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Show - lav v 1 . i i i i . .; Iff -- y.xr It iVXW i i 1 AW. ftsu A riY.22 slie -- .ft xiS-- J ,fcisa2 R ll M J9 rrsA 1 LcW , '. 'izrs X'', l VOL. U. NO. CONGRESS It is evident that President Mc-Kinl- has no idea of hurrying himself in announcing any change of policy towards Cuba. He reOn Tlie Hawaiian Question and ceived the report of Consul General Led. and that of Mr. Calhoun, on Otlier Public Matters. the Ruiz investigation, before he left ior the Nashville En osition, the onlv announcement official A B!Ll FOR INVENTORS but made before his departure was ly Jacob D. Cox, of that to go to been asked Ohio, had. To Proti'ct TUuiii From Unprincipled i and S. U. Minister as that he of Lefal Sharps Cuba Spain and advisement. Tin had der th: request and the TarrilT, Etc. "The Queen's Jubii Attor-wyi- It S1.50 A 2G, 1897 MURRAY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH. 3V 16. AM ES YEAR. ERICA'S Under the able leadership De? t oftheAMissea Netta Moore' and jfery Cahoon the tiny tots did thanselves and parents proud. The New Navy and Us Equipments, Incidents of the Past and That sflff-- self unconsciousness of early as Written Up by cliiltThood, caused the children to Which is Coming. with take p&rt in all their exercises a spirit true to nature, Their exercises consisted mainly THE EAGLES SPECIAL some: of drill in marching and singing. and Miss Burton kindly assisted with instrumental Correspondent at Washington. A Clear and The Little Kindergarten's Entertainment-Childre- n's music, Mrs. Pearl Austin sang aud Concise History ofthe New Navy from IU day, Sunday, At tlie Ward of recited. Noble Itinnie Miss Infipieney Uuder tho Administration CeIlonc and at the M E. Church To Time Tresent to cake, tho and lemonade Secretary Chandler, Refreshing lebrate tlie Quoeu's Jubilee on WednesThe Great Ships, Their Armaments, Etc, manuer served a in was delightful 3. Etc. inst th the Ete;, day, D R I matters homl Mr.-Watso- is generally understood among the friends of the administration to all present. that the f'rst .move in the new The entertainment was worth Written for tho EAfiLE. Cuban policy will be made by our CONTINUED. many times the money charged, new minister to St ain. As it will To Celebrate Wednesday. Latest friui Wtihhinlou. with filled been house the had (Commenced March 20th J The meeting of the Queen's Ju- and more before a new would have .Washington, June 10 be a month or be. surely they spectators nominated, con- bilee Celebration Committees and been so imbued with the spirit of The building of ships has been The zno.st important event of the minister can to firmed and it is just friends convened in the Murray Spain, get week in Washington was the sendwould Bee greatly improved since the earliest School House Wednesday evening, the work that Murray Cuban for well as enthusiasts the. as to historic times, throve ing of the treaty for tlii annexa- to its kindergarten and a good attendance was present. that cultivate patience. tion of Hawaii to the United States of The first known of war ships so- it number and puthe assistance seemed more oi present Everybody made from its a territory to the Senate. There called were dug-outless interested in the affair. The pils. is jubilation among those who be- A nill Protecting Inventors. of tho largest tiees. trunks the To prevent inventors and others reports of all the committees were lieve that the true policy of this Stanley in his travels in Africa, aud an excellent program Children's O.iy. observed government is to get control of ail from being deceived and defrauded accepted was met with a number of these forby Last Sunday a of concert, consisting prepared, Paislands in botk the by alleged patent attorneys. outlying most Christian Churches through midable fleets, which were easily Re it enacted by the Senate and pic nic and dance, which includes cific and atlantic oceans. held in defiance with a few Henry out the land as children's day. There is some talk about the rat- House of Representatives of Ameri same of the best musical and eloheld its rifles. service E. ThoM. Chapel ification of this treaty being made ca in Loneress assembled, inat cutionary talent in the county, in- in the was The The Phoenicians, tho Greeks, the chapel evening. a party question in the Senate, but hereafter it Bhall be unlawful for sures a (success. Uua Cathagcnians and the Wednesday the 30th is eel. as the v K Ann lb Cottonwool "War Komans, it is hardly likely any considerable any person or persons, firm or corSpamsh, and tho early Kngnsa number of Senators can be found poration, engaged in securing aud da' and all who have any respect Ilouse followed the custom of other ships, as com ared with the present great ruler are expect who will acknowledge themselves prosecuting patent claims to offer or for Britain's held a morning and war ships of civilized nations, were in to ed an appearance in Mur churches and put as such, an award to their business correspondto be so both of which merest toys and of no practical or service, afternoon and attend the Jubilee net would show them to be. This ents or clients any gift, prize, or rayThe serviceable utility. attended. were well meeting adjourned until is not a party question; it is an chance to win one, medal of honor, Our present ships are so conSide meet at the West Monday, to American question, as President certificate of stock, or any other School house 8 structed that if one portion of them p. m. All are invit- Tim Credit System. S. U. Meat the Co., Cleveland quickly learned when he article or thing of real or supposed ed. The On Juno 1st, should be struck and filled with following are the af to its that thwarted the last attempt at annex-iitio'- value, intrinsic or otherwise, and notice patrons water, the residue of the ship h General Committee James Pen gave The Japanese minister has any person or persons violating the der, Robert Nevins and "William ter that date, owing to the scarcity safe because of its water tight and high price of meats, it would been asking some questions about provisions of this Act shall be Instead of being made be necessary for the cornpanv to wood, the annexation treaty which indi- deemed guilty of a misdemean- Healy. every part of them is made OTTR VIEWS. sell meats only for cash, or of finished steel. Their strength cate an intention on the part of his or, and on conviction thereof shall be puLished by a It must be understood th.it this "produc9 delivered in advance." is such that the most powerful seas government to make a protest for each offense five hundred fine less not than of now is not the It treaty. paper is not booming any celebra- Tho company states that since its cannot even wrench their frames. against certain that the treaty will be rati dollars and not more than one tion of Queen Victoria's Jubilee, adoption of the new system it has Their size and fighting capacity fied by the Senate at this session of thousand dollars, or by imprison- the birth of any potentate on done much better than before. are so increditably superior to anyfor not less than earth, the keeping np of any foreign rhere are a number of cash stores known in ancient da)S that Congress, but a protest lrm Jaian ment at hard labor more than one custom or fostering any clannish in Murray, and all seem to be do- thing nor six months would make its ratification not comparison is an absolute aosuruie whatever. as of but year. than if not better ing recognize of speedy. certain, quite good the great snips spirit only tv; for one Sec. 2. That all applications the right of foreigners to celebrate those doing the credit business. It modern times would be sufficient to Senator Kyle, who strongly favors annexation, says he Irs for patents which may hen after be their national events in proper would be a blessing if the time destroy all of the ancient navies in made a poll of the Senate and that filed by or through an attorney, or form even on American soil, our would come when all business could the world. Senators have declared any person representing himself as government is broad enough to al be done on a eash bases. Better fifty-liv- e A Gl'.EAT BATTLE SHIP. for annexation and twelve are in such, shall be accompanied by an low this. As to the Queen s Jubi for the creditor and belter for the lee, why, it lias been celebrated in debtor, better for customer and betI will try and give sonic idea of 'doubt about how they will vote. affidavit of such attorney pr per" the violated not he has son that and ter for the whole community. ome form in nerly every state, how great battle ships are made. Sixty votes will be needed to ratify of first of eeetbn the nze. The Iowa which has been adthe treaty. In order to be prepared provisions every city of any considerable false and this that in York is underFew swearing Large demonstrations Act, mitted to her trial, will be, perhaps, for tmy contingency,' it An Insane Act s constitute shall thereto and in annexaof perjury. ban Francisco, Philadelphia stood that the friends The ringing, dinging, donging of aa good an illustration as we can 15. where in cases all That resoluSkc. Canadians This ship was built by partici- the School bell as has been heard select. tion will infroduei)' a joint Chicago 12.1)00 or heretofore has Government the . an& Sons; and its keol wag tion in both House and Senate sometimes of late in such horrid Cramp pated in the parade. fees or for receive hereafter like this is free case a there In In a great may imitation of a fire alarm is a very 'laid in February, 185)3. Ins keel country nexing Hawaii. of devices account on and patbe the room of to already foolish there ought oppoenough ,,.w.r, t,! ii formed of steel, and is the very disposition on the part the in United Slates ented the all allow lillibuster to sentiment enough - oonora pan w nents of annexation 'to of nvdulg; in at the expense fright .. be shall i 1o thereof amounts banner in promptly! the on the its under nationalities uuui treaty against a vote ening people who have hved in construction oi Seuatethis resolution will be put refunded to the respective payees. exchange native courtesies on prop- other communities where such keel is very different from that Sr:c. 4. That the Commissioner er occasions without arousing pub- alarms were The latter is formed through and itnmxatioa will be given only in the mudo of steel. as as of Patents bolted firmly toshall, pracsteel as same the early of lic Foreigners, especially gravest cases of danger. Such foo- of pieces feeling accomplished just of and promulgate those wiio have not identified lishness should never be repeated gether; in each the lower ends. though the treaty were ratified. ticable, prescribe debarand admission for and the rules laid, are resinstitutions with the annexed themselves our of a was ship Texas without punishment. Some day thuribs by joint to join together in this might be arother case of the from which all is built up. In the olution after a treaty had failed of ment of attorneys practicing before i,.lvo (il0 little the Patent olfice, said rules to li (social reunions, to talk, s?inff, play, boy and the wolf. We recall building of the Iowa, very subject to the approval of the Sec- - dance and commcinmorate old fable, a boy out in tho field thought wood has been used in any part of of the Interior. times, etc., etc., but so far as the re- - he would play a good joke on the the ship; and where it washed June 11. retary Wa?hingto!:, ' sped, 'f a true American Citizen to fanners. Woolves were wont to the wood was treated chemically The outlook for 'the speedy pasbills All Notice. outstanding any foreign power is concerned, frequent the flocks in that part of in Mich a way that it will not burn. sage of the T.tritT Bill daily grows of steel. not paid- within ten days from that love and respect is very prop-Jun- e the country. One .Senahe called 'Iho ship is substantially day load j brighter, and the and sutlieiently expressed by out the 18th to the 2Sth, iS'JT, wolves! It is oOO feet long, at help! help! tors are now predicting that it will will be riven in the hands of a col- - j erly hes wide., the Presid.-n- t in his congratulations wolves!" The farmers came hasti- water line, 72 feet 2M.u bc'comea law by the KUh of July. enormous load cost on behalf of the people. collection with lector added, ly at his summons only to find they and will carry the This week the Republicans formL' I feet of draws in Th'- proposed celebration F. J. Dl.CKEK, had been deceived. He. repeated of 11,418 tons. It ally bound themselves in caucus to coal a supply of Murray is not on defined national the joke a f.ceond time when the water, and carries vot is a unit, wliu-they liave to when preparing ior a lines, but more with a view farmers came to his assistance but G'25 tons; but been dome under an informal W. P. Johnson, Newark, Ohio a this ship has a coal sociability, the occasion affording ngain found they had bcea fooled. lo'vT voYiig', nnreement. Ut.on all schedules of Cure Minute ''One Cough for The l,7h0 tons.and s:iys, for thought. The third time the. boy yelled currying capacity iho bill, and as they are getting saved my only child from dying good subject, dishorse be power ol ''woolve.-- ! wcolves!" the farmers re- has a maximum grander the character to votes li-along from both Popu- - by croup. It has saved thousands eased for speed ice be to contract the loftier the event pi mained away at- their work, and 1.(K)S. Its lists nmi DciucYrats it looks hko of others suffering from croup, A knot is hour. an celebrated, the nobler the thorghts the wool ves really came and de- is 1(5 knots oi me pneumonia, bronchitis and other will be inspired and t he lovelier the voured the flocks. by mil.', the piain sailing ior tlie rest ordinary longer than chedules and ior tho completed serious throat and lung troubles. milo nautical the human soul will be built up. A rapid donging is in all parts nearly 1,000 feet, W. E. Ferre-bcbill. Talk with Senators and Pharmacy, feet. This will givo Murray ofthe world known as a fire alarm, indicates that much Prop. miles an hour. and in some Kind. rKuitcn Entertainment. the only means about eighteen puU less time will be required to agree Her complement of officers and Last Monday evening the Mur- of making such a calamity kuown on the amendments in conference is VM) men. V nrovcr. Tii House was the scene of in haste, and anyone whs does not crew in lighting trim, than had been gcntraUy alloted to TafccCwcarcts lonstijiat'.oii C.uJ.v CaMmriic. Me or JSc, ray Opera on five.) page (Continued .'f C. to cure, tlruf.iii4 refund moaey. much mirth and childish lmppiw. (Continued on jaje four.) portion of the work. lee, A DisstriiiiidU on the Theme of the Hour by a'i Englishwoman. s, short-sighte- a. com-partment- s. V ...... r,!;H-fnPonM- . n . - ,v.-.- j.jt j ! well-inform- hl es e, hein-'n.0()- t'-r- o 0.7 o |