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Show until the oue entering the suit lias to leav the field worse off than he was to commence with. No, I ICI iLrGH L- "i(flck it?. :s n0 rcdreSs for the, injured 'or punishment for the. guilty1 in rubliBlicd every Saturday, by v jfuoh casus, acroruiug to the attor- - r 'Ihe Amtiican Kaile Pub. Co. ;liey's opinion. American rl One Year, tl MI! iCUIrTlON; 50; SU5luutbs.tl.00; M'iitlts, All Suliscr'.fition Madam Rumor is the busiest old lady in Murray today , she says That Dr. Eerrebee has bought out E. B, Sorley's Drug business. That E. h, arid wife will go to Europe. That Haynes ha:s rented his resi- rimts. strictly in Advance. KATI.S in buslat'HS f)l uiuii 5 coats er line iiivsrti'iu, la Ni'Ks coiumil 1.1 ten Is first luHTtton, 5 ccnU each eiUwcqurnt itmor-tloLocal 6cU All advcrt!eMi')it must be settled for at of every month. Any person wisliinq; the , Last chance: GET A DRINK BEFORE GOING TO SALT LAKE. .a a Wines, Liquors Oigers physician. That Miss Neff will give up the hotel in the fall. That Mr.IIaynes and family will go to Brighton before leaving here. That Dr. Ferrebee will have his office up stairs where Sorley now . ag O JVt jk.'Cv A rfkOO And U prepared to furnish a full line of J TO r, Udortr.kns Parlors CAM KETS, Wood andClotb covered (Urii-"5- I i j nricf s (lnof 1 . ' jaiportucu a:tu .Made. w -- &o jj, jj K xxvui's ?, jf if enualtoany" iu bait iakeL uv i rv jfv That Dr. Bjomson is a good tbeir advertisement discontinued must 'ive notice to that effect, otherwise it w ill appear in the ulmiqULMit in? ui'S of tiie paper, and be charged for accordingly. Entered at the Murray Post Office Matter. m s. Lakef Begs to announce to the people of Salt county that he has opened an i dence. the end -- - What Mi.d:im Humor Says. Thrf-- 7.1 ADVKKTISINO n "9 '' y' One Block East from William's Corner, o MURIIAB, UTAJf Inter-Mountai- n k- - ComDariyC- Milling cT - OF (Continued faom page one.) 0. S. OLSEN, Proprietor . liven. Holler sviile Roller Tills Taylor That Murray will be incorporated Saw Street, - MURRAY, UTAH know this, ought to bo taught a les That Jakeman is quite patriotic. son by answering to the charge of Holler Mills Wasatch Holler &iills, soon a will the That get a misdemeanor. Salt Lalie VLill up girls Roller Pioneer stag social at the little Chapel. Elevator That Durand will run the Hotel The Queen's Jubilee. "JS. in What is it to us in this coutry? Murray IS Dr. W..E. tailor would do That a ferrebee, Prop. Considerable to men and women who were born on British noil. Al- well in Murray. Grist work a Specialty. Highest Cash Price Paid That Doctor Jones will soon though tho writer, English by birth, move into his new wneat. cottage. is now a full fledged American That 15. Y. Kandall is kept busy S4 citizen, there yet lingers in her cake. wedding making of fond a remembrance breast, TKLKMIOXE 128. That Queen Jubilee.in Murray, old England, childhood and girl3Sto. be a daisy. next Wednesday,will hood home. Well does she rememThat the President and his Cabiber standing on board tho old ship Murray this year. that was to bear them across the net will not visit Sander James That j is a successChemicals, Toilet Autici.es .Fancy briny deep, joining, with others in ful book I'KlttTMI-.KVSOAI'V COMHS, agent. Mauufactureres of High Grade Kinging as Englands shores receded much of That "she" don't think Bkcshus, Si'oxoes, Etc. from view: a person who don't take the home Yet my native Innd I love thee All thy Hceiu-love them woll paper. VricnilH connections, happy country Clin l.cau I, Buy faruwoll. That the Eagle office does lir.it- - PijrscKiPTioxs Cauefillv Compounded e nothing but Utah Products Pharmacist. Br A First-Classwell class how would her heart Also, job printing. Your Patronage Solicited, Strictly a Home Concern" with emotion, as she with her school-matewould sing those old, 3!"9 era erj Tfrriri.e Accident. Itisa terl'h ei-- 5 xiM u. w such us'God W airs familiar, patriotic rible accident to be burned or Save the Queen," and '"Britlania scalded; but the pain and agony rules the wave," (which, by the w;ty and frightful disfigurements can be Oea!er ire is yet true.) How proud she would overcome without leaving quickly feci to know that she was an Eng- a sear by using De Witt's Witch Coal, Lumber, Doors, Sash, Mouldlish subject, and on her country's Hazel Salve,. Murray Pharmacy, dominions tho sun never pet, ing Dr. W.E. Ferrebee, Prop. Lath, Shingles," Builder's def ever a soverign's reign Hardware.Paints, Oil,Varnish-es- , served comminemoratiug, surely filler's a7,y, t(,(js Patent Murray Pharmacy first-clas- PHOPHIBTOHS Mils and and EVER UNDERSOLD, ARB s Drugs and tar Medicines, i'j'Y', Tcilot iiriiclos, Salt Lake Yiaegar Factory. , VINEGARS: I s W, H. Atwood.i Factory at Murray. .aloon & Billiard Ha Brashes, Plaster Hair, Paper, Etc., Combination Fence. How 1 lu.ee it Victoria's does. .lvu.ucemeia inueU""pf OgrPBH nm has been lmulo since tho ascemoi B. Y . R AN D ALL. P rop- the throne and how much has been -done fur the betterment of women. Fresh Pread, made Buns, Pie, Cake, Etc., Daily. able statesman Murray Bakery, An recently the remark, more has been done ft r women in England during tho p;nt sixty years than iu tho previous six canturios. It is a fact, yet all credit is not due to England's Queen. She has been but an in the hands of God to bring about this great change, for, this is woman's centnrv. She has boon a noble woman, queen, wife and mother. Has set a worthy example beforo her subjects and they love her ami wish her reigu to bo prolonged yet many Her uame will go down years. int.) history a.s tho greatest of EngIt is not unlit land's monarchs. that wo should celebrate, for although wo have now become Amer ican citizens and enjoy all the rights aud privileges, of native born, do we not still claim a rela tionship to tho mother country? Are we not American cousins'? There arc few peophs if any, in England, who have not relatives in this country. Then let us join with them, in a measure, though far away, in this their jubilee. May Heaven's choicest blessings rest upon tlui Queen, and England as a nation. E. II. E. Th JiiHtlo Murray Is tteeor Murray Salt Lake Co., Stag to LUNCH STAND. Hot and Cold Lunches. Hot Coffee with Cake ioct. Lunches put up for travelers. Cult re t ) Three of the Public for Par-th'Weddings Itltthdays, Etc. dujivs South of Post Office Careful Attention s W MOM TALI lAH .a s Viw W nuts i Utah A Given to careful selected- - stock:tSS"OF"W n e i h, "Liquors, KT C i g a r s, i 4 Always on Hand. Family Trade Atwood & Granter have established a Stage Line between Murray and Wasatch ? i Carlson & Birch. ' Fare For Round Ti ip $1.50 DAILY SERVICE: Leaves Murray at 8:30 a. m. and arrives at destination 10:30 a. m. Is Still in Punning Order, and Leaves Wasatch 4:30 p. m, and arrives at Murray at 0:30 p. m. We are doing our best to Harness Shop Accommodate Our Many Customers. Miss Wiixard Jarp.eu. Mrs. Ann E. Boyce A. White DRESS-MAKER- S. All Kinds of Fashionable fCavraN, and Trati ' himinrv OUH Inr rn!iflni-Tt.i- i OmCE lOfPOITE obtained a muKin'E U Making and Tlain Sewing and promptly done mk neatly Tho Latest Modes at our Parlors id ail I'at-r- nt frrs S.PATtNTOrriCti rin(l we can srmre patent in less tunc liun thost't W ailniM'ton. iicmott fro-Srml iikhU'1, drawinsf or plmto., with tlcscrin- inn. We ailvisr, if jiati'iit.thlc or not, fref ol - ... ,1. . ..i..iviu rtni.llHniTCtl. "'"v to l)lt in I'atrnt?." with Pamphlet, 01 .ainr 111 t.'ie t. anJ lotcifn cuuntries j ,iki led! iictiiiree. Dress-W- i- Auarpss, First Door Sout 'i of Sanier's Store, State Street, Murray PAQH vnwi $2,100 ES1SE OFFER 1 and INVENTOR'S ASSISTANT , wcioa, coys, r'.rh ill tZS7 TZZZ to all on re?':c:t. tpa:r:.ts. ffsilth nay la yourj. TTiil yn ,;slo can After so long a wait, our prosecuting attorney, VauCott, has Irritt V?rs.e ' r..,ifoni to tis VVasminston, D. C. to prosecute tho diunken JOw. Patent crowd spoken t If iu our article "InE lufUt f Your Howi'I Wit li for IMCty Cents. euro oon,.l'i!vt',oti forever. cidents since our last" in last fluarauUHid tibiuvo liubit ci.re, inaUcs weak Candy r.ilinr.ii'. refund money. If t'- O. O, fail, Mka1 puru. &l)c, jl. All UrugpisLs. 10, week's but not the. case in r.iou which a gentleman of Murray was FAMILY AND HOTEL USE. ndd.Mi down by a fellow fiom West 2 . f ...., a dene on mo u.vzi ifanlnir can ilthSi 7 Jordan. In the latter case there Y"V.' ,V minutes wliliout heat or fuel. are seven competent witnesses who - 'i- - yaa.nlt. in'twenly a! .rnHCHinc raw ur n l . s i . Tin ' iri;- - i . rici fl know of tho case and not one for ,...,.t...:..!i.y.i - .... TV - il l Prices w'th'n t'.c ni'n-- of every itinmy. .t;nn-" the defense, and yet the county at- leu sizis, lor t attunes n crt I'jmn for ne.v illustrated Culslonue, will pr.ccs. to The it. refused consider toir.ey ... mo. vi kH THE FZUC'Wl, MANCLit CO., iti;;IU r rectus to resolve itself into tiiis fact: If a party disturb the! peac of the community by fasti :uul reckless driving the-- lay theia-.kXliable to prosecution by the " i .V t.ite. but if they will only cripple uin their drunken kill soiu-u'Ha v. A free. v. t kh sci-e.iu go they Tnu ,'!.r attorney suggest civil ac . ui t. r damages which means tho S expe!'e of a lawsuit in addition to l.i.i bodily injury, for if tho man ALL . imiui. lilting the offense be poor. thDRUGGISTS 5.0 . A "', ''A.... i yurcd party can get r.othinz from I' rc nir i..r if ete lrsn it Snm-will e natitr:'! r.ullu. ijh buy iiim.nnd if he be rich, h' ni. '.it nlMiml li.wklrt frw. Ad. Sl KKI.lVti KK'il su.i i t'. ionlri!. t ii.i., drrtT orV. . unon imsclf off by appeal appeal C.A.SOW&CO.i 0.-hc- I'ltm-arets- l."us,"-is- ts TtijK X MANGLtlS -- . t A rnMrronrTrn7' 1 11 i I 1 i . ( j c r ft j u T -- ' 7 muw If WtfW hs s$ rv. m - t V.. rons-.ie.t- ifjimfm t.j s if t wi M 7 nri CLEPZZAfA OHIO. 1 J T,n 3 i ' ti d . Li. -r i1 t Uses Casolir.e, Xatartil Gas or ManufjelureJ Fi'tciU v:ta hot:. TnUa cr.ct Elsctrlo Bnticrj. Aretfetl for I'tmi;!:. Wat. r, ii; !no!: '''i.V-'i- l ill Kart.i i'ur-- .! XI i vntorO'". uiMit.rain .. . . k 'Ii '... . , f.,.i: .! In 1, lit 1 " M 111 3 :'- ' -- ia'i.ii,-,f.iiiij'ir- ! I V a l - ' jv a M3-!- I for e:.I ';UT,; j uiui pt lees to RACINE HARCVWRE CO., lint,'!..' 2 ecu, 11 SiU'l :ui Rccinc, Wis; |