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Show MARK shop and cold storage, and with our ice plant, three refrigerator rooms and other modern facilities we are better prepared than ever before to furnish you with the We are now occupying our new Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Fish and Game Our facilities for keeping meats are un equaled in Southern Utah, and our customers are always served with the Best Meats fresh from our cooling refrigerators. There is nothing we cannot furnish in the line of L Choicest Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. f the best and most complete in Milford and we always give our patrons prompt service and courteous treatment. If dissatisfied elsewhere, come to us and get the most of the best for the least. Our line of Groceries is Tell Her Se. Courts IRews TLbc 36c avcr THE PEOPLE'S (Author Unknown) Amid the cares of married life, In spite of toil and business atrife, If you value your sweet wife, Tell her so. Prove to her you dont forget The bond to which the seal in set ; Shes of lifes sweets the sweetest yet Tell her so. When days are dark and deeply blue, She has her troubles, same as you, Show her that your love is true Tell her so. There was a time you thought it bliss To get the favor of a kiss; A dozen now wont come a miss Tell her ho. APER Published every Friday afternoon liy BEAVER COUNTY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY at Milford, Leaver County, Utah. TliU paper wan entered aa second class office at Milford, Beaver County, Utah, uii matter June 1, 1H0H, at the post rr the Act of March 3, ls7H. district in the great CommonMilford la situated in the richest nv . ihern Utah. She is surrounded wealth of Utah and is the metropolis o 1 fruit is and stock lands farm valuable growing, etc. by raising, adapt Milfonl in the gateway to the gre:' . ,xie fruit district and the famous Virgin oil Helds. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Your love for her is no mistake dreaming or awake Rumple Copies sent free on request. Dont conceal it. For her sake, Tell her so. Advertising rates made known on application. Dont act, if Hhe has passed her prime W. L. FI.KWICK, Editor and Manager As though to please her were a crime, If eer you loved her, nows the time Tell her bo. Now that thii (ilorioun Fourth has none in the west, and we have the nmv and gone let us get busy and people that are alive and pn gressivo. Shell return, for each caress, All we need is for the ones of us who A hundred fold of tenderness. Ii'icst for Milford. are already on the ground to get busy Hearts like hers were Tell her so. The next big day for Milford wiil and keep things moving along. You are hers and hers Its Pioneer day, July l.et us RolsV T. Lincoln, the Well you know shes all your own; HIS FATHER'S have something doing oil that BIRTH son If the illustrious Don't wait to carve it on a stone, V PLACE Tell tier so. is an old man, and a now president, wealthy man. In all the years through Never let her heart grow cold The v) eeillealii ns for the new town which the nation has been guarding Richer beauties will unfold ; She is worth her weight in gold. jail have arrived and it will not he and earing for the memory of his be will Tell her so. work new until many days great father, he lias had money and commenced in llie construction cl leisure in plenty. But in his whole the building. Tlie new jail will life he has never seen the little farm DON'T 6ET Editor Bodine, one among occupy a prominent location on Cap- out there in Kentucky where his TOO 6000 the best writers in Missouri, itol hill. father was horn. And the nation has is the author of the following lines made this farm a shrine. which, remarks the Versailles (Mo.) The big balloon which was to have Why? It is the same old story, the Leader, hit about every fellow on tills arrived for the liig celebration at lure of gold and the attraction of earth In the year I'JOB : Milford on the Fourth failed to that lias kept him putting it off Whatever you do brother dont get materialise owing to the fact that the from year to year, and. here he is an too good. There is a piety that is deintense heat at Vegas caused the gas old man, and the first thing he knows pressing, and that immediately breeds deto otherwise and explode hag it will be too late. Many men and suspicion and distrust. Most every molished the machine. women spend money and time that man lias his faults snd if our secret they rannot afford to spend, t acts snd thoughts, or even those U fieri ralii i:s rn the Fourth count journey to the birth placeof Abraham things people know about ns, but anything ur patriotism Milfi rd has Lincoln. And Lincolns own non, a which we think they dont know the most patriotic citizens in the rich man, has grown old within a few alioiit us, were held up to tlie public, country. The streets and every bus- hundred miles of It and has never we would shrink, cut to tho quick, and floe to hide our moral and spiritiness In line and residence were pro- seen it. Ex. ual nakedness. Some of us get drank and decorated the with stars fusely ANNUAL SCHOOL The annual school and thal's bail ; some of us are adultripes on the Glorious Fourth. lion for Milfonl district terers, and thats bail ; some of ua lie will be held at the school houso next like dugs, and thats worse; some Music r mes high when it nsta fill Monday. Have you given the matter peddle vile talk, and thats worse; per tune, but Milford is there with any thought? Have you, in your own anil some of us love the goods on national holidays and money better mind, decided who would be the than we do truth, honor and good d nut hesitate at the price. The right men to take contnd of cur ness, and thats worse; some of us in isic at the celebration waa good so school affairs, who have the time and steal and dodge our taxes, and cheat, far aa it went but the committer ability to work for and advance the that's wnnter still, could not afford to pay for ini re than though among best interests of the schools of our tlie elect it is sometimes considered a live tunes, or at least that is all they city ? It is a matter that is entitled virtue. But the crowning sin of all got. to some consideration and unity of this is a hard, unloving heart snd a action. It certainly behooves the Iheie were no serious accidents in imtrons of the schools to be careful soul without charity for the frailties of o tliers, which rejoices when others Milford on the Fourth and had It not of their 'selection. As yet no aspir- are crucified and which attempts to been for the bad booze which ants for the positions have come for- hidj its secret with joy sniffing snd some of enr people took on too freely ward but those who have aspirations pious deprecation. Men dislike such there would not have been so many for the position should publiely black eyes the rext day. There dcelare themselves as candidates for people, snd God despises them. No. whatever you do, dont get too good. seems to be a special fighting brand election that the voters may judge of Heaveu is going to be a big surprise of w Idskey in town this year and it their qualifications. Many think the to most of us. party was no uncommon tiling to see a office of school trustee one of minor bloo.ly nose or a air of lovely black importance. This is a grievous inis-- j eyes coming down li.e street. take. It is an office that requires !pgJQJ$ Patriotism is manifest in careful judgment and keen percop- - many ways and various ways. Some Let us of Milford put away ewry lion, and only men that are interest people are willing to die for their p moral prejtdice and get on tlie ed iii the welfare of children, in the country and a few are willing to live b mstems wagon. There is not an-- upbuilding and pmgressivenesa of the for their country which is much her town in Southern Utah that lias public achcols should seek election. harder. Some are eager to show the opportunity and advantage of be- Let all the voters turn out at the ihelr patriot ism liy holding a job at a , coming a great hiisinesa center that election on Monday and vole for; fat salary ami some are willing to' Milfonl lias. We have the resources these whom they believe will work j vote the party ticket straight-ju- st which are bound to lie develnjied, we for the best interests of our schools because it is the j party ticket. Patrio-- j have the cli nate vlilcli is tecund to and holier education. tiani, says Walter Williamr.ften One Year Kix Months 2.00 1.00 Three Months I . fOc You feel ft, ! I p) j bua-ne- another name fGr pride. The small ways in which patriotism may be shown seldom attracts attention. A soldier attacks the enemy of his country and we call the soldier a patriot. But it la patriotic also to cut down weeds in your back lot. The soldier givea hia life in a day but the scientist who givea his life in a generation is also patriotic.' Two kinds of citizens are in every I town, patriots and traitors. There is no middle ground of neutrality. Every man is in one or the other camp. The patriot does hia duty to the community, votes, expresses his opinion, takes part in meetings for civic good, bears cheerfully hia portion of the communitys work. The traitor lets the other fellow do the work ami reaps the benefit by the other fellows patriotism. Treason consists of levying war against tlie republic so says the foundation law or giving aid and comfort to l:er emmies. He gives aid and comfort to the public enemies who does not assist in making better the community in which ho dwells.! lie is himself a public enemy. Evanston Press. H H-- s . . PHYSICIAN Office at Tanner House Milfonl and chicken wire, Stoves, Ranges, kitchen utensils, and everything in : MINING AND FARM IMPLEMENTS No order too small nor none too large for us to handle promptly and at lowest prices HICKMAN & SONS w A Rendezvous for . - a Stylish Misses and Women We are offering a vast wealth of coloring, suggestive of spring and summer, in 'all the popular shapes, and designs, at prices that cannot be heat for We. invite you to call and see our charmingly de' signed spring and summer hats. Remember we have trimmer in our millinery department. a first-cla- ss Bee our splendid line of ginghams, calicofs, dress patterns, trimmings, notions, ladies and childrens shoes the state Mrs. G. 0. Forgie .ii Beaver, Utah (j0. a GREENWOOD ATTORN EY-A- LAW, T . Licensed Abstracter and Notary Public Law Investments Real Restate Fire Insurance AHHTKACTfl OK TITI.K Qualified under rules of land department to certify abstracts in patent proceedings. Bank Building, Milford, Utah utnees Xolton Blopk( Beaver, Utah PIANO: S. . t f See Matthews and get the. RIGHT PRICE ' on your building work. I REGINALD When you get through figuring with the other fellows go. . : , HARMONY tI Tanner House, Milford Of the N. E. Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass. . C. . Mclntire June 24th to July Oth, inc. 1 Contractor ' For the Round Trip to Los Angeles good returning to October 31, 1909 Utah Milfonl j -- o. - ' BRAIN ...First Spring Excursion... to the Land of Sunshine, bathing, boating, deep sea fishing, motoring through the orange groves j - i MILLINERY- - -- FI3STE Utah w Will practice in all courts of 1 . HARRY FENNEMORE Attomey-at-La- From a Store Bolt to a Gasoline Engine' i ..We also have a large stock of wire fencing SURGEON AHD We have added to our large Merchandise Stock a complete line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware and can furnish you with Anything C HUNTER, M. D ss j HARDWARE UeCALL P ATT F3 NS Si. (implicit an. li.bi.ilri l.ir ttjrie. prrfrrt n.nr'y W )r rx. Sold in I tarij every city and (own in ll L'nihd kt.ti a anil lanad.i. or hr iiuil Siren. More an'tl thin nuke. Send lor fin ceulngi.r any rtlu-MCCALL'S MAGAZINE J.tre pubkcrihm Ilian any other faahlm. nngaiinc -- miilnta a nmntli. Invalmhlr. Ijit-ru- t millinery, iiyhci, put m, p'ain tewing, I.imy nredirwaik.hairdrraainy, 50 On' Mr. cetili a Hrir itiqurttr, rnii including a lire pettrm, pn (worln I double), tor or tend buhwnbe .day. eamplo ropy. WONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS to Aenifts Po!l brinn ptvitiinm catalogue and new fri'h AiUtm For full particulars ask your nearest SALT LAKE. ROUTE Agent or write to r I'mi-miliia- i.uifcULic3..s:itow.naa. kovvcci KENNETH I j 169 So. Main St C KERR. Dist Passenger Agent Salt Lake Gty, Utah |