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Show ' j . Ciiu I v 'J i- -i (3 Thai OiJy Lino ltunninz intiiy to i.EA IWiLLE, t I. I fast 'J v Two KnoirJd- - Practical Cutter and LINK 1 SCENIC o1 Jy. Louis ill. At., .J i le Dress make;-- , Lis located in M U R RAYie! in the rooms between Sander's and butcher shop and respectfully .solicits the public patronage. J rain? , Mis. ), f.i,h-ionah- KiiOw!:.n , rml iii ln-- r tradi' in E. AO L..& AMERICA'S NEW 'AYY. Fn.-hin- rCoutinued from First IVe.) AndbKNVi-;;The iof st eil. with a double i,M,o,.(.-,iiram ,. g.llt I Rice.. 7: ...i ;i. hi Arriv..- :i l';icl) n 5:' J H.lii bottom, and close water tight sub- ' Colo ado F. DURAND H. ii.. b. ii'. cr ;';;,) a. ii! divisions extending up to lu'' "eigut Chas, Train o m. i. Is .still to be found at Ids Old Stand, often feet above tiie water hue. If iil.u 7:jii p. i::, v.; n 'i ,,, ;,; ;, Cuh.iad ;niijr!-- 0:4.) p. t, Hem or v;2."i p ul one portion of the ship h'Juld be Opera House Block, Murray, r far in ,c!' Culm kIh perforated and tilled with water and Denver with nil liue.. Kast removing superlluous aair ';tr i hair cur, the other water tight compart from the faces of men. i4l lu)!ini. ?'' mi :,ll tr S u G 1. ments would float her. mid h vo a c.)inf(.i t:ihli O o Call and Sco Him md enjoy 'the line-- t seenerv on the continent. (Continued next week.) sh..vf,.-- ! line Oe.:.-::.;!.... i'1 . Tonsorial Artist, li - ; i , h-i- "' - -,' - j l - .r-- i A .,-- . Coiiru'i-iiiiit- i "' ! . !'uf-.'..- (Let-tin- - u-.- ut , t3 eriru'o Coiormlo's Trnin No. 2. louvintr O.'deii h .in., iirrivesnt Ci iple Creek next mum-in;- i .' ii'" ':5U. S. K. at my"527" Look i'!ini). CORRESPONDENCE. nooiter. A. S. Himhes. Ci. P, & T. A TrufileMiumger Denver, Oolf.raiio n.M. Ci'shin. K. V. Iipvii.p. T. P. Gen.aseut Sale Lake Ciiy, Utah. 1S97 Taylorsville, June The diy farmers west of the cal: nal are in a bad fix this year; their 4 crops are almost a complete failure on account of insufficient vaiu. It is a pleasure to note the progress being made to celebrate the It. is a very Tiic bumps arc; sigus of a better Queen's birthday. and should move commendable, quality of beef. See. my eyes, nose be pushed to success. and ear, then blow my horn for The partner.ship of Bennion & !, Q Bute Jur hop, Time Card No. 28, Webster, butchers, has been diU IN EFFLC1 JAN. lTtli, IMiT J. C. WhST, Jfgr ssolvedMr. Webster withdrawing because there is nothing in it. Let LEAVE MLUMAV: & the Murray people withdraw their ATWOOD. GRAInTER No. 5 ForPa.t n m 5 citv No a.li l.uli. ciiy. Ojrdon com;., tition; we will erect a tarill and intcriilediHti! "points.. 0 13 a m wall along the Jordan to compel No. 0 For iinp' tH. Scvi"r arid uil S7 inn rinediaO' pointh . !2 4.1 p m foreigners to remain out of our S For j'rovo. r.iyson. K'hvlci. Let Mr. Diugley invesmarkets. aad all iuU-- media's in s 5 p m the LEAVE SALT LAKE CITV. subject. tigate No 2 For Grand Junction, 1onver are We watching with interest ami all poi;se:u-7 50 a in No. 4 rovonirid .imu'tion JVnvor the struggle over the tariff. Senasnd nil intennedinto 7 40 p in tor Cannon's votes pleases the Ko. 1 For Ojrdcuatid all pt. points 2 2i p in Lively and FeedStable. wr.t.. ' ' " " 3 U 45 p m :i. Tub-lic McKinley people nit, while, alAccomodations unsurpassed. Only line running ihroujrli PuUtiinn Pdiare Rawlins votes for Service at all hours, night aud though Senator Pleppinfr cars to L'enver hh.i i Kr.inci-i:to a cert a. n schedules wii.xmt cliKiipo. ati'i Pull'fii't family protective Min I'runcisiro. Los A tisel- g day. is it extent, generally conceded Ciiiivigo, Nfw Vcrk :in i l.osion. Free ciiair cais. i cars liiiliteil with Pinistli Prices to suit the Teople aud the that it is aloug the lines of the I. V. Oodro, A.E. Wrlby. F A WHdl.MKh, Chicago platform. However what Times. Cien. Mgr. Geo. P. & T. A Gen.Supt. creates most disgust is the ways Several Faithful Men orWomen and means adopted by Thomas 1'. yANTED ' to travel for re sponsible esiabMlied Reed to o prevent legislation. It is house in Utah, Sal. iry ITNI, payable i5 but an extraordinary sesand exriP"s,"S. rosition permanent. nothing f.iaiuped Nix. The N'auona!. Star liuildinn. i. hicatro sion of Tom Reed. , . Ail S? Taylo sville Twitters A'.-eri-t. This is the handsomest and most complete opera house in the State, outside ofOgden & Salt Lake and is seaml to none is point of convenience & comfort. i 1 Steam Heat and Electric yhfMiw? 3 Lights. L Ika U afSB. SOHLBT, Mgr. Machines Singer thatSewing understand the them. youngest can So easy that the oldest can work them. Are so simple i tui (Uh -- i mm 1:.' ii- tfegfflsflu t Si-i- i.-nvr-. - 11 q Ogden .ve'-k-!- .e. Railway Lf avo L. Farra-S- inctun. . y.Co a. "' Ar. . Lv. Furm- fnnton. S.Oo h. m. lo.oo a m. m. k. tn, i 4o a. ni. V.l.oi m in. U.4o a"in. 3 4o p.rn p.m. 2.2) p in. !i.4o y. ir.. 4.4o p. m. p. in. .r 4 6 4o p. m. m. o p. in, p. V.iO p in. 8.2o p, m. lo.oo p ni. 7. 0 a il1.4oo' a n, fi.-'- i A f H, W. T..40 a. in p. in S Co p in 5.2o p, in T.lio i. in PJ.4J p. in Early Gen return on Sun-dn- js cents Children cents including admission to grounds. viat). Dcn't Tobacco Spit mid Smoke Vonr Life Anny. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag nctic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take that makes weak men the wonder-worker- , 50c or II. Cure guarastrong. All ntee Address Rnnlrlpt. and sumnle free. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Mgr. l'as-s- From Ot:deii to Laroon and S. 1.. U H. 75 35 drui-'pist- I The Colorado Midland Two 1 d IUU f Through Trains Daily. C0M!EtaAl No. 8124. COURT Between Salt Lake City.Ogdon and Leadville THE ANCIENT ORDER OF Cripple Creek, Colorado Springs, Denver & nil pointi cant. Only line runniter Through and FRIENDLY FORESTERS Chair Cars. Throusrh Sleepers on both Morn-- J conin This nir and cveninj; trains. line, SOCIET Y, nection with the RioGrando Western, reaches Denver earlier ttian any other line via Colo. meets every Wednesday night in i :do Spr lifrs. No change of cars or delayed Foresters Hall, State Street. Murray trniiip- - Take the Colorado Midland aud save Utah. time and enjoy the finest rids and trraudest Chief Ranger. scenery in Colorado. For full particulars B. Y. Randall, eull on any H. G. W. At. or Financial Secretary. A Crown, Gen Act, Salt Lake City James Arnold, W. F, Bailey, lr. P. A., Denver, Colorado. MUSiC LESSON Miss Lizzie Bel, Rooms C05-- 6 Atlas Block. Teacher of Salt Piano and OrganMiss Hell will give lessons in ray every Friday. Utah. Lakk City, - Corner Barber Shop. For terms apply at office & Stu clio, E B borley's Music Store, MUKRAY, Yic. Johnson, Prop. (.sim-iireta- . : ' 'Jo Cure 4 oiint iput ion I orever. TaVc Cascarcts Candv Cathartic. iOa or SSc. If C C. C. fail to euro. drugfe'iM-- refund money.' 1!yi;o s rcaaa n 11 miii H'limiiM mimam linn Land ESJLlN MEl Si & or at oz Go for Y'our Supplies where Y"ou are sure to find Them in Stock and where You Can Have a large Yariety to Select From and With Prices Equal to Any. a "d (Jnoo, O.T.C8 -- ,s . Cream Pars Rye, Mil iJ 1 3 & 2" vy article of Merchandise for sale in Murray. can be found in Great Quantity, and of the Highest Grade Quality at our store. R. I DAYTON, Manager. 3H X- - Fi ne HAKK wines, liquors & cigars Z70RT,&."I ;;fiative Pride,;; ..'."angelica;;;; FiW3att?r GRAPE,; 1 J. eciai:W .:::ra$es:::::: B.B.Brandies ;; B. H. Winder,Prop- - h hi BUY Fct'jro CaT.fart for present scaitisig Ccononr, but j tJaet rcptaUoa lie Swii:3 Mothino wltta an scaico: cad yea leng es,-,'a!isx- C- Vv -- w- - z: .'r- h. it;w"i.; -- Eio i'cjr vi. ciiiioafui mi mcnii, 7 nu-kt- h $ H winv.4 ' i K?utLv tXS:SA2H f,5.iC5!!NE 5i Uro vc ore net eeelcri g Send for cu,r FOR gVA fe:! UtMcao u E BV -. t- w riacst Sctoi Sled Altxh- - $ it Wo jj s MOST June k VIZlWKUl ADi"J5TMLT, ovptsd w;,!i 33G7. at Salt Lake Cit v, h VyW , H'l MASXET. U, 0. cctSc. 8 t g E.HALL, SALT LAKECITY. - gSchoo! Furniture Supplies Tin. " VU I. t ,1.-- TIH; ..fid iil'iOUT - lire I - ! CtT cu THOMAS i"- (ur F' Ii.hiK. : t i r nelster. Crt'e :::co6iaw;::: "PewMEwiej.". Notice is hereby (riven that ing named Better hos tiled notice of Ins intention to make dual proof in support of hip claim, and t!it said proof will be made herne tho unj Receiver nt Lair Lake City, July 31, IS.7, viz: John V. VHiivr'nn, lkn,eHtrad 'n lir,Of.ir the lot 3. S i X. V V.trv , ix. . Ij,. 'a o. w . ;i't. .it.o.. 1 lino II. '2. W. lie iinmcB t!i foHowinj: witnesses to prove his cml inuous r' Fiden.'e upon and Ipu'iivation of faid Uud, v:z: .ltnea Glaocy. l'etr Gunderon,of Lmley Wells Hunter proand Lnmiu JePperson.all c'.nct Salt Lake County, Utah. BvuoN Ci:oo, KeiFior. B.A. M. Fro'seth.AUy. Lr claimant. ' 1 - pools 17. 1897. iho follow- d, t&a array iSohang1. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. v&s;-Ti.G- the cheapest and always the most Satisfactory. 43 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. I Give me a Call - 14,000.000 SINGER SEWING MACHINES Made and Sold. 1.000,000 Sold Annually, This proves the old old saying that the best is f2 First Cliss Work. Mur-- , Vuilf iiovvel Willi Candy CntlmrMe, rutv caiiRt'pntion forever. lOo. iM. It C. 0. C. fr.ii, drufKiMs rtf jnd niuneyli.lue;-.;- Law. Attorney-at- - years alt. The Ssncer SUSanufacturikgCo- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. No. 3372: Land Office at Salt Lake City, Junj 19th, 1397. Notice is hereby given that the fo'low-- f eg named settler l as tiled notice ot boa intet.tion to make final proof in support of his claim and that eaid proof will be madebefore the Kegifcter and Receiver at Salt Uve buy. Ltnn, Anust 14, 1897, viz: Frank E. Smith, for the E. Sec. S. E. X. See. 11 ana N. H N. E. 14, T. 3 S., 11. 1 E. S L M., J tali. lie names the following witnesHeu to piove his continuous resiliency upon and cultiva'ion of, said land, viz: E. S. Cow ley, John Thompson, Lewis Neeley and (ieorge Thomppon, a'i of GraDite, Salt Lake County, Utah. EARNEST IIOGNON. 5 (Taken from Life.) . Such easy terms that anybody can purchase one. g Genius, known or unknown, is really only the power of making continuous efforts. TIia llue be tween failure and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it. How may a man with weary brain and paralized spirits has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience.would have achieved success as the tide goes clear ouf7'so it comes clear in. Some times life's goal is nearest when it seems most distant, A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to1 glorious success. Continu ous application is the secret of every discovery. There is no failure except in no longer trying. There is no defeat except from with in, no really insurmountable barri er save our own inherent weak ness of purpose. The sooner one realizes success is built on failures the sooner will he breast the world with confidence and steer clear of all the undercurrents. DR. MATr;HFTTF'S Kvervbody bays bo. Cnscarets Candy Cathartic, the most won dert' ul medical discovery of the ape, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, net gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, lever, habitual constipation and bririiir.ness. Please buv and try a box of CI. ( !. O. to-- ay ; 0, 25, nil cer. ts. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. 1.4o LAGOCN P. BAMBERGER. . Agx, Head this Every Day. Cared in 3Bay .'.'lilt Tt'bivcu Antidote will tlo it. A iiui Jloxvust only ict1-- . All druuWts, or by mail. A sx'ts wanted Circulars Fukk. Dli. MAICli'KT'l'K. CillcAiiti. iLL. rrivo S. I.. .40 a. in rosoit and picnio grounds. Hound triplno.dinjr adinission :;scts, Special rat to Sccietirs, Sundae So.hcols, Etc. Hound 'rip to Reek's Hot Springs, Including baAhl-'- j rents. ido:il The nmi roisono Daily Time Tnble in Effect May 3oth,l?97; 106 years old. Li.e is .i.i.ijn. un. . plte, including ff no ;a LtFCRi I'ukchasinq. Wame'.! Ev?ryw here. rCriS & CO., nactn?, Wis, |