up commission. other gallant Admiral Winslow, who yer spirits, ole sport; I've come to ee yer an' cheer yer up a bit Nice made for himself a place In history when he commanded the earlier war little room you 'ave ere, hut as I eez to meself when I was up: Wot orkard staircase to get a coffin dahn!' London Globe. . 1 DUSKY MONARCH Wiles of Beautiful EASY MARK Captive Just the Thing When gency Came. Proved Emer- The beautiful young captive retained her presence of mind, however, and when it came her turn to be taken before the cannibal king, she marceled herself very carefully. Ain't I sweet, though!" she exclaimed, archly fllrtfng her handkerchief at the monarch. llie majesty at once fell into the trap. You're simply It! be replied cordially. Well, sweet things are terribly fat- tening. Ah! "O, terribly. And theres nothing so hopelessly out of It as to be fat, these days! Whereupon the king was greatly shaken and commanded her Instant release. People used to blame me because I knew I was pretty, but all the time I felt sure the knowledge would come commented the handy some day! lovely creature, as she was led away. Puck. THE WRONG OBJECTIVE POINT Mule's Lack of Consideration Responsible for Ike's Being Late at Hie Duty. An Atlanta merchant has frequent occasion to rebuke Ike, his darky porter, for his tardiness In reporting for duty In the morning. Ike Is always ready with a more or lees ingenious excuse. You're two hours late, Ike! exclaimed the employer one morning. This sort of thing must stop! Other wise. Im going to fire you; under stand. 'Deed, Mistah Edward, replied Ike, It walii mah fault, die time! HonI was kicked by a mule! est! ' Kicked by a mule? Well, even if that were so, it wouldn't delay you for more than an hour. Youll have to think of a better excuse than that. Mistah EdIke looked aggrieved. it ward, he continued solemnly, might have been all right ef dat mule kicked me In die direction; but he didn't be kicked me de odder way!" IJppincott's. Should Take His Medicine. A feller shouldn't stand In the middle of the street to talk pessimism, declared the Plunkvllle philosopher. Why not? Fust he says life ain't worth living, and then Jumps when he hears an automobile honk. Like an Hour Glass. Nelle la that fellow of yours ever going to get up the courage to propose? Nobleman, Probably. Belle I guess not he's like an Howell I see that the heiress has hour glass. put her money Into the lumber busiNelle An hour glass? ness. Belle Yes; the more time he gets Powell That so? the less sand he has. Cleveland Howell Yes, she has married a Leader. wooden man. Charms Children - coni-nion- j k Delights Old Folks Admiral Harbert Winslow. sloop Kearsarge, which sank the con federate commerce destroyer Alabama during the civil war. The new Admiral Winslow la probably the richest man In the United States navy In bis own estate, so that his new promotion from his former rank of captain means little to him In the way of pay Increase, while ths honor is without s doubt deserved. Post Toasties The crisp delicious, golden-brow- n made of Indian Not Sufficiently Advanced. Frof. Peabody of Harvard, relates that he recently preached In a large city some distance from his home and at the cloee of service a young man whom be had known well in the university, a member of the latest class of graduates, came forward to greet him. In answer to the professor's natural question the young man said he bad found work as s reporter on one of the city dailies. Well, I trust you are advancing rapidly. said tbs "liy this time 1 suppose professor, are equal to reporting anyfully you thing from a dog Cght to a sermon." "Well," answered the young man somewhat dubiously, the city editor has sent me here to report your sermon, but 1 hardly think he'd trust me yet with anything in the line of n fight." food, Corn. A tempting, teasing distinctly differ ent all its own. taste The Taste Lingers Sold by Grocers Popular pkg., ioc. targe Family alze 15c. Item Cereal Co. , llallta Creek, Mich. Ltd. |