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Show f r. I into the other night and 15 cans of; country to celebrate the 4th. Home how the boys look better every fruit were stolen. , i.,... iuiiii aim i unu , , hhic iiici ui Cad aiwiie) t? iu.aiwc arrau- - rfctunK H;iVc especially boivpiite or Ibr u.u!C hysons piano & Vail,..r,,it air Nvllh ,h llainillt, n, wttn ..hsshizie Led. "sideburns'' and that royal growth The Hubjcct for Sunday night-- at on the upper lip. the little M.Ik Chapel will be: f!.e Don't thin .vour blood with sassa- -' n.a ;,,c,.ir..,l wr.nl t;i.i,. nuni r.f On.!. IjIOJO lllc llitjuien i m tk 6 In .K u !)' i' m rtion. ts V' rjDch per infi.. fl I'"" So cer 75 nuii'th crntt - liiiewhioLacuuc -a 3o Ln'al-- lo each line cent, per L. s- i i'U wioui'r- iuhhu 11., . Wilt's Tilth- Karlv Eiders, the ous little pills for sick bcadaeh and .disorders of the stomach and liver. Murray rhuruiacv, V.'. Ik I'erre- he, Prop. - faiu-lJH-n- ts . . . Never go to town for that which . , . 'lias or '(ksuii it Willi ,. Calders iart is becoming u- - ;i f , i, ., wt imilll n,l TsWitC, is pleaane resort of the county. It Littl( 1:arly Ri,ers the famous lit-- good. That is the way to build a most pleasant place tor a pic Ctle piUs for collstipation, bilious- - up the community you live in. In i'art.Vliver and stomach and jness Murray is almost everything a per- in troubles are son ; veget-They requires for life and comfort-ca-- h purely Cive us your name and 1.50 ' E. au'e W, and Murray rharmacy Murray should have her citi, and receive your home pap'r oue Ferrebee, Prop. iCgularly, every week, for jzons trade. whole year. jie County Commissioners' Not only piles of the very worst should continue their good work at kind can be cured by DeWitt's Duraud Don't forget that Charley the wells sunk along State Witch Hazel Salve, but eczema, various is! artist tonsorial the ever popular Hoad conveniences for scalds, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers and as arrange razor the any' with as , mwl lu'iist, to nil on pli t :i n lip t'linl oil Afimr tl.in iiriitn iii.i. ii in i ui ii. i CoiTt :i iimvoli vere (tiiii'i,r inr instantly relieved by the same rem Our roads are very thirsty. They p(.!0.s hail' choked with thirst, to edy. M urray I liarmaey, Dr. W. show no signs of being wet after jSOjJ .j a,.ge stream of nature's cool- - E. Ferrebee, IVoji. lhu wind auu j,, qU pouring oil" into a hoi being sprinkled. us. are dust Am nut U able get a single drop. against I (ill N OniETT FT! itlui AVest celebrated tho 01th Kvciybody is, invited to atteml the Jubilee inciting, Wednesday nigliblanniversarv of his birth n ('alder's Mnrruy Mcjit nnd Live Hook Miuk.'t TTa wu in to hour t he, eoiumittees renort auu i,.i. I,, Mm-ihiOg anbefales sou godt asortcret and attend to other business. and kiod o itolse varer efter spirits s.ng ;right good afinima T l u f i !' iwl iwl (1'H'C J pom Skandi- reaAinerikansk, and J: .laavei For courteous treatinent of sketches make pencil ,navisk luetode, lovende enhve nrices the U. S butcher Conkurer "hop is not excelled, not onIjMu iluM.ld tid.oeaten wharf in Ccpen- reel.ood bchandling. 1. ndertegnede mdve-- , ende itriser. Murray, but m the county. ., , i. say about his adopted town, Mur- - icier Bpesieii oiviuiuiuavcr. Harness work done by A. White ray, scenes of which he has so ofIJestvrer, first! ten N. John Tcbkkiu.sf.x, paiuted. Sandy and Murray, is always class. Anyone is foolish who will Polsemager The Lincoln House. (opposite the take their harness work to town. Salt Lake 1 heatre , is couj the most of venient lodging house in town. Woodmen of TheMurray Camp Don't neglect a cough because the World is in receipt of an hivita- Tlie new ollice, parlor, bath rooms the weather is pleasant; before the tion from the Jubilee Commission and barber shop are the neatest in Li storm rolls around it may next, askiug them to take part in the pa the city, and the rates are such a serious difficulty that the poorest man can indulge in develope into One Minute rade Cough Paul Hein. the beyond repair. those . luxuries. . W. E. Cure. "A woman s hair is ner price . Pharmacy, Murray roilfreniai nmsf. tll. . , , . under and it is only aggravated T stpa(ilv Ferrebee, Prop. ' iUn r,. . cases of disease of the libers that a oa nna Af ihl COtSlXSSCiilfifL woman is cxcuseable m closely cut-- ; u.rA inmi rif t,lA oHv tmr her liair. -- ?i THE i'-rThe deal between Druggist latest additions to the Ferrebee . is raaetieallv . irreen ?crocer s sta is, call at the 'consummated. An invoice of the p. ... , Stand, ihe. Tr- ;- ... , "American Eagle' J ln1:JV an(1 to. da&Si " riC3!7 run isiiuj inwiits verv latest in the Ime ol Iruits. UIOI row ittitt uy lui'sua) uic vegetables, etc. will take possession of the large Right ia tho heart of the city, with But' e Citv has formed a vigil drus: establishment. The consider every convenience and ance committee and expelled the ation will be in the neighborhood such tramp, Murray is lull ol these ot 83.000. With and aa metropolior Tenns: Tho niopt reaeonabloin the city $5,000 tan establishment, hobos and ahsolutely without any 5o cents per eight and upwarcB. will have Doctor the i.StkOOO stock, whatever. r: uiue-iuas- Uv-O- ... u :i , - ADVERTISING MATES. nrn'rilon. hi. : , niwt They are dandies' s aid Thomas Bowers of the Crocket. Te.ya? En- 4 or-a- T -- IhiB per mouth. per line eaiti Its"-lir- . ii's per Inn; per mom Ii. Lilt:rtil reduction ou larpe spate or long . Willi! tiyje. 1 g i ' - , hl'imlil tif in unt Cupv for ttdveitiwment ht teinetm to insura !!r ihau Weilne-dii- y test isotie. in ioM-rtiiu- i Silver LEAD. ail coicmtai to the cheap brands. i - Eonon M. A. WlUXMSEN, ROl'.- - r. BAKING ui ut2 Ward niejt School V., .ft giilc Hutl'lnv t evemii!! Tih'kiIhv Meeting f u e. V. M. M. J nt-'- MeHioiiiit Preaching .Suii'lny In a H Hi. tlw Konndinav.an A. ! -- MLItUAY l'OST OFFICE, COflire. he turn from b:(M n. m. to (5:00 p. in. Sumitiys frttiii St.Od to '().(" n. m. Mail closes every lny nttelK) p. in. Money Order hour and hour for register business from it a. in. to 4 . in. Arrivitl Hinl Di iiarturc of tiiuiltf. Mail arrive tU." a.m., departs !.:)., 5.15 p.m., cU .parts I v el.ool 2 ! r. Chapel Surdiiy tuniUiv niKl't ut 7 A. W. tlitrtslmrii, Minuter Arrives 3.30. W".lol rrliitinj- of everv description neatly, accurately anil promptly executed.. B J5.GLSTS. Jubilee stationery here. Y l i Call at this of- i Si.oi. t'rsLuai') ?:i.7" $4.2o Winter()uartersNut s:k75 J. P. C.uiooN- - & TJko. Wint'i-OV.- r ' J)r. iljoriisou" , in ice ana ., ues-Hienc- . Residence. ; ,, u mii; ij.iiul , . Niijht nnd day cases promptly answered. urray j & 8-a-t Live Stock mpany Ca-hoo- n. L'Tl A good spring wagon for sale cheap. Lots, lots, lots! Lots of them for protection pale cheap. Proprietor, Winder, of Calder's Now hay, delivered cheap. Call Park has very wisely excluded the at this office. "tough ' female element lrom the believing it to be detrimenCall on Jas. Gilbert for cheap park, the to tal place as a family resort. and good fchoeat. Sick headache can he quickly and Fwtr weeks more and then the completely overcome by using those Pioneer Jubilee. famous little puis known as leave Little Early Ivisers, M urCheap hay, any crop, ; ei'S at this ollice. ray Pharmacy, W. E. Ferrebee, machine lor Prop. A ftit-(la.-Misses Christina Ifartviksen and cheap. This olhee. Annie Overman accompanied by The showers of the past week A. L hristenseti, all of Sandy, have been much appreciate!.. dropped in to see the E.ol.E Tltur.-.dayWe like to see our Tot t; for sale in the Bamberger call friends, so again. addition. Call at ihis ollice. A lew of the badness men of A runaway about 10 o'clock last Murray have sent a petition to the night. No particulars learned. County Commissioners asking them V.. Caluxm lor mens to drain the Poll mi pond from William's hhirts and smelter hands supplies. pasture, the water from which seeps into their cellars. Injure your properly wit!) 11. V A Ibiting party, consisting of L. Atwotul, the local insurance ag"iit A. Coj.elaml. Albert Caiioon, Ceo. V J. Decker has purchased :i Tin-ic- y a;:d J i.i ;tnd George Smith but. Iter's business in Salt Fak who went rid to East canyon last Citv i iiinxhiv murnin have returned n IVaterna with the results. recehed weighted TlteF.oi.i: tin call from editor lliiitviki-ea .urs 'a lien almo,-- t Has Constantly ou Hand Frech and Cured M E .AT 3 . jli lot-te- Og-de- t)ii . n H A . Prop-24- Sausage, Lard and Bacon, taeu our CI) 3 but all meats will be sold at - WHOLESALE PRICES. -- 8 V- REDUCED' m s1 fpom. tK7 TO IS m i& OS vjy , TT ms James Gilbert's n, dluilLBUlUll a !, life's open sea. Ft t ft' &kr 9 3 C 4 mid if u9 Carries a full line of 'SVTfl fl A ISii Bmmes. $77 &v icon : "&1 II t! th-w- liiei viih 'I0 ;o'c;.;c!u S.utii'day. v, a from h.-Two line homes for sale m the v. ,u"trv ami rewri'o or Call tvi,t! scrr.;l bad cuts, one acroi-heart of Murray .10 teek required several stitches. Ibis ollice. I' l i t e the opera- lev is en the sick ic P.. icii. nervous dyspept He Ml lb Gaboon ,f Ilro. have re- occasionally. dt.eed t f coal -- cts. Dr, Pj unso'i has rented Harry an-- l '.eis. This linn is in the held s 'take I ot her day. r Provisions, Dry Goods. 5 I M 2nd Eafi Of all kinds St.. Stilt Ltike- - Se-ut- The wedding reception given Mr. and Mrs. George Laker at the home of the bride'i parents, Mr. aud Mr.5. Wm. Atwood on the 23rd was a grand affair. There must have been ioo guests present and as for presents, why, there must have been a dray load, at any rate Mr. Laker had to charter a special freight car to ship the goods to their future home. The tables were about the finest ever set in Everything was first-clas- s Murray. and tie extent and very elaborateness of the affair precludes all pes ibiiity of space for a detailed i he Eaoi.i, s wings I.serii.iion. follow the happy-pai- r v. s islu bt st and . ! F. PERKINS, no occasion to fear competition years to come. After he takes charge of the business the doctor will give up his present quarter.--. s a itilli he t r fice. Get your groceries of A. E. Ptl'vd 1 W- Sor-Fort- Eliasson is on the sick list. Booms fur rent. Yard. $4.00 j Send ns j our job printing. Soman Curtis its eonvalesing. J. T. Castle Gate L'nnp, ( astle Gate Nut, j jluwl at 'EV YORK. I'OWDKK CO., UTAU COALS. 3 CHURCH DIUHCTOUV. Cottonwood Ward House. n adul-teraliu- ii(;ainst lu-i- r -. A' S-- j r ch-vc- silvi:u. Absolutely Pure. Celt4ira(l for its great leavening and hoaltlifnlness. Absuios the srerth food alum ami all fi;m)9 of ; Contractors r.ifif! Builders. t t AMi GENEKAL MFKCHANDISE. i .1. ''i' m Stale Street, Murray. rfg- , tin-prie- e th-'i- r Hayncs' redth nee and July 1st. t tout to work ? j lite interests ol JL J their their Hcu.teme.,,st;,uorklbr ,V)00 T"'t'ile attended (.Jarfuld I11U Vols. ii, It .1 .w,'. o..r o(r.It ic. Thmu!,tv, half of whom were ' m'"L r 1m..-i- ' over 70 years of age. Some for ten some for twenty an.l f ir t!,i,,v Vcar have snfand a is The Sanitarium great from piles ami then have favorite resort for those desiring M'Jickl'v and ncrmaneutlv ! health. cleanliness and cured by using DeWitt's Witch Insure A quit t wedding took place list Hazel S.ilve.-Mur- ray Pharmacy Your week in Salt Lake between two W. E. FcrrehccPryp. Business deaf and dumb people. The In For two wicks there has been Phirrm;, or old Hartford of a man making a house to house number people (uite a Homo of Utah. The cauvass wines of enjoyed within kind from this neighborhood IE C. ATWOOD, whicli he was the Old Folk's excursion. selling as low a 7.V A lien t. !N72.I - ! 11 ..? -'.V Cm-.iui- rr. ,'T'''Si'j rCCXCCCC - a gaihm. fur whieh rivlige of sellDr. Hill' will deliver a patriotic ing, the Murray unloon ki epers are r.ldress in the little Murray Street jKirinir Ho ner license. Do ue need incorporation? Chapel, Sunday, July ith. Clms Anderson had who lives roar i vnw.HO 5 . M;tch-vtc'- -. 4 .Mitivioto. threPKtn in- . .1... 11 Wm. and Pav3 Williams have lelunad fmu the Deep Creek Ui. M.viiEi lnjKiit A tl co.. 'l;lit -hi'Me ij U " niiijfctr.3MrS cuicss-j- rl vVvjs 3 3 H'jf t 3 Q U p,, MM l2 Wood-Worltin- g a 'j M 3 i . bj ii rtf M x- r- M (RP ta t nhr en. W ;y Ir y W 3 Jj'J m i.j j ?J jrl ?rf Full Lino c A r'.Vl 'f iV ui ui P Scroll sawing. i '.mini Stair Building k1 sash, noons, t MOULLINGS, El PTT IN ?UJ HABIT T,' Tiio COTJITV p.o,: Just Wed of Depot. CST 1 . |