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Show I CHRISTMAS EDITION THE BINGHAM BULLETIN, BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 194? I August 5 Bingham American Legion baseball team won the state Le-gion baseball title for the sixth time and also the right to repre-sent the state in regional play-offs at Winslow, Ariz., Aug. 14-1- 7. Agapito Ornelas, 47, Bingham, died of natural causes Aug. 2. Harlow Everett Fennell, 25, of Copperton, succumbed July 29 u, I a Salt Lake hospital of a heart i ailment. i Announcement ttas made of the marriage of Miss Mary Cos-ie- h and George A. Jones at Elko Nev., on July 25. To Be Continued Ispecting a gun, which accidently 'discharged, striking the younger buy in tin.' back, killing him in-stantly. Waller Ahplanalp was elected president of Lark Lions club. A record crowd witnessed the Industrial league Bingham vs. Magna opener and pro-gam- e cer-- ' einonies at the newly lighted higli .school stadium at Copper-- ' ton Tuesday night, May 24. T. H. McMullin was elected pic sulent of Bingham Lions club lor l!4!)-5()- Mrs. Lucy Marks of Bingham announced the marriage of her daughter, Mrs. Jenny Lewis of Halt Lake City on May 17 to By-ron M. Pierce of Provo. June 3 Daily vacation church school begins at Highland Boy Commu-nity House June 15. Henry Eli Judd, 54, shovel ( lectrician for Keiinecott, was found crushed on one of the high levels of the mine May 28. An river in Montana, joined the Mis-souri at Williston, N. Dak., and ended on the Mississippi at New Orleans, La. MLss Shirley parkin of Salt Lake City, formerly of Copper-ton- , and Preston Porath of Salt ; Lake City were married in the Salt Lake LDS temple June 10. A mid-Jun- e wedding was that of Miss Donna Lee Cook of Bing- - Iham and Richard A. Butterfield of Riverton, who were married June 14 in Salt Lake City. July 1 Bingham's annual Fourth of July program sponsored by the Bingham Volunteer Fire Depart- ment was held July 4th. Wedding vows exchanged June 24 in Salt Lake LDS temple unit-ed in marriage Irene Berg and Marvin Throckmorton. July 8 Bingham Canyon and Lark Lions clubs held joint installa-tion ceremonies at BCO hall the evening of July 9th. Jordan school district's budget for 1949-5- 0 was increased $885,-701.8- 8 over the year preceding. Total budget was $2,016,701.88. Capital outlay for needed build-ings in rapidly expanding coun-ty areas, salary raises and gen-erally higher operational costs caused the budget to be high. July 15 Mrs. Deon Hodges was install-ed noble grand of Ruth Rebekah lodge No. 7 July 12. George Ralph Jones, 22, Lehi, was killed July 13 in a cave in of rock and muck at the Com-bined Metals Reduction Co. in Butterfield canyon. Mrs. Kathryn Taylor Snedaker 56, Lark, succumbed to a heart ailment July 11. Miss JoAnn Marie Massa be-came the bride of Edward Osoro in morning nuptials solemnized July 9 in Holy Rosary church. July 22 A marker commemorating the discovery of ore in the Bingham area and honoring early Bing-ham pioneers was dedicated in front of R. C. Gemmell Memorial club August 1. Francisco Ruiz, 63, Bingham, died of a heart ailment July 18. July 29 Some 1500 spectators witness-ed the West Jordan stake pri-mary, Church of Jesus Christ pageant held in the Bingham high school stadium July 21. Some 400 brightly dressed young stors participated in the pageant whose theme was "And All Na-tions Shall Be Gathered Unto Zion." A late July wedding was that of Miss Donna Rae Olsen of Cop-perton and Wallace Beckstead of Riverton, who were married Ju-ly 27 at Copperton. An eastern wedding of local interest was the marriage of Miss Esther Jean Holwerda of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Rex C. Tripp of Bingham Canyon on July 2 at Grand Rapids. ternal injuries when he appar-ently fell from a car being load-- I ed near the point. June 10 Tom Mannion was reelected president of Bingham Open Pit Miners Union local 485 June 3. Thomas Wilson, 58, foreman at Kennecott and a longtime em-ployee of the company died June 8 after a lingering illness. A farewell testimonial honor-ing Karl H. Hofmann, prior to his departure to the West Ger-man mission, was held at Cop-perton LDS ward chapel June 12. An average attendance of B7 girls and 18 leaders attended the Girl Scout, day camp held at Cop-perton this week. Miss Carol June Duvall of Salt Lake and John D. Breckon, also of Salt Lake, formerly of Copperton were married in Elko, Nov., May 16. June 17 Elmo A. Nelson, business man-ager of Bingham hospital, was elected president of Bingham Canyon Business Men's club. Mrs. Elinora Nielsen Sturde-van- t, 38, Apex, Highland Boy, succumbed to a lingering illness June 14. Reelected president of Lark Miners Union PMC local 91 was Clarence Reynolds. June 24 Marvin Arthur Cay wood, 60, died June 18 after a lingering illness. Dr. Russell G. Frazier and Howard Hausknecht of Copper-to- n and Lynn .Hansen of Salt Lake City returned to Bingham June 22 after completing a more than 3000 mile river voyage of the Yellowstone, Missouri, and Mississippi rivers which had its beginning on the Yellowstone 1949 INREVIEW May 20 "Builders of Tomorrow" was the theme of BUS commence-ment exercises May 18, for 59 graduating seniors. Mary Pappa-sideri- s gave the valedictory ad-dress and Boyd Stoddard deliv-ered the salutatory address. Oth-er student speakers were Mer-ia- m Peterson, Melia Furgis, J. D. Boren and Maurine Morley. Mrs. Dale Johnston was elect-ed president of BUS P-T-Airs. Dessie Elizabeth Lovcll Chirrick, 54, Bingham, succumb-ed to a heart ailment May 18. Funeral services were conduc-ted May 17 for Evola Faye Miller, 11 year old Copperfield school girl, who was accidently hanged at her home May 13. May 27 Highly successful and playing to capacity crowds both perform-ances was the Bingham Lions minstrel show "Land O'Cotton" presented May 20 and 21. Gilbert Fidel Duran Jr., 5 yeari old boy of Dinkeyville, was ac- - cidently shot May 26, while his seven year old brother was in-- 1 W.B.A. ELECTS OFFICERS: HAS CHRISTMAS PARTY Women's Benefit Ass'n. held their annual Christmas party and election ot officers Wednesday evening, December 14 at the home oi Mrs. Peter Smith of Cop-perton. A nicely appointed seven o'clock turkey dinner was enjoy-ed by thirteen. A miniature Christmas scene and lighted tap-ers wire the table centerpiece. Gifts were exchanged. Alter dinner a regular business meeting and election of officers followed by short form installa-tion were held. Those elected to olliee for the corning year were: Mrs. T. R. MeNeihs, president; Mrs. A. J. Ablett, vice president; Mrs. Peter Smith, chaplain; Mrs. J. J. Doyle, recording secretary; Mrs. Norman T. Jaeobsen, lady nf ceremonies; Mrs. Verl Peter-son, past president, and Mrs. Helen Sullenger, treasurer and financial secretary. Mrs. Isabel Murphy conducted the short form installation. Later in the evening contract bridge was played with prizes won by Mrs. W. D. S. Brown, Mrs. Sullengei, Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Jaeobsen. Mrs. Brown also received the bingo prize. Out of town guests present were Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Ann Davis of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Ada Christensen of Midvale. BURN I UTAH KING COAL PROMPT DELIVERY CUSHING COAL COMPANY ROSS M. CUSHING TELEPHONE 64 BINGHAM CANYON ' - " . " -iI Why Christmas? j WHY CHRISTMAS? AT FIRST GLANCE THAT ITS GLORIOUS LIGHT SHINING DOWN ON A ' I QUESTION BORDERS ON THE CRITICAL. MANGER? j YES, WHAT WOULD CHRISTMAS BE LIKE j IT ISN'T MEANT TO BE. IN FACT. WE'LL . I CLASSIFIED DEPA RTMENT Due to the small amount in-volved, we do not accept want ads except on a cash-with-ord-basis. No ads taken by telephone. RIVERTON Modern 4 rm. home on V acre. On Redwood Road. $5750. $750 down. MURRAY Modern 5 rm on 1 acre. Furnished. $5250. $1000 down. SOUTH STATE STREET Com-bination beer, dancing, groc-ery, living quarters. 'j inter-est. $3000. Can buy full inter-est. RIVERTON 6 rm large basement, furnace, stoker, 50 x 24 build-ing, 2 acres. $4750. $750 down. MURRAY Nearly new 3'a room modern on Va acre. On East 45th So. $4200. MURRAY REAL ESTATE EX-CHANGE, 4960 South State Street, Phone Murray 611. ATCHRI5TITIP5 Ov V: M fin s3 , an f tkti I (2tisma Day;. j BINGHAM GAS & OIL CO. j I Dean Ham Phone 12 I 'Bingham Canyon, Utah I whmuut THE GLORIOUS HAPPINESS THE GIVE YOU SOME VERY GOOD REASONS GREATEST GIFT OF ALL THAT IT BRINGS t t T A CHILD' WHY THERE SHOULD BE A CHRISTMAS. I WHY CHRISTMAS? CHRISTMAS IS A SEASON WHAT WOULD THE WORLD BE LIKE WITH- - 0F PLEASURE GIVING AND OF GOOD DEEDS. OUT CHRISTMAS, WITHOUT ITS SOLEMN AP- - IT 13 A SEASON OF GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN AND OF A GREAT JOY BORN OF GOOD I PEAL OF CHURCH BELLS, WITHOUT ITS f WILL. CHRISTMAS IS OF THE SPIRIT; GAIETY; WITHOUT ITS CHRISTMAS CAROLS CHRISTMAS IS OF THE HEART. AND WITHOUT ITS REVERENCE; WITHOUT SO IT IS FROM THE HEART THAT THE 4200 THE PICTURE IT BRINGS TO MIND OF MEMBERS OF THE UTAH COPPER FAMILY ! SHEPHERDS ON A HILLSIDE, OF THE STAR. WISH YOU A MOST MERRY CHRISTMAS. i it i I UTAH COPPER DIVISION I KENNECOTT COPPER CORPORATION f. i CHRISTMAS PARTY Pinochle club held their an-nual Christmas party Saturday evening, December 17 at the home of Mrs. J. W. Johnson of Copperton. A beautifully lighted Christmas tree decorated the liv-ing room as did other holiday de-corations. The occasion also cele-brated the birthday of Mrs. W. A. Fike who was presented a lovely birthday gift by the club. Prizes at cards were won by Mrs. Frank Zaccaria, Mrs. R. L. Cun-liff- e and MLss Kay Braun. Others present were Mrs. George Dahl-stro- Mrs. Tory Tobiason, Mrs. R. G. Steele and Mrs. John Adamek. Favors were individual Santa Clauses filled with candy Gifts were exchanged. Dainty re-freshments were served. " "The Love of Vasquez" Meet Tiburcio Vasquez, the Robin Hood of old California! Relive the turbulent romance and ad-venture of this gay caballero who once said "Vasquez belongs to all women, and all women be-long to him!" It's in the Amer-ican Weekly, that great maga-- zine j distributed with next Sun-day's Los Angeles Examiner. O |