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Show Eton's Saving Bank. The annual stockholders meeting of Zion"s Savings Back and Trun Company, cf Nos. 1, 8 and 5 Main street, Salt Luke City, was held at the Bank ou Monday morning, J une 7th, 1S97. The following directors were Wilford Woodruff, President; George Q. Cannon, Cannon. Cashier; George Joseph l Smith, T. G. Webber, James Jack, Angus M. Cannon, H. B. Clawson, Lorenzo Snow, Heber J. Grant. Francis M. Lyman, George Reynolds. L. John Kuttall. The report for the year showed an increase cf over 130.000 in deiwsits and over new accounts. The new accounts An?e in amount froml to thousands. Start an account now. Five (5) per cent interest paid on all savings accounts. mere It Wasn't "Him." came a ring; the maid sprung from her chair, Schillings Best tea is f because it is What ? of the not. only pure but it fresh-roaste- -- d. the missing word is flew ? You won't see it again 15 1 SCHILLING'S BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO. Address: Grown f?.?"?"? Thus passed a period of several days. find myself vastly better. and, with the growth of energy, to look forward pleasurably to the time when I should return to my work In London. My good friend the waiter had succeeded, much to his delight, in getting me to go for numerous drives through' the lovely country that surrounds th I had even, on diver watering-placoccasions, set forth on foot and ex plored the coast and the inland lanes for myself. I went alone, but I neven felt the absence of companions, for my: expeditions always took place before or after the hour at which she might be expected idling on the promenade at the hour when she drove by. I had come to understand the routine of their dally outing. They were manifestly living somewhere to the west of the town. Every day they went through the island lanea at the back of it until they were a mile or two to the east, and then, descending seawards, drove home to the promenade and the road that skirts the sea. Now one day, with no set purpose that I would have confessed, even to myself, I took rtie western road and went into the country. Some dozen cottages and a little pier stood at the margin of the sea. Inland a few houses the I began to e. I I'M ffip wwvvwwvwvvv --- f i''''-- xu "; Three Three Grown Grown Spices Triple flway Flavoring flnead Extracts Made Direct Purity irom tlie and Fruit. Strength. - .wwwwwwvvvvwwwvvv wwvwwww Jtollclt your patronage not solely upon the thnt our goods are manufactured Wr. ground wliiiln the limit of your own state, but upon basin that we are giving you better broad the value for your money than you can possibly receive by asking your grocer for some foreign brand which In moat casea will lie found to be an Inferior article coating the same or more money. Support your home Industries and others will start, which means better times. Ask for Thhkk Chowjj Mak-i- n l'owDtii, bi'U KS, Eitkacts, and refuse all thcrs. BrlIgtSoui and K very JVoew Jt. Every Pound Is Tested by an Expert Chemist, lor HE CCUiDN'T HIDE IT. Was Why! Because it is the hiph-e- st grade of Baking Powder manufactured from the purest cream tartar. ' " Powder flWWVWWWWWWV 11 - little seaside town, the solace of work being denied me because of the illness that had brought me there to seek for health. For a year past I had longed for a period of license such as was now mine to enjoy but the granting of my desire had come in such a fashion that it gave me not the smallest pleasure. I was desperately tired, and my nerves were in a state that rendered all enjoyment impossible. I used to lie late O. in the mornings, for there was nothing Waldlng. Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale to do but wander Druggists, 'ioledo, O. idly on the prome Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, munade, and trivial the blood pleasures of the the and upon directly acting cous surfaces of the system. Testimocrowd vexed me unutterably because I nials sent free. Price 75c ner bottle. Sola could not share them. It was only at e"y all drupgists. Hall's Family Tills are the bat. I night realized that possibly this irksome time nf rest was bringing me nearer to the recovery of my health A Remarkable Occasion. "This war," remarked the sultan,"haa Then I used to wander until all but the Its decided annoyances. But there ia latest of the visitors had left the promone thing about it that fills my bosora enade. It was impossible not to be at rest. with joy." "What Is that?" Inquired the grand I had been perhaps a fortnight in the place when first I saw the lady of vizier. were seen their fruitful or"It's the first quarrel In the history whom I would tell you. It was only chards. Butamong at the edge of the slope of my sovereignty in which all my for a moment, as she drove past in the there waB a of wild wood, little space but that of an older woman, company wife's relations took sides with ine." and thi8I looked across the flower fill to moment's was sight' my enough Washington Star. thoughts until I saw her again upon grown hedge, tempted me to rest. I the morrow. She was beautiful beyond climbed this Intervening barrier and Dropsy treated free bv Dr. II. H. Green" lay down in the shelter of a little oak- Sons, of Atlanta, Ga. The greatest drops j all words; I fancied she could hardly tree. adverand have in Read world. their the specialists passed the age of twenty, It may be I slept. Certainly I was a tisement in another column of this paper. speech and hearing had been denied time under the oak before I be long her. She had the Innocent gladness The Womanly. that remains while they are yet young came aware that I was not the only Women would not throw mud, oh, no. with some who are thus afflicted. She occupant of the wood. Someone was In polities, as heretofore looked upon the world with beautiful singing Boftly, and I could hear foot The men have done; they'd rather go bright eyes, and, in spite of fate, was steps moving slowly through the fern. And track it on each other's floor. well pleased to be alive. But she was I could tell by the sound that the newDetroit Journal. talking with her fingers to the elder comer was stopping here and there to lady, her companion, in whoso eyes as pick flowers. Now, 1 had enjoyed the solitude, but HQI OR HAftlT POSITIVELY CI KKO. they looked on the girl I saw an in Tloine Treatment Written Guarantee given no finite even at the first the person who was snre no pay. ShihI 2 stamp for tivaiisw. Neumtioo pity expressed. That pity instantly Invaded my own coming towards me did not strike me heart, though its object was gone out as an intruder. Ker singing was In of my Bight within a few seconds of absolute concord with my mood; it Seeks Police Protection Against Ghosts. From the Springfield Republican: her appearance; and, despite the fact was as if one had thought of a poem, A Millbury man, who has been hearing that I knew not so much as her name, and a moment later found oneself hum the melody that would make of Btrange noises about his house, thinks there was mixed with the pity a sense ming it a perfect song. I lay and waited, fates of the rebellion and is haunted apangry against the place by ghosts, and the singer came nearer. plied to the selectmen yesterday for who had thus afflicted her, wantonly The song ceased when she presently a value of its generosity that, robbing police protection. through her, might otherwise have appeared. She and I were a little gladdened the wide vorld. I could not startled. "Tbefl you are not dumb?" I cried refrain from laughter at the emotions so suddenly aroused in me. 1 might Involuntarily as I started to my feet. She bnsiuted, end a little smile playhave been her lover, and this inability to hear or to speak a calamity quite ed abou. th corners of her pretty mouth. '"It in my aunt who is dumb,'" newly fallen upon her. she said. TKftn, with a sudden recovI than more my ever, regretted Now, loneliness, for I had no one from whom ery of her d'ipilty, "I don't know why you should a?k." I might expect to gather any informa But that sr a matter I had no great, tlon as to her Identity, nor was there difficulty In explaining ere I came back' to London Ihe' happiest man on God's earth. A LEADER EVERY TIME. 'tK I - Get Schilling's Best tea at, your grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket (there is one in every package); send it with your guess to address belovf before August 31st. One word allowed for evety yellow ticket. If your ticket (or tickets) reaches 03 before July 1st, you are entitled to two words for each ticket. If only one person finds tfie word, he gets one thousand dollars. IK several find it, the money will be divided equally among them. Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in on will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. envelope Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st. Gut this out. for two weeks. WAS alone in I to be divided among the missing word. FINDERS is the answer. is THE UNSEEN SINGER. townahip. Pa., dreamed twenty years with startled ago that a deposit of lead ore was 1" pace, cated on the frm of David Irons, on Surveyed her dress, arranged her Cuff Brady's Ran. Four years later h se" hair. cretly prospected and found a deposit And gave a powdery finish to her of lead. For sixteen years hi haa ben face. negotiating for the lease and has Just Then, putting on a look supremely succeeded hi closing it He intends to sweet, develop the lead mine. Philadelphia She softly drew the hallway fioor Press. ajar. And faced a little arab of ths street Hows VhU We offer One Hundred Dollars reward Who handed her a grocery circular. for any case of catarrh that cannot be Denver Post. cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry I out any obligations made by thiir firm. w est fe xruax, holale And to the mirror Vice-preside- i ftarlchad by a Dream. Htnry Small, a farmer of Brlgkon Hewlett Bros. 60: Salt Lake City, Utah, and Pocatello, Idaho. ( i "THEN YOU ARE NOT DUMB!" any hope of my gaining the privilege of her acquaintance. I made some futile Inquiries at the hotel, and only got so far as to be almost certain she was, like myself, a visitor. On the next day, at about the same hour, the carriage passed along the length of the promenade. She was Btill Innocently glad to be alive, content to accept her burden as if it were no burden at all; it was with smiles Bhe looked into the pitying eyes of her companion, and I could fancy that the messages she was conveying with swiftly moving fingers were humorous appreciations of what she saw around ber. My earlier questions had been addressed to a quaint, elderly waiter at the hotel; a man who had In some sort made it hl3 especial task to see to my and who was the nearest approach to a friend I possessed within a hundred miles of the place. It happened that I was lunching at the open window one day when the carriage passed, a little earlier than usual. "That Is the lady of whom I was speaking," I said to him. He looked out of the window with quick interest. "A dear little maid, if I may so. Yes, and the poor dear Is well-bein- g, and dumb; she's talkln' upon her Well, to pass along the promand so my thoughts were always busy, whether with anticipation or remembrance. Never once did Bhe fail me; never once did her affliction seem to mar the beautiful gaiety of her mood. It appeared that she Baw and enjoyed every little thing that could be seen; nor was It altogether a young man's vanity that made me wonder whether she had begun to notice the fact that a certain sallow Invalid was always near her. I thought from what you told me they must be strangers In these parts, deaf fingers. enade, body After many yfs.rs of bachelor life th major r,iarrle af.1 he tells of the wedding trip hini3iir, says the Detroit Fre . Press. "Of ccurse I Catered myself that I knew tlw rope. I had officiated at I had times weddings by tie without numbir felt a sort of contemptuous pity fo" the insanely hapwith 'bridegroom py young huslnn written &U ove" lfa face, who made such blundering attrmpts to carry the airs of an old lam'Jy man. I knew just how the thirg snould be done, and I would do It. I had no trouble in bribing the baggage master to strip our trunks of love knots and old shoes, so that we were not advertised when we reached the city. This winning of the first round gave me an assurance that must have Impaired my caution. Her brother was with us. At the hotel I boldly registered his name with 'and sister' following it, and then wrote my own name. When it came to placing us, I made some offhand explanations, but the eyes of the night clerk twinkled and I could have throttled him. The next morning, when I shook out my new umbrella to take a walk alone, husbands do, I just as rattled rice all over the tile floor in the Of course I explained to the day office. clerk that I had been attending a wed ding and must have taken the bridegroom's umbrella by mistake, but he smiled knowingly, the hangers-o- n laughed and some urchin In the corner yelled 'Rats!' At dinner my wife said she never knew before that I took wine after meat and the waiter grinned a polite grin. When, in my rattled condition, I gave him a flO gold piece for half a dollar, I threw off all disguise. At the next Btop I told them we were just married, that we wanted every attention and that expense cut no figure." well-season- Harrison to Klde a Wheel. Gen. Harrison tound time between law and the baby to go out shopping for himself In Chicago this week. He bought a bicycle suit. It is a gray Scotch check with Btccklngs. The former president of the United States has not yet learned to ride, but he pro- poses to face the ordeal of beginning as soon as he gets back to Indiana where the roads are not so hard. |