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Show OREM-GENEVA TIMES Thursday, March 13, 1947 EDGEMONT A large audience attended the missionary testimonial honoring Albert Schuman Sunday evening, eve-ning, before he leaves for the LDS Swedish mission. He has been at the mission home for the past ten days. Wilford S. Gilespie was in charge. William Lee led the congregational congre-gational singing, with Mrs. Ethel Taylor at the organ. M. K. Johnson offered tne invocation. ',. Grr.iit Eccles, from the El-sorita El-sorita ward, Pasadena Stake, the former home of the Schuman's was a speaker, and Mrs. Eccles sang two solos, "Hills of Home" and "Spirit Flower", accompanied accompan-ied by Mrs. Taylor. Bishop Taylor spoke and Elder Schuman Schu-man gave a response! Sharp C. Gillespie offered the benediction. benedic-tion. Young DeLoy Woodard met with a serious and painful accident ac-cident Saturday, when he was struck by a neighbor's car, as he ran across the street from his home to the mailbox. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Woodard. His leg was broken in a critical manner. The fracture frac-ture was reduced at the Utah Valley hospital, but he was later taken to the family home. On Monday he was removed to a Salt Lake hospital where an operation was performed. A 'fireside chat' was held at the H. S. Richards home Sunday Sun-day evening following church service, with Mrs. Bernice Faulkner giving a book review. Lehi First ward presented a one act play during Mutual Tuesday Tues-day evening. A ward clean-up wil be held Saturday afternoon, weather permitting. The women and girls will clean woodwork and the interior of the building and the men and boys the grounds and exterior of the building. All are asked to bring equipment equip-ment to work with. Another fine dancing party sponsored by the Elders club of the ward was held Thursday evening. Ward conference will be held in the ward during the week from March 17 to 23, with meetings meet-ings being held by all organiza- ry rM risiOK iH Tiroes-' ' 1 i This tough, weather-resist-ing, outside paint assure tvsti, beauty and protection. protec-tion. New, smart, ' -modern colors. u4 Gallon gtiTcTi . fr;J I . -IUI WHIIV 111UA Spear Lumber Go. Building Headquarters tions of the ward. Stake high councilmen and auxiliary officers offic-ers will be present at all sessions. ses-sions. The Priesthood, Genealogical Genea-logical and LDS Girls meeting will be held Monday evening at 7:30. Primary, Relief Society and Mutual Tuesday. The general gen-eral public meeting will be held Sunday evening. A group of thirty young people peo-ple went to the Salt Lake temple tem-ple Saturday for baptism. They were accompanied by Mr. and' Mrs. Charles King, Junius Gordon Gord-on and O. C. Marriotti o fthe genealogical committee, Bishop Golden Taylor and Orval Davis, Mrs. Laura Tunbridge, and Miss Rhea Sundquist. American Legion Auxiliary Meeting Held Wednesday The American Legion Auxiliary Auxi-liary of Post 72, held a meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ray Loveless, at which time plans were layed for the American Ameri-can Legion birthday party to be held March 21, also plans were discussed for the acquir ing of new books from Orem library. li-brary. Miss Kathryn Christen-son Christen-son rendered three solos, accompanied accom-panied by Maurine Williams. Refreshments were served to the 14 members present. Women's Club Bridge Dessert Orem women's club is sponsoring spon-soring a Bridge Dessert, which will be held at Provo Women's clubhouse, Wednesday evening, March 19, at 7:30. Various card games will be playbd with prizes for each table. Tickets may be secured from members of Orem women's club. An invitation is extended the general public to attend. Children Come". Bishop Lar-sen Lar-sen dedicated the grave. The babe is survived by its . parents, two brothers, Larry Frampton and Neil Farley Collins; Col-lins; three grandparents, A June I Collins, Salt Lake City ana Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farley, Orem. Grand View Gold And Green Ball The theme "Utah Trail" was carried out in the delightful floor show and decorations of Grand View ward Gold and Green ball Tuesday evening in the ward hall. In an original and novel cere- mony during the floor show, the queen for the event was chosen, all Gleaner Girls of the ward, including Mary Ellen Demiro, Marilyn Young, Ruby Larsen, Sherrel Young, Nada Oliphant, Avon Dodge, Lucile Camenish, j Valene Camenish and Betty Dodge took part in a march, selecting se-lecting a corsage as they went. The young lady selecting the red rose corsage was named queen. She was Miss Betty Dodge, and Bishop A. Dean Buckner crowned her as Grand View ward queen. Old time dances were also fea tured in the floor show. James i Richardson rendered two solos, accompanied by Carol Clark, i Mrs. Anderson accompanied the 1 special dance numbers. GayTe i and Sherrel Young, dance di-1 rectors were in charge. Refresh-1 merits were served the large I crowd present. The lovely party : was sponsored by the M-Men i and Gleaners of the ward. j Newlyweds Visit Arizona Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Carroll Car-roll announce the marriage of their daughter, JoAnn to Reed H. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Davis, which took place early in the month. Bishop Arch Pulham of Vermont Ver-mont ward performed the ceremony cere-mony by candlelight at the bride's home before immediate family members. She wore a pale green suit with white accessories. ac-cessories. She carried a bouquet bou-quet of American Beauty roses and pink and white carnations. Her sister, Miss Phyllis Carroll, was maid of honor; attired in a peach afternoon dress, with corsage of roses. Ned H. Davis served as best man for his brother. Mr, and Mrs. Davis are both graduates of Lincoln high school. The groom spent 21 months in the U.S. Navy. The popular young couple have left for an extended honeymoon in Arizona. son and Frank B. Woffinden, Orem; Maurice Woffinden, Pi-oche, Pi-oche, Nevada and Ernest Woffinden, Wof-finden, Layton; 18 grandchildren grandchil-dren and one great-grandchild. o W. 3rd South Provo. Utah Phone 34 Funeral For Collins Babe Graveside services were conducted con-ducted at Provo City cemetery Monday for Kendall Collins, infant in-fant son of J. Frampton and Mary Lucile Farley Collins. The babe was born Saturday and died a few hours after birth. Bishop C. Wilford Larsen of Geneva ward conducted the service. Prayer at the mortuary was offered by Harold Baker. The opening prayer was given by Dean Johnson, and former Bishop Boyd Davis spoke. Mrs. .Winnie Graff and Mrs. Jessie F. Johnson sang "Let The Little Legion Dance Successful Event i Commander Julian Hansen of Legion Post 72, expresses appreciation ap-preciation to all who helped i make the benefit party so sue- cessful Saturday night at Lin-i coin high school gym. The af-j fair was planned by the Legion i to raise funds toward the me- inorial building and club house j for the community. Harley Gillman was the lucky I man to neceive the valuable ; jewelry and Mrs. Vernon Dusen- berry received the lovely quilt j which was made by the Legion ! Auxiliary. I SHARON A cottage meeting was held at the homo of Ernest Newell last Friday evening for the adult members of the Aaronic priesthood with a good attendance. attend-ance. A general discussion of the obpect of cottage meetings was carried out and duties of a ward teacher explained by Clark Collins. Mrs. Newell and her son Lynn furnished music and refreshments were served. On Thursday evening, March 13. another meeting was held al the home of Pete Christen-m'ii. Christen-m'ii. 468 Emery St. Beverly Dace at 7:30. Krma Fay Preslwich invited a n roup of friends to her home for her 11th birthday anniversary. annivers-ary. Games and refreshments were enjoyed and lovely gifts received bv the hostess. Stake Junior Girls j Rose Festival I Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock! the annual Sharon stake Junior ! girls rose festival will be held in Seer a auditorium. All junior girls of the stake and their mothers and fathers; are invited to be present, ac- i cording to Mrs. Clarence Bliss, stake Junior leader. The stake j and ward M.I.A. presidencies I ! and Junior leaders are also in-1 vited. i A splendid program has been i prepared for this event. j IT'S NOT JUST C:?!dn3 is EASY with Gii AiorviSiic L'LECTftIC RAGLT "Would you believe it? I cou',1 hardly boil water when I cwrrieJ, . cr here I rm w Mi a luscious pic to boast about. Of course, I can't t.u.e .Much credit for my success . . . with my automatic electric raiy:, i can't miss, illectric cooking eliminates guesswork." It's amazingly simple to turn out perfect meals with an automatic electric range. I here's no trick to it . . . you always get exactly the decree of heat you indicate, and accurate time and temperature controls con-trols assure you of perfect results, every time. Yes, electric cooking is so fo(. 'tuoof even brides find their meals rre unfailingly djlicious! Enjoy Better Living Electrically High Priests' Social Gala Affair The annual high priest's quorum quor-um social and dance given Wednesday Wed-nesday evening in Timpanogos ward hall for all high priests ' of Sharon stake and their part- j ners was much enjoyed by the! large crowd present, i James B. Ferguson was gen- ) eral chairman of the affair an- i nouncing the program numbers from each ward, which provided i merriment. James H. Clark was j chairman of the refreshments.: Carter's orchestra from Lehi i played for the dancing, with old time dances being featured.' A number of guests appeared in ; early pioneer costume which i added greatly to the occasion, j In prizes awarded for the best pioneer costumes, Mrs. Emily Biggs was presented with a lovely potted plant for the ladies; Mr. and Mrs. Ashted Tay-, lor, a box of candy for the bests couple and Jesse Nuttall for the best growth of beard. Four couples in costume presented an old time 'quadrille, with Win. M. Vernon calling and Mrs. Vernon at the piano. They were Mr. and Mrs. ' Marcolle Young, Mr. and Mrs. Selman. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Vern Thurbcr and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nuttall. Assisting Mr. Ferguson and: Mr. Clark in arrangements were President August J. John-: son, Raymond Harding and John ) Kaley of .the high priests presi-; dency. ;: ; OBITUARIES Funeral Services for Agnes M. Giles A capacity crowd attended the funeral services of Agnes Miller Giles, 83, wife of John T .Giles, held Friday afternoon at 1:30 in Bonneville-Tenth wrd chapel with Bishop Earl B. Craythorn conducting the service. Mrs. Giles passed away Wednesday at the family home following a short illness. Mrs. Vera Brumnjak played processional and recessional music and accompanied vocal numbers. Lyle B. Nicholes ,a nephew offered prayer at the home; Peter C. Larsen offered the invocation; in-vocation; Joseph J. Johnson, a missionary companion of Mr. Giles, gave the benediction and Sharp C. Gillespie, a nephew, dedicated the grave at the Provo Burial park. Miss Pearl Snow, a lifetime friend, gave tributes and a sketch of the life of Mrs. Giles; President Andrew Jensen and Bishop Craythorn were speakers. speak-ers. Mrs. Emma Egilson and Mrs. Sadie J. Ramsey sang the opening open-ing and closing numbrs, "In the garden" and "A Perfect Day." Bernard Oberg, a nephew, sang the solo, "In the Garden of Tomorrow" To-morrow" and Mrs. Aileen Peterson Peter-son sang "No Night There" and "One Sweetly Solemn Thought", her accompanist was Miss Or-lrne Or-lrne Shepherd. The pallbearers were also nephews of Mrs. Giles; Dave Long, Harold Oberg, John W. GilesAlton Giles. Joe Giles and (Jrant Cox. VINEYARD As part of the Vineyard ward conference Friday night at 7:30 a ward leadership meeting will be held, at which all ward officers of-ficers and teachers and their partners are invited. Members of the stake presidency, high council and stake officers from all auxiliary organizations will also be present with their partners. part-ners. Sunday evening at 7:30 the final session of the conference will be held in the ward hall. All members of the ward are urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Holdaway have returned from Thornton, Idaho, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Holdaway's father, fath-er, Carl Frandsen, who passed away at the Idaho Falls hos pital following a lingering ill ness. Brothers and sisters of Harold Murdock met at the family home Sunday to commemorate the birthday anniversary of their father, the late Joseph A. Murdock, Mur-dock, and a sister, Joan Max- i well, both of which occurcd Tuesday, March 11. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Blake entertained en-tertained at. family dinner Sunday Sun-day for all members of their family. George Blake and his family were the only ones not present, as he is attending the UnivVrsily of Columbus, Ohio. Miss Phyllis Pearson spent the weekend in Logan witn her father. Dr. Allen Pearson. On Thursday evening, March 20. the Sunday school officers and teachers will sponsor a social so-cial for the entire community. The affair will be a fund raising social and will feature basket and box lunches, which will be brought by the ladies and auctioned auc-tioned off to the highest bidder, by Marcel Young and Vern Gill-man, Gill-man, the winner to share the basket with the lady that I brought it. A splendid time is I anticipated, with stunts, read ings and music also to be enjoyed. en-joyed. The entire proceeds will go to swell the ward building fund. A special program is being prepared for Tuesday at Relief Society honoring the 105 anniversary anni-versary of its organization.' The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ella Hebertson at 2:00 o'clock. Mrs. Alice Harding will give the literary lesson, which will be followed by the program pro-gram and refreshments. All ladies are urged to be present. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF J. W. SHELTON, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersign-ed at .20 Beason Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 14th day of April, 1947. CATHERINE S. SHELTON Administratrix. Date of first publication Feb. 14, 104-7 1 Entered u Mcond-dmM matter November 19, 1937 at the port office at Orem, Utah, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Published Every Thursday By Utah Valley Publishing Company, Provo, Utah. Funmakers At Party UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY MESSAGE The ''Funmakers"' met at the ' home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker Walk-er Saturday evening. Games were enjoyed, high score awards going to Mrs. Verona Kirk and Carl Crawford and .consolation; to Mrs. Emma Nichols and Jesse Lowder. A delicious luncn was served by the hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lowder, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Gillman. Mrs. Verona. Kirk and the hosts. i Albert Woffinden Funeral services were conducted con-ducted Wednesday at 2 o'clock in the American Fork 4th ward fcr Albert Woffinden. 68. former form-er Orem resident, who died Saturday Sat-urday of a heart ailment. Albert Woffinden was ; oorn Sent. 22. 1879 in Iloyland Common, Com-mon, Birdwcll, Yorkshire, England, Eng-land, son of John Joseph, and Mary Frances Mosley Woffinden. Woffin-den. The family came to Utah in 1.388, settling in Provo, but in l.'if'O they moved to what is now Op in. In 1!)(I4 he moved to Idsho, and remained there unlil If) 3 a, when. He returned to: Utah. lie married Ruby Haixllcy, May 28, 1902 in the Salt. Lake temple. She died in September, y.,'. in Provo. On December ;), 1940 lie married Pearl Hansen Han-sen Adams in Price, and has ma his home in American I ..i i since that time. Sirviving are his widow and a stepdaughter. Lela May A.dams: the following sons and (laicihlors; .Mrs. -.Lynn (Thelma) Grovman. Provo: Mrs. Sam (Be-sic) Covvan, Poll 'Deposit.; Md.: Mrs. Oral (Ruth) Eskelson and Mrs. Harold (Josee) Goode, American. Fork: Vernon II. Woffinden, Wof-finden, Mrs. " William T. (Delia) .Johnson and Mrs. R. G. (Aflon) Wray, Hollywood, Calif, and Howard Woffinden, Salt Lake City; three brothers and one sister, Mrs. Charles (Lucy) Poul- "Over 90 cents of every dollar's worth of ore mined in Utah is spent right here. The more we produce, the (ji-c-i ,i.!r home market." hajul,i.j.lt,.ii.j,i METAL MINING IMM STKY OF ITM i KENT OR LEASE 2' i acres, 3 shares water suitable suit-able for garden crops. Farm on hare or lease. Lyn Behrman, 2nd house North of Mt. View Sub Division, Orem. 'St. FOB SALE OR RENT Pianos, Accordions, .'Guitars, .'Gui-tars, i'hone 940K, Prof S A'. WiMiarns, :$08 E. 3 Ruth Provo. I buy, sell, runt., AND TEACH. qf Pi F Ufa. FRUIT TREES SHADE TREES EVERGREENS AND FLOWERING SHRUBS ORDER NOW AT Adertinmnt From where I sit ... ly Jos Marsh 1 ir,'w... Mystery of the Rocking Chcdr Ma Hoskins has a favorite rocking rock-ing chair that's worn and shabby, with a noisy creak. Pa Hoskins has listened to that squeak for thirty years . . . and he decided to do something about it. So he bought a new rocker, and hid the other in the barn. Ma allowed as how grateful she was . . . but when Pa missed her one afternoon, he heard a familiar sound that led him to the barn. There was Ma rocking happily in her old chair squeak . . . squeak. No need to tell yon how Pa fell Quick as a wink he hid the n-w rocker and then brought Ma's old chair back to the house. Now when he hears that squeak, he looks at the mellow glass of beer he's drinking drink-ing and says to himself : "She's Just as entitled to her small pleasures as I am." From where I sit, that's one of the reasons the Hoskinses are the happiest, oldest-married, peacefulest peace-fulest folks in our town. - Copyright, 1947, United States Brewers Foundation OREM RADIO SHOP Formerly Ellsworth Radio Shop, is now under new management and invites the general public to their place of business to look over their new radios, in all makes, or call them for First Class Radio Repairs The shop, located in Johnson's Orem Cash Market building is open every afternoon from 1 till 8 p.m. Phone 782 if you wish your radio picked up for guaranteed repairs . ATTENTION, BUILDERS See us before you build. Come in and see, our rustic siding, V siding, knotty Pine Moulding, oak flooring, II red fir demenjsion. ORDER YOUR ROCK LATHE JfOW Arriving Soon Wasatch Builders Supply Co. Corner of State and 4th So., OREM Phone 1778 or 049-J4 LIST YOUR OREM With an Orem Business Man BILL BAKER REALTY CO. 558 So. State Street, Orem General Insurance lies. 2232 Blclg. Loans "Phones: l!us. 2255-J New Shoe Shop OREM SHOE REPAIRING Open ?or Business Shoes Neatly Repaired While You Wait Located North State in Orem by Prestwich Lumber Company LESTER RIDING. Prop. |