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Show CAMPFIRE SKETCHES. GOOD SHORT STORIES THE VETERANS. FOR thm Old or the Sew Sons of Confederate Yrtrrmm Stir l'p Old Sre The 1'eualnn ud l)f part uitnt Money X.ouer. Death o f AlltOHJ. AM dying, Egypt, dying! Klil the crimson life tide fast. And the dark Plu- tonian Bliadows great heart on the Gather evening blast. Let thine arm, oh. Queen! eupport me; Hush thy nobs and bow thine ear, to the Hearken BMTetS, Thou, and thou alone, uiUHt hear. Though my scarred and veteran Bear their eagles hth no more, And my wrecked and shattered ns gal- leys BIrew dark Artium's fatal shore; Though no flittering guards surround me. Prompt to do their master's will, I must j'ri.sh like a Koman Die the great Triumvir still. Let not Caesar's servile minions Mock (he lion thus laid low; 'Twas no foemana hand that slew hi in, 'Twas his own that struck the blow. Hear, then, pillowed on thy bosom, Kro his utar fades quite away, Illm ijho, drunk with thy caresses, Madly flung a world away! Should the base plebeian rabble lare assail my fame at Rome, Where my noble spouse, Oetavia, Weeps within her widowed home, Seek her say the gods have told me Altars, augurs, circling wings That her blood, with mine commingled. Yet shall mount the throne of kings. And for thee, star-eye- d Egyptian! Glorious eorceress of the Nile, Light the path to Stygian horrors, With the splendors of thy smile. Give the Caesar crowns and arches, Let hla brow the laurel twine; I can scorn the Henate's triumps, Triumphing In love like thine. I am dying, Egypt, dying; Hark! Insulting foeman's cry; They are coming quick, my falchion! Let ma front them ere I die. Ah! no more amid the battle Shall my heart exulting swell, Jsls and Osiris guard thee, Cleopatra! Rome! farewell! General W. II. Lytle, the author of this poem, waa born in Cincinnati, In 386. He served with distinction In the Mexican army; and on the outbreak of the Civil War became an ollicer of the He was killed at Federal forces. Chlckamauga in 1SG3. Ha wrote this after witnessing poem one night Jiooth'fl performance of Antony. The Old or the New. From the American Tribune: The du'ge the hope Um its greater, tetter spirit will ri.se above it all, aad assert itself until all disloyal sentiments are put under lu feet, and that it will teach a higher and nobler sentiment than devotion to a section, until they, with us, bhall be pledged to one country, one government, one nig. It is only by this means that the future can be made peaceful and secure, and America become truly great. Indeed, it is already doing this, and everywhere throughout that region we see a new order of things beginning to prevail. The old feeling of exclusive-nes- s and ostracism is disappearing, until men from the north are made welcome to dwell on its plains and in It folthe valleys of its mountains. lows that education is spreading Its benign influence there; railroads are being built and extended to every town; factories are multiplying and natural resources are being utilized, cities are taking the place of hamlets; there Is diversified farming instead of the old custom of raising but one product, and everywhere a new south Is superseding the old south to which these young men so thoughtlessly pledge themselves. Let them remember their fathers with gratitude, take pride in their valor, and do all honor to their rnemory;but this does not require a pledge of loyalty to the old south or its "cause." Their fathers, if living, would not approve of this utterance, but would rather turn their faces toward the better day, and march with us to the achievements of an undivided people and an indivisible Union. United, we may defy and outstrip tha world; divided, it becomes only a question of time when we will be too weak to protect ourselves from thos8 oi other knds who would profit by our loss, and free government be pronounced a failure among men. But, to promote unity and acquire strength, it is necessary that we avow and cultivate a national spirit in all sections, so that 110 newspaper reporter, anywhere, will have occasion to describe our private or public gatherings as, "a distinctly southern throng," or northern, and the sentiments expressed as "strictly of the south," or of the north. To the republic, tha one means life; the other, death. mmwfi "What do you Pick-Me-U- tnat he never his p. YOU PAID , WJ Mih-ag- Live Stock Commission. a Trlvat John Alleu'i Political Statu. From the Pittsburg Dispatch: Somebody asked Mr. Alien how he stood on the contest over the democratic position in the house. "Oh, well," said he, "I haven't been registered yet, and I think I am both sides. It reminds me of a man in my county who was running for the legislature. I met him one day and said: 'Bob, how are you getting along with the prohibitionists? 'All right, eaid he. 'And how?' said I. Well,' said he, 'I drink with the liquor men and vote with the prohibitionists." " - Among the numerous birds In Cey. there are few more remarkable than the Virginian horned owl. As soon as evening draws on, and mankind retire to rest, he sends forth such sounds as seem scarcely to belong to this world, making night hideous with his loud and sudden cri3 of "Waugj 0, Waugh 0." He has other nocturnal solos, no less melodious, one of which very strikingly resembles the half-suTressed scream of a person suffocating Irritate. This Incident Is the legitimate re- or throttled. The Kandyans consider sult of the teachings so prevalent in the cry of this owl as a presag of the south in its histories, Its monu- death or misfortune unlws they adopt La- a charm to avert Its fatal summons ments and its reunions. Cut Ion to O N E DOLLAR filEED BE reunion Departments Kiurkall inn). to me OT Complaint has been filed at the pen slon bureau against the Soldiers Home at Roseburg, Oregon, alleging that it Is violating section 4,745 of the revised statutes, making it a misdemeanor for any one pledging or receiving as a pledge the mortgage, sale, assignment or transfer of any right, claim, or Interest in any pension certificate, or to hold it as security for any debt or promise. Some Inmates of the home called attention to the evera. matter, and It was token un Grand Army pests, one of which, at Roseburg, has made a formal comThe bureau has made an Inplaint. vestigation, and exonerated the management of the home. There are legal authorities both ways, and a decision construing strictly the statute cited would, it is stated, be not only unjust, but lead to serious consequences. The evidence shows that the home directors have required all pensioners to surrender their pensions to tha treasurer of the home. Four dollars a month is then allowed each pensioner for personal expenses, and the remainder paid to dependent relatives, or, if there be none, the money i3 accumulated for the benefit of the pensioner. The practice is substantially similar to that in operation at twenty-on- e other soldiers' homes. The pension bureau takes the position that It is not expedient to intervene in the case, as the act of March 3, 1S93, by the requireimplication, sanctions ment, which his been in force in most of the state soldiers homes. Commissioner Evans says that ha believes the president will act favorably on his recommendation for a modification of the Cleveland order Including pension boards In the civil service where fees amount to more than $300 per annum. The president has under contemplation several changes and modifications In the orders formulated by his predecessors, and may embody everything in an omnibus order. How soon executive action will be taken is purely a matteof speculation. Considerable confusion has arisen from premature publication of several changes in prospect, notably that with regard to pension boards. They will be made, however, in good time. Ont of O.vlon'ii of Nansen as a Ilarrlion to Kide a Wheel. Gen. Harrison tound time between law and the baby to go out shopping for himself in Chicago this week. He bcught a bicycle suit. It is a gray Scotch check with sicckings. The former DR. G. W. SHORES, president of the United States has subject." Wet. Hot yet learned to ride, but he proTk Oiaeat 8peiaJlt in t poses to face the ordeal of beginning Important Notice to the Traveling Public as soon aa he gets hack to Indiana, where the roads are not so hard. Effective February 15th the Rio Grande Western Railway will, on application, endorse its Commercial Mileage Hooks good for passage over the UfViTBL lines of the Denver t Kio Grande railroad, Colorado Midland railroad, Rio u is r vmwuiui Announcsmsm (irande, Southern railway, Florence & mmi1 itiih SI out thin Cut and ,n Cripple Creek railway and Midland Htamp Co.. W. sie.roni! South si.. Salt Luke Citv Terminal railway, thus giving holders and tret rubber stnmo of your kiKHHiure. with ink pud and wood cut. in Uix complete thim wkfk of R. G. W. the privilege of o.sly- regular price fr.'.UO. PK. G. W. SHORES, always seeking taking the Colorado trip without reto help suffering mankind, always trying additional of to cotivinee psopU tl:at he gives valu remileage quiring purchase ceived for every dollar paid him, haj over the different roads in that state. deeded to give quackery, fraud and ImCall on any agent of the R. G. V. for th If you would keep posted, position lis death blow, and protect additional particulars. sufferinga classes from tha despioa-blwrite for information. met nod of quacks and charlatans. Everjr F. A. WADLKIGH, Prompt Keplies. Buffervsr t;ana Oeneral Passenger Agent. Keturns. yuii-MAN- b-- tlonallsm" that has recently occurred was heard la Atlanta, Ga., a few nights ago, when the president or the Song of Confederate Veterans, addressing a large meeting of the association, said; "It might be well for U3 now to say there Is no east, no west, no north, djo south; but there waa a south, and it Is for this south and her cause that our fathers fought, and It is for this south that we are here tonight, and it is to this south that we, too, will pledge cur devotion and give our unswerving loyalty." This is the boldest declaration made for some time. If It means anything, it is that the sons of the Confederate veterans are ready to follow In the footsteps of their fathers In bearing arms against the nation In support of the cause for which their fathers fought. The report of this meeting is given in another column, copies from the Atlanta Constitution. The Constitution says: "It was distinctly a southern throng, and the sentiment was ttrlctly of the south." But, we would regret to believe that it was representative of the south. If so, all the talk of a "new south" is a delusion, and the struggle for the supremacy of a section over the whole is not yet ended. Such sentiments are and reactionary dangerous, and augur It ladly for the future. may be that these young men have given expressions to the real sentiments of the south; but we prefer to regard It as being merely the too enthusiastic utterance Inspired by filial affection, which they, themselves, will not apIn prove in their calmer moments. ro other country under the sun could n.f who have been In rebellion against their government hold reunions as the Confederates are permitted to do, and nowhere else could these game Sons of Confederate Veterant have met and arranged to attend such a reunion as the one proposed to be held at Nashville. It would be better for all concerned If they would show a proper appreciation of such unprecedented liberty, by pledging themselves to the support of the government that has proven Itself so generous and beneflc;ent to them and theirs, Instead of indulging in wild and sectional vaporlngs that serve only to think lecturer?" "Well, it seemed properly warmed To Miiini'ti polis, Minn. On account of the meeting of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Klks, at Minneapolis, Minn., July ti, a rate of one lowstandard fare fur the round est, first-clastrip, plus 50 cents, to Minneapolis and re. turn, via the Rio Grande Western, is hereTickets will be sold on by authorized. July 1 and 2 only. Limited to return July 10. Continuous passage in both directions. Parties desiring to remain in Mirmeaiolis Can have au extension of time up to and including July 31, Ih'JT. Fourth of July Kate. For local Fourth of July excursion a rate of one single fare for the round trip is authorized between any two stations on the line of the Rio Grande Western Ky. Tickets will be sold July S, 4 and 5, limited to July 6, ls.J7. The Sad night of a Strange Bird. FRED A. SEARS, McCorniek itlock. HOOD SALT LAKE CITV Seminal Weakness, Varicocele, Hydrooela, small Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Syphili. or shrunken organs, premature old ajtej and all other private diSMises, whether caused by ignorances excess or conta-so- n. no mailer how severe, you cJi consfalt lli. G. W. SHORES, the ohvsl-cia- n who has given his life to ourina lrit0Vhn Hrvrvn in nu. .. .. chronic disease, and be examined, ? n1 'J1,'"1 treated and cured without paying NnndMitsteelliiiediaoippedoii to him one dollar until the euro is effected. prt,e. Fully ..r.nteM. Writ for trial cat aloKu and prlr,s. M. M. Lewi,. The JMa Meridian reserves the riffht, however, doctor .es5ee, china Shops, box K, Meridian. Miss to refuse any incurable case if he can's cure you he don't want your .ioney. . ch an & offer wast never before made by; IXCOHPOHATEDJ a responsible phviaian, and Dr. Q. W. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH Shores is only able to make tt because Books and periodicals prepaid to destination at be positively cures these diseases. Don't publishers prices. Special out of town rates on waste another cent on a'Jestionable docKtatlonei y. office, school, teachers and general suptors, but consult the "Old Doctor" and plies. Send ns your orders. be cured. BUSINESS SACREDLY CONFIDENTIAL c.A.:rr Dr. G. W. SHORES. aa-vis- . R. DERGE DRUNKARDS CO., B-- be Saved. WRITE an FREE Kenova Lock Box 1585. Don t you know one warth saving! Auti-- J will do It. Full Information gladlymailed by Chemical Co, a Broadway, .New York Salt Lake City, Utah. City THOSR WHO 1IAVK against the Government will writn to iiihtiH RllLriiiil. rflii.trin ni.il Taa..r ltt ..I St.i Washington, D.C., ihcy will receive a proin'ut reply, ;61aims DROPSY CUr.E YOURSELF! in 1 u Unallotted NEWD7sC0VERYe, Vs iiie ti for unnatural disctmrxes, intiaiumatious. J irritations or ulcerations ot luucoQt membranes, I joi io luioiure. From the Philadelphia Record: The events conuiiion. quiokrellof ami cures worst J'aiuless. and not astrin. cases. Keml for hook of testimonials anil J O ctars' glfi-opoisonous. Cuvier toucan out at the zoo is in hard treatment Fret. Dr. lira ATHeEvANS GhEMICALGO. -J ll.ii.uuKKN'sso.Mt, itLnuua. CINCINNUI,0.fSold by Druggists, V luck. He ha3 loet his tail feathers, and, or sent in plain wrapper. A 1avf M,,B warrants and by express, prepaid, for owing to his heavy bill larger than the T) T?TiTn- court scrip. fr tl.un. or 3 bottles, l.f. Money to loan. Ei.mkii E. Dahlixo, Salt Lake City. circular B';nt ou request. proverbial plumber's bill he has a hard time maintaining a dignified poW. N. U., Salt Lake ;RKSCHNKK & GAUTMANN No. 26, 1897 Bicycles built and sition. He was perched comfortably Works. When AMswerintc Advertisements Kindly iirstbouth Street, Saltrepaired. Lake City, Utah! Mention This Paper. on the topmost perch of his cage yes terday attornoon when be chanced to spy an appetizing bit of bread at the a S bottom. Starting to hop gracefully down he was prevented by the weight of his bill, which toppled him off his The most complete line in the West. Send for special catalogue and price list. balance and made him spin around the perch like an animated plnwheel. Four Base Bali Goods or five times the poor bird went Fishing Tackle That Catches Of every description always in stock. through the same antics, and It was Fish The Season Opens June 15th. only by a audden and painful flop that Wo are he reached the coveted morsel. Headquarters for sporting Coods of all Kinds. Big Catalogue-Ju- st I'iliuiimj - R ire JIST AS ana mass! the Asking. out-f- or GUARANTEED. Macon, Ga., March 6, 1897. I would ba glad to know that my future purchases of machinery and implements for my farms would prove as satisfactory as the two "2" Hunter Hay Presses I bought of you last summer. I am well pleased with them in every particular and find them just as you guaranteed them in your catalogue. 28 wwoncs BROWNING BROS., SALT LflKU CITY AND OGDEN, UTAH. Elias Morris ana Sons Gompany,j: They are far superior to the other makes I have seen and used in speed and draft, the two great desideratums making yours, a3 far as I know, the most economical press on the market. H. J. LAMAR, JR. MONUMENTS and HEADST0XE3 IN Marble and Granite, Mantles, Grates, etc. Th Intelligent Juryman. story comes from Maine that a juror who had long held out against a conviction, believing in the accused man's innocence, wis finally persuaded to come round to accommodate another member of the jury, who was anxious to return home on account of bis wife's death. The The WHICH'R BesU)ii Made. The ''Witcher Portable Dam," patented by P. S. Witcher, of Salt Lake, and sold exclusively by ourselves in Utah and Idaho, saves you Money, Labor, Time and Tools; effectually Dams water in any ditch up to Eight Feet in Two minutes; sent out on trial. Price S:i.r,0. Agents wanted in every town in Utah ami Idaho. incidentally, Don't forget RED TAG PLYMOUTH TWINE, Champion and W. A. Wood Harvesting Machinery, Mowers, Hinders, Reapers and Rakes, J. I. Case Threshers, Horse Powers, Engines. Stock of Rinding Twine carried at American Fork, Spanish Fork, Kephi, Manti, Price, in addition to regular Houses for convenience of Patrons. WAGON A MACHINE CO., LEADING IMPLEMENT DEALERS, UTAH AND IDAHO. GKO. T. ODELL, Gen. Mpr Salt Lake Citv, ?ffiTB. ?.a . WRITE GEO. M. JAS. SCOTT. rresident. FOR GT.ENDINNIXO, and Treas. PRICES AND DESIGNS. U. S. nt RUMFIELT), Secretary Geo. M. Scott KCO (INCORPORATED.) Hardwa re Bar and Sheet Iron, Steel Importers and Dealers In AGENTS Ripe FOR Buffalo Scale Company, Detroit Stove Co., John Van & Home Steel langes. Atlas Engine 'orks, Coles' Air Tight Healers, Dodpe Wooden Pulleys. California Powder Works, Worthington Steam Celebrated Anchor ISrand Cylinder and Revere Rubber Co., Pumps, Engine Oil, IJowe, Brown & Co., Drill Dodge Injectors, 4 Tool Steel, Leviathan Belting. Miners' Tools, Stoves, Tinware, etc And a General Assortment of Mill Findings. M U Ull SI. : WAREHOUSE 125 I SOUTH U M CITY. Bill |